Nutraceutical properties

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main objective of this study was to monitor apricot development and ripening through gene expression analysis of key candidate genes using the RT-qPCR technique. Eight apricot cultivars were selected to analyze phenological and genetic patterns from pre-ripening stages through to postharvest. In addition, 19 selected genes were analyzed in the contrasting cultivars \'Cebas Red\' and \'Rojo Pasión\' in different stages (two preharvest stages S1 and S2, one harvest stage S3, and two postharvest stages S4 and S5). This pool of genes included genes related to fruit growth and ripening, genes associated with fruit color, and genes linked to the fruit\'s nutraceutical aspects. Among the studied genes, Polygalacturonase (PG), Pectin methylesterase (PME), Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACS), and Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase (INO1) were directly related to fruit maturation and quality. Significant differential expression was observed between the cultivars, which correlated with variations in firmness, shelf life, and sensory characteristics of the apricots. \'Rojo Pasión\' displayed high levels of PG, associated with rapid maturation and shorter postharvest shelf life, whereas \'Cebas Red\' exhibited lower levels of this gene, resulting in greater firmness and extended shelf life. Genes CCD4, CRTZ, and ZDS, related to carotenoids, showed varied expression patterns during growth and postharvest stages, with higher levels in \'Rojo Pasión\'. On the other hand, Sucrose synthase (SUSY) and Lipoxygenase (LOX2) were prominent during the postharvest and growth stages, respectively. Additionally, GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase (VTC2_5) was linked to better postharvest performance. This research provides valuable insights for future breeding initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality and sustainability of apricot cultivation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Naturally occurring phytochemicals with promising biological properties are quercetin and its derivatives. Quercetin has been thoroughly studied for its antidiabetic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-Alzheimer\'s, anti-arthritic, antioxidant, cardiovascular, and wound-healing properties. Anticancer activity of quercetin against cancer cell lines has also recently been revealed. The majority of the Western diet contains quercetin and its derivatives, therefore consuming them as part of a meal or as a food supplement may be sufficient for people to take advantage of their preventive effects. Bioavailability-based drug-delivery systems of quercetin have been heavily studied. Fruits, seeds, vegetables, bracken fern, coffee, tea, and other plants all contain quercetin, as do natural colors. One naturally occurring antioxidant is quercetin, whose anticancer effects have been discussed in detail. It has several properties that could make it an effective anti-cancer agent. Numerous researches have shown that quercetin plays a substantial part in the suppression of cancer cells in the breast, colon, prostate, ovary, endometrial, and lung tumors. The current study includes a concise explanation of quercetin\'s action mechanism and potential health applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nutraceutical interest in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) seeds is associated with the presence of macronutrients, micronutrients, minerals, vitamins, and polyphenols. In particular, polyphenols contribute to the health-promoting effects of this food crop, and their levels are influenced by environmental conditions. Production of quinoa is recently being explored in temperate climate areas, including Italy. The aim of this research was to assess the profile of bioactive compounds in seeds of two quinoa varieties, Regalona-Baer and Titicaca, grown in northern Italy, compared to that of seeds of those varieties grown in Chile and Denmark, respectively. High-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) analysis of phenolic acid and flavonoid profiles, both in their free and soluble conjugated forms, showed that the main differences between Regalona grown in Chile and Italy were for the free vanillic acid and daidzein contents, while the two Titicaca samples mainly differed in quercetin derivative levels. The total phenolic index was comparable in Titicaca and Regalona, and only a slight decrease in this parameter was found in seeds of the two varieties grown in Italy. The in vitro antioxidant activity of seed extracts, evaluated by means of three different assays, indicated that it correlated with flavonol (quercetin derivative) levels. In conclusion, the results indicate that, although environmental conditions alter the polyphenolic profile and biological activities, it is possible to grow good-quality quinoa in northern Italy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Italian gastronomy experiences have ever-enhancing fame