Otolithic Membrane

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Otoliths are frequently used as proxies to examine the impacts of climate change on fish growth in marine and freshwater ecosystems worldwide. However, the large sensitivity differences in otolith growth responses to typical changing environmental factors (i.e., temperature and CO2 concentration), coupled with unclear drivers and potential inconsistencies with fish body growth, fundamentally challenge the reliability of such otolith applications. Here, we performed a global meta-analysis of experiments investigating the direct effects of warming (297 cases) and CO2 acidification (293 cases) on fish otolith growth and compared them with fish body growth responses. Hierarchical models were used to assess the overall effect and quantify the influence of nine explanatory factors (e.g., fish feeding habit, life history stage, habitat type, and experimental amplitude and duration). The overall effects of warming and acidification on otolith growth were positive and significant, and the effect size of warming (effect size = 0.4003, otolith size of the treatment group increased by 49.23% compared to that of the control group) was larger than that of acidification (0.0724, 7.51%). All factors examined contributed to the heterogeneity of effect sizes, with larger responses commonly observed in carnivorous fish, marine species, and young individuals. Warming amplitudes and durations and acidification amplitudes increased the effect sizes, while acidification durations decreased the effect sizes. Otolith growth responses were consistent with, but greater than, fish body growth responses under warming. In contrast, fish body growth responses were not significant under acidification (effect size = -0.0051, p = .6185) and thus cannot be estimated using otoliths. Therefore, our study highlights that the reliability of applying otoliths to examine climate change impacts is likely varied, as the sensitivity of otolith growth responses and the consistency between the growth responses of otoliths and fish bodies are context-dependent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish age and growth data are crucial for understanding vital species\' traits and their populations. Boarfish is a pelagic species widely distributed in the Northeast Atlantic that is one of the most discarded non-commercial species on the Portuguese coast. Due to its potential valorisation as a new fishery in the Northeast Atlantic, boarfish has become object of interest in several published studies. However, since no age standard protocol has been implemented for boarfish, studies have used a variety of different otolith preparation techniques to estimate age, leading to contradicting and discrepant results. This research aims to consolidate biological insights into boarfish age and growth, lay the foundation for a standardized ageing protocol and serve as a benchmark study for the Portuguese west coast before commercial exploitation. Through the comparison of two otolith ageing methodologies, this study recommends using whole otoliths as the best method, revealing a maximum age of 15 years. The growth pattern estimated, indicated a biphasic growth pattern, with a faster initial growth rate that slows down at 2.4 years, the moment of change, when energy is allocated for sexual maturation. This finding was corroborated by a maturity ogive and analysis of fish size and otolith length relationship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nitrogen isotopes of the organic matter preserved in fossil fish otoliths (ear stones) are a promising tool for reconstructing past environmental changes. We analyzed the 15N/14N ratio (δ15N) of fossil otolith-bound organic matter in Late Cretaceous fish otoliths (of Eutawichthys maastrichtiensis, Eutawichthys zideki and Pterothrissus sp.) from three deposits along the US east coast, with two of Campanian (83.6 to 77.9 Ma) and one Maastrichtian (72.1 to 66 Ma) age. δ15N and N content were insensitive to cleaning protocol and the preservation state of otolith morphological features, and N content differences among taxa were consistent across deposits, pointing to a fossil-native origin for the organic matter. All three species showed an increase in otolith-bound organic matter δ15N of ~4‰ from Campanian to Maastrichtian. As to its cause, the similar change in distinct genera argues against changing trophic level, and modern field data argue against the different locations of the sedimentary deposits. Rather, the lower δ15N in the Campanian is best interpreted as an environmental signal at the regional scale or greater, and it may be a consequence of the warmer global climate. A similar decrease has been observed in foraminifera-bound δ15N during warm periods of the Cenozoic, reflecting decreased water column denitrification and thus contraction of the ocean\'s oxygen deficient zones (ODZs) under warm conditions. The same δ15N-climate correlation in Cretaceous otoliths raises the prospect of an ODZ-to-climate relationship that has been consistent over the last ~80 My, applying before and after the end-Cretaceous mass extinction and spanning changes in continental configuration.