
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Arginine vasopressin (AVP) has been reported to regulate insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in the body. Previous study has shown that AVP and its receptor V1bR modulate insulin secretion via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. AVP has also been shown to enhance insulin secretion in islets, but the exact mechanism remains unclear.
    RESULTS: In our study, we unexpectedly discovered that AVP could only stimulates insulin secretion from islets, but not β cells, and AVP-induced insulin secretion could be blocked by V1bR selective antagonist. Single-cell transcriptome analysis identified that V1bR is only expressed by the α cells. Further studies indicated that activation of the V1bR stimulates the α cells to secrete glucagon, which then promotes glucose-dependent insulin secretion from β cells in a paracrine way by activating GLP-1R but not GCGR on these cells.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study revealed a crosstalk between α and β cells initiated by AVP/V1bR and mediated by glucagon/GLP-1R, providing a mechanism to develop new glucose-controlling therapies targeting V1bR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pancreatic β-cells are essential for survival, being the only cell type capable of insulin secretion. While they are believed to be vulnerable to damage by inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) and interferon-gamma, we have recently identified physiological roles for cytokine signaling in rodent β-cells that include the stimulation of antiviral and antimicrobial gene expression and the inhibition of viral replication. In this study, we examine cytokine-stimulated changes in gene expression in human islets using single-cell RNA sequencing. Surprisingly, the global responses of human islets to cytokine exposure were remarkably blunted compared to our previous observations in the mouse. The small population of human islet cells that were cytokine responsive exhibited increased expression of IL-1β-stimulated antiviral guanylate-binding proteins, just like in the mouse. Most human islet cells were not responsive to cytokines, and this lack of responsiveness was associated with high expression of genes encoding ribosomal proteins. We further correlated the expression levels of RPL5 with stress response genes, and when expressed at high levels, RPL5 is predictive of failure to respond to cytokines in all endocrine cells. We postulate that donor causes of death and isolation methodologies may contribute to stress of the islet preparation. Our findings indicate that activation of stress responses in human islets limits cytokine-stimulated gene expression, and we urge caution in the evaluation of studies that have examined cytokine-stimulated gene expression in human islets without evaluation of stress-related gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pancreatic islets are important in nutrient homeostasis and improved cellular models of clonal origin may very useful especially in view of relatively scarce primary material. Close 3D contact and coupling between β-cells are a hallmark of physiological function improving signal/noise ratios. Extracellular electrophysiology using micro-electrode arrays (MEA) is technically far more accessible than single cell patch clamp, enables dynamic monitoring of electrical activity in 3D organoids and recorded multicellular slow potentials (SP) provide unbiased insight in cell-cell coupling.
    UNASSIGNED: We have therefore asked whether 3D spheroids enhance clonal β-cell function such as electrical activity and hormone secretion using human EndoC-βH1, EndoC-βH5 and rodent INS-1 832/13 cells.
    UNASSIGNED: Spheroids were formed either by hanging drop or proprietary devices. Extracellular electrophysiology was conducted using multi-electrode arrays with appropriate signal extraction and hormone secretion measured by ELISA.
    UNASSIGNED: EndoC-βH1 spheroids exhibited increased signals in terms of SP frequency and especially amplitude as compared to monolayers and even single cell action potentials (AP) were quantifiable. Enhanced electrical signature in spheroids was accompanied by an increase in the glucose stimulated insulin secretion index. EndoC-βH5 monolayers and spheroids gave electrophysiological profiles similar to EndoC-βH1, except for a higher electrical activity at 3 mM glucose, and exhibited moreover a biphasic profile. Again, physiological concentrations of GLP-1 increased AP frequency. Spheroids also exhibited a higher secretion index. INS-1 cells did not form stable spheroids, but overexpression of connexin 36, required for cell-cell coupling, increased glucose responsiveness, dampened basal activity and consequently augmented the stimulation index.
