Neuronal circuits

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitral/tufted cells (M/TCs) form complex local circuits with interneurons in the olfactory bulb and are powerfully inhibited by these interneurons. The horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (HDB), the only GABAergic/inhibitory source of centrifugal circuit with the olfactory bulb, is known to target olfactory bulb interneurons, and we have shown targeting also to olfactory bulb glutamatergic neurons in vitro. However, the net efficacy of these circuits under different patterns of activation in vivo and the relative balance between the various targeted intact local and centrifugal circuits was the focus of this study. Here channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) was expressed in HDB GABAergic neurons to investigate the short-term plasticity of HDB-activated disinhibitory rebound excitation of M/TCs. Optical activation of HDB interneurons increased spontaneous M/TC firing without odor presentation and increased odor-evoked M/TC firing. HDB activation induced disinhibitory rebound excitation (burst or cluster of spiking) in all classes of M/TCs. This excitation was frequency dependent, with short-term facilitation only at higher HDB stimulation frequency (5 Hz and above). However, frequency-dependent HDB regulation was more potent in the deeper layer M/TCs compared with more superficial layer M/TCs. In all neural circuits the balance between inhibition and excitation in local and centrifugal circuits plays a critical functional role, and this patterned input-dependent regulation of inhibitory centrifugal inputs to the olfactory bulb may help maintain the precise balance across the populations of output neurons in different environmental odors, putatively to sharpen the enhancement of tuning specificity of individual or classes of M/TCs to odors.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Neuronal local circuits in the olfactory bulb are modulated by centrifugal long circuits. In vivo study here shows that inhibitory horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (HDB) modulates all five types of mitral/tufted cells (M/TCs), by direct inhibitory circuits HDB → M/TCs and indirect disinhibitory long circuits HDB → interneurons → M/TCs. The HDB net effect exerts excitation in all types of M/TCs but more powerful in deeper layer output neurons as HDB activation frequency increases, which may sharpen the tuning specificity of classes of M/TCs to odors during sensory processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse auditory cortex is composed of six sub-fields: primary auditory field (AI), secondary auditory field (AII), anterior auditory field (AAF), insular auditory field (IAF), ultrasonic field (UF) and dorsoposterior field (DP). Previous studies have examined thalamo-cortical connections in the mice auditory system and learned that AI, AAF, and IAF receive inputs from the ventral division of the medial geniculate body (MGB). However, the functional and thalamo-cortical connections between nonprimary auditory cortex (AII, UF, and DP) is unclear. In this study, we examined the locations of neurons projecting to these three cortical sub-fields in the MGB, and addressed the question whether these cortical sub-fields receive inputs from different subsets of MGB neurons or common. To examine the distributions of projecting neurons in the MGB, retrograde tracers were injected into the AII, UF, DP, after identifying these areas by the method of Optical Imaging. Our results indicated that neuron cells which in ventral part of dorsal MGB (MGd) and that of ventral MGB (MGv) projecting to UF and AII with less overlap. And DP only received neuron projecting from MGd. Interestingly, these three cortical areas received input from distinct part of MGd and MGv in an independent manner. Based on our foundings these three auditory cortical sub-fields in mice may independently process auditory information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temperature has a significant effect on all physiological processes of animals. Suitable temperatures promote responsiveness, movement, metabolism, growth, and reproduction in animals, whereas extreme temperatures can cause injury or even death. Thus, thermosensation is important for survival in all animals. However, mechanisms regulating thermosensation remain unexplored, mostly because of the complexity of mammalian neural circuits. