Pregnancy, Interstitial

妊娠, 间质性
  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: Ectopic pregnancies (EP) are a common pregnancy complication that\'s associated with significant morbidity and rarely mortality if not managed properly. Ultrasound examination forms the cornerstone of diagnosis of EP with some sonographic features occasionally not correlating with intraoperative findings. We set out to conduct an audit of EP managed surgically at our hospital for a 10-year period and discern the correlation and prediction of sonographic findings to intraoperative findings.
    METHODS: This study was designed as a Retrospective Observational Study based at the Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH). Study population was all women admitted to AKUH with a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy that was surgically managed between the period of January 1st 2011 to December 31st 2020. Analysis of data was done against a pre-set checklist. Descriptive statistics for continuous variables was calculated and tabulated in graphs and tables. SPSS version 22 was used for analysis of data.
    RESULTS: A total of 337 patients in this study had ultrasound findings. 99.7% (n = 336) of these patients had an intraoperatively confirmed EP. The commonest ultrasound finding was an adnexal mass in 97.1% (n = 309) of patients. These were confirmed surgically in 290 patients at the following locations: 76.6% (n = 222) were ampullary in location; 10.7% (n = 31) were fimbrial in location; 8.6%(n = 25) were isthmic in location; 2.4%(n = 7) were interstitial in location; 1%(n = 3) were abdominal in location; while 0.3% were located in the ovary(n = 1) or round ligament(n = 1) each. Interstitial EP on ultrasound were all (100%) confirmed in the same location intraoperatively, with ampullary EP also correlating fairly well with intraoperative location (75%). The distribution of location in the minor hemoperitoneum (HP) versus major HP groups were similar except for interstitial EP that increased from 1.4% in the minor HP group to 9.5% in the major HP group.
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, ultrasonography still represents the best imaging modality for EP. The most common finding is usually an adnexal mass with no specific location. Most (99.7%) of the patients with this sonographic finding usually have a confirmed EP. Interstitial EP are the most well localized with ultrasound followed by ampullary EP. Furthermore, the presence of major (> 500mls) hemoperitoneum may act as an adjunct for diagnosis of an interstitial EP.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Interstitial ectopic pregnancy is an ectopic gestation developing in the uterine part of the fallopian tube. The condition is rare and presents challenges for clinical as well as radiological diagnosis. This case report presents a rare case of interstitial ectopic pregnancy diagnosed intraoperatively.
    METHODS: A 36-year-old Black woman, referred from a peripheral health facility, presented at the emergency department with severe abdominal pains, vaginal spotting, nausea, and vomiting, with a 2-month history of irregular menstrual flow. Clinical and laboratory findings were suggestive of an acute abdomen likely due to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy (ultrasound was not available). An emergency exploratory laparotomy was done, which revealed a right adnexal ruptured interstitial pregnancy of a lifeless female fetus weighing 500 g (estimated mean gestational age of 22-23 weeks). The left fallopian tube looked normal. The site of rupture was repaired, followed by cleaning and closure of the abdomen. The post-operative period was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 7.
    CONCLUSIONS: Interstitial pregnancies are uncommon and rarely attain advanced gestational ages, as in this case, compared with other tubal ectopic pregnancies. However, women presenting with signs of hypovolemic shock and acute abdomen, with a positive pregnancy test, warrant a high index of suspicion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Interstitial pregnancy may still happen even after ipsilateral salpingectomy, resulting in massive hemorrhage. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to identify risk factors associated with interstitial pregnancy following ipsilateral salpingectomy and discuss possible prevention.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in a single, large, university-affiliated hospital. Data of 29 patients diagnosed with interstitial pregnancy following ipsilateral salpingectomy from January 2011 to November 2020 were assigned into the case group (IP group). Whereas there were 6151 patients with intrauterine pregnancy after unilateral salpingectomy in the same period. A sample size of 87 control patients was calculated to achieve statistical power (99.9%) and an α of 0.05. The age, BMI and previous salpingectomy side between the two group were adjusted with PSM at a ratio of 1:3. After PSM, 87 intrauterine pregnancy patients were successfully matched to 29 IP patients.
    RESULTS: After PSM, parous women were more common and intrauterine operation was more frequent in the IP group compared with control group (P<0.05). There was only one patient undergoing IVF-ET in the IP group as compared with 29 cases in the control group (3.4% vs. 33.3%, P<0.05). Salpingectomy was performed on 5 patients in the IP group and 4 patients in the control group due to hydrosalpinx (P<0.05). Logistic regression indicated that hydrosalpinx was the high risk factor of interstitial pregnancy following ipsilateral salpingectomy (OR = 8.175).
