Medical Audit

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Postoperative pain delays ambulation, extends hospital stay, reduces the probability of recovery, and increases risk of long-term functional impairment. Pain management in hip fractured patients poses a challenge to the healthcare teams. Older adults are more vulnerable to opioid-associated side effect and it is primordial to minimize their exposure to opioids. Acetaminophen is associated with reduced opioid use so we need to focus on acetaminophen use in first-line analgesia.
    METHODS: We conducted a controlled before/after study to assess the ability of an audit and feedback (A&F) intervention built with nurses to improve the quality of perioperative pain management in older patients hospitalized for hip fracture in an orthogeriatric unit (experimental group) versus a conventional orthopedic unit (no A&F intervention). The primary endpoint was the percentage of patients who received 3 g/day of acetaminophen during the three postoperative days, before and after the A&F intervention. Secondary endpoints included nurses\' adherence to medical prescriptions, clinical data associated with patients and finally factors associated with intervention. The significative level was set at 0.05 for statistical analysis.
    RESULTS: We studied data from 397 patients (mean age 89 years, 75% female). During the postoperative period, 16% of patients from the experimental group received 3 g/day of acetaminophen before the A&F intervention; the percentage reached 60% after the intervention. The likelihood of receiving 3 g/day of acetaminophen during the postoperative period and adhering to the medical prescription of acetaminophen were significantly increased in the experimental group as compared with the control group. The patient\'s functional status at discharge (assessed by Activities of Daily Living scores) was significantly better and the length of hospital stay significantly reduced after the A&F intervention.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our controlled before/after study showed that an A&F intervention significantly improved perioperative pain management in older adults hospitalized for hip fracture. Involving teams in continuous education programs appears crucial to improve the quality of pain management and ensure nurses\' adherence to medical prescriptions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND:  Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is one of the most critical and expensive lifesaving treatment modalities. A clinical audit is a valuable instrument to determine whether transfusion practices align with the guidelines and identify knowledge deficiencies. The study aimed to evaluate the RBC transfusion practices and patient outcomes at the National District Hospital in Bloemfontein, South Africa, and to determine adherence to transfusion guidelines.
    METHODS:  A retrospective descriptive study was conducted. All blood transfusion registers in the hospital were used to identify transfusion episodes during the study period. Files were retrieved from the admissions office and information captured on a paper-based datasheet. The appropriateness of the transfusion and adherence to the South African transfusion guidelines were evaluated using specific criteria.
    RESULTS:  Of the 118 transfusion episodes during the study period, 78 files were retrieved and 76 included in the study. The patients\' median age was 47 years (interquartile range [IQR]: 32-66 years), with human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) (n = 34; 44.7%) being the most common comorbid condition. Pre-transfusion haemoglobin was documented for all patients with a median of 4.6 g/dL (IQR: 3.95 g/dL - 5.5 g/dL). The audit revealed that in 68.4% (n = 52) of the cases, the guidelines were applied appropriately.
    CONCLUSIONS:  The study described the blood transfusion practices and identified shortcomings when compared with the standard clinical guidelines.Contribution: The study highlights the importance of applying rationale, caution and consideration of the specific patient profile when performing transfusions.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    UNASSIGNED: Dispensing and prescribing antibiotics is inappropriate in many of the countries in the European Union, including Spain, and a threat to the population\'s health. To tackle the growth of antimicrobial resistance, the Happy Patient project was set up under the sponsorship of the European Commission.
    UNASSIGNED: O ascertain the characteristics of dispensing antibiotic therapy in Spanish community pharmacies.To compare the variability between different Spanish community pharmacies.
    UNASSIGNED: The Audit Project Odense® methodology was used to find out how antibiotics were dispensed in community pharmacies. Pharmacists taking part were asked to record for five consecutive days between the months of February and April 2022 the actions performed during the dispensing of oral antibiotics for human use and for the treatment of acute infections.
    UNASSIGNED: A total population of 573 patients (59.9% female) of all age groups were interviewed. The patients were 83.6% aware of the purpose for which the antibiotic was prescribed and the most requested antibiotic was amoxicillin followed by amoxicillin with clavulanic acid.In 15% of dispensations, a triple safety check was completed: interactions, contraindications and allergies. The pharmacist rarely contacted the prescriber but when she did, the prescriber altered the prescription.In 62.3% of cases, information about the duration of treatment was provided and amoxicillin with and without clavulanic acid was the antibiotic dispensed for which most warnings about side effects were issued. In 24.6% of dispensations there was no advice given at all. In 81.7% the pharmacist agreed with the prescribed treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: This audit can be a starting point to improve clinical practice and reduce antibiotic resistance. It highlights the need for safety checks in regard to the use of antimicrobials and suggests verifying dispensing to correct errors that may jeopardize the safety and effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Radiological imaging has played an important role in diagnostic medicine for over a century, though it is known to contribute to dermatological conditions, cataracts, and cancer. The associated risk of harm has led to the introduction of protective regulations around the world. Present-day NHS clinicians are increasingly requesting and relying on diagnostic imaging. Knowledge surrounding the radiation doses of common radiological investigations and the associated risks is imperative, and on a global level has been found to be inadequate. Consequently, there is a need for the formal inclusion of teaching within training programmes.
