
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Domoic acid (DA) is a dangerous phycotoxin produced by several strains of diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, and responsible for Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) in humans. The increasingly intense ASP-outbreaks along the English Channel over the last three decades have forced persistent harvest closures of economically important and highly contaminated bivalve stocks exhibiting slow DA-depuration rates, like the king scallop Pecten maximus. Under this scenario, other pectinid species, such as the queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis have been empirically proposed as alternative resources to redress the high economic losses due to the banning of the exploitation of P. maximus. Nevertheless, the kinetics of DA depuration in A. opercularis have not been assessed so far, and its direct extraction after ASP-episodes could represent a serious threat to public health. Hence, the main objective of this work was to estimate the DA-depuration rate in the digestive gland (DG) of naturally contaminated scallops A. opercularis after a toxic Pseudo-nitzschia australis bloom subjected to experimental depuration in the laboratory for 30 days. This study also intended to go further in the knowledge about the anatomical distribution of DA in scallop tissues, and corroborate the implications of autophagy in DA-sequestration in the DG of this species as recently hypothesized. In the DG, the DA-depuration rate (0.018 day-1) suggested that even with toxin burdens as low as 40 mg⋅kg-1 in the DG, queen scallops may remain contaminated for about 70 days, thus longer under intensely contamination scenarios. The subcellular analyses corroborated DA-sequestration mainly through late-autophagy within residual bodies in the DG, without differences in the frequencies of anti-DA labeled residual bodies across the entire depuration process. These results revealed that A. opercularis cannot be considered a fast DA-depurator, and represent a baseline knowledge for decision-making about harvesting natural beds of queen scallops after toxic Pseudo-nitzschia blooms. The findings of this work also represent a cornerstone for further research to accelerate DA-depuration in this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MKK), the key element of the Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway, is crucial for the immune response to adverse environments in aquatic animals. Nevertheless, there is limited information regarding the role of the MKK gene family in mollusks. In our study, genome data and transcriptome were used to identify four MKK genes (CnMKK4, CnMKK5, CnMKK6, and CnMKK7) in the noble scallop. The result of the gene structure, motif analysis, and phylogenetic tree revealed that MKK genes are relatively conserved in bivalves. Moreover, four CnMKK genes were significantly highly expressed in immune-related tissues, suggesting that CnMKKs may related to bivalve immunity. Furthermore, CnMKK6 and CgMKK4 were significantly differentially expressed (P < 0.05) under 24 h of temperature stress, and all CnMKKs were significantly differentially expressed (P < 0.05) under 24 h of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection. These results showed that the CnMKKs may have a significant impact under biotic and abiotic stresses. In conclusion, the result of the CnMKKs provides valuable insights into comprehending the function of MKK genes in mollusks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ylistrum japonicum is a commercially valuable scallop known for its long-distance swimming abilities. Despite its economic importance, genetic and genomic research on this species is limited. This study presents the first complete mitochondrial genome of Y. japonicum. The mitochondrial genome is 19,475 bp long and encompasses 13 protein-coding genes, three ribosomal RNA genes, and 23 transfer RNA genes. Two distinct phylogenetic analyses were used to explore the phylogenetic position of the Y. japonicum within the family Pectinidae. Based on one mitochondrial phylogenetic analysis by selecting 15 Pectinidae species and additional outgroup taxa and one single gene phylogenetic analysis by 16S rRNA, two phylogenetic trees were constructed to provide clearer insights into the evolutionary placement of Y. japonicum within the family Pectinidae. Our analysis reveals that Ylistrum is a basal lineage to the Pectininae clade, distinct from its previously assigned tribe, Amusiini. This study offers critical insights into the genetic makeup and evolutionary history of Y. japonicum, enhancing our knowledge of this economically vital species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scallop oil (SCO) prepared from the internal organs of the Japanese giant scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) contains eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and phospholipids (PL). It was previously shown that SCO consumption improves cholesterol and triacylglycerols (TG) contents in mice. The present study demonstrated the effects of daily SCO consumption (1.2 g/day, containing 376 mg of EPA, 63 mg of DHA, and 150 mg of PL) for 12 weeks in human subjects. In this randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled, parallel