Pharmacy Service, Hospital

药房服务 ,医院
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: While successful information transfer and seamless medication supply are fundamental to medication safety during hospital-to-home transitions, disruptions are frequently reported. In Germany, new legal requirements came into force in 2017, strengthening medication lists and discharge summaries as preferred means of information transfer. In addition to previous regulations - such as dispensing medication at discharge by hospital pharmacies - hospital physicians were now allowed to issue discharge prescriptions to be supplied by community pharmacies. The aim of this survey study was to gain first nationwide insights into how these requirements are implemented and how they impact the continuity of medication information transfer and continuous medication supply.
    METHODS: Two nationwide self-administered online surveys of all hospital and community pharmacies across Germany were developed and conducted from April 17th to June 30th, 2023.
    RESULTS: Overall, 31.0% (n = 111) of all German hospital pharmacies and 4.5% (n = 811) of all community pharmacies participated. The majority of those hospital pharmacies reported that patients who were discharged were typically provided with discharge summaries (89.2%), medication lists (59.5%) and if needed, discharge prescriptions (67.6%) and/or required medication (67.6%). About every second community pharmacy (49.0%) indicated that up to half of the recently discharged patients who came to their pharmacy typically presented medication lists. 34.0% of the community pharmacies stated that they typically received a discharge summary from recently discharged patients at least once per week. About three in four community pharmacies (73.3%) indicated that most discharge prescriptions were dispensed in time. However, one-third (31.0%) estimated that half and more of the patients experienced gaps in medication supply. Community pharmacies reported challenges with the legal requirements - such as patients´ poor comprehensibility of medication lists, medication discrepancies, unmet formal requirements of discharge prescriptions, and poor accessibility of hospital staff in case of queries. In comparison, hospital pharmacies named technical issues, time/personnel resources, and deficits in patient knowledge of medication as difficulties.
    CONCLUSIONS: According to the pharmacies´ perceptions, it can be assumed that discontinuation in medication information transfer and lack of medication supply still occur today during hospital-to-home transitions, despite the new legal requirements. Further research is necessary to supplement these results by the perspectives of other healthcare professionals and patients in order to identify efficient strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To perform a cost study of pharmacist-led medication reviews in patients with an acute hospitalization for adverse drug events.
    METHODS: Emergency department pharmacists performed medication reviews in patients hospitalized after visiting the emergency department for an adverse drug event (ADE). Control patients were hospitalized after an emergency department visit not related to an ADE and received usual care. The costs of the intervention were labour costs of the junior emergency department pharmacist and the cost savings consisted of costs of medication that was stopped or reduced during six months after the intervention. Sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate different scenarios.
    RESULTS: In the intervention group (n = 104) 113 medication changes led to stopping or reducing medication, accounting for averted costs of €22,850. In the control group (n = 112) 39 medication changes led to stopping or reducing medication, accounting for averted costs of €299. The mean labour costs of the intervention were €138 per patient, resulting in saved costs of €61 per patient per six months. Sensitivity analyses showed that if the intervention would be performed by a senior clinical pharmacist, there are no cost savings (€-21), if parts of the intervention would be executed by pharmacy technicians (e.g. administrative tasks), cost savings would be augmented to €87, if outliers in costs associated with medication reduction would be excluded, there are no cost savings (€-35) and if the costs of reduced medication were extrapolated to one year, cost savings would be €260.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, medication reviews by junior emergency department pharmacists in patients hospitalized after an emergency department visit for an ADE lead to a cost reduction over a six month period.
    BACKGROUND: The main study is registered on the ISRCTN registry with trial ID ISRCTN12506329 on 06-03-2022.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pharmacists are often faced with scenarios in practice that require application of ethical reasoning and decision-making skills. There is limited research on the ethical decision-making processes of hospital pharmacists. Pharmacists who are compassionate and put the interests of their patients first are thought to positively impact on patient care, but there are often complex health-care system pressures in the hospital setting that cause pharmacists to behave in ways that may conflict with professional values and behaviours. This multisite study aimed to evaluate an interactive education workshop on hospital pharmacists\' ethical reasoning skills and explore the need for ongoing training and support.
    METHODS: This mixed-methods study was carried out across two health services including three hospitals. It incorporated a pre-workshop survey, a feedback survey immediately post-workshop and a third survey four weeks after the workshop. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with hospital pharmacists at least four weeks after the ethics workshop.
