
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ylistrum japonicum is a commercially valuable scallop known for its long-distance swimming abilities. Despite its economic importance, genetic and genomic research on this species is limited. This study presents the first complete mitochondrial genome of Y. japonicum. The mitochondrial genome is 19,475 bp long and encompasses 13 protein-coding genes, three ribosomal RNA genes, and 23 transfer RNA genes. Two distinct phylogenetic analyses were used to explore the phylogenetic position of the Y. japonicum within the family Pectinidae. Based on one mitochondrial phylogenetic analysis by selecting 15 Pectinidae species and additional outgroup taxa and one single gene phylogenetic analysis by 16S rRNA, two phylogenetic trees were constructed to provide clearer insights into the evolutionary placement of Y. japonicum within the family Pectinidae. Our analysis reveals that Ylistrum is a basal lineage to the Pectininae clade, distinct from its previously assigned tribe, Amusiini. This study offers critical insights into the genetic makeup and evolutionary history of Y. japonicum, enhancing our knowledge of this economically vital species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mariculture industry has seen a rapid expansion in recent years due to the increasing global demand for seafood. However, the industry faces challenges from climate change and increased pathogen pressure. Additionally, the chemicals used to enhance mariculture productivity are changing ocean ecosystems. This study analyzed 36 surface-water metagenomes from South Korean mussel, oyster, scallop, and shrimp farms to expand our understanding of aquaculture microbial genetic resources and the potential impacts of these anthropogenic inputs. We recovered 240 non-redundant species-level metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), comprising 224 bacteria, 13 archaea, and three eukaryotes. Most MAGs were assigned to Proteobacteria, Bacteroidota, and Actinobacteriota, with 40.7% remaining unclassified at the species level. Among the three eukaryotic MAGs, one was identified as a novel lineage of green algae, highlighting the uncharacterized genetic diversity in mariculture environments. Additionally, 22 prokaryotic MAGs harbored 26 antibiotic and metal resistance genes, with MAGs carrying beta-lactamases being particularly prevalent in most farms. The obtained microbiome data from mariculture environments can be utilized in future studies to foster healthy, sustainable mariculture practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have shown that feeding mice with food containing mantle tissue from Japanese scallops results in aggravated liver and kidney damage, ultimately resulting in mortality within weeks. The aim of this study is to evaluate the toxicity of scallop mantle in China\'s coastal areas and explore the impact of scallop mantle toxins (SMT) on intestinal barrier integrity and gut microbiota in mice. The Illumina MiSeq sequencing of V3-V4 hypervariable regions of 16S ribosomal RNA was employed to study the alterations in gut microbiota in the feces of SMT mice. The results showed that intestinal flora abundance and diversity in the SMT group were decreased. Compared with the control group, significant increases were observed in serum indexes related to liver, intestine, inflammation, and kidney functions among SMT-exposed mice. Accompanied by varying degrees of tissue damage observed within these organs, the beneficial bacteria of Muribaculaceae and Marinifilaceae significantly reduced, while the harmful bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae and Helicobacter were significantly increased. Taken together, this article elucidates the inflammation and glucose metabolism disorder caused by scallop mantle toxin in mice from the angle of gut microbiota and metabolism. SMT can destroy the equilibrium of intestinal flora and damage the intestinal mucosal barrier, which leads to glucose metabolism disorder and intestinal dysfunction and may ultimately bring about systemic toxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myofibrillar proteins (MPs) have a notable impact on the firmness and flexibility of gel-based products. Therefore, enhancing the gelation and emulsification properties of scallop MPs is of paramount significance for producing high-quality scallop surimi products. In this study, we investigated the effects of high-intensity ultrasound on the physicochemical and gelation properties of MPs from bay scallops (Argopecten irradians). The carbonyl content of MPs significantly increased with an increase in ultrasound power (150, 350, and 550 W), indicating ultrasound-induced MP oxidation. Meanwhile, high-intensity ultrasound treatment (550 W) enhanced the emulsifying capacity and the short-term stability of MPs (up to 72.05 m2/g and 153.05 min, respectively). As the ultrasound power increased, the disulfide bond content and surface hydrophobicity of MPs exhibited a notable increase, indicating conformational changes in MPs. Moreover, in the secondary structure of MPs, the α-helix content significantly decreased, whereas the β-sheet content increased, thereby suggesting the ultrasound-induced stretching and flexibility of MP molecules. Sodium-dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and scanning electron microscopy analysis further elucidated that high-intensity ultrasound induced MP oxidation, leading to modification of amino acid side chains, intra- and intermolecular cross-linking, and MP aggregation. Consequently, high-intensity ultrasound treatment was found to augment the viscoelasticity, gel strength, and water-holding capacity of MP gels, because ultrasound treatment facilitated the formation of a stable network structure in protein gels. Thus, this study offers theoretical insights