Microcrystal electron diffraction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clostripain secreted from Clostridium histolyticum is the founding member of the C11 family of Clan CD cysteine peptidases, which is an important group of peptidases secreted by numerous bacteria. Clostripain is an arginine-specific endopeptidase. Because of its efficacy as a cysteine peptidase, it is widely used in laboratory settings. Despite its importance the structure of clostripain remains unsolved. Here we describe the first structure of an active form of C. histolyticum clostripain determined at 2.5 Å resolution using microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED). The structure was determined from a single nanocrystal after focused ion beam milling. The structure of clostripain shows a typical Clan CD α/β/α sandwich architecture and the Cys231/His176 catalytic dyad in the active site. It has a large electronegative substrate binding pocket showing its ability to accommodate large and diverse substrates. A loop in the heavy chain formed between residues 452 and 457 is potentially important for substrate binding. In conclusion, this result demonstrates the importance of MicroED to determine the unknown structure of macromolecules such as clostripain, which can be further used as a platform to study substrate binding and design of potential inhibitors against this class of peptidases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED) has emerged as a powerful technique for unraveling molecular structures from microcrystals too small for X-ray diffraction. However, a significant hurdle arises with plate-like crystals that consistently orient themselves flat on the electron microscopy grid. If the normal of the plate correlates with the axes of the crystal lattice, the crystal orientations accessible for measurement are restricted because the crystal cannot be arbitrarily rotated. This limits the information that can be acquired, resulting in a missing cone of information. We recently introduced a novel crystallization strategy called suspended drop crystallization and proposed that crystals in a suspended drop could effectively address the challenge of preferred crystal orientation. Here we demonstrate the success of the suspended drop approach in eliminating the missing cone in two samples that crystallize as thin plates: bovine liver catalase and the SARS‑CoV‑2 main protease (Mpro). This innovative solution proves indispensable for crystals exhibiting systematic preferred orientations, unlocking new possibilities for structure determination by MicroED.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aragon et al. [Acta Cryst. (2024), C80, 179-189], by reporting the discussion and the final conclusions of a round table held during a symposium at the National Center for CryoEM Access and Training, well describe all the advances that have been made for the application of 3D ED/MicroED to pharmaceutical and macromolecular nanocrystals and propose possible future scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although COF-300 is often used as an example to study the synthesis and structure of (3D) covalent organic frameworks (COFs), knowledge of the underlying synthetic processes is still fragmented. Here, an optimized synthetic procedure based on a combination of linker protection and modulation was applied. Using this approach, the influence of time and temperature on the synthesis of COF-300 was studied. Synthesis times that were too short produced materials with limited crystallinity and porosity, lacking the typical pore flexibility associated with COF-300. On the other hand, synthesis times that were too long could be characterized by loss of crystallinity and pore order by degradation of the tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)methane (TAM) linker used. The presence of the degradation product was confirmed by visual inspection, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). As TAM is by far the most popular linker for the synthesis of 3D COFs, this degradation process might be one of the reasons why the development of 3D COFs is still lagging compared with 2D COFs. However, COF crystals obtained via an optimized procedure could be structurally probed using 3D electron diffraction (3DED). The 3DED analysis resulted in a full structure determination of COF-300 at atomic resolution with satisfying data parameters. Comparison of our 3DED-derived structural model with previously reported single-crystal X-ray diffraction data for this material, as well as parameters derived from the Cambridge Structural Database, demonstrates the high accuracy of the 3DED method for structure determination. This validation might accelerate the exploitation of 3DED as a structure determination technique for COFs and other porous materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report on the latest advancements in Microcrystal Electron Diffraction (3D ED/MicroED), as discussed during a symposium at the National Center for CryoEM Access and Training housed at the New York Structural Biology Center. This snapshot describes cutting-edge developments in various facets of the field and identifies potential avenues for continued progress. Key sections discuss instrumentation access, research applications for small molecules and biomacromolecules, data collection hardware and software, data reduction software, and finally reporting and validation. 