Nerve gap

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral nerve defects refer to damage or destruction occurring in the peripheral nervous system, typically affecting the limbs and face. The current primary approaches to address peripheral nerve defects involve the utilization of autologous nerve transplants or the transplantation of artificial material. Nevertheless, these methods possess certain limitations, such as inadequate availability of donor nerve or unsatisfactory regenerative outcomes post-transplantation. Biomaterials have been extensively studied as an alternative approach to promote the repair of peripheral neve defects. These biomaterials include both natural and synthetic materials. Natural materials consist of collagen, chitosan, and silk, while synthetic materials consist of polyurethane, polylactic acid, and polycaprolactone. Recently, several new neural repair technologies have also been developed, such as nerve regeneration bridging technology, electrical stimulation technology, and stem cell therapy technology. Overall, biomaterials and new neural repair technologies provide new methods and opportunities for repairing peripheral nerve defects. However, these methods still require further research and development to enhance their effectiveness and feasibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Promoting regeneration after segmental nerve injury repair is a challenge, but improving angiogenesis could be beneficial. Macrophages facilitate regeneration after injury by promoting angiogenesis. Our aim in this study was to evaluate the feasibility and effects of transplanting exogenous macrophages to a segmental nerve injury.
    METHODS: Bone marrow-derived cells were harvested from donor mice and differentiated to macrophages (BMDM), then suspended within fibrin hydrogels to facilitate BMDM transplantation. BMDM survival was characterized in vitro. The effect of this BMDM fibrin hydrogel construct at a nerve injury site was assessed using a mouse sciatic nerve gap injury. Mice were equally distributed to \"fibrin+Mφ\" (fibrin hydrogels containing culture medium and BMDM) or \"fibrin\" hydrogel control (fibrin hydrogels containing culture medium alone) groups. Flow cytometry (n = 3/group/endpoint) and immunohistochemical analysis (n = 5/group/endpoint) of the nerve gap region were performed at days 3, 5, and 7 after repair.
    RESULTS: Incorporating macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) improved BMDM survival and expansion. Transplanted BMDM survived for at least 7 days in a nerve gap (~40% retained at day 3 and ~15% retained at day 7). From transplantation, macrophage quantities within the nerve gap were elevated when comparing fibrin+Mφ with fibrin control (~25% vs. 3% at day 3 and ~14% vs. 6% at day 7). Endothelial cells increased by about fivefold within the nerve gap, and axonal extension into the nerve gap increased almost twofold for fibrin+Mφ compared with fibrin control.
    CONCLUSIONS: BMDM suspended within fibrin hydrogels at a nerve gap do not impair regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The immune system has garnered attention for its role in peripheral nerve regeneration, particularly as it pertains to regeneration across segmental injuries. Previous work demonstrated that eosinophils are recruited to regenerating nerve and express interleukin-4, amongst potential cytokines. These results suggest a direct role for eosinophils in promoting nerve regeneration. Therefore, we further considered eosinophils roles in nerve regeneration using a segmental nerve injury and Gata1 knockout (KO) mice, which are severely eosinophil deficient, compared to wild-type BALB/c mice (WT). Mice receiving a sciatic nerve gap injury demonstrated distinct cytokine expression and leukocytes within regenerating nerve. Compared to controls, Gata1 KO regenerated nerves contained decreased expression of type 2 cytokines, including Il-5 and Il-13, and decreased recruitment of eosinophils and macrophages. At this early time point during ongoing regeneration, the macrophages within Gata1 KO nerves also demonstrated significantly less M2 polarization compared to controls. Subsequently, motor and sensory axon regeneration across the gap injury was decreased in Gata1 KO compared to WT during ongoing nerve regeneration. Over longer observation to allow for more complete nerve regeneration, behavioral recovery measured by grid-walk assessment was not different comparing groups but modestly delayed in Gata1 KO compared to WT. The extent of final axon regeneration was not different amongst groups. Our data provide additional evidence suggesting eosinophils contribute to nerve regeneration across a nerve gap injury, but are not essential to regeneration in this context. Our evidence also suggests eosinophils may regulate cytokines that promote distinct macrophage phenotypes and axon regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral nerve injuries commonly occur due to trauma, like a traffic accident. Peripheral nerves get severed, causing motor neuron death and potential muscle atrophy. The current golden standard to treat peripheral nerve lesions, especially lesions with large (≥ 3 cm) nerve gaps, is the use of a nerve autograft or reimplantation in cases where nerve root avulsions occur. If not tended early, degeneration of motor neurons and loss of axon regeneration can occur, leading to loss of function. Although surgical procedures exist, patients often do not fully recover, and quality of life deteriorates. Peripheral nerves have limited regeneration, and it is usually mediated by Schwann cells and neurotrophic factors, like glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, as seen in Wallerian degeneration. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor is a neurotrophic factor known to promote motor neuron survival and neurite outgrowth. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor is upregulated in different forms of nerve injuries like axotomy, sciatic nerve crush, and compression, thus creating great interest to explore this protein as a potential treatment for peripheral nerve injuries. Exogenous glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor has shown positive effects in regeneration and functional recovery when applied in experimental models of peripheral nerve injuries. In this review, we discuss the mechanism of repair provided by Schwann cells and upregulation of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, the latest findings on the effects of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in different types of peripheral nerve injuries, delivery systems, and complementary treatments (electrical muscle stimulation and exercise). Understanding and overcoming the challenges of proper timing and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor delivery is paramount to creating novel treatments to tend to peripheral nerve injuries to improve patients\' quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim was to examine the efficiency of a scaffold made of poly (L-lactic acid)-co-poly(ϵ-caprolactone), collagen (COL), polyaniline (PANI), and enriched with adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) as a nerve conduit in a rat model. P(LLA-CL)-COL-PANI scaffold was optimized and electrospun into a tubular-shaped structure. Adipose tissue from 10 Lewis rats was harvested for ASCs culture. A total of 28 inbred male Lewis rats underwent sciatic nerve transection and excision of a 10 mm nerve trunk fragment. In Group A, the nerve gap remained untouched; in Group B, an excised trunk was used as an autograft; in Group C, nerve stumps were secured with P(LLA-CL)-COL-PANI conduit; in Group D, P(LLA-CL)-COL-PANI conduit was enriched with ASCs. After 6 months of observation, rats were sacrificed. Gastrocnemius muscles and sciatic nerves were harvested for weight, histology analysis, and nerve fiber count analyses. Group A showed advanced atrophy of the muscle, and each intervention (B, C, D) prevented muscle mass decrease (p < 0.0001); however, ASCs addition decreased efficiency vs. autograft (p < 0.05). Nerve fiber count revealed a superior effect in the nerve fiber density observed in the groups with the use of conduit (D vs. B p < 0.0001, C vs. B p < 0.001). P(LLA-CL)-COL-PANI conduits with ASCs showed promising results in managing nerve gap by decreasing muscle atrophy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite advances in surgery, the reconstruction of segmental nerve injuries continues to pose challenges. In this review, current neurobiology regarding regeneration across a nerve defect is discussed in detail. Recent findings include the complex roles of nonneuronal cells in nerve defect regeneration, such as the role of the innate immune system in angiogenesis and how Schwann cells migrate within the defect. Clinically, the repair of nerve defects is still best served by using nerve autografts with the exception of small, noncritical sensory nerve defects, which can be repaired using autograft alternatives, such as processed or acellular nerve allografts. Given current clinical limits for when alternatives can be used, advanced solutions to repair nerve defects demonstrated in animals are highlighted. These highlights include alternatives designed with novel topology and materials, delivery of drugs specifically known to accelerate axon growth, and greater attention to the role of the immune system.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The authors hypothesize that a fascicular turnover flap will achieve better nerve regeneration in nerve gap repair than a conventional nerve graft in a rat sciatic nerve defect model. Seven-millimeter-long sciatic nerve defects were repaired with an autologous nerve graft, a proximal fascicular turnover flap, or a distal fascicular turnover flap. Following walking footprint analysis 8 weeks after the surgery, the gastrocnemius-soleus muscles of the hind limbs, nerve graft, and flaps were harvested for wet muscle weight assessment, immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy. The distal fascicular turnover flap exhibited improvement in the sciatic function index similar as that observed for the autologous nerve graft. Histologically, cross sections showed a higher staining intensity for S-100 in the distal fascicular turnover flap group than for S-100 in the nerve graft group (p = 0.01). In the longitudinal sections, the staining intensity for NF-200 was higher in the distal fascicular turnover flap group than in the nerve graft (p = 0.009) and proximal fascicular turnover flap (p = 0.004) groups. More mature capillaries were observed in the proximal (p < 0.001) and distal (p = 0.029) fascicular turnover flap groups than in the nerve graft group. Transmission electron microscopy results showed a compact, regular myelin sheath around the myelinated nerve fibers in the distal fascicular turnover flap group, unlike observations in the nerve graft and proximal fascicular turnover flap groups. This study demonstrates better nerve regeneration in nerve gap repair with the distal fascicular turnover flap than with the conventional nerve graft.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral nerve injuries are relatively common and can be caused by a variety of traumatic events such as motor vehicle accidents. They can lead to long-term disability, pain, and financial burden, and contribute to poor quality of life. In this review, we systematically analyze the contemporary literature on peripheral nerve gap management using nerve prostheses in conjunction with physical therapeutic agents. The use of nerve prostheses to assist nerve regeneration across large gaps (> 30 mm) has revolutionized neural surgery. The materials used for nerve prostheses have been greatly refined, making them suitable for repairing large nerve gaps. However, research on peripheral nerve gap management using nerve prostheses reports inconsistent functional outcomes, especially when prostheses are integrated with physical therapeutic agents, and thus warrants careful investigation. This review explores the effectiveness of nerve prostheses for bridging large nerve gaps and then addresses their use in combination with physical therapeutic agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nerve conduits are becoming increasingly popular for the repair of peripheral nerve injuries. Their ease of application and lack of donor site morbidity make them an attractive option for nerve repair in many situations. Today, there are many different conduits to choose in different sizes and materials, giving the reconstructive surgeon many options for any given clinical problem. However, to properly utilize these unique reconstructive tools, the peripheral nerve surgeon must be familiar not only with their standard indications but also with their functional limitations. In this review, the authors identify the common applications of nerve conduits, expected results, and shortcomings of current techniques. Furthermore, future directions for nerve conduit use are identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the application of nerve grafts and considerable microsurgical innovations, the functional recovery across a long peripheral nerve gap is generally partial and unsatisfactory. Thus, additional strategies are required to improve nerve regeneration across long nerve gaps. Hydrogen possesses antioxidant and anti-apoptotic properties, which could be neuroprotective in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury; however, such a possibility has not been experimentally tested in vivo. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of hydrogen-rich saline in promoting nerve regeneration after 10-mm sciatic nerve autografting in rats. The rats were randomly divided into two groups and intraperitoneally administered a daily regimen of 5 ml/kg hydrogen-rich or normal saline. Axonal regeneration and functional recovery were assessed through a combination of behavioral analyses, electrophysiological evaluations, Fluoro-Gold™ retrograde tracings and histomorphological observations. The data showed that rats receiving hydrogen-rich saline achieved better axonal regeneration and functional recovery than those receiving normal saline. These findings indicated that hydrogen-rich saline promotes nerve regeneration across long gaps, suggesting that hydrogen-rich saline could be used as a neuroprotective agent for peripheral nerve injury therapy.





