Medical image processing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Coronary artery disease remains a leading cause of mortality among individuals with cardiovascular conditions. The therapeutic use of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVSs) through stent implantation is common, yet the effectiveness of current BVS segmentation techniques from Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IVOCT) images is inadequate.
    UNASSIGNED: This paper introduces an enhanced segmentation approach using a novel Wavelet-based U-shape network to address these challenges. We developed a Wavelet-based U-shape network that incorporates an Attention Gate (AG) and an Atrous Multi-scale Field Module (AMFM), designed to enhance the segmentation accuracy by improving the differentiation between the stent struts and the surrounding tissue. A unique wavelet fusion module mitigates the semantic gaps between different feature map branches, facilitating more effective feature integration.
    UNASSIGNED: Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model surpasses existing techniques in key metrics such as Dice coefficient, accuracy, sensitivity, and Intersection over Union (IoU), achieving scores of 85.10%, 99.77%, 86.93%, and 73.81%, respectively. The integration of AG, AMFM, and the fusion module played a crucial role in achieving these outcomes, indicating a significant enhancement in capturing detailed contextual information.
    UNASSIGNED: The introduction of the Wavelet-based U-shape network marks a substantial improvement in the segmentation of BVSs in IVOCT images, suggesting potential benefits for clinical practices in coronary artery disease treatment. This approach may also be applicable to other intricate medical imaging segmentation tasks, indicating a broad scope for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surgical robotics application in the field of minimally invasive surgery has developed rapidly and has been attracting increasingly more research attention in recent years. A common consensus has been reached that surgical procedures are to become less traumatic and with the implementation of more intelligence and higher autonomy, which is a serious challenge faced by the environmental sensing capabilities of robotic systems. One of the main sources of environmental information for robots are images, which are the basis of robot vision. In this review article, we divide clinical image into direct and indirect based on the object of information acquisition, and into continuous, intermittent continuous, and discontinuous according to the target-tracking frequency. The characteristics and applications of the existing surgical robots in each category are introduced based on these two dimensions. Our purpose in conducting this review was to analyze, summarize, and discuss the current evidence on the general rules on the application of image technologies for medical purposes. Our analysis gives insight and provides guidance conducive to the development of more advanced surgical robotics systems in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperspectral imaging has demonstrated its potential to provide correlated spatial and spectral information of a sample by a non-contact and non-invasive technology. In the medical field, especially in histopathology, HSI has been applied for the classification and identification of diseased tissue and for the characterization of its morphological properties. In this work, we propose a hybrid scheme to classify non-tumor and tumor histological brain samples by hyperspectral imaging. The proposed approach is based on the identification of characteristic components in a hyperspectral image by linear unmixing, as a features engineering step, and the subsequent classification by a deep learning approach. For this last step, an ensemble of deep neural networks is evaluated by a cross-validation scheme on an augmented dataset and a transfer learning scheme. The proposed method can classify histological brain samples with an average accuracy of 88%, and reduced variability, computational cost, and inference times, which presents an advantage over methods in the state-of-the-art. Hence, the work demonstrates the potential of hybrid classification methodologies to achieve robust and reliable results by combining linear unmixing for features extraction and deep learning for classification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain tumors occur due to the expansion of abnormal cell tissues and can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous). Numerous factors such as the position, size, and progression rate are considered while detecting and diagnosing brain tumors. Detecting brain tumors in their initial phases is vital for diagnosis where MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans play an important role. Over the years, deep learning models have been extensively used for medical image processing. The current study primarily investigates the novel Fine-Tuned Vision Transformer models (FTVTs)-FTVT-b16, FTVT-b32, FTVT-l16, FTVT-l32-for brain tumor classification, while also comparing them with other established deep learning models such as ResNet50, MobileNet-V2, and EfficientNet - B0. A dataset with 7,023 images (MRI scans) categorized into four different classes, namely, glioma, meningioma, pituitary, and no tumor are used for classification. Further, the study presents a comparative analysis of these models including their accuracies and other evaluation metrics including recall, precision, and F1-score across each class. The deep learning models ResNet-50, EfficientNet-B0, and MobileNet-V2 obtained an accuracy of 96.5%, 95.1%, and 94.9%, respectively. Among all the FTVT models, FTVT-l16 model achieved a remarkable accuracy of 98.70% whereas other FTVT models FTVT-b16, FTVT-b32, and FTVT-132 achieved an accuracy of 98.09%, 96.87%, 98.62%, respectively, hence proving the efficacy and robustness of FTVT\'s in medical image processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incorporation of automatic segmentation methodologies into dental X-ray images refined the paradigms of clinical diagnostics and therapeutic planning by facilitating meticulous, pixel-level articulation of both dental structures and proximate tissues. This underpins the pillars of early pathological detection and meticulous disease progression monitoring. Nonetheless, conventional segmentation frameworks often encounter significant setbacks attributable to the intrinsic limitations of X-ray imaging, including compromised image fidelity, obscured delineation of structural boundaries, and the intricate anatomical structures of dental constituents such as pulp, enamel, and dentin. To surmount these impediments, we propose the Deformable Convolution and Mamba Integration Network, an innovative 2D dental X-ray image segmentation architecture, which amalgamates a Coalescent Structural Deformable Encoder, a Cognitively-Optimized Semantic Enhance Module, and a Hierarchical Convergence Decoder. Collectively, these components bolster the management of multi-scale global features, fortify the stability of feature representation, and refine the amalgamation of feature vectors. A comparative assessment against 14 baselines underscores its efficacy, registering a 0.95% enhancement in the Dice Coefficient and a diminution of the 95th percentile Hausdorff Distance to 7.494.