Massively parallel sequencing (MPS)

大规模并行测序 ( MPS )
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This project evaluated the prototype PowerSeq® 46GY System using donor DNA and casework-type samples. The goal of this study was to determine whether modifications to the manufacturer\'s protocol could increase read coverage and improve sample results. Buccal and casework-type libraries were prepared using the TruSeq® DNA PCR-Free HT kit or the KAPA HyperPrep kit. Both kits were evaluated unmodified, and by substituting AMPure® XP beads for the beads of the most optimal kit. Two qPCR kits, the PowerSeq® Quant MS System and KAPA Library Quantification Kit, were also evaluated along with a KAPA size-adjustment workbook, which was compared as a third quantification method. Libraries were sequenced using the MiSeq® FGx and data were analyzed with STRait Razor. Results suggested that all three quantification methods overestimated library concentration, but the PowerSeq kit was most accurate. Samples prepared with the TruSeq library kit provided the highest coverage and the fewest instances of dropout and below-threshold alleles compared with the KAPA kit. Additionally, all bone and hair samples demonstrated full profile completeness, with bone samples yielding a higher average coverage than hair samples. Overall, our study demonstrated that the 46GY manufacturer\'s protocol produced the best quality results compared to alternative library preparation options.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microhaplotypes (MHs) are widely accepted as powerful markers in forensic studies. They have the advantage of both short tandem repeats (STRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), with no stutter and amplification bias, short fragments and amplicons, low mutation and recombination rates, and high polymorphisms. In this study, we constructed a panel of 50 MHs that are distributed on 21 chromosomes and analyzed them using the Multiseq multiple polymerase chain reaction (multi-PCR) targeted capture sequencing protocol based on the massively parallel sequencing (MPS) platform. The sizes of markers and amplicons ranged between 11-81 bp and 123-198 bp, respectively. The sensitivity was 0.25 ng, and the calling results were consistent with Sanger sequencing and the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV). It showed measurable polymorphism among sequenced 137 Southwest Chinese Han individuals. No significant deviations in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) and linkage disequilibrium (LD) were found at all MHs after Bonferroni correction. Furthermore, the specificity was 1:40 for simulated two-person mixtures, and the detection rates of highly degraded single samples and mixtures were 100% and 93-100%, respectively. Moreover, animal DNA testing was incomplete and low depth. Overall, our MPS-based 50-plex MH panel is a powerful forensic tool that provides a strong supplement and enhancement for some existing panels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evidentiary value of DNA profiles varies depending upon the context in which the DNA was found. Linking a DNA profile to a particular cellular phenotype in mixtures may aid in assessing its evidentiary relevance and value. We report the development of two dual-function high-resolution messenger RNA (mRNA) sequencing assays that can each identify the presence of 6 body fluids/tissues (blood, semen, saliva, vaginal secretions, menstrual blood, skin) and, via coding region SNPs (cSNPs) present in the body fluid-specific mRNA transcripts, directly associate particular body fluids with their specific DNA donors in mixtures. The original blood, semen, and saliva (BSS) assay contains 23 cSNPs for blood, semen, and saliva, while the expanded 6F (all 6 fluids/tissues) assay encompasses the BSS assay and also contains 23 additional cSNPs for vaginal secretions, menstrual blood, and skin. Software tools were developed to infer the identity of the body fluids present as well as providing the corresponding cSNP genotypes. Concomitant genomic DNA assays (BSS-d and 6F-d), required to genotype the same cSNPs from persons of interest/inferred contributors to the body fluid mixture, were also developed. Body fluid specificity was demonstrated by the ability to identify the body fluid origin of single-source and two-fluid admixtures. The discriminatory power (European Caucasians) for all body fluids is 0.957-0.997, with linkage disequilibrium considered. Reciprocal body fluid admixtures (mixture pairs with the same two donors but reversed body fluid types) were used to demonstrate the ability to identify the body fluid source of origin as well as associate the donor of each of the two fluids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) offers a useful alternative to capillary electrophoresis (CE) based analysis of human identification markers in forensic genetics. By sequencing short tandem repeats (STRs) instead of determining the fragment lengths by CE, the sequence variation within the repeat region and the flanking regions may be identified. In this study, we typed 264 Uyghur individuals using the MiSeq FGx™ Forensic Genomics System and Primer Mix A of the ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep Kit that amplifies 27 autosomal STRs, 25 Y-STRs, seven X-STRs, and 94 HID-SNPs. STRinNGS v.1.0 and GATK 3.6 were used to analyse the STR regions and HID-SNPs, respectively. Increased allelic diversity was observed for 33 STRs with the PCR-MPS assay. The largest increases were found in DYS389II and D12S391, where the numbers of sequenced alleles were 3-4 times larger than those of alleles determined by repeat length alone. A relatively large number of flanking region variants (28 SNPs and three InDels) were observed in the Uyghur population. Seventeen of the flanking region SNPs were rare, and 12 of these SNPs had no accession number in dbSNP. The combined mean match probability and typical paternity index based on 26 sequenced autosomal STRs were 3.85E-36 and 1.49E + 16, respectively. This was 10 000 times lower and 1 000 times higher, respectively, than the same parameters calculated from STR repeat lengths.Key PointsSequencing data on STRs and SNPs used for human identification are presented for the Uyghur population.STRinNGS v.1.0 was used to analyse the flanking regions of STRs.The concordance between PCR-CE and PCR-MPS results was 99.86%.Detection of sequence variation in STRs and their flanking regions increased the allelic diversity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The top challenges of adopting new methods to forensic DNA analysis in routine laboratories are often the capital investment and the expertise required to