group comparison study, 70 Japanese subjects with serum TG levels ≥120 but < 200 mg/dL were recruited and randomly assigned to the SCO or placebo group. All subjects ingested six capsules per day for 12 weeks. We conducted medical interviews, body composition measurements, vital sign examinations, and blood sampling at weeks 0 (baseline), 4, 8, and 12, and measured peripheral blood flow at weeks 0 and 12. In the case of subjects with higher serum TG levels, SCO consumption decreased the changes in serum TG and malondialdehyde-low density lipoprotein (MDA-LDL) levels compared with the placebo group. Safety assessment revealed no medically significant changes due to continuous SCO consumption. The findings indicate that 1.2 g/day of SCO consumption may be beneficial for reducing serum TG and MDA-LDL levels in persons with higher TG levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mariculture industry has seen a rapid expansion in recent years due to the increasing global demand for seafood. However, the industry faces challenges from climate change and increased pathogen pressure. Additionally, the chemicals used to enhance mariculture productivity are changing ocean ecosystems. This study analyzed 36 surface-water metagenomes from South Korean mussel, oyster, scallop, and shrimp farms to expand our understanding of aquaculture microbial genetic resources and the potential impacts of these anthropogenic inputs. We recovered 240 non-redundant species-level metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), comprising 224 bacteria, 13 archaea, and three eukaryotes. Most MAGs were assigned to Proteobacteria, Bacteroidota, and Actinobacteriota, with 40.7% remaining unclassified at the species level. Among the three eukaryotic MAGs, one was identified as a novel lineage of green algae, highlighting the uncharacterized genetic diversity in mariculture environments. Additionally, 22 prokaryotic MAGs harbored 26 antibiotic and metal resistance genes, with MAGs carrying beta-lactamases being particularly prevalent in most farms. The obtained microbiome data from mariculture environments can be utilized in future studies to foster healthy, sustainable mariculture practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Azaspiracids (AZAs) are lipid biotoxins produced by the marine dinoflagellates Azadinium and Amphidoma spp. that can accumulate in shellfish and cause food poisoning in humans. However, the mechanisms underlying the tolerance of shellfish to high levels of such toxins remain poorly understood. This study investigated the combined effects of detoxification metabolism and stress-related responses in scallops Chlamys farreri exposed to AZA. Scallops accumulated a maximum of 361.81 μg AZA1 eq/kg and 41.6 % AZA residue remained after 21 days of exposure. A range of AZA2 metabolites, including AZA19, AZA11, and AZA23, and trace levels of AZA2-GST, were detected. Total hemocyte counts significantly increased and ROS levels remained consistently high until gradually decreasing. Immune system activation mediated mitochondrial dysfunction and severe energy deficiency. DEGs increased over time, with key genes CYP2J6 and GPX6 contributing to AZA metabolism. These transcriptome and metabolic results identify the regulation of energy metabolism pathways, including inhibition of the TCA cycle and activation of carbohydrates, amino acids, and lipids. AZA also induced autophagy through the MAPK-AMPK signaling pathways, and primary inhibited PI3K/AKT to decrease mTOR pathway expression. Our results provide additional insights into the resistance of C. farreri to AZA, characterized by re-establishing redox homeostasis toward a more oxidative state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK), a highly conserved protein kinase, is involved in the downstream processes of various biological activities by phosphorylating and activating 5\'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in response to the increase of cytosolic-free calcium (Ca2+). In the present study, a CaMKKI was identified from Yesso scallop Patinopecten yessoensis. Its mRNA was ubiquitously expressed in haemocytes and all tested tissues with the highest expression level in mantle. The expression level of PyCaMKKI mRNA in adductor muscle was significantly upregulated at 1, 3 and 6 h after high temperature treatment (25 °C), which was 3.43-fold (p < 0.05), 5.25-fold (p < 0.05), and 5.70-fold (p < 0.05) of that in blank group, respectively. At 3 h after high temperature treatment (25 °C), the protein level of PyAMPKα, as well as the phosphorylation level of PyAMPKα at Thr170 in adductor muscle, and the positive co-localized fluorescence signals of PyCaMKKI and PyAMPKα in haemocyte all increased significantly (p < 0.05) compared to blank group (18 °C). The pull-down assay showed that rPyCaMKKI and rPyAMPKα could bind each other in vitro. After PyCaMKKI was silenced by siRNA, the mRNA and protein levels of PyCaMKKI and PyAMPKα, and the phosphorylation level of PyAMPKα at Thr170 in adductor muscle were significantly down-regulated (p < 0.05) compared with the negative control group receiving an injection of siRNA-NC. These results collectively suggested that PyCaMKKI was involved in the activation of PyAMPKα in response to high temperature stress and would be helpful for