Inbreeding Depression

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is known that some endangered species have persisted for thousands of years despite their very small effective population sizes and low levels of genetic polymorphisms. To understand the genetic mechanisms of long-term persistence in threatened species, we determined the whole genome sequences of akame (Lates japonicus), which has survived for a long time with extremely low genetic variations. Genome-wide heterozygosity in akame was estimated to be 3.3 to 3.4 × 10-4/bp, one of the smallest values in teleost fishes. Analysis of demographic history revealed that the effective population size in akame was around 1,000 from 30,000 years ago to the recent past. The relatively high ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous heterozygosity in akame indicated an increased genetic load. However, a detailed analysis of genetic diversity in the akame genome revealed that multiple genomic regions, including genes involved in immunity, synaptic development, and olfactory sensory systems, have retained relatively high nucleotide polymorphisms. This implies that the akame genome has preserved the functional genetic variations by balancing selection, to avoid a reduction in viability and loss of adaptive potential. Analysis of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitution rates has detected signs of positive selection in many akame genes, suggesting adaptive evolution to temperate waters after the speciation of akame and its close relative, barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Our results indicate that the functional genetic diversity likely contributed to the long-term persistence of this species by avoiding the harmful effects of the population size reduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Only approximately 356 North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) remain. With extremely low levels of genetic diversity, limited options for mates, and variation in reproductive success across females, there is concern regarding the potential for genetic limitations of population growth from inbreeding depression. In this study, we quantified reproductive success of female North Atlantic right whales with a modified de-lifing approach using reproductive history information collected over decades of field observations. We used double-digest restriction site-associated sequencing to sequence approximately 2% of the genome of 105 female North Atlantic right whales and combined genomic inbreeding estimates with individual fecundity values to assess evidence of inbreeding depression. Inbreeding depression could not explain the variance in reproductive success of females, however we present evidence that inbreeding depression may be affecting the viability of inbred fetuses-potentially lowering the reproductive success of the species as a whole. Combined, these results allay some concerns that genetic factors are impacting species survival as genetic diversity is being retained through selection against inbred fetuses. While still far fewer calves are being born each year than expected, the small role of genetics underlying variance in female fecundity suggests that variance may be explained by external factors that can potentially be mitigated through protection measures designed to reduce serious injury and mortality from human activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The selection of individuals based on their predicted breeding values and mating of related individuals can increase the proportion of identical-by-descent alleles. In this context, the objectives of this study were to estimate inbreeding coefficients based on alternative metrics and data sources such as pedigree (FPED), hybrid genomic relationship matrix H (FH), and ROH of different length (FROH); and calculate Pearson correlations between the different metrics in a closed Nellore cattle population selected for body weight adjusted to 378 days of age (W378). In addition to total FROH (all classes) coefficients were also estimated based on the size class of the ROH segments: FROH1 (1-2 Mb), FROH2 (2-4 Mb), FROH3 (4-8 Mb), FROH4 (8-16 Mb), and FROH5 (> 16 Mb), and for each chromosome (FROH_CHR). Furthermore, we assessed the effect of each inbreeding metric on birth weight (BW), body weights adjusted to 210 (W210) and W378, scrotal circumference (SC), and residual feed intake (RFI). We also evaluated the chromosome-specific effects of inbreeding on growth traits.
    RESULTS: The correlation between FPED and FROH was 0.60 while between FH and FROH and FH and FPED were 0.69 and 0.61, respectively. The annual rate of inbreeding was 0.16% for FPED, 0.02% for FH, and 0.16% for FROH. A 1% increase in FROH5 resulted in a reduction of up to -1.327 ± 0.495 kg in W210 and W378. Four inbreeding coefficients (FPED, FH, FROH2, and FROH5) had a significant effect on W378, with reductions of up to -3.810 ± 1.753 kg per 1% increase in FROH2. There was an unfavorable effect of FPED on RFI (0.01 ± 0.0002 kg dry matter/day) and of FROH on SC (-0.056 ± 0.022 cm). The FROH_CHR coefficients calculated for BTA3, BTA5, and BTA8 significantly affected the growth traits.