    CONCLUSIONS: Hydrosalpinx appears to be an independent factor contributing to interstitial pregnancy following ipsilateral salpingectomy in subsequent pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An ectopic pregnancy (EP) occurs when the fertilised ovum implants outside the endometrial cavity. An EP has an incidence of 1%, with the majority occurring in the fallopian tube. It has a maternal mortality of 0.2 per 1000, with about two-thirds of these deaths associated with substandard care. An interstitial pregnancy occurs when the EP implants in the interstitial part of the fallopian tube. An interstitial ectopic pregnancy (IEP) shows few early clinical symptoms, hence it is associated with serious or fatal bleeding and a mortality rate up to 2.5%. With the advent of transvaginal ultrasound scan (TV USS), correlated with serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin (BHCG) assay, earlier diagnosis of an EP can be established. An EP is often diagnosed in women who are trying to conceive; therefore, the prognosis of future fertility is one of the main concerns associated with this diagnosis. Management can be surgical, expectant or medical with methotrexate (MTX). However, the best approach is tailored to the woman\'s individual case. The authors present the case of a primigravida woman presenting with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding at 6 weeks gestation following assisted reproduction. Her BHCG showed a suboptimal rise. Her TV USS showed no evidence of an intrauterine pregnancy. There was no evidence of an adnexal mass or free fluid. As her BHCG remained static, she underwent a diagnostic laparoscopy. A right sided IEP was identified. Due to the high risk of bleeding requiring transfusion or hysterectomy and her desire to preserve her fertility, she received medical management with MTX. Indeed, research has shown that women successfully managed expectantly achieve better reproductive outcomes, with the shortest time to achieve a subsequent intrauterine pregnancy. This case acts as a cautionary reminder of the challenges associated with identifying an IEP on TV USS. A high index of clinical suspicion is required to prevent maternal morbidity and mortality.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An invasive mole is an uncommon type of gestational trophoblastic disease, and if considering its implantation in an interstitial extrauterine location, we are facing a rarer condition.There are 14 cases described of interstitial ectopic gestational trophoblastic disease. As far as we know, we present the third case of invasive mole within interstitial location, in this case with pulmonary metastases.The diagnosis of an interstitial implantation is challenging. Our patient was initially diagnosed with an intrauterine hydatidiform molar pregnancy, and a uterine aspiration was performed. Two weeks later, she presented with haemodynamical instability due to a severe haemoperitoneum. A laparotomy was immediately performed and revealed a ruptured interstitial pregnancy with molar vesicle extrusion. Besides its rarity, we highlight the clinical presentation with hypovolaemic shock due to rupture of ectopic pregnancy in a young nulliparous woman, which required an emergent surgical approach with lifesaving purpose while preserving future fertility.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Interstitial pregnancies present a diagnostic and management challenge and are associated with significant bleeding risk. We present a case of an interstitial ectopic pregnancy where there was a diagnostic delay due to the presence of uterine fibroids and where a laparoscopic myomectomy was required in order to perform laparoscopic resection of the ruptured interstitial pregnancy.This case demonstrates the possibilities at laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy, highlights the benefit of a structured \'buddy\' system between gynaecology surgeons and brings attention to the paucity of literature on the unique management challenges of ectopic pregnancy in the presence of leiomyoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To retrospectively evaluate the diagnostic value of MRI for the uterotubal junctional pregnancies during the first trimester.
    METHODS: This retrospective study involved 59 patients (January 2016 to July 2021) with a preoperative imaging diagnosis of uterotubal junctional pregnancy. Using operative and pathological reports as the reference standard, we identified 22 patients with upper-lateral intracavitary (angular) pregnancy and 37 patients with interstitial pregnancy. Two senior radiologists, blinded to the patients\' information, reviewed the MRI images and determined each MRI feature based on the original interpretation criteria. Any disagreement was resolved by discussion to achieve a consensus. The sensitivity and specificity of each MRI feature were calculated according to the reference standard.