    OBJECTIVE: This prospective audit aims to establish the knowledge of radiation doses and risks of common radiological investigations of both medical students and referrers within four NHS Health Boards based in the North of Scotland. It also seeks to establish prior teaching and the preference for further educational interventions.
    UNASSIGNED: Referrers should have adequate knowledge of radiation doses and the risks associated with common radiological investigations.
    UNASSIGNED: The standard should be achieved by 90% of referrers.
    METHODS: A 19-question online survey was devised to include subjective and objective questions on ionising radiation awareness, education preference, and respondent demographics, based on RCR (Royal College of Radiologists) audit criteria and previous studies. Data collection was conducted between the 22/02/23 to the 22/03/2023 and the questionnaire was distributed to senior medical students and radiological referrers of different grades within NHS Grampian, NHS Highland, NHS Shetland, and NHS Orkney. A descriptive analysis of the data was undertaken using Microsoft Excel Version 16.71.
    RESULTS: Two hundred eight questionnaires were completed. 22.11% (n = 46) of the sample population had received no prior teaching on the topic of ionising radiation. Over half of the respondents (51.92%, n = 108) rated the importance of radiation risks as either important or extremely important, with 69.71% (n = 145) of participants rating their perceived knowledge as limited or average. Most correctly identified that a CT scan (n = 203), PET-CT scan (n = 199) and a chest x-ray (n = 196) exposed patients to ionising radiation. A small proportion of the participants incorrectly thought that an MRI scan (n = 21) and an ultrasound scan (n = 2) involved ionising radiation. The results obtained failed to meet the RCR audit target, which states that 90% of doctors should be aware of common radiological doses. It was observed that only 17.79% (n = 37) of survey respondents scored over 50% in the knowledge assessment, with the median knowledge score of the whole cohort being 2.5 out of 9 (27.78%). Respondents who had prior teaching on the topic performed better those who had no prior teaching, with average scores of 3.19 (35.44%) and 2.04 (22.67%) respectively. Senior clinicians performed better when compared to junior clinicians and medical students.
    UNASSIGNED: This audit found that the knowledge of radiation risks within the North of Scotland in the selected sample population was insufficient across all levels of the clinical team. Further, continuous education around the topic and future audit opportunities may help to optimise knowledge and training.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anaemia during pregnancy is common worldwide. In Australia, approximately 17% of non-pregnant women of reproductive age have anaemia, increasing to a rate of 25% in pregnant women. This study sought to determine the rate of screening for anaemia in pregnancy in regional New South Wales, and to determine whether screening and treatment protocols followed the recommended guidelines.
    METHODS: This retrospective study reviewed antenatal and postnatal (48 h) data of women (n = 150) who had a live birth at Bathurst Hospital between 01/01/2020 and 30/04/2020. Demographic data, risk factors for anaemia in pregnancy, antenatal bloods, treatments provided in trimesters one (T1), two (T2) and three (T3), and postpartum complications were recorded. These were compared to the Australian Red Cross Guidelines (ARCG) using descriptive statistics.
    RESULTS: Of the women with screening data available (n = 103), they were mostly aged 20-35yrs (79.6%), 23.3% were obese, 97.1% were iron deficient, 17% were anaemic and only a few (5.3%) completed the full pregnancy screening as recommended by the ARCG while a majority completed only partial screenings specifically Hb levels in T1 (56.7%), T2 (44.7%) and T3 (36.6%). Compliance to oral iron was largely undocumented, but constipation was a common side effect among the women. IV iron was administered in 14.0% of women, approximately 1.75x higher than the recommended rate.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provided useful information about compliance to screening and treatment guidelines for anaemia in pregnancy. We identified the need for improved documentation and communication between various health providers to ensure adequate antenatal care to prevent maternal complications during pregnancy. This will improve patient care and encourage further developments in maternal care, bridging the rural health gap.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Increased workload, including workload related to electronic health record (EHR) documentation, is reported as a main contributor to nurse burnout and adversely affects patient safety and nurse satisfaction. Traditional methods for workload analysis are either administrative measures (such as the nurse-patient ratio) that do not represent actual nursing care or are subjective and limited to snapshots of care (eg, time-motion studies). Observing care and testing workflow changes in real time can be obstructive to clinical care. An examination of EHR interactions using EHR audit logs could provide a scalable, unobtrusive way to quantify the nursing workload, at least to the extent that nursing work is represented in EHR documentation. EHR audit logs are extremely complex; however, simple analytical methods cannot discover complex temporal patterns, requiring use of state-of-the-art temporal data-mining approaches. To effectively use these approaches, it is necessary to structure the raw audit logs into a consistent and scalable logical data model that can be consumed by machine learning (ML) algorithms.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to conceptualize a logical data model for nurse-EHR interactions that would support the future development of temporal ML models based on EHR audit log data.
