Pregnancy, Interstitial

妊娠, 间质性
  • 文章类型: Review
    Angular pregnancy is an exceedingly rare diagnosis, with less than 100 reported cases. Angular pregnancy is important to distinguish from ectopic pregnancies due to the fact that they have the potential to be viable while true ectopic pregnancies do not. As such, angular pregnancy requires starkly different management. Inappropriate use of the terms angular, interstitial, and cornual indicates a general misunderstanding of what makes these diagnoses unique. Misunderstanding leads to misdiagnosis and consequent mismanagement. Our experience with cases of women with angular and interstitial ectopic pregnancies is instructive as it illustrates effective diagnosis and differing management of these two diagnoses. In the two angular pregnancy cases, transvaginal ultrasonography was employed to confirm the diagnosis, which showed a lack of the interstitial line sign, contiguity of the decidua and endometrium, and an endomyometrial mantle thickness between 5 and 8 mm. One patient\'s angular pregnancy ultimately ruptured and was successfully managed with fully robotic cornual resection and unilateral salpingectomy, while the other progressed to term normally without complication. The patient with an interstitial ectopic pregnancy was also managed surgically, although with laparoscopic cornuotomy and salpingectomy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: An interstitial pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy. Diagnosis and management can be challenging. Treatment often involves invasive uterine surgery. Conservative options such as methotrexate are important alternatives nowadays. The aim of this review is to investigate the role of operative hysteroscopy in the organ and fertility preserving management of interstitial pregnancy and interstitially retained products of conception (RPOC).
    METHODS: A case is presented in which interstitially RPOC were removed using hysteroscopic morcellation under laparoscopic guidance. Consequently, a systematic literature review was performed.Medline, Embase and The Cochrane Library were used as literature resources.
    RESULTS: In the literature review, 14 case reports in which operative hysteroscopy was part of the minimally invasive treatment of interstitial pregnancy and interstitially RPOC of which 11 were studied. Of these 14 cases, 11 were reported as being successful. Different techniques such as laparoscopy and suction curettage were associated. Various hysteroscopic instruments were used, hysteroscopic graspers most commonly. Reported complications were uterine perforation during suction curettage and incomplete hysteroscopic resection. Analysis of the cases did not demonstrate a clear difference between different approaches concerning safety, efficacy or subsequent fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: With the growing experience in hysteroscopy and the development of novel techniques and devices, such as hysteroscopic morcellation, operative hysteroscopy has a promising role in the minimally invasive management of interstitial pregnancy and interstitially RPOC. (Laparoscopically guided) operative hysteroscopy might be a convenient approach to avoid blind curettage and related complications such as uterine perforation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Interstitial pregnancy (IP) is an ectopic pregnancy (EP) located in the portion of the fallopian tube that penetrates the uterine muscular layer. Incidence increased in the last two decades with the widespread use of the assisted reproductive techniques. It is estimated in 1-6% of all the EPs, with a maternal mortality rate of 2.0-2.5%. Clinical presentation, gestational age at diagnosis, beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) levels, ultrasound features, and patient preference, should be considered to determine the best management: surgical, medical treatment, or close observation. We report two cases of IP successfully managed with systemic MTX and Mifepristone: in one case β-hCG was >10.000 mIU/mL and a vital embryo was present.
    UNASSIGNED: A literature search was carried out on MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PUBMED. We identified two cases of IP referred to the Institute for Maternal and Child Burlo Garofolo, Trieste. Data related to clinical presentation, β-hCG, and ultrasound scan at the moment of the diagnosis were recorded. In one of the cases, the β-hCG level was >10.000 mIU/mL, and a vital embryo was testified at an ultrasound scan. The patient was asymptomatic and she was treated using multidose systemic Methotrexate (MTX) combined with Mifepristone. In the second case, in the presence of a clinically stable patient with β - hCG > 10.000 mIU/mL, it was chosen that the administration of Mifepristone combined with a double dose of MTX. β-hCG levels and ultrasound examinations were performed weekly until a complete resolution of the IP.
    UNASSIGNED: In the first case, β-hCG dropped down in 5 days and became undetachable in 30 days. In the second case, β-hCG became undetectable in 47 days. The first-line therapy in asymptomatic women could be addressed to a combined protocol, consisting of a systemic multidose MTX regimen with a single oral dose of Mifepristone.