    RESULTS: The endometrial thickness in the upper-lateral intracavitary pregnancy group was larger than in the interstitial group (p = 0.001). The cutoff value of the endometrial thickness was 11.5 mm with a sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve that were 77.3%, 64.9%, and 0.743, respectively. Two key features to diagnose upper-lateral intracavitary pregnancy were \"medial free edge\" and \"medial free edge plus above-cutoff endometrial thickness.\" The sensitivity and specificity of the medial free edge were 100% and 94.9%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the medial free edge plus above-cutoff endometrial thickness were 77.3% and 100%, respectively. The key feature to diagnose interstitial pregnancy was an \"intact lateral junctional zone,\" of which the sensitivity and specificity were 94.6% and 100%, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: MRI can be used to differentiate the upper-lateral intracavitary pregnancy and interstitial pregnancy during the first trimester.
    CONCLUSIONS: • We demonstrated MRI diagnostic criteria for the interstitial pregnancy and upper-lateral intracavitary pregnancy. • MRI might be used to identify the complex interstitial pregnancies, those with a gestational sac protruding into the uterine cavity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Interstitial Pregnancy (IP) is a lethal condition due to high risk of sudden onset massive hemorrhage. Such conditions are managed as soon as diagnosed almost in the first trimester. There are a few case reports of IP conditions terminated after the second trimester. Herein, we introduce a term interstitial pregnancy complicated by abnormal placentation.
    METHODS: In this case report, we introduce a 32-year-old lady, primigravida, with an undiagnosed IP that was in her 38 weeks of gestational with placenta increta. She developed with perforated IP presenting with acute abdomen and internal bleeding at 26 weeks of gestational age. However, with a misdiagnosis impression, she got stable in operation room. Then, the pregnancy continued till 36 weeks of gestational age that was misdiagnosed with cervical cancer in prenatal work-ups. Finally, during elective cesarean section at 38 weeks, an IP with placenta increta (placenta evading from the serosa to the myometrium of the uterus) was observed. The baby was healthy with no obvious anomaly or morbidity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Physicians should be aware to detect IP in all trimesters and pay attention to the coexisting complications such as placenta accreta to manage them more accurately.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Interstitial pregnancy is defined as the presence of a gestational sac in the most proximal section of the fallopian tube. Management of interstitial pregnancy remains a debated topic. Depending on hemodynamic stability, size of pregnancy, depth of surrounding myometrium, and desires for future fertility, interstitial pregnancy can be managed medically or surgically. We reviewed the literature in December 2020 using keywords \"interstitial pregnancy\", \"medical treatment\", \"methotrexate\", and \"mifepristone\". Articles published from January 1991 until 2020 were obtained from databases EMBASE, SCOPUS, and PUBMED. We describe the case of a patient with an interstitial pregnancy that was managed with a total medical approach in August 2020 at Burlo Garofolo Hospital. The patient was asymptomatic and hemodynamically stable, with a high level of serum β-hCG (22,272 mUi/mL). We used the combination of methotrexate (MTX) and mifepristone. Medical therapy was effective leading to interstitial pregnancy resolution in 51 days without collateral effects for the patient. We found seven previous cases reported in the literature. Our purpose is to underline the efficacy of medical therapy with systemic multidose MTX associated with a single oral dose of mifepristone and also folinic acid when is present a viable fetus and a high serum β-hCG level.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: An interstitial pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy. Diagnosis and management can be challenging. Treatment often involves invasive uterine surgery. Conservative options such as methotrexate are important alternatives nowadays. The aim of this review is to investigate the role of operative hysteroscopy in the organ and fertility preserving management of interstitial pregnancy and interstitially retained products of conception (RPOC).
    METHODS: A case is presented in which interstitially RPOC were removed using hysteroscopic morcellation under laparoscopic guidance. Consequently, a systematic literature review was performed.Medline, Embase and The Cochrane Library were used as literature resources.
    RESULTS: In the literature review, 14 case reports in which operative hysteroscopy was part of the minimally invasive treatment of interstitial pregnancy and interstitially RPOC of which 11 were studied. Of these 14 cases, 11 were reported as being successful. Different techniques such as laparoscopy and suction curettage were associated. Various hysteroscopic instruments were used, hysteroscopic graspers most commonly. Reported complications were uterine perforation during suction curettage and incomplete hysteroscopic resection. Analysis of the cases did not demonstrate a clear difference between different approaches concerning safety, efficacy or subsequent fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: With the growing experience in hysteroscopy and the development of novel techniques and devices, such as hysteroscopic morcellation, operative hysteroscopy has a promising role in the minimally invasive management of interstitial pregnancy and interstitially RPOC. (Laparoscopically guided) operative hysteroscopy might be a convenient approach to avoid blind curettage and related complications such as uterine perforation.