    METHODS: We conducted a preliminary review of EHR audit logs to understand the types of nursing-specific data captured. Using concepts derived from the literature and our previous experience studying temporal patterns in biomedical data, we formulated a logical data model that can describe nurse-EHR interactions, the nurse-intrinsic and situational characteristics that may influence those interactions, and outcomes of relevance to the nursing workload in a scalable and extensible manner.
    RESULTS: We describe the data structure and concepts from EHR audit log data associated with nursing workload as a logical data model named RNteract. We conceptually demonstrate how using this logical data model could support temporal unsupervised ML and state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) methods for predictive modeling.
    CONCLUSIONS: The RNteract logical data model appears capable of supporting a variety of AI-based systems and should be generalizable to any type of EHR system or health care setting. Quantitatively identifying and analyzing temporal patterns of nurse-EHR interactions is foundational for developing interventions that support the nursing documentation workload and address nurse burnout.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This pilot audit explored how bone health is assessed patients with diabetes in diverse centres across Asia. Only 343 of 1092 (31%) audited patients had a bone health assessment, 27% of whom were diagnosed with osteoporosis. Quality improvement strategies are needed to address gaps in patient care in this area.
    OBJECTIVE: The Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO) Framework outlines clinical standards for assessing and managing osteoporosis. A pilot audit evaluated adherence to clinical standard 4, which states that bone health should be assessed in patients with conditions associated with bone loss and/or increased fracture risk; this report summarises the audit findings in patients with diabetes. A secondary aim was to assess the practicality and real-world use of the APCO bone health audit tool kit.
    METHODS: Eight centres across Asia participated in the pilot audit, selecting diabetes as the target group. Participants reviewed their practice records for at least 20 consecutively treated patients with the target condition. Questions covered routine investigations, bone health assessment, osteoporosis diagnosis, and patient referral pathways. Data were summarised descriptively.
    RESULTS: The participants represented public hospitals, university medical centres, and private clinics from India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam that see an estimated total of 95,000 patients with diabetes per year. Overall, only 343 of 1092 audited patients (31%) had a bone health assessment. Osteoporosis was subsequently diagnosed in 92 of 343 (27%) patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Bone health was not assessed in most patients with diabetes. The results provide insight into current practices across diverse Asian centres and demonstrate the practical value of the audit tool kit. Participant feedback has been used to improve the tool kit. Results of this pilot audit are being used in the respective centres to inform quality improvement projects needed to overcome the gap in patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Up to 30% of diagnostic imaging (DI) tests may be unnecessary, leading to increased healthcare costs and the possibility of patient harm. The primary objective of this systematic review was to assess the effect of audit and feedback (AF) interventions directed at healthcare providers on reducing image ordering. The secondary objective was to examine the effect of AF on the appropriateness of DI ordering.
    METHODS: Studies were identified using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and registry on December 22nd, 2022. Studies were included if they were randomized control trials (RCTs), targeted healthcare professionals, and studied AF as the sole intervention or as the core component of a multi-faceted intervention. Risk of bias for each study was evaluated using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Meta-analyses were completed using RevMan software and results were displayed in forest plots.
    RESULTS: Eleven RCTs enrolling 4311 clinicians or practices were included. AF interventions resulted in 1.5 fewer image test orders per 1000 patients seen than control interventions (95% confidence interval (CI) for the difference -2.6 to -0.4, p-value = 0.009). The effect of AF on appropriateness was not statistically significant, with a 3.2% (95% CI -1.5 to 7.7%, p-value = 0.18) greater likelihood of test orders being considered appropriate with AF vs control interventions. The strength of evidence was rated as moderate for the primary objective but was very low for the appropriateness outcome because of risk of bias, inconsistency in findings, indirectness, and imprecision.
    CONCLUSIONS: AF interventions are associated with a modest reduction in total DI ordering with moderate certainty, suggesting some benefit of AF. Individual studies document effects of AF on image order appropriateness ranging from a non-significant trend toward worsening to a highly significant improvement, but the weighted average effect size from the meta-analysis is not statistically significant with very low certainty.