    UNASSIGNED: In conclusion, spheroid formation enhances physiological function of the human clonal β-cell lines and these models may provide surrogates for primary islets in extracellular electrophysiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epidemiological studies consistently link environmental toxicant exposure with increased Type 2 diabetes risk. Our study investigated the diabetogenic effects of a widely used flame retardant, Dechlorane Plus (DP), on pancreatic β-cells using rodent and human model systems. We first examined pancreas tissues from male mice exposed daily to oral gavage of either vehicle (corn oil) or DP (10, 100, or 1000 μg/kg per day) and fed chow or high fat diet for 28-days in vivo. DP exposure did not affect islet size or endocrine cell composition in either diet group. Next, we assessed the effect of 48-hour exposure to vehicle (DMSO) or DP (1, 10, or 100 nM) in vitro using immortalized rat β-cells (INS-1 832/3), primary mouse and human islets, and human stem-cell derived islet-like cells (SC-islets). In INS-1 832/3 cells, DP did not impact glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) but significantly decreased intracellular insulin content. DP had no effect on GSIS in mouse islets or SC-islets but had variable effects on GSIS in human islets depending on the donor. DP alone did not affect insulin content in mouse islets, human islets, or SC-islets, but mouse islets co-exposed to DP and glucolipotoxic (GLT) stress conditions (28.7 mM glucose + 0.5 mM palmitate) had reduced insulin content compared to control conditions. Co-exposure of mouse islets to DP + GLT amplified the upregulation of Slc30a8 compared to GLT alone. Our study highlights the importance and challenges of using different in vitro models for studying chemical toxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Current approaches to profile the single-cell transcriptomics of human pancreatic endocrine cells almost exclusively rely on freshly isolated islets. However, human islets are limited in availability. Furthermore, the extensive processing steps during islet isolation and subsequent single cell dissolution might alter gene expressions. In this work, we report the development of a single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) approach with targeted islet cell enrichment for endocrine-population focused transcriptomic profiling using frozen archival pancreatic tissues without islet isolation.
    RESULTS: We cross-compared five nuclei isolation protocols and selected the citric acid method as the best strategy to isolate nuclei with high RNA integrity and low cytoplasmic contamination from frozen archival human pancreata. We innovated fluorescence-activated nuclei sorting based on the positive signal of NKX2-2 antibody to enrich nuclei of the endocrine population from the entire nuclei pool of the pancreas. Our sample preparation procedure generated high-quality single-nucleus gene-expression libraries while preserving the endocrine population diversity. In comparison with single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) library generated with live cells from freshly isolated human islets, the snRNA-seq library displayed comparable endocrine cellular composition and cell type signature gene expression. However, between these two types of libraries, differential enrichments of transcripts belonging to different functional classes could be observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our work fills a technological gap and helps to unleash frozen archival pancreatic tissues for molecular profiling targeting the endocrine population. This study opens doors to retrospective mappings of endocrine cell dynamics in pancreatic tissues of complex histopathology. We expect that our protocol is applicable to enrich nuclei for transcriptomics studies from various populations in different types of frozen archival tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) are critical in preventing rejection posttransplantation but pose an increased risk of post-transplant diabetes (PTD). Recent studies show that late conversion from CNIs to belatacept, a costimulation blocker, improves HbA1c in kidney transplant recipients with PTD or de novo diabetes. This study investigates whether the observed effects on PTD stem solely from CNI withdrawal or if belatacept influences PTD independently. The study assessed the impact of tacrolimus and belatacept on insulin secretion in MIN6 cells (a beta cell line) and rat islets. Tacrolimus and belatacept were administered to the cells and islets, followed by assessments of cell viability and insulin secretion. Tacrolimus impaired insulin secretion without affecting cell viability, while belatacept showed no detrimental effects on either parameter. These findings support clinical observations of improved HbA1c upon switching from tacrolimus to belatacept. Belatacept holds promise in islet or pancreas transplantation, particularly in patients with unstable diabetes. Successful cases of islet transplantation treated with belatacept without severe hypoglycemia highlight its potential in managing PTD. Further research is needed to fully understand the metabolic changes accompanying the transition from CNIs to belatacept. Preserving insulin secretion emerges as a promising avenue for investigation in this context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetes mellitus, a prevalent global health challenge, significantly impacts societal and economic well-being. Islet