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In clinical conditions limited by equipment, attaining lightweight skin lesion segmentation is pivotal as it facilitates the integration of the model into diverse medical devices, thereby enhancing operational efficiency. However, the lightweight design of the model may face accuracy degradation, especially when dealing with complex images such as skin lesion images with irregular regions, blurred boundaries, and oversized boundaries. To address these challenges, we propose an efficient lightweight attention network (ELANet) for the skin lesion segmentation task. In ELANet, two different attention mechanisms of the bilateral residual module (BRM) can achieve complementary information, which enhances the sensitivity to features in spatial and channel dimensions, respectively, and then multiple BRMs are stacked for efficient feature extraction of the input information. In addition, the network acquires global information and improves segmentation accuracy by putting feature maps of different scales through multi-scale attention fusion (MAF) operations. Finally, we evaluate the performance of ELANet on three publicly available datasets, ISIC2016, ISIC2017, and ISIC2018, and the experimental results show that our algorithm can achieve 89.87%, 81.85%, and 82.87% of the mIoU on the three datasets with a parametric of 0.459 M, which is an excellent balance between accuracy and lightness and is superior to many existing segmentation methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evaluation of mammographic breast density, a critical indicator of breast cancer risk, is traditionally performed by radiologists via visual inspection of mammography images, utilizing the Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) breast density categories. However, this method is subject to substantial interobserver variability, leading to inconsistencies and potential inaccuracies in density assessment and subsequent risk estimations. To address this, we present a deep learning-based automatic detection algorithm (DLAD) designed for the automated evaluation of breast density. Our multicentric, multi-reader study leverages a diverse dataset of 122 full-field digital mammography studies (488 images in CC and MLO projections) sourced from three institutions. We invited two experienced radiologists to conduct a retrospective analysis, establishing a ground truth for 72 mammography studies (BI-RADS class A: 18, BI-RADS class B: 43, BI-RADS class C: 7, BI-RADS class D: 4). The efficacy of the DLAD was then compared to the performance of five independent radiologists with varying levels of experience. The DLAD showed robust performance, achieving an accuracy of 0.819 (95% CI: 0.736-0.903), along with an F1 score of 0.798 (0.594-0.905), precision of 0.806 (0.596-0.896), recall of 0.830 (0.650-0.946), and a Cohen\'s Kappa (κ) of 0.708 (0.562-0.841). The algorithm achieved robust performance that matches and in four cases exceeds that of individual radiologists. The statistical analysis did not reveal a significant difference in accuracy between DLAD and the radiologists, underscoring the model\'s competitive diagnostic alignment with professional radiologist assessments. These results demonstrate that the deep learning-based automatic detection algorithm can enhance the accuracy and consistency of breast density assessments, offering a reliable tool for improving breast cancer screening outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three-dimensional vessel model reconstruction from patient-specific magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images often requires some manual maneuvers. This study aimed to establish the deep learning (DL)-based method for vessel model reconstruction. Time of flight MRA of 40 patients with internal carotid artery aneurysms was prepared, and three-dimensional vessel models were constructed using the threshold and region-growing method. Using those datasets, supervised deep learning using 2D U-net was performed to reconstruct 3D vessel models. The accuracy of the DL-based vessel segmentations was assessed using 20 MRA images outside the training dataset. The dice coefficient was used as the indicator of the model accuracy, and the blood flow simulation was performed using the DL-based vessel model. The created DL model could successfully reconstruct a three-dimensional model in all 60 cases. The dice coefficient in the test dataset was 0.859. Of note, the DL-generated model proved its efficacy even for large aneurysms (> 10 mm in their diameter). The reconstructed model was feasible in performing blood flow simulation to assist clinical decision-making. Our DL-based method could successfully reconstruct a three-dimensional vessel model with moderate accuracy. Future studies are warranted to exhibit that DL-based technology can promote medical image processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cardiovascular diseases are the top cause of death in China. Manual segmentation of cardiovascular images, prone to errors, demands an automated, rapid, and precise solution for clinical diagnosis.
    UNASSIGNED: The paper highlights deep learning in automatic cardiovascular image segmentation, efficiently identifying pixel regions of interest for auxiliary diagnosis and research in cardiovascular diseases.
    UNASSIGNED: In our study, we introduce innovative Region Weighted Fusion (RWF) and Shape Feature Refinement (SFR) modules, utilizing polarized self-attention for significant performance improvement in multiscale feature integration and shape fine-tuning. The RWF module includes reshaping, weight computation, and feature fusion, enhancing high-resolution attention computation and reducing information loss. Model optimization through loss functions offers a more reliable solution for cardiovascular medical image processing.
    UNASSIGNED: Our method excels in segmentation accuracy, emphasizing the vital role of the RWF module. It demonstrates outstanding performance in cardiovascular image segmentation, potentially raising clinical practice standards.
    UNASSIGNED: Our method ensures reliable medical image processing, guiding cardiovascular segmentation for future advancements in practical healthcare and contributing scientifically to enhanced disease diagnosis and treatment.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Medical image registration plays an important role in medical diagnosis and treatment planning. However, the current registration methods based on deep learning still face some challenges, such as insufficient ability to extract global information, large number of network model parameters, slow reasoning speed and so on. Therefore, this paper proposed a new model LCU-Net, which used parallel lightweight convolution to improve the ability of global information extraction. The problem of large number of network parameters and slow inference speed was solved by multi-scale fusion. The experimental results showed that the Dice coefficient of LCU-Net reached 0.823, the Hausdorff distance was 1.258, and the number of network parameters was reduced by about one quarter compared with that before multi-scale fusion. The proposed algorithm shows remarkable advantages in medical image registration tasks, and it not only surpasses the existing comparison algorithms in performance, but also has excellent generalization performance and wide application prospects.