into the functional modification of bay scallop MPs and the processing of its surimi products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global scallop fisheries are economically important but are associated with environmental impacts to seabed communities resulting from the direct physical contact of the fishing gear with the seabed. Gear modifications attempting to reduce this contact must be economically feasible such that the catch numbers for the target species is maintained or increased. This study investigated the outcome of reducing seabed contact on retained catch of scallops and bycatch by the addition of skids to the bottom of the collecting bag of scallop dredges. We used a paired control experimental design to investigate the impact of the gear modification in different habitat types. The modified skid dredge generally caught more marketable scallops per unit area fished compared with the standard dredge (+5%). However, the skid dredge also retained more bycatch (+11%) and more undersize scallops (+16%). The performance of the two dredges was habitat specific which indicates the importance of adjusting management measures in relation to habitat type. To realize the potential environmental benefits associated with the improvement in catchability of this gear modification, further gear modification is required to reduce the catch of undersize scallops and bycatch. Furthermore we advocate that technical gear innovations in scallop dredging need to be part of a comprehensive and effective fisheries management system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bivalves hold an important role in marine aquaculture and the identification of growth-related genes in bivalves could contribute to a better understanding of the mechanism governing their growth, which may benefit high-yielding bivalve breeding. Somatostatin receptor (SSTR) is a conserved negative regulator of growth in vertebrates. Although SSTR genes have been identified in invertebrates, their involvement in growth regulation remains unclear. Here, we identified seven SSTRs (PySSTRs) in the Yesso scallop, Patinopecten yessoensis, which is an economically important bivalve cultured in East Asia. Among the three PySSTRs (PySSTR-1, -2, and -3) expressed in adult tissues, PySSTR-1 showed significantly lower expression in fast-growing scallops than in slow-growing scallops. Then, the function of this gene in growth regulation was evaluated in dwarf surf clams (Mulinia lateralis), a potential model bivalve cultured in the lab, via RNA interference (RNAi) through feeding the clams Escherichia coli containing plasmids expressing double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) targeting MlSSTR-1. Suppressing the expression of MlSSTR-1, the homolog of PySSTR-1 in M. lateralis, resulted in a significant increase in shell length, shell width, shell height, soft tissue weight, and muscle weight by 20%, 22%, 20%, 79%, and 92%, respectively. A transcriptome analysis indicated that the up-regulated genes after MlSSTR-1 expression inhibition were significantly enriched in the fat digestion and absorption pathway and the insulin pathway. In summary, we systemically identified the SSTR genes in P. yessoensis and revealed the growth-inhibitory role of SSTR-1 in bivalves. This study indicates the conserved function of somatostatin signaling in growth regulation, and ingesting dsRNA-expressing bacteria is a useful way to verify gene function in bivalves. SSTR-1 is a candidate target for gene editing in bivalves to promote growth and could be used in the breeding of fast-growing bivalves.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, the increase in marine temperatures has become an important global marine environmental issue. The ability of energy supply in marine animals plays a crucial role in avoiding the stress of elevated temperatures. The investigation into anaerobic metabolism, an essential mechanism for regulating energy provision under heat stress, is limited in mollusks. In this study, key enzymes of four anaerobic metabolic pathways were identified in the genome of scallop Chlamys farreri, respectively including five opine dehydrogenases (CfOpDHs), two aspartate aminotransferases (CfASTs) divided into cytoplasmic (CfAST1) and mitochondrial subtype (CfAST2), and two phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinases (CfPEPCKs) divided into a primitive type (CfPEPCK2) and a cytoplasmic subtype (CfPEPCK1). It was surprising that lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), a key enzyme in the anaerobic metabolism of the glucose-lactate pathway in vertebrates, was absent in the genome of scallops. Phylogenetic analysis verified that CfOpDHs clustered according to the phylogenetic relationships of the organisms rather than substrate specificity. Furthermore, CfOpDHs, CfASTs, and CfPEPCKs displayed distinct expression patterns throughout the developmental process and showed a prominent expression in muscle, foot, kidney, male gonad, and ganglia tissues. Notably, CfASTs displayed the highest level of expression among these genes during the developmental process and in adult tissues. Under heat stress, the expression of CfASTs exhibited a general downregulation trend in the six tissues examined. The expression of CfOpDHs also displayed a downregulation trend in most tissues, except CfOpDH1/3 in striated muscle showing significant up-regulation at some time points. Remarkably, CfPEPCK1 was significantly upregulated in all six tested tissues at almost all time points. Therefore, we speculated that the glucose-succinate pathway, catalyzed by CfPEPCK1, serves as the primary anaerobic metabolic pathway in mollusks experiencing heat stress, with CfOpDH3 catalyzing the glucose-opine pathway in striated muscle as supplementary. Additionally, the high and stable expression level