Otolithic Membrane

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish age and growth data are crucial for understanding vital species\' traits and their populations. Boarfish is a pelagic species widely distributed in the Northeast Atlantic that is one of the most discarded non-commercial species on the Portuguese coast. Due to its potential valorisation as a new fishery in the Northeast Atlantic, boarfish has become object of interest in several published studies. However, since no age standard protocol has been implemented for boarfish, studies have used a variety of different otolith preparation techniques to estimate age, leading to contradicting and discrepant results. This research aims to consolidate biological insights into boarfish age and growth, lay the foundation for a standardized ageing protocol and serve as a benchmark study for the Portuguese west coast before commercial exploitation. Through the comparison of two otolith ageing methodologies, this study recommends using whole otoliths as the best method, revealing a maximum age of 15 years. The growth pattern estimated, indicated a biphasic growth pattern, with a faster initial growth rate that slows down at 2.4 years, the moment of change, when energy is allocated for sexual maturation. This finding was corroborated by a maturity ogive and analysis of fish size and otolith length relationship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nitrogen isotopes of the organic matter preserved in fossil fish otoliths (ear stones) are a promising tool for reconstructing past environmental changes. We analyzed the 15N/14N ratio (δ15N) of fossil otolith-bound organic matter in Late Cretaceous fish otoliths (of Eutawichthys maastrichtiensis, Eutawichthys zideki and Pterothrissus sp.) from three deposits along the US east coast, with two of Campanian (83.6 to 77.9 Ma) and one Maastrichtian (72.1 to 66 Ma) age. δ15N and N content were insensitive to cleaning protocol and the preservation state of otolith morphological features, and N content differences among taxa were consistent across deposits, pointing to a fossil-native origin for the organic matter. All three species showed an increase in otolith-bound organic matter δ15N of ~4‰ from Campanian to Maastrichtian. As to its cause, the similar change in distinct genera argues against changing trophic level, and modern field data argue against the different locations of the sedimentary deposits. Rather, the lower δ15N in the Campanian is best interpreted as an environmental signal at the regional scale or greater, and it may be a consequence of the warmer global climate. A similar decrease has been observed in foraminifera-bound δ15N during warm periods of the Cenozoic, reflecting decreased water column denitrification and thus contraction of the ocean\'s oxygen deficient zones (ODZs) under warm conditions. The same δ15N-climate correlation in Cretaceous otoliths raises the prospect of an ODZ-to-climate relationship that has been consistent over the last ~80 My, applying before and after the end-Cretaceous mass extinction and spanning changes in continental configuration.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    This paper presents a dataset of 3D sagittal left otolith meshes from 339 individual red mullet (Mullus barbatus). These immature specimens were collected from 17 geographical areas covering the entire Mediterranean Sea. Measured biological parameters were: fish total length (TL ± 1 mm, range from 125 to 238 mm), total weight (W ± 0.1 g, range from 14.9 to 168.0 g), sex (S), sexual maturity staging (Mat). The 3D otolith dataset comprises high-resolution meshes of otoliths obtained using microtomography (29.2 μm voxel size). The data offer valuable insights into the morphological variability and population structure of red mullet populations in the Mediterranean Sea. Potential applications of the dataset include age determination, stock identification, and population connectivity analysis. These applications aim to enhance the understanding of red mullet populations and contribute to the sustainable management of marine resources in the Mediterranean Sea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic deoxygenation of the Baltic Sea caused major declines in demersal and benthic habitat quality with consequent impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Using Baltic cod otolith chemical proxies of hypoxia, salinity, and fish metabolic status and growth, we tracked changes from baseline conditions in the late Neolithic (4500 BP) and early twentieth century to the present, in order to understand how recent, accelerating climate change has affected this key species. Otolith hypoxia proxies (Mn:Mg) increased with expanding anoxic water volumes, but decreased with increasing salinity indexed by otolith Sr:Ca. Metabolic status proxied by otolith Mg:Ca and reconstructed growth were positively related to dissolved oxygen percent saturation, with particularly severe declines since 2010. This long-term record of otolith indicators provides further evidence of a profound state change in oxygen for the worse, in one of the world\'s largest inland seas. Spreading hypoxia due to climate warming will likely impair fish populations globally and evidence can be tracked with otolith chemical biomarkers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate otolithic functions in patients with residual dizziness after successful canalith repositioning procedures (CRPs) for unilateral posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and to investigate possible risk factors.
    METHODS: This case-control observational study included healthy controls and patients with residual dizziness after improvement following CRP for BPPV. All participants were subjected to full history taking, otoscopy, audiological basic evaluation, Dix-Hallpike test to search for posterior canal BPPV, residual dizziness screening, and vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing. Between-group differences were assessed and possible factors associated with residual dizziness were identified by univariate analysis.
    RESULTS: A total of 50 patients with residual dizziness (mean age, 56.53 ± 7.46 years [29 female: 21 male]) and 50 healthy controls (mean age, 58.13 ± 7.57 years [20 female: 30 male]) were included. A significant difference in VEMP latencies was found between the patient and control group (delayed in the patient group), with no significant between-group difference in amplitude in both ears. Aging, female sex, long duration of BPPV, number of CRPs, cervical VEMP and ocular VEMP abnormalities, and winter onset, were significantly associated with the risk of residual dizziness.