    CONCLUSIONS: Inbreeding depression was observed for all traits evaluated. However, these effects were greater for the criterion used for selection of the animals (i.e., W378). The increase in the genomic inbreeding was associated with a higher inbreeding depression on the traits evaluated when compared to pedigree-based inbreeding. Genomic information should be used as a tool during mating to optimize control of inbreeding and, consequently, minimize inbreeding depression in Nellore cattle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic rescue-an increase in population fitness following the introduction of new alleles-has been proven to ameliorate inbreeding depression in small, isolated populations, yet is rarely applied as a conservation tool. A lingering question regarding genetic rescue in wildlife conservation is how long beneficial effects persist in admixed populations. Using data collected over 40 years from 1192 endangered Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi) across nine generations, we show that the experimental genetic rescue implemented in 1995-via the release of eight female pumas from Texas-alleviated morphological, genetic, and demographic correlates of inbreeding depression, subsequently preventing extirpation of the population. We present unequivocal evidence, for the first time in any terrestrial vertebrate, that genetic and phenotypic benefits of genetic rescue remain in this population after five generations of admixture, which helped increase panther abundance (> fivefold) and genetic effective population size (> 20-fold). Additionally, even with extensive admixture, microsatellite allele frequencies in the population continue to support the distinctness of Florida panthers from other North American puma populations, including Texas. Although threats including habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and infectious diseases are challenges to many imperiled populations, our results suggest genetic rescue can serve as an effective, multi-generational tool for conservation of small, isolated populations facing extinction from inbreeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inbreeding depression (ID) is a major selective force during mating system evolution primarily contributed by highly to partially recessive deleterious mutations. Theories suggest that transient genetic association with fitness alleles can be important in affecting the evolution of alleles that modify the selfing rate during its sweep. Nevertheless, empirical tests often focus on the pre-existing genetic association between selfing rate and ID maintained under mutation-selection balance. Therefore, how this standing genetic association is affected by key factors and its impacts on the evolution of selfing remain unclear. I show that as the selection coefficient of deleterious mutations increases, the association between selfing rate and ID declines from positive to negative. These results predict that association between selfing and ID tends to be negative in populations with low selfing rates, while positive in highly selfing populations. Using population genetic and quantitative genetic models, I show that standing genetic associations between selfing rate and fitness alleles can significantly impact the evolution of the mean selfing rate of a population. I present better metrics of population-level ID, which can be calculated based on the correlation coefficient between individual selfing rate and the fitness of selfed and outcrossed offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inbreeding is unavoidable in small populations. However, the deleterious effects of inbreeding on fitness-related traits (inbreeding depression) may not be an inevitable phenomenon, since deleterious recessive alleles causing inbreeding depression might be purged from populations through inbreeding and selection. Inbreeding purging has been of great interest in conservation biology and animal breeding, because populations manifesting lower inbreeding depression could be created even with a small number of breeding animals, if inbreeding purging exists. To date, many studies intending to detect inbreeding purging in captive and domesticated animal populations have been carried out using pedigree analysis. Ballou\'s ancestral inbreeding coefficient (FBAL-ANC) is one of the most widely used measurements to detect inbreeding purging, but the theoretical basis for FBAL-ANC has not been fully established. In most of the published works, estimates from stochastic simulation (gene-dropping simulation) have been used. In this report, the author provides a mathematical basis for FBAL-ANC and proposes a new estimate by hybridizing stochastic and deterministic computation processes. A stochastic simulation suggests that the proposed method could considerably reduce the variance of estimates, compared to ordinary gene-dropping simulation, in which whole gene transmissions in a pedigree are stochastically determined. The favorable property of the proposed method results from the bypass of a part of the stochastic process in the ordinary gene-dropping simulation. Using the proposed method, the reliability of the estimates of FBAL-ANC could be remarkably enhanced. The relationship between FBAL-ANC and other pedigree-based parameters is also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inbreeding depression, the loss of offspring fitness due to consanguineous mating, is generally detrimental for individual performance and population viability. We investigated inbreeding effects in a declining population of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) at Bird Island, South Georgia. Here, localised warming has reduced the availability of the seal\'s staple diet, Antarctic krill, leading to a temporal increase in the strength of selection against inbred offspring, which are increasingly failing to recruit into the adult breeding population. However, it remains unclear whether selection operates before or after nutritional independence at weaning. We therefore used microsatellite data from 885 pups and their mothers, and SNP array data from 98 mother-offspring pairs, to quantify the effects of individual and maternal inbreeding on three important neonatal fitness traits: birth mass, survival and growth. We did not find any clear or consistent effects of offspring or maternal inbreeding on any of these traits. This suggests that selection filters inbred individuals out of the population as juveniles during the time window between weaning and recruitment. Our study brings into focus a poorly understood life-history stage and emphasises the importance of understanding the ecology and threats facing juvenile pinnipeds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conservation is prioritized based on accepted taxa. As a consequence, a conservation incentive exists to emphasize inter-population differences to define taxa, potentially leading to taxonomic inflation. But stressing the uniqueness of threatened populations has the side effect of hindering conservation actions that promote inter-population gene flow, such as genetic rescue. These actions may be of critical importance for severely inbred populations involved in extinction vortices, for which an inflated taxonomy can become a conservation trap. Here, we exemplify this scenario with the western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus, Phasianidae) population in the Cantabrian Mountains, described and legally listed as a subspecies not supported by recent molecular data. The Cantabrian capercaillie population is Critically Endangered after a long-lasting decline and a recent demographic collapse. It shows clear signs of inbreeding depression, including striking clutch size decreases as well as reduced hatchability and chick survival. This critical situation could be alleviated through a genetic rescue, but this possibility is hindered by inertias rooted in the putative uniqueness of the Cantabrian capercaillie. It had been previously argued that poor taxonomy could hamper conservation, through the oblivion of populations deserving, but not having, a taxonomic status. We show that taxonomic inflation can also become an obstacle for effective conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measuring inbreeding and its consequences on fitness is central for many areas in biology including human genetics and the conservation of endangered species. However, there is no consensus on the best method, neither for quantification of inbreeding itself nor for the model to estimate its effect on specific traits. We simulated traits based on simulated genomes from a large pedigree and empirical whole-genome sequences of human data from populations with various sizes and structures (from the 1,000 Genomes project). We compare the ability of various inbreeding coefficients ([Formula: see text]) to quantify the strength of inbreeding depression: allele-sharing, two versions of the correlation of uniting gametes which differ in the weight they attribute to each locus and two identical-by-descent segments-based estimators. We also compare two models: the standard linear model and a linear mixed model (LMM) including a genetic relatedness matrix (GRM) as random effect to account for the nonindependence of observations. We find LMMs give better results in scenarios with population or family structure. Within the LMM, we compare three different GRMs and show that in homogeneous populations, there is little difference among the different [Formula: see text] and GRM for inbreeding depression quