Micronuclei, Chromosome-Defective

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the genetic effects of panoramic radiography on the epithelial cells of the buccal mucosa by examining the micronucleus formation in these cells.
    METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, exfoliative cytology samples were prepared from the buccal mucosa of 36 patients immediately before and 10 days after panoramic radiography. The samples were prepared using liquid-based cytology with Papanicolaou staining. The slides were simultaneously evaluated by two expert pathologists and the ratio of the number of cells with micronuclei to the total number of cells on the slide was reported as a percentage. Data analysis was done using paired-samples T test, Pearson\'s correlation coefficient, and covariance analysis (α = 0.05).
    RESULTS: The study sample consisted of 24 (66.67%) males and 12 females (33.33%) with a mean (SD) age of 27.36 (8.19) years. The frequency of cells with micronucleus before and after panoramic radiography was not statistically different (p = 0.468). Additionally, the frequency of micronucleated cells was not correlated with age (p = 0.737) and sex (p = 0.211).
    CONCLUSIONS: Panoramic exposure slightly increased the frequency of cells with micronucleus in epithelial cells of the buccal mucosa. However, this increase was not statistically significant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitotic errors generate micronuclei entrapping mis-segregated chromosomes, which are susceptible to catastrophic fragmentation through chromothripsis. The reassembly of fragmented chromosomes by error-prone DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair generates diverse genomic rearrangements associated with human diseases. How specific repair pathways recognize and process these lesions remains poorly understood. Here we use CRISPR/Cas9 to systematically inactivate distinct DSB repair pathways and interrogate the rearrangement landscape of fragmented chromosomes. Deletion of canonical non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) components substantially reduces complex rearrangements and shifts the rearrangement landscape toward simple alterations without the characteristic patterns of chromothripsis. Following reincorporation into the nucleus, fragmented chromosomes localize within sub-nuclear micronuclei bodies (MN bodies) and undergo ligation by NHEJ within a single cell cycle. In the absence of NHEJ, chromosome fragments are rarely engaged by alternative end-joining or recombination-based mechanisms, resulting in delayed repair kinetics, persistent 53BP1-labeled MN bodies, and cell cycle arrest. Thus, we provide evidence supporting NHEJ as the exclusive DSB repair pathway generating complex rearrangements from mitotic errors.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome instability is a hallmark of cancer crucial for tumor heterogeneity and is often a result of defects in cell division and DNA damage repair. Tumors tolerate genomic instability, but the accumulation of genetic aberrations is regulated to avoid catastrophic chromosomal alterations and cell death. In ovarian cancer tumors, claudin-4 is frequently upregulated and closely associated with genome instability and worse patient outcomes. However, its biological association with regulating genomic instability is poorly understood. Here, we used CRISPR interference and a claudin mimic peptide to modulate the claudin-4 expression and its function in vitro and in vivo. We found that claudin-4 promotes a tolerance mechanism for genomic instability through micronuclei generation in tumor cells. Disruption of claudin-4 increased autophagy and was associated with the engulfment of cytoplasm-localized DNA. Mechanistically, we observed that claudin-4 establishes a biological axis with the amino acid transporters SLC1A5 and LAT1, which regulate autophagy upstream of mTOR. Furthermore, the claudin-4/SLC1A5/LAT1 axis was linked to the transport of amino acids across the plasma membrane as one of the potential cellular processes that significantly decreased survival in ovarian cancer patients. Together, our results show that the upregulation of claudin-4 contributes to increasing the threshold of tolerance for genomic instability in ovarian tumor cells by limiting its accumulation through autophagy.
    UNASSIGNED: Autophagy regulation via claudin-4/SLC1A5/LAT1 has the potential to be a targetable mechanism to interfere with genomic instability in ovarian tumor cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although studies have demonstrated that genome instability is accumulated in patients with Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), the specific types of genome instability linked to AD pathogenesis remain poorly understood. Here, we report the first characterization of the age- and sex-related trajectories of telomere length (TL) and micronuclei in APP/PS1 mice model and wild-type (WT) controls (C57BL/6). TL was measured in brain (prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, pituitary gland, and hippocampus), colon and skin, and MN was measured in bone marrow in 6- to 14-month-old mice. Variation in TL was attributable to tissue type, age, genotype and, to a lesser extent, sex. Compared to WT, APP/PS1 had a significantly shorter baseline TL across all examined tissues. TL was inversely associated with age in both genotypes and TL shortening was accelerated in brain of APP/PS1. Age-related increase of micronuclei was observed in both genotypes but was accelerated in APP/PS1. We integrated TL and micronuclei data with data on cognition performance and brain amyloidosis. TL and micronuclei were linearly correlated with cognition performance or Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels in both genotypes but to a greater extent in APP/PS1. These associations in APP/PS1 mice were dominantly driven by females. Together, our findings provide foundational knowledge to infer the TL and micronuclei trajectories in APP/PS1 mice during disease progression, and strongly support that TL attrition and micronucleation are tightly associated with AD pathogenesis in a female-biased manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic instability arising from defective responses to DNA damage1 or mitotic chromosomal imbalances2 can lead to the sequestration of DNA in aberrant extranuclear structures called micronuclei (MN). Although MN are a hallmark of ageing and diseases associated with genomic instability, the catalogue of genetic players that regulate the generation of MN remains to be determined. Here we analyse 997 mouse mutant lines, revealing 145 genes whose loss significantly increases (n = 71) or decreases (n = 74) MN formation, including many genes whose orthologues are linked to human disease. We found that mice null for Dscc1, which showed the most significant increase in MN, also displayed a range of phenotypes characteristic of patients with cohesinopathy disorders. After validating the DSCC1-associated MN instability phenotype in human cells, we used genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screening to define synthetic lethal and synthetic rescue interactors. We found that the loss of SIRT1 can rescue phenotypes associated with DSCC1 loss in a manner paralleling restoration of protein acetylation of SMC3. Our study reveals factors involved in maintaining genomic stability and shows how this information can be used to identify mechanisms that are relevant to human disease biology1.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate cytogenetic changes in individuals submitted to oral human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis use through the micronucleus test in oral mucosa.
    METHODS: This study consisted of 37 individuals, of whom 17 comprised the pre-exposure prophylaxis group and 20 comprised the control group. A total of 2,000 cells per slide were analyzed for the determination of micronuclei, binucleation, nuclear buds, and cytotoxicity parameters: pyknosis, karyolysis, and karyorrhexis (KR), in a double-blind manner. The repair index was also evaluated in this setting.
    RESULTS: In the mutagenicity parameters, the pre-exposure prophylaxis group showed increased frequencies of micronuclei (p=0.0001), binucleation (p=0.001), and nuclear buds (p=0.07). Regarding the cytotoxicity parameters, there was an increase with a statistical difference (p≤0.05) in the karyorrhexis frequency (p=0.001). Additionally, the repair system efficiency decreased in the pre-exposure prophylaxis group.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that individuals undergoing pre-exposure prophylaxis use have geno- and cytotoxicity in oral mucosal cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcriptional heterogeneity due to plasticity of the epigenetic state of chromatin contributes to tumour evolution, metastasis and drug resistance1-3. However, the mechanisms that cause this epigenetic variation are incompletely understood. Here we identify micronuclei and chromosome bridges, aberrations in the nucleus common in cancer4,5, as sources of heritable transcriptional suppression. Using a combination of approaches, including long-term live-cell imaging and same-cell single-cell RNA sequencing (Look-Seq2), we identified reductions in gene expression in chromosomes from micronuclei. With heterogeneous penetrance, these changes in gene expression can be heritable even after the chromosome from the micronucleus has been re-incorporated into a normal daughter cell nucleus. Concomitantly, micronuclear chromosomes acquire aberrant epigenetic chromatin marks. These defects may persist as variably reduced chromatin accessibility and reduced gene expression after clonal expansion from single cells. Persistent transcriptional repression is strongly associated with, and may be explained by, markedly long-lived DNA damage. Epigenetic alterations in transcription may therefore be inherently coupled to chromosomal instability and aberrations in nuclear architecture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromosomal instability (CIN) and epigenetic alterations are characteristics of advanced and metastatic cancers1-4, but whether they are mechanistically linked is unknown. Here we show that missegregation of mitotic chromosomes, their sequestration in micronuclei5,6 and subsequent rupture of the micronuclear envelope7 profoundly disrupt normal histone post-translational modifications (PTMs), a phenomenon conserved across humans and mice, as well as in cancer and non-transformed cells. Some of the changes in histone PTMs occur because of the rupture of the micronuclear envelope, whereas others are inherited from mitotic abnormalities before the micronucleus is formed. Using orthogonal approaches, we demonstrate that micronuclei exhibit extensive differences in chromatin accessibility, with a strong positional bias between promoters and distal or intergenic regions, in line with observed redistributions of histone PTMs. Inducing CIN causes widespread epigenetic dysregulation, and chromosomes that transit in micronuclei experience heritable abnormalities in their accessibility long after they have been reincorporated into the primary nucleus. Thus, as well as altering genomic copy number, CIN promotes epigenetic reprogramming and heterogeneity in cancer.






  • 文章类型: Letter