    CONCLUSIONS: Residual dizziness is a frequent sequel of BPPV that may relate to otolithic dysfunction. VEMP changes were revealed in the form of delayed latencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The garfish Belone belone represents the only valid endemic Belone species for the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Atlantic Ocean. It shows a wide global distribution range, with a high commercial value and ecological relevance in the pelagic domain. Despite this, there needs to be more knowledge regarding the otoliths of this species, with the total absence of descriptions regarding asterisci and lapilli from Mediterranean populations and a lack of studies on the reliability of shape analysis on its sagittae. The present paper aims to provide the first main contours description of the three otoliths pairs from a Mediterranean population, providing an accurate investigation of morphology, morphometry, and intra-specific variability of sagittae, lapilli, and asterisci. Results showed (i) the absence of directional bilateral asymmetry and sexual asymmetry for the three otoliths pairs, (ii) a different morphology and morphometry of sagittae, lapilli and asterisci than those described in the literature, and (iii) an enhanced variability between sagittae morphometry and shape between the three investigated size classes. All these data confirmed the reliability of the studied species of shape analysis, showing a geographical and size-related variability of otoliths features probably related to genetics, environmental conditions, and life habits variations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Canalith repositioning procedures to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are often applied following standardized criteria, without considering the possible anatomical singularities of the membranous labyrinth for each individual. As a result, certain patients may become refractory to the treatment due to significant deviations from the ideal membranous labyrinth, that was considered when the maneuvers were designed. This study aims to understand the dynamics of the endolymphatic fluid and otoconia, within the membranous labyrinth geometry, which may contribute to the ineffectiveness of the Epley maneuver. Simultaneously, the study seeks to explore methods to avoid or reduce treatment failure.
    METHODS: We conducted a study on the Epley maneuver using numerical simulations based on a three-dimensional medical image reconstruction of the human left membranous labyrinth. A high-quality micro-computed tomography of a human temporal bone specimen was utilized for the image reconstruction, and a mathematical model for the endolymphatic fluid was developed and coupled with a spherical particle model representing otoconia inside the fluid. This allowed us to measure the position and time of each particle throughout all the steps of the maneuver, using equations that describe the physics behind benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
    RESULTS: Numerical simulations of the standard Epley maneuver applied to this membranous labyrinth model yielded unsatisfactory results, as otoconia do not reach the frontside of the utricle, which in this study is used as the measure of success. The resting times between subsequent steps indicated that longer intervals are required for smaller otoconia. Using different angles of rotation can prevent otoconia from entering the superior semicircular canal or the posterior ampulla. Steps 3, 4, and 5 exhibited a heightened susceptibility to failure, as otoconia could be accidentally displaced into these regions.
    CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that modifying the Epley maneuver based on the numerical results obtained in the membranous labyrinth of the human specimen under study can have a significant effect on the success or failure of the treatment. The use of numerical simulations appears to be a useful tool for future canalith repositioning procedures that aim to personalize the treatment by modifying the rotation planes currently defined as the standard criteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are substantial interspecific differences in the morphology of the ears of the more than 34 000 living fish species. However, almost nothing is known about the functional significance of these differences. One reason is that most comparative studies have been conducted on shallow-water species with far less focus on the numerous species that inhabit the depths of the oceans. Thus, to get a better sense of ear diversity in fishes and its potential role in hearing, this study focuses on the saccule and lagena, the primary auditory end organs, in six species of the family Macrouridae (rattails), a large group of fishes that typically inhabit depths from 1000 to 4000 m. The inner ears and, particularly, the saccules and lagenae in these species are large with the saccule resembling that of other Gadiformes. The lagenae of all macrourids studied here have serrated edge otoliths and highly diverse hair cell ciliary bundle shapes. The differences found in the inner ear anatomy of macrourids likely reflect the sensory advantages in different habitats that are related to the benefits and constraints at different depths, the fish\'s particular lifestyle, and the trade-off among different sensory systems.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Here we review the clinical value of a video-oculography test for clinical evaluation of vestibular otolith function. This test is known as the video ocular counter roll (vOCR) and is based on measurement of torsional vestibulo-ocular reflex with a lateral head tilt. The vOCR test consists of a simple maneuver during which the head and torso are tilted en bloc by the examiner. The pattern of vOCR deficit among patients highlights its clinical value in identifying the stage of vestibular loss and recovery. The quick application of vOCR allows examination of otolith-ocular function and assessment of vestibular recovery at the bedside.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) represents the largest single-species fishery worldwide. Knowledge on how temperature and prey availability influences growth and age estimation during marine fish early life stages is critical for predicting bottom-up processes impacting stock productivity under changing environmental conditions. We reared Peruvian anchovy larvae at two temperatures (14.5 and 18.5 °C) and prey concentrations [high (HF), and low (LF)] from 6 to 30 days post-hatch (dph) to measure growth rate and examine daily deposition of otolith increments. Peruvian anchovy larvae grew faster at 18.5 °C compared to 14.5 °C. Larvae reared at low prey concentration (18.5-LF) and low temperature (14.5-HF) grew 61 and 35% slower, respectively, than those at high prey and warm temperature (18.5-HF). Age and growth rates of larvae were well depicted in the otolith microstructure of well-fed larvae at 18.5 °C. However, larvae reared at 18.5-LF or 14.5-HF, had only 55 and 49% of the expected number of daily otolith increments. Our results suggest caution when attempting to explore how ocean processes regulate small pelagic stocks, the productivity of which are largely driven by changes in the survival and growth of young larvae.