understanding the function of PyCaMKKI-PyAMPKα pathway in maintaining energy homeostasis under high temperature stress in scallops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD) was initially identified as a crucial adaptor protein in the apoptotic pathway mediated by death receptor (DR). Subsequently, many studies have confirmed that FADD plays a vital role in innate immunity and inflammatory responses in animals. However, the function of this pleiotropic molecule in mollusk species has not been well explored. In this study, we successfully verified the gene sequence of FADD in the Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) and designated it as CfFADD. The CfFADD protein contains a conserved death effector and death domains. Phylogenetic analysis showed that CfFADD is a novel addition to the molluscan FADD family with a close evolutionary relationship with molluscan FADD subfamily proteins. CfFADD mRNA expression in various scallop tissues was significantly induced by challenge with pathogen-associated molecular patterns (lipopolysaccharide, peptidoglycan, and poly(I:C)), suggesting its role in innate immunity in scallops. Co-immunoprecipitation showed that CfFADD interacted with the scallop DR (tumor necrosis factor receptor) and a signaling molecule involved in the Toll-like receptor pathway (interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase), confirming that CfFADD may be involved in DR-mediated apoptosis and innate immune signaling pathways. Further studies showed that CfFADD interacted with CfCaspase-8 and activated caspase-3. HEK293T cells exhibited distinct apoptotic features after transfection with a CfFADD-expression plasmid, suggesting a functional DR-FADD-caspase apoptotic pathway in scallops. Overexpression of CfFADD led to a significant dose-dependent activation of interferon β and nuclear factor-κB reporter genes, demonstrating the key role of CfFADD in innate immunity. In summary, our research has confirmed the critical roles of CfFADD in innate immunity and apoptosis and provides valuable information for developing comparative immunology theories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adenosine Deaminases Acting on RNA (ADARs) are evolutionarily conserved enzymes known to convert adenosine to inosine in double-stranded RNAs and participate in host-virus interactions. Conducting a meta-analysis of available transcriptome data, we identified and characterised eight ADAR transcripts in Chlamys farreri, a farmed marine scallop susceptible to Acute viral necrosis virus (AVNV) infections and mortality outbreaks. Accordingly, we identified six ADAR genes in the Zhikong scallop genome, revised previous gene annotations, and traced alternative splicing variants. In detail, each ADAR gene encodes a unique combination of functional domains, always including the Adenosine deaminase domain, RNA binding domains and, in one case, two copies of a Z-DNA binding domain. After phylogenetic analysis, five C. farreri ADARs clustered in the ADAR1 clade along with sequences from diverse animal phyla. Gene expression analysis indicated CF051320 as the most expressed ADAR, especially in the eye and male gonad. The other four ADAR1 genes and one ADAR2 gene exhibited variable expression levels, with CF105370 and CF051320 significantly increasing during early scallop development. ADAR-mediated single-base editing, evaluated across adult C. farreri tissues and developmental stages, was mainly detectable in intergenic regions (83 % and 85 %, respectively). Overall, the expression patterns of the six ADAR genes together with the editing and hyper-editing values computed on scallops RNA-seq samples support the adaptive value of ADAR1-mediated editing, particularly in the pre-settling larval stages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have shown that feeding mice with food containing mantle tissue from Japanese scallops results in aggravated liver and kidney damage, ultimately resulting in mortality within weeks. The aim of this study is to evaluate the toxicity of scallop mantle in China\'s coastal areas and explore the impact of scallop mantle toxins (SMT) on intestinal barrier integrity and gut microbiota in mice. The Illumina MiSeq sequencing of V3-V4 hypervariable regions of 16S ribosomal RNA was employed to study the alterations in gut microbiota in the feces of SMT mice. The results showed that intestinal flora abundance and diversity in the SMT group were decreased. Compared with the control group, significant increases were observed in serum indexes related to liver, intestine, inflammation, and kidney functions among SMT-exposed mice. Accompanied by varying degrees of tissue damage observed within these organs, the beneficial bacteria of Muribaculaceae and Marinifilaceae significantly reduced, while the harmful bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae and Helicobacter were significantly increased. Taken together, this article elucidates the inflammation and glucose metabolism disorder caused by scallop mantle toxin in mice from the angle of gut microbiota and metabolism. SMT can destroy the equilibrium of intestinal flora and damage the intestinal mucosal barrier, which leads to glucose metabolism disorder and intestinal dysfunction and may ultimately bring about systemic toxicity.