transplantation is increasingly recognized as a viable treatment for type 1 diabetes that aims to restore endogenous insulin production and mitigate complications associated with exogenous insulin dependence. We review the role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in enhancing the efficacy of islet transplantation. MSCs, characterized by their immunomodulatory properties and differentiation potential, are increasingly seen as valuable in enhancing islet graft survival, reducing immune-mediated rejection, and supporting angiogenesis and tissue repair. The utilization of MSC-derived extracellular vesicles further exemplifies innovative approaches to improve transplantation outcomes. However, challenges such as MSC heterogeneity and the optimization of therapeutic applications persist. Advanced methodologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), are highlighted as potential technologies for addressing these challenges, potentially steering MSC therapy toward more effective, personalized treatment modalities for diabetes. This review revealed that MSCs are important for advancing diabetes treatment strategies, particularly through islet transplantation. This highlights the importance of MSCs in the field of regenerative medicine, acknowledging both their potential and the challenges that must be navigated to fully realize their therapeutic promise.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a recent review examining neurotransmitter modulation of insulin secretion, the significant impact of epinephrine was not addressed. Its primary action involves inhibiting insulin release via alpha-adrenergic receptors, thereby reducing the response to insulin secretion stimulators, through the activation of K+ channels and resulting in membrane hyperpolarization in beta cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subcutaneous space has been considered an attractive site for islet graft transplantation; however, the oxygen tension and vascularization are insufficient for islet graft survival. We investigated whether subcutaneous pre-implantation of a recombinant peptide (RCP) device with adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) enhanced subcutaneous islet engraftment. RCP devices with/without syngeneic ADSCs were pre-implanted into the subcutaneous space of C57BL/6 mice. Syngeneic islets (300 or 120 islet equivalents (IEQs)) were transplanted into the pre-treated space after diabetes induction using streptozotocin. The cure rates of groups in which RCP devices were implanted four weeks before transplantation were significantly better than the intraportal transplantation group when 300 IEQs of islets were transplanted (p < 0.01). The blood glucose changes in the RCP+ADSCs-4w group was significantly ameliorated in comparison to the RCP-4w group when 120 IEQs of islets were transplanted (p < 0.01). Immunohistochemical analyses showed the collagen III expression in the islet capsule of the RCP+ADSCs-4w group was significantly enhanced in comparison to the RCP-4w and RCP+ADSCs-d10 groups (p < 0.01, p < 0.01). In addition, the number of von Willebrand factor-positive vessels within islets in the RCP+ADSCs-4w group was significantly higher than the RCP-4w group. These results suggest that using ADSCs in combination with an RCP device could enhance the restoration of the extracellular matrices, induce more efficient prevascularization within islets, and improve the graft function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accumulation of reactive oxygen species (i.e., oxidative stress) is a leading cause of beta cell dysfunction and apoptosis in diabetes. NRF2 (NF-E2 p45-related factor-2) regulates the adaptation to oxidative stress, and its activity is negatively regulated by the redox-sensitive CUL3 (cullin-3) ubiquitin ligase substrate adaptor KEAP1 (Kelch-like ECH-associated protein-1). Additionally, NRF2 is repressed by the insulin-regulated Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 (GSK3). We have demonstrated that phosphorylation of NRF2 by GSK3 enhances β-TrCP (beta-transducin repeat-containing protein) binding and ubiquitylation by CUL1 (cullin-1), resulting in increased proteasomal degradation of NRF2. Thus, we hypothesise that inhibition of GSK3 activity or β-TrCP binding upregulates NRF2 and so protects beta cells against oxidative stress. We have found that treating the pancreatic beta cell line INS-1 832/13 with the KEAP1 inhibitor TBE31 significantly enhanced NRF2 protein levels. The presence of the GSK3 inhibitor CT99021 or the β-TrCP-NRF2 protein-protein interaction inhibitor PHAR, along with TBE31, resulted in prolonged NRF2 stability and enhanced nuclear localisation (P < 0.05). TBE31-mediated induction of NRF2-target genes encoding NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase 1 (Nqo1), glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier (Gclm) subunit and heme oxygenase (Hmox1) was significantly enhanced by the presence of CT99021 or PHAR (P < 0.05) in both INS-1 832/13 and in isolated mouse islets. Identical results were obtained using structurally distinct GSK3 inhibitors and inhibition of KEAP1 with sulforaphane. In summary, we demonstrate that GSK3 and β-TrCP/CUL1 regulate the proteasomal degradation of NRF2, enhancing the impact of KEAP1 regulation, and so contributes to the redox status of pancreatic beta cells. Inhibition of GSK3, or β-TrCP/CUL1 binding to NRF2 may represent a strategy to protect beta cells from oxidative stress.