    RESULTS: In total, 32 participants completed the pre-workshop survey, nominating peers/colleagues as the most common source of support they would consult to inform ethical decision-making (17/118 sources of support). Almost all (n = 31/33; 94%) strongly agreed/agreed that the education session provided them with ethical reasoning skills and a process/framework which they could use when faced with an ethical issue. Pre- and post-survey responses showed increased self-confidence in identifying the regulatory frameworks applicable to pharmacy privacy requirements (p = 0.011) and ethical issues applicable to pharmacy privacy requirements (p = 0.002), as well as applying ethical reasoning to scenarios that involve pharmacy privacy dilemmas/issues (p = 0.004). Participants\' self confidence in knowing where to find support when faced with clinical and non-clinical ethics questions was improved (p = 0.002 and p = 0.003 respectively). Participants supported the introduction of quarterly ethics cafes after the workshop, compared to before the workshop (p = 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Hospital pharmacists rely on discussions with colleagues to brainstorm how to address ethical issues. This study showed that a targeted interactive education workshop facilitated familiarity with ethics resources and decision-making processes. It also demonstrated that this approach could be used to enhance hospital pharmacists\' readiness, confidence, and capabilities to recognise and respond to challenging ethical issues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medication reconciliation (MedRec) helps prevent medication errors. This cross-sectional, nationwide study assessed the knowledge, perceptions, practice, and barriers toward MedRec amongst hospital pharmacy practitioners in the United Arab Emirates. A total of 342 conveniently chosen stratified hospital pharmacists responded to the online survey (88.6% response rate). Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test were applied at alpha = 0.05 and post hoc analysis was performed using Bonferroni test. The overall median knowledge score was 9/12 with IQR (9-11) with higher levels among clinical pharmacists (p < 0.001) and previously trained pharmacists (p < 0.001). Of the respondents, 35.09% (n = 120) practiced MedRec for fewer than five patients per week despite having a strong perception of their role in this process. The overall median perception score was 32.5/35 IQR (28-35) with higher scores among clinical pharmacists (p < 0.001) and those who attended previous training or workshops (p < 0.001). The median barrier score was 24/30 with an IQR (21-25), where lack of training and knowledge were the most common barriers. Results showed that pharmacists who did not attend previous training or workshops on MedRec had higher barrier levels than those who attended (p = 0.012). This study emphasizes the significance of tackling knowledge gaps, aligning perceptions with practice, and suggesting educational interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unplanned hospital readmission is a safety and quality healthcare measure, conferring significant costs to the healthcare system. Elderly individuals, particularly, are at high risk of readmissions, often due to issues related to medication management. Pharmacists play a pivotal role in addressing medication-related concerns, which can potentially reduce readmissions. This retrospective single-centre cohort study, conducted from November 2022 to February 2023 in an emergency department, aimed to determine if integrating emergency medicine pharmacists into Emergency Department care models reduces unplanned hospital readmissions within 28 days and to identify the interventions they employ. The inclusion criteria included patients aged ≥ 65, taking ≥ 3 medications, and presenting with falls, cognition changes, or reduced mobility and were planned for discharge to home from the emergency department. Collaborating with the Emergency Department Aged Care Service Emergency Team, a pharmacist provided comprehensive medication management consultations, discharge liaison services, and other pharmacy related interventions to eligible participants whenever the pharmacist was available. Patients who met the eligibility criteria but did not receive pharmacist interventions due to the pharmacist\'s unavailability served as the control group. This method was chosen to ensure that the control group consisted of comparable patients who only differed in terms of receiving the pharmacist intervention. The study included 210 participants, with 120 receiving pharmacist interventions and 90 acting as controls. The results revealed a significant reduction in unplanned hospital readmissions among participants who received pharmacist interventions (10.0%, n = 12) compared to controls (22.2%, n = 20), with a notable difference of 12.2% (95% confidence interval 2.4-23.4%, p = 0.01). A total of 107 interventions were documented, emphasising medication selection recommendations (28.0%) and identification of adverse drug reactions/drug-drug interactions (21.5%) as primary areas of focus. These findings suggest that integrating skilled pharmacists into Emergency Department Aged Care Service Emergency Team (ASET) lowered the rate of unplanned hospital readmission within 28 days resulting in improved hospital performance metric outcomes. This highlights the potential role of pharmacists in addressing medication-related issues and enhancing the quality and safety of healthcare delivery, particularly for elderly patients transitioning from the ED to home care settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To provide an initial understanding of problems and potential solution strategies for part-time clinical pharmacist work in China, and provide references for the training of part-time clinical pharmacists.