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster achieves a desirable body temperature through ambient temperature fluctuations, sunlight exposure, and behavioral strategies. The availability of extensive genetic tools and resources for studying Drosophila have enabled scientists to unravel the mechanisms underlying their temperature preference. Over the past 20 years, Drosophila has become an ideal model for studying temperature-related genes and circuits. This review provides a comprehensive overview of our current understanding of thermosensation and temperature preference in Drosophila. It encompasses various aspects, such as the mechanisms by which flies sense temperature, the effects of internal and external factors on temperature preference, and the adaptive strategies employed by flies in extreme-temperature environments. Understanding the regulating mechanisms of thermosensation and temperature preference in Drosophila can provide fundamental insights into the underlying molecular and neural mechanisms that control body temperature and temperature-related behavioral changes in other animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The disconnection of neuronal circuitry through synaptic loss is presumed to be a major driver of age-related cognitive decline. Age-related cognitive decline is heterogeneous, yet whether genetic mechanisms differentiate successful from unsuccessful cognitive decline through maintenance or vulnerability of synaptic connections remains unknown. Previous work using rodent and primate models leveraged various techniques to imply that age-related synaptic loss is widespread on pyramidal cells in prefrontal cortex (PFC) circuits but absent on those in area CA1 of the hippocampus. Here, we examined the effect of aging on synapses on projection neurons forming a hippocampal-cortico-thalamic circuit important for spatial working memory tasks from two genetically distinct mouse strains that exhibit susceptibility (C57BL/6J) or resistance (PWK/PhJ) to cognitive decline during aging. Across both strains, synapse density on CA1-to-PFC projection neurons appeared completely intact with age. In contrast, we found synapse loss on PFC-to-nucleus reuniens (RE) projection neurons from aged C57BL/6J but not PWK/PhJ mice. Moreover, synapses from aged PWK/PhJ mice but not from C57BL/6J exhibited altered morphologies that suggest increased efficiency to drive depolarization in the parent dendrite. Our findings suggest resistance to age-related cognitive decline results in part by age-related synaptic adaptations, and identification of these mechanisms in PWK/PhJ mice could uncover new therapeutic targets for promoting successful cognitive aging and extending human health span.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glial cells support the function of neurons. Recent evidence shows that astrocytes are also involved in brain computations. To explore whether and how their excitable nature affects brain computations and motor behaviors, we used two-photon Ca2+ imaging of zebrafish larvae expressing GCaMP in both neurons and radial astrocytes (RAs). We found that in the optic tectum, RAs synchronize their Ca2+ transients immediately after the end of an escape behavior. Using optogenetics, ablations, and a genetically encoded norepinephrine sensor, we observed that RA synchronous Ca2+ events are mediated by the locus coeruleus (LC)-norepinephrine circuit. RA synchronization did not induce direct excitation or inhibition of tectal neurons. Nevertheless, it modulated the direction selectivity and the long-distance functional correlations among neurons. This mechanism supports freezing behavior following a switch to an alerted state. These results show that LC-mediated neuro-glial interactions modulate the visual system during transitions between behavioral states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We are constantly bombarded by sensory information and constantly making decisions on how to act. In order to optimally adapt behavior, we must judge which sequences of sensory inputs and actions lead to successful outcomes in specific circumstances. Neuronal circuits of the basal ganglia have been strongly implicated in action selection, as well as the learning and execution of goal-directed behaviors, with accumulating evidence supporting the hypothesis that midbrain dopamine neurons might encode a reward signal useful for learning. Here, we review evidence suggesting that midbrain dopaminergic neurons signal reward prediction error, driving synaptic plasticity in the striatum underlying learning. We focus on phasic increases in action potential firing of midbrain dopamine neurons in response to unexpected rewards. These dopamine neurons prominently innervate the dorsal and ventral striatum. In the striatum, the released dopamine binds to dopamine receptors, where it regulates the plasticity of glutamatergic synapses. The increase of striatal dopamine accompanying an unexpected reward activates dopamine type 1 receptors (D1Rs) initiating a signaling cascade that promotes long-term potentiation of recently active glutamatergic input onto striatonigral neurons. Sensorimotor-evoked glutamatergic input, which is active immediately before reward delivery will thus be strengthened onto neurons in the striatum expressing D1Rs. In turn, these neurons cause disinhibition of brainstem motor centers and disinhibition of the motor thalamus, thus promoting motor output to reinforce rewarded stimulus-action outcomes. Although many details of the hypothesis need further investigation, altogether, it seems likely that dopamine signals in the striatum might underlie important aspects of goal-directed reward-based learning.