    UNASSIGNED: Clinical management of IP remains a debated topic. In selected cases, a systemic multidose MTX regimen combined with a single oral dose of Mifepristone could be considered also in the presence of high serum β-hCG.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the relationship between previous ipsilateral salpingectomy and interstitial pregnancy and report on our experience of laparoscopic cornuostomy for interstitial pregnancy.
    Single-center, retrospective review.
    University-based hospital.
    All patients who had undergone ipsilateral salpingectomy previously, diagnosed with interstitial pregnancy and treated between July 2010 and September 2018.
    Laparoscopy or laparotomy as a treatment for interstitial pregnancy after ipsilateral salpingectomy.
    A total of 414 cases of interstitial pregnancy were identified, of which 46 (11.1%) were after ipsilateral salpingectomy. Of the 46 patients, 20 (43.5%) became pregnant by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Ipsilateral salpingectomy was the result of an ectopic pregnancy in 40 patients, hydrosalpinx in 5 patients, and torsion of an ovarian tumor in 1 patient. The laparoscopic approach was used to treat 78.3% of patients with history of previous salpingectomy. Patients who underwent ipsilateral salpingectomy by laparoscopy previously had a shorter interval from salpingectomy to interstitial pregnancy (24 months vs 60 months; p = .038) compared with patients who underwent ipsilateral salpingectomy by laparotomy. Laparoscopic cornuostomy was performed in 38 patients (82.6%); 12 had fetal cardiac activity, 15 had ruptured masses, and 16 used prophylactic methotrexate (MTX) intraoperatively. The median size of the ectopic mass was 2.5 cm (1.0-5.0 cm). At the time of laparoscopic cornuostomy, more patients with interstitial pregnancies with intact ectopic masses were administered prophylactic MTX (81.3% vs 45.5%; p = .043). Only 1 patient with a ruptured ectopic mass, high preoperative human chorionic gonadotropin levels, and without prophylactic MTX administration experienced a persistent ectopic pregnancy.
    Patients with a history of ipsilateral salpingectomy should be cautioned regarding the possibility of interstitial pregnancy. Laparoscopic cornuostomy appears to be an appropriate treatment for interstitial pregnancy in patients wishing to preserve fertility, and the use of concomitant prophylactic MTX may reduce the risk of persistent ectopic pregnancy, especially in patients with ruptured masses and high human chorionic gonadotropin levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The terms \"cornual,\" \"interstitial,\" and \"angular\" pregnancies are used inconsistently in the literature. Some sources use \"interstitial\" and \"cornual\" synonymously, while others reserve \"cornual\" for gestations in bicornuate or septate uteri; others distinguish interstitial from angular pregnancy, while in practice, many physicians are unfamiliar with the latter designation. This article aims to clarify the terms and review the literature with respect to diagnosis and prognosis, with attention to the potential roles of 3D ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An electronic search concerning the surgical approach in cases of interstitial pregnancy from January 2000 to May 2013 has been carried out. Fifty three studies have been retrieved and included for statistical analysis. Conservative and radical surgical treatments in 354 cases of interstitial pregnancy are extensively described. Hemostatic techniques have been reported as well as clinical criteria for the medical approach. Surgical outcome in conservative versus radical treatment were similar. When hemostatic techniques were used, lower blood losses and lower operative times were recorded. Conversion to laparotomy involved difficulties in hemostasis and the presence of persistent or multiple adhesions. Laparoscopic injection of vasopressin into the myometrium below the cornual mass was the preferred approach.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Interstitial pregnancy is considered one of the most hazardous types of ectopic pregnancies, with a mortality rate of 2-2.5%. We describe a case of a viable monochorionic twin pregnancy in a 35-year-old woman successfully treated with systemic methotrexate associated with bilateral uterine arteries\' embolization. β-hCG was undetectable 67 days after the first administration of methotrexate and the ultrasonography performed on day 67 showed the remnant of the gestational sac in the right uterine horn, a thin endometrium and a normal myometrial vascularization. Conservative treatment allowed us to avoid surgical treatment and to preserve the patient\'s fertility.






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    文章类型: Journal Article






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    文章类型: Journal Article






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