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    This paper presents a dataset of 3D sagittal left otolith meshes from 339 individual red mullet (Mullus barbatus). These immature specimens were collected from 17 geographical areas covering the entire Mediterranean Sea. Measured biological parameters were: fish total length (TL ± 1 mm, range from 125 to 238 mm), total weight (W ± 0.1 g, range from 14.9 to 168.0 g), sex (S), sexual maturity staging (Mat). The 3D otolith dataset comprises high-resolution meshes of otoliths obtained using microtomography (29.2 μm voxel size). The data offer valuable insights into the morphological variability and population structure of red mullet populations in the Mediterranean Sea. Potential applications of the dataset include age determination, stock identification, and population connectivity analysis. These applications aim to enhance the understanding of red mullet populations and contribute to the sustainable management of marine resources in the Mediterranean Sea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic deoxygenation of the Baltic Sea caused major declines in demersal and benthic habitat quality with consequent impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Using Baltic cod otolith chemical proxies of hypoxia, salinity, and fish metabolic status and growth, we tracked changes from baseline conditions in the late Neolithic (4500 BP) and early twentieth century to the present, in order to understand how recent, accelerating climate change has affected this key species. Otolith hypoxia proxies (Mn:Mg) increased with expanding anoxic water volumes, but decreased with increasing salinity indexed by otolith Sr:Ca. Metabolic status proxied by otolith Mg:Ca and reconstructed growth were positively related to dissolved oxygen percent saturation, with particularly severe declines since 2010. This long-term record of otolith indicators provides further evidence of a profound state change in oxygen for the worse, in one of the world\'s largest inland seas. Spreading hypoxia due to climate warming will likely impair fish populations globally and evidence can be tracked with otolith chemical biomarkers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraspecific biodiversity is vital for species persistence in an increasingly volatile world. By embracing methods that integrate information at different spatiotemporal scales, we can directly monitor and reconstruct changes in intraspecific biodiversity. Here we combined genetics and otolith biochronologies to describe the genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Yuba River, California, comparing cohorts that experienced a range of hydroclimatic conditions. Yuba River salmon have been heavily impacted by habitat loss and degradation, and large influxes of unmarked hatchery fish each year have led to concern about introgression and uncertainty around the viability of its wild populations, particularly the rarer spring-run salmon. Otolith strontium isotopes showed that Yuba River origin fish represented, on average, 42% (range 7%-73%) of spawners across six return years (2009-2011, 2018-2020), with large interannual variability. The remainder of adult Chinook salmon in the river were primarily strays from the nearby Feather River hatchery, and since 2018 from the Mokelumne River hatchery. Among the Yuba-origin spawners, on average, 30% (range 14%-50%) exhibited the spring-run genotype. The Yuba-origin fish also displayed a variety of outmigration phenotypes that differed in the timing and size at which they left the Yuba river. Early-migrating fry dominated the returns (mean 59%, range 33%-89%), and their contribution rates were negatively correlated with freshwater flows. It is unlikely that fry survival rates are elevated during droughts, suggesting that this trend reflects disproportionately low survival of larger later migrating parr, smolts, and yearlings along the migratory corridor in drier years. Otolith daily increments indicated generally faster growth rates in non-natal habitats, emphasizing the importance of continuing upstream restoration efforts to improve in-river growing conditions. Together, these findings show that, despite a long history of habitat degradation and hatchery introgression, the Yuba River maintains intraspecific biodiversity that should be taken into account in future management, restoration, and reintroduction plans. The finding that genotypic spring-run are reproducing, surviving, and returning to the Yuba River every year suggests that re-establishment of an independent population is possible, although hatchery-wild interactions would need to be carefully considered. Integrating methods is critical to monitor changes in key genetic, physiological, and behavioral traits to assess population viability and resilience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ocean warming will continue to affect the growth, body condition and geographic distributions of marine fishes and understanding these effects is an urgent challenge for fisheries research and management. Determining how temperature is recorded in fish otolith carbonate, provides an additional chronological tool to investigate thermal histories, preferences and patterns of