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The disconnection of neuronal circuits through synaptic loss is presumed to be a major driver of age-related cognitive decline. Age-related cognitive decline is heterogeneous, yet whether genetic mechanisms differentiate successful from unsuccessful cognitive decline through synaptic structural mechanisms remains unknown. Previous work using rodent and primate models leveraged various techniques to suggest that age-related synaptic loss is widespread on pyramidal cells in prefrontal cortex (PFC) circuits but absent on those in area CA1 of the hippocampus. Here, we examined the effect of aging on synapses on projection neurons forming a hippocampal-cortico-thalamic circuit important for spatial working memory tasks from two genetically distinct mouse strains that exhibit susceptibility (C57BL/6J) or resistance (PWK/PhJ) to cognitive decline during aging. Across both strains, synapses on the CA1-to-PFC projection neurons appeared completely intact with age. In contrast, we found synapse loss on PFC-to-nucleus reuniens (RE) projection neurons from aged C57BL/6J but not PWK/PhJ mice. Moreover, synapses from aged PWK/PhJ mice but not from C57BL/6J exhibited morphological changes that suggest increased synaptic efficiency to depolarize the parent dendrite. Our findings suggest resistance to age-related cognitive decline results in part by age-related synaptic adaptations, and identification of these mechanisms in PWK/PhJ mice could uncover new therapeutic targets for promoting successful cognitive aging and extending human health span.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anterior hypothalamic area (AHA) is a critical structure for defensive responding. Here, we identified a cluster of parvalbumin-expressing neurons in the AHA (AHAPV) that are glutamatergic with fast-spiking properties and send axonal projections to the dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMD). Using in vivo functional imaging, optogenetics, and behavioral assays, we determined the role of these AHAPV neurons in regulating behaviors essential for survival. We observed that AHAPV neuronal activity significantly increases when mice are exposed to a predator, and in a real-time place preference assay, we found that AHAPV neuron photoactivation is aversive. Moreover, activation of both AHAPV neurons and the AHAPV → PMD pathway triggers escape responding during a predator-looming test. Furthermore, escape responding is impaired after AHAPV neuron ablation, and anxiety-like behavior as measured by the open field and elevated plus maze assays does not seem to be affected by AHAPV neuron ablation. Finally, whole-brain metabolic mapping using positron emission tomography combined with AHAPV neuron photoactivation revealed discrete activation of downstream areas involved in arousal, affective, and defensive behaviors including the amygdala and the substantia nigra. Our results indicate that AHAPV neurons are a functional glutamatergic circuit element mediating defensive behaviors, thus expanding the identity of genetically defined neurons orchestrating fight-or-flight responses. Together, our work will serve as a foundation for understanding neuropsychiatric disorders triggered by escape such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attention deficits are common in psychiatric and neurological disorders. The transdiagnostic nature of impaired attention suggests a common set of underlying neural circuits. Yet, there are no circuit-based treatments such as non-invasive brain stimulation currently available due to the lack of sufficiently delineated network targets. Therefore, to better treat attentional deficits, a comprehensive functional dissection of neural circuits underlying attention is imperative. This can be achieved by taking advantage of preclinical animal models and well-designed behavioral assays of attention. The resulting findings in turn can be translated to the development of novel interventions with the goal of advancing them to clinical practice. Here we show that the five-choice serial reaction time task has greatly facilitated the study of the neural circuits underlying attention in a well-controlled setting. We first introduce the task and then focus on its application in preclinical studies on sustained attention, especially in the context of state-of-the-art neuronal perturbations.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