of CfASTs is crucial for the maintenance of the essential functions of aspartate aminotransferase (AST). This study provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the key enzymes involved in anaerobic metabolism pathways, which holds significant importance in understanding the mechanism of energy supply in mollusks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carotenoids are essential nutrients for humans and animals, and carotenoid coloration represents an important meat quality parameter for many farmed animals. Increasingly, studies have demonstrated that vertebrate carotenoid cleavage oxygenases (CCOs) are essential enzymes in carotenoid metabolism and are therefore potential candidate genes for improving carotenoid deposition. However, our understanding of carotenoid bioavailability and CCOs functions in invertebrates, particularly marine species, is currently quite limited. We previously identified that a CCO homolog, PyBCO-like 1, was the causal gene for carotenoid coloration in the \'Haida golden scallop\', a variety of Yesso scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) characterized by carotenoid enrichment. Here, we found that another CCO-encoding gene named PyBCO2 (β-carotene oxygenase 2) was widely expressed in P. yessoensis organs/tissues, with the highest expression in striated muscle. Inhibiting BCO2 expression in P. yessoensis through RNA interference led to increased carotenoid (pectenolone and pectenoxanthin) deposition in the striated muscle, and the color of the striated muscle changed from white to light orange. Our results indicate that PyBCO2 might be a candidate gene used for improving carotenoid content in normal Yesso scallops, and also in \'Haida golden scallops\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Many marine organisms have a biphasic life cycle that transitions between a swimming larva with a more sedentary adult form. At the end of the first phase, larvae must identify suitable sites to settle and undergo a dramatic morphological change. Environmental factors, including photic and chemical cues, appear to influence settlement, but the sensory receptors involved are largely unknown. We targeted the protein receptor, opsin, which belongs to large superfamily of transmembrane receptors that detects environmental stimuli, hormones, and neurotransmitters. While opsins are well-known for light-sensing, including vision, a growing number of studies have demonstrated light-independent functions. We therefore examined opsin expression in the Pteriomorphia, a large, diverse clade of marine bivalves, that includes commercially important species, such as oysters, mussels, and scallops.
    UNASSIGNED: Genomic annotations combined with phylogenetic analysis show great variation of opsin abundance among pteriomorphian bivalves, including surprisingly high genomic abundance in many species that are eyeless as adults, such as mussels. Therefore, we investigated the diversity of opsin expression from the perspective of larval development. We collected opsin gene expression in four families of Pteriomorphia, across three distinct larval stages, i.e., trochophore, veliger, and pediveliger, and compared those to adult tissues.
    UNASSIGNED: We found larvae express all opsin types in these bivalves, but opsin expression patterns are largely species-specific across development. Few opsins are expressed in the adult mantle, but many are highly expressed in adult eyes. Intriguingly, opsin genes such as retinochrome, xenopsins, and Go-opsins have higher levels of expression in the later larval stages when substrates for settlement are being tested, such as the pediveliger.
    UNASSIGNED: Investigating opsin gene expression during larval development provides crucial insights into their intricate interactions with the surroundings, which may shed light on how opsin receptors of these organisms respond to various environmental cues that play a pivotal role in their settlement process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have revealed tight metabolic complementarity between bivalves and their endosymbiotic chemosynthetic bacteria, but little is known about their interactions with ectosymbionts. Our analysis of the ectosymbiosis between a deep-sea scallop (Catillopecten margaritatus) and a gammaproteobacterium showed that bivalves could be highly interdependent with their ectosymbionts as well. Our microscopic observation revealed abundant sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) on the surfaces of the gill epithelial cells. Microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing of the gill tissues showed the dominance of the SOB. An analysis of the SOB genome showed that it is substantially smaller than its free-living relatives and has lost cellular components required for free-living. Genomic and transcriptomic analyses showed that this ectosymbiont relies on rhodanese-like proteins and SOX multienzyme complex for energy generation, mainly on the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle and peripherally on a phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase for carbon assimilation. Besides, the symbiont encodes an incomplete tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Observation of the scallop\'s digestive gland and its nitrogen metabolism pathways indicates it does not fully rely on the ectosymbiont for nutrition. Analysis of the host\'s gene expression provided evidence that it could offer intermediates for the ectosymbiont to complete its TCA cycle and some amino acid synthesis pathways using exosomes, and its phagosomes, endosomes, and lysosomes might be involved in harvesting nutrients from the symbionts. Overall, our study prompts us to rethink the intimacy between the hosts and ectosymbionts in Bivalvia and the evolution of chemosymbiosis in general.