implement and validate such methods locally. In the case of next-generation sequencing, in the last decade, several specifically forensic commercial options became available, offering reliable and validated solutions. Despite this, the readily available expertise to analyze, interpret and understand such data is still perceived to be lagging behind. This review gives an introductory overview for the forensic scientists who are at the beginning of their journey with implementing next-generation sequencing locally and because most in the field do not have a bioinformatics background may find it difficult to navigate the new terms and analysis options available. The currently available open-source and commercial software for forensic sequencing data analysis are summarized here to provide an accessible starting point for those fairly new to the forensic application of massively parallel sequencing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sudden unexplained death (SUD) takes up a considerable part in overall sudden death cases, especially in adolescents and young adults. During the past decade, many channelopathy- and cardiomyopathy-associated single nucleotide variants (SNVs) have been identified in SUD studies by means of postmortem molecular autopsy, yet the number of cases that remain inconclusive is still high. Recent studies had suggested that structural variants (SVs) might play an important role in SUD, but there is no consensus on the impact of SVs on inherited cardiac diseases. In this study, we searched for potentially pathogenic SVs in 244 genes associated with cardiac diseases. Whole-exome sequencing and appropriate data analysis were performed in 45 SUD cases. Re-analysis of the exome data according to the current ACMG guidelines identified 14 pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in 10 (22.2%) out of the 45 SUD cases, whereof 2 (4.4%) individuals had variants with likely functional effects in the channelopathy-associated genes SCN5A and TRDN and 1 (2.2%) individual in the cardiomyopathy-associated gene DTNA. In addition, 18 structural variants (SVs) were identified in 15 out of the 45 individuals. Two SVs with likely functional impairment were found in the coding regions of PDSS2 and TRPM4 in 2 SUD cases (4.4%). Both were identified as heterozygous deletions, which were confirmed by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. In conclusion, our findings support that SVs could contribute to the pathology of the sudden death event in some of the cases and therefore should be investigated on a routine basis in suspected SUD cases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the past decade, hybridization capture has gained attention within the forensic field for its possible use in human identification. One of the primary benefits to capture enrichment is its applicability to degraded DNA fragments that, due to their reduced size, are not amenable to traditional PCR enrichment techniques. Hybridization capture is typically introduced after genomic library preparation of extracted DNA templates for the subsequent enrichment of mitochondrial DNA or single nucleotide polymorphisms within the nuclear genome. The enriched molecules are then subjected to massively parallel sequencing (MPS) for sensitive and high-throughput DNA sequence generation. Bioinformatic analysis of capture product removes PCR duplicates that were introduced during the laboratory workflow in order to characterize the original DNA template molecules. In the case of aged and degraded skeletal remains, the fraction of endogenous human DNA may be very low; therefore low-coverage sequence analysis may be required. This review contains an overview of current capture methodologies and the primary literature on hybridization capture as evaluated for forensic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Massively parallel sequencing (MPS), or next generation sequencing (NGS), is a promising methodology for the detection of short tandem repeats (STRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in forensic genetics. Here, the prototype SifaMPS Panel is designed to simultaneously target 87 STRs and 294 SNPs with forensic interest in a single multiplex in conjunction with the TruSeq™ Custom Amplicon workflow and MiSeq FGx™ System. Two in-house python scripts are adopted for the fastq-to-genotype interpretation of MPS data concerning STR and SNP, respectively. In the present study, by sequencing 50 Chinese Hans and many other DNA samples involved in validation studies, system parameters including the depth of coverage (DoC), heterozygote balance (Hb) and sequence coverage ratios (SCRs), as well as different forensic parameters of STRs and SNPs in a population study, were calculated to evaluate the overall performance of this new panel and its practicality in forensic application. In general, except for two STRs (DYS505 and DYS449) and one SNP (rs4288409) that performed poorly, the other 85 STRs and 293 SNPs in our panel had good performance that could strengthen efficiency for human identification and paternity testing. In addition, discordant STR genotype results between those generated from capillary electrophoresis (CE) and from the MPS platform were clearly illustrated, and these results could be a useful reference for applying these particular non-CODIS STRs in forensic practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The application of transcriptome analyses in forensic genetics has experienced tremendous growth and development in the past decade. The earliest studies and main applications were body fluid and tissue identification, using targeted RNA transcripts and a reverse transcription endpoint PCR method. A number of markers have been identified for the forensically most relevant body fluids and tissues and the method has been successfully used in casework. The introduction of Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) opened up new perspectives and opportunities to advance the field. Contrary to genomic DNA where two copies of an autosomal DNA segment are present in a cell, abundant RNA species are expressed in high copy numbers. Even whole transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq) of forensically relevant body fluids and of postmortem material was shown to be possible. This review gives an overview on forensic transcriptome analyses and applications. The methods cover whole transcriptome as well as targeted MPS approaches. High resolution forensic transcriptome analyses using MPS are being applied to body fluid/ tissue identification, determination of the age of stains and the age of the donor, the estimation of the post-mortem interval and to post mortem death investigations.