movement throughout an individual\'s life history. The influence of three water temperature treatments (22°C, 25°C, and 28°C) on hatchery-reared juvenile stout whiting, Sillago robusta, was tested using a controlled outdoor mesocosm system. Fish were measured for change in length and weight, and body condition was determined using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Sagittal otoliths were analysed for stable oxygen (δ18Ootolith) and carbon (δ13Cotolith) isotopes via isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Whiting kept at 22°C were significantly smaller and had diminished body condition compared to fish in 25°C and 28°C, which did not significantly differ from each other. The δ18O otolith values of stout whiting demonstrated a negative temperature-dependent fractionation relationship which was similar in slope but had a different intercept to the relationships reported for inorganic aragonite and other marine fish species. The δ13C otolith values also showed a negative relationship with water temperature, and the calculated proportion of metabolic carbon M in otoliths differed between fish reared in the coolest (22°C) and warmest (28°C) temperature treatments. Overall, the results suggest that stout whiting may have reached an upper growth threshold between 25°C and 28°C, and that growth and body condition may be optimised during warmer seasons and toward the northerly regions of their distribution. Otolith oxygen thermometry shows promise as a natural tracer of thermal life history, and species-specific fractionation equations should be utilised when possible to prevent errors in temperature reconstructions of wild-caught fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a species of high commercial and recreational value, but it exhibits highly variable recruitment rates and has been subject to recent declines. Emergency management measures put in place to protect spawning stocks include the annual closure of commercial and recreational fisheries over a 2-month, February-March, window. Whether this protection measure is having the desired outcome for this data-poor species remains unclear. Otolith microstructural analyses (counts and widths of daily growth rings and check marks indicative of settlement) were used to estimate (1) spawn timing, (2) pelagic larval duration and settlement timing, (3) growth rate and condition, and (4) the otolith-fish size relationship for juvenile European sea bass caught from two estuaries in Wales (Dwyryd, Y Foryd), located at the northern edge of the species range. We observed a significant mismatch between the timing of fisheries closures and the spawning, with 99.2% of recruits having been spawned after the fishery had reopened (back-calculated median spawn date = May 5 ± 17 days SD), suggesting that the closure may be too early to adequately protect this population. Further, we present the first empirically derived estimates of pelagic larval duration for sea bass recruits settling in UK habitats, which showed a strong negative relationship with spawn date. Finally, we found significant differences in fish condition between the two estuaries, suggesting local variation in habitat quality. The results suggest that the timing of current fisheries closures may not be adequately protecting the spawners supplying these northernmost estuaries, which are likely to become increasingly important as sea bass distributions shift northward in our climate future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    机体代谢异常可通过对耳石膜的结构及耳石正常生理代谢过程产生一定的影响,进而作用于良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)的发生、发展和预后。本文就代谢异常与BPPV相关的基础研究和临床研究做一总结,探究代谢异常在BPPV中的影响。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate otolithic functions in patients with residual dizziness after successful canalith repositioning procedures (CRPs) for unilateral posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and to investigate possible risk factors.
    METHODS: This case-control observational study included healthy controls and patients with residual dizziness after improvement following CRP for BPPV. All participants were subjected to full history taking, otoscopy, audiological basic evaluation, Dix-Hallpike test to search for posterior canal BPPV, residual dizziness screening, and vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing. Between-group differences were assessed and possible factors associated with residual dizziness were identified by univariate analysis.
    RESULTS: A total of 50 patients with residual dizziness (mean age, 56.53 ± 7.46 years [29 female: 21 male]) and 50 healthy controls (mean age, 58.13 ± 7.57 years [20 female: 30 male]) were included. A significant difference in VEMP latencies was found between the patient and control group (delayed in the patient group), with no significant between-group difference in amplitude in both ears. Aging, female sex, long duration of BPPV, number of CRPs, cervical VEMP and ocular VEMP abnormalities, and winter onset, were significantly associated with the risk of residual dizziness.
    CONCLUSIONS: Residual dizziness is a frequent sequel of BPPV that may relate to otolithic dysfunction. VEMP changes were revealed in the form of delayed latencies.