3D ED/MicroED is still early in its wide adoption by the structural science community with ample opportunities for expansion, growth, and innovation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over 30 years ago, it was shown that bonding between atoms has a noticeable effect on convergent beam electron diffraction patterns. The paper by Olech et al. [(2024). IUCrJ, 11, 309-324] demonstrates that its influence is also clearly present in 3D electron diffraction data, opening up new possibilities for quantum crystallography.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantitative analysis of complex mixtures, including compounds having similar chemical properties, is demonstrated using an automatic and high throughput approach to microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED). Compositional analysis of organic and inorganic compounds can be accurately executed without the need of diffraction standards. Additionally, with sufficient statistics, small amounts of compounds in mixtures can be reliably detected. These compounds can be distinguished by their crystal structure properties prior to structure solution. In addition, if the crystals are of good quality, the crystal structures can be generated on the fly, providing a complete analysis of the sample. MicroED is an effective method for analyzing the structural properties of sub-micron crystals, which are frequently found in small-molecule powders. By developing and using an automatic and high throughput approach to MicroED, and with the use of SerialEM for data collection, data from thousands of crystals allow sufficient statistics to detect even small amounts of compounds reliably.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dynamical refinement is a well established method for refining crystal structures against 3D electron diffraction (ED) data and its benefits have been discussed in the literature [Palatinus, Petříček & Corrêa, (2015). Acta Cryst. A71, 235-244; Palatinus, Corrêa et al. (2015). Acta Cryst. B71, 740-751]. However, until now, dynamical refinements have only been conducted using the independent atom model (IAM). Recent research has shown that a more accurate description can be achieved by applying the transferable aspherical atom model (TAAM), but this has been limited only to kinematical refinements [Gruza et al. (2020). Acta Cryst. A76, 92-109; Jha et al. (2021). J. Appl. Cryst. 54, 1234-1243]. In this study, we combine dynamical refinement with TAAM for the crystal structure of 1-methyluracil, using data from precession ED. Our results show that this approach improves the residual Fourier electrostatic potential and refinement figures of merit. Furthermore, it leads to systematic changes in the atomic displacement parameters of all atoms and the positions of hydrogen atoms. We found that the refinement results are sensitive to the parameters used in the TAAM modelling process. Though our results show that TAAM offers superior performance compared with IAM in all cases, they also show that TAAM parameters obtained by periodic DFT calculations on the refined structure are superior to the TAAM parameters from the UBDB/MATTS database. It appears that multipolar parameters transferred from the database may not be sufficiently accurate to provide a satisfactory description of all details of the electrostatic potential probed by the 3D ED experiment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microcrystal electron diffraction, commonly referred to as MicroED, has become a powerful tool for high-resolution structure determination. The method makes use of cryogenic transmission electron microscopes to collect electron diffraction data from crystals that are several orders of magnitude smaller than those used by other conventional diffraction techniques. MicroED has been used on a variety of samples including soluble proteins, membrane proteins, small organic molecules, and materials. Here we will review the MicroED method and highlight recent advancements to the methodology, as well as describe applications of MicroED within the fields of structural biology and chemical crystallography.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The combination of high sensitivity and rapid readout makes it possible for electron-counting detectors to record cryogenic electron microscopy data faster and more accurately without increasing the number of electrons used for data collection. This is especially useful for MicroED of macromolecular crystals where the strength of the diffracted signal at high resolution is comparable to the surrounding background. The ability to decrease fluence also alleviates concerns about radiation damage which limits the information that can be recovered from a diffraction measurement. The major concern with electron-counting direct detectors lies at the low end of the resolution spectrum: their limited linear range makes strong low-resolution reflections susceptible to coincidence loss and careful data collection is required to avoid compromising data quality. Nevertheless, these cameras are increasingly deployed in cryo-EM facilities, and several have been successfully used for MicroED. Provided coincidence loss can be minimized, electron-counting detectors bring high potential rewards.