    METHODS: The study was conducted in a tertiary teaching hospital in China, and the project lasted 6 months. Phenomenological methods were used to guide the research design. Research data were obtained by conducting one-to-one semistructured interviews with part-time clinical pharmacists, and interview data were coded and analysed through thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: A total of 21 pharmacists were interviewed in a semistructured manner, and the results showed that following problems exist in the work of part-time clinical pharmacists: the existing professional knowledge is not adequate to meet the demands of clinical service; the career orientation of part-time clinical pharmacists is not clear; lack of professional self-confidence in clinical pharmacy practice; there is no suitable entry point to carry out pharmacy service work; it is difficult to communicate effectively, and for in addition, 17 potential solution strategies are proposed for the current problems, which can provide reference for the development of part-time clinical pharmacists\' work.
    CONCLUSIONS: The work performed by part-time clinical pharmacists is currently immature and the strategies derived from this study may serve as potential solutions to resolve the part-time clinical pharmacy practice challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antithrombotics require careful monitoring to prevent adverse events. Safe use can be promoted through so-called antithrombotic stewardship. Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) can be used to monitor safe use of antithrombotics, supporting antithrombotic stewardship efforts. Yet, previous research shows that despite these interventions, antithrombotics continue to cause harm. Insufficient adoption of antithrombotic stewardship and suboptimal use of CDSSs may provide and explanation. However, it is currently unknown to what extent hospitals adopted antithrombotic stewardship and utilize CDSSs to support safe use of antithrombotics. A semi-structured questionnaire-based survey was disseminated to 12 hospital pharmacists from different hospital types and regions in the Netherlands. The primary outcome was the degree of antithrombotic stewardship adoption, expressed as the number of tasks adopted per hospital and the degree of adoption per task. Secondary outcomes included characteristics of CDSS alerts used to monitor safe use of antithrombotics. All 12 hospital pharmacists completed the survey and report to have adopted antithrombotic stewardship in their hospital to a certain degree. The median adoption of tasks was two of five tasks (range 1-3). The tasks with the highest uptake were: drafting and maintenance of protocols (100%) and professional\'s education (58%), while care transition optimization (25%), medication reviews (8%) and patient counseling (8%) had the lowest uptake. All hospitals used a CDSS to monitor safe use of antithrombotics, mainly via basic alerts and less frequently via advanced alerts. The most frequently employed alerts were: identification of patients using a direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) or a vitamin K antagonist (VKA) with one or more other antithrombotics (n = 6) and patients using a VKA to evaluate correct use (n = 6), both reflecting basic CDSS. All participating hospitals adopted antithrombotic stewardship, but the adopted tasks vary. CDSS alerts used are mainly basic in their logic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electronic hospital pharmacy (EHP) systems are ubiquitous in today\'s hospitals, with many also implementing electronic prescribing (EP) systems; both contain a potential wealth of medication-related data to support quality improvement. The reasons for reuse and users of this data are generally unknown. Our objectives were to survey secondary use of data (SUD) from EHP and EP systems in UK hospitals, to identify users of and factors influencing SUD.A national postal survey was sent out to all hospital chief pharmacists with pre-notifications and follow-up reminders. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed.Of 187 hospital organisations, 65 (35%) responded. All had EHP systems (for ≥20 years) and all reused data; 50 (77%) had EP systems (established 1-10 years) but only 40 (80%) reused data. Reported facilitators for SUD included medication safety, providing feedback, benchmarking, saving time and patient experience. The purposes of SUD included audits, quality improvement, risk management and general medication-related reporting. Earlier introduction of SUD could provide an opportunity to heighten local improvement initiatives.Data from EHP systems is reused for multiple purposes. Evaluating SUD and sharing experiences could provide richer insight into potential SUD and barriers/factors to consider when implementing or upgrading EP/EHP systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This article is based on presentations and discussions held at the International Safety and Quality of Parenteral Nutrition (PN) Summit concerning the acute care setting. Some European practices presented in this article do not conform with USP general chapter <797> requirements. Nevertheless, the purpose is to cover the challenges experienced in delivering high-quality PN within hospitals in the United States and Europe, in order to share best practices and experiences more widely.
    CONCLUSIONS: Core issues regarding the PN process within an acute care setting are largely the same everywhere: There are ongoing pressures for greater efficiency, optimization, and also concurrent commitments to make PN safer for patients. Within Europe, in recent years, the use of market-authorized multi-chamber bags (MCBs) has increased greatly, mainly for safety, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency purposes. However, in the US, hospitals with low PN volumes may face particular challenges, as automated compounding equipment is often unaffordable in this setting and the variety of available MCBs is limited. This can result in the need to operate several PN systems in parallel, adding to the complexity of the PN use process. Ongoing PN quality and safety initiatives from US institutions with various PN volumes are presented. In the future, the availability of a greater selection of MCBs in the US may increase, leading to a reduction in dependence on compounded PN, as has been seen in many European countries.
    CONCLUSIONS: The examples presented may encourage improvements in the safety and quality of PN within the acute care setting worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