around the world. It is due to the linkage between taste and salubriousness commonly related to Mediterranean foods. The market proposes many types of pizza to suit all palates. The antioxidant potential of the \"Pizza Napoletana marinara\" included in the register of traditional specialties guaranteed (TSG) was determined in this work. ABTS (2,2\'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) method evaluated the antioxidant activity of the pizza homogenized. In vitro digestion models estimated the intestinal and gastric bioaccessibility of the main antioxidant compounds (lycopene and phenolics). To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide the content, antioxidant potential, and bioaccessibility of the antioxidants (polyphenols and lycopene) contained in the traditional pizza \"marinara TSG\". Our results showed that the \"Pizza Napoletana marinara\" had polyphenols concentration, lycopene level, antioxidant activity, and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds and lycopene better than other similar pizzas. They confirmed the nutritional importance of traditional preparations and established the nutraceutical potential of \"pizza marinara TSG\" as a food rich in bio-accessible antioxidants.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenolic compounds in fruit provide human health benefits, and they contribute to color, taste, and the preservation of post-harvest fruit quality. Phenolic compounds also serve as modifiers of enzymatic activity, whether inhibition or stimulation. Polyphenol oxidases (PPO) and peroxidases (POD) use phenolic compounds as substrates in oxidative browning. Apple browning leads to flesh color, taste, texture, and flavor degradation, representing a drawback for the variety and its\' market appraisal. This study was conducted to investigate the process of browning in 14 apple cultivars throughout post-harvest at three-time points: immediately (T0), one hour (T1), and 24 h (T2) after apples were cut in half. Color parameters L* (lightness), a* (red/green), b* (yellow/blue) were measured, and chroma (ΔC*) and color (ΔE) were calculated to quantify differences between T0₋T1 and T1₋T2 on the fruit surface. Enzymatic activity (PPO, POD) and phenolic composition were also quantified for each cultivar. \'Granny Smith\' and \'Cripps Pink\' browned minimally. In contrast, \'Fiesta\' and \'Mondial Gala\' browned severely, reporting high enzymatic activity and quantified phenolic concentration (QPC). Phenolic compound polymerization appears to play a significant role in enzymatic inhibition. \'Topaz\' does not fit the high QPC, PPO, and browning formula, suggesting alternative pathways that contribute to apple browning.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rising interest in beneficial health properties of polyphenol compounds in fruit initiated this investigation about biochemical composition in peach mesocarp/exocarp. Biochemical evaluation of phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid were quantified through high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in relation to three flesh colors (white, yellow and red) and four flesh typologies (melting, non-melting, slow softening and stony hard) within six commercial cultivars and eight breeding selections of peach/nectarine in 2007. While in 2008, quality and sensorial analyses were conducted on only three commercial cultivars (\'Big Top\', \'Springcrest\' and \'Ghiaccio 1\'). The red flesh selection demonstrated the highest levels of phenolic compounds (in mesocarp/exocarp) and ascorbic acid. Total phenolic concentration was approximately three-fold higher in the exocarp than the mesocarp across all accessions. Breeding selections generally reported higher levels of phenolics than commercial cultivars. Flesh textural typologies justified firmness differences at harvest, but minimally addressed variations in quality and phenolic compounds. Flesh pigmentation explained variation in the biochemical composition, with the red flesh accession characterized by an abundancy of phenolic compounds and a high potential for elevated antioxidant activity. Sensorial analyses ranked the cultivar with high soluble solids concentration:titratable acidity (SSC:TA) and reduced firmness the highest overall. Red flesh is a highly desirable trait for breeding programs aiming to improve consumption of peaches selected for nutraceutical properties.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a widely consumed fruit all around the world. The industrial exploitation of tomato generates a lot of waste. Most of the utilization of tomato seeds waste is focused on animal feeding, as well as a food ingredient aimed to increase the protein content, and raw material for some organic bioactive component extraction. The aim of this work was to evaluate the techno-functional properties of tomato seed meal (TSM) and its nutraceutical properties after applying defatting processing (TSMD), and to evaluate the nutraceutical properties after a fermentation processing (TSMDF) by Lactobacillus sp. The results showed that, at alkaline conditions (pH 8-9), the techno-functional properties for TSM and TSMD improved. In comparison with TSM, TSMD showed higher water holding capacity (WHC ≈32%), higher oil holding capacity (OHC ≈13%), higher protein solubility (49-58%), more than 10 times foaming activity (FA), more than 50 times foam stability (Fst), as well as an improved emulsifying activity (EA) and emulsion stability (Est) wich were better at pH 9. Regarding the nutraceutical properties, after 48 h of fermentation (TSMDF), the antioxidant activity was doubled and a significant increase in the iron chelating activity was also observed. During the same fermentation time, the highest angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACEI) was achieved (IC50 73.6 μg/mL), more than 10 times higher than TSMD, which leads to suggest that this fermented medium may be a powerful antihypertensive. Therefore, the strategy proposed in this study could be an option for the exploitation of tomato wastes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kefir is a type of fermented milk obtained thanks to the introduction of \"kefir grains\" in mammalian milk. Kefir grains consist of lactic and acetic acid bacteria and yeasts in alternative proportions that are held together by a matrix of complex sugars known as \"kefiran.\" Thanks to the fermentative process, the kefir milk is rich in nutraceutical substances such as amino acids, vitamins, and mineral salts. The most valuable compounds of kefir fermentation are mainly lactic acid, exopolysaccharides, and bioactive peptides, the resulting products of proteolytic release from milk proteins (caseins and whey proteins). Among the nutraceutical properties of kefir are antimicrobial and antitumor activity, immunomodulating effect, and cholesterol-lowering effect. Therefore, in light of these intriguing properties of kefir milk, in this work, a proteomic analysis, by two-dimensional electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry, has been performed. As a result, milk-derived polypeptides were identified in commercial kefir milk from organic farming. In particular, polypeptides deriving from κ-, αs1 -, and αs2 -caseins that may have potentially beneficial effects on human health have been detected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Edible flowers are consumed for their appearance, colours, nutritional and healthy properties, but the use is limited by the actual number of the species. Seven edible flowers of the Lamiaceae family (Ocimeae and Mentheae tribes) were investigated: Monarda didyma \'Fireball\', Nepeta × faassenii \'Six Hills Giant\', Ocimum basilicum \'Blue Spice\', O. basilicum \'Cinnamon\', Ocimum × citriodorum, Salvia discolor, and Salvia microphylla \'Hot Lips\'. Total soluble sugars, proteins, polyphenols, carotenoids, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity were detected. The species of the Mentheae tribe contained higher sugar content than Ocimeae flowers, the opposite with regard to protein content. Ocimeae tribe flowers showed high polyphenols and carotenoids content. The Ocimeae tribe together with two specie of the Mentheae tribe showed an aroma profile dominated by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (58.0% in S. discolor to 77.9% in Ocimum × citriodorum). Oxygenated monoterpenes prevailed in Nepeta and Monarda, also present in the essential oil of this latter species (84.5%). By contrast, Nepeta and S. discolor evidenced non-terpenes as the principal class (41.2% and 77.5%, respectively), while the oxygenated sesquiterpene was the main one in S. microphylla. The two varieties of Ocimum spp. showed oxygenated monoterpenes as the main class of volatiles.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Starch nanoparticles from pearl (Pe) and proso (Pr) millets were characterised for morphological, thermal, rheological and nutraceutical properties which are important parameters to be considered for predicting applicable domain of nanoparticles in food and other industrial applications. In the present study after using collision ball milling to achieve the nano-reduction, dynamic light scattering (DLS) revealed the average hydrodynamic particle diameter of 636 nm and 417 nm for nano-reduced pearl (PeN) and proso (PrN) millet starches. Further the nano-particles produced were having greater stability, as revealed by the data obtained for zeta potential. X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed loss of crystallinity in starch granules whereas attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) showed no difference in the basic functional groups but decrease in intensity. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to elicit the changes in surface topography of starch granules upon nano-reduction. Post nano-reduction treatment various thermal transition temperatures significantly shifted to lower values. Results of anti-oxidant assays for prediction of nutraceutical potential revealed significant increase upon nano-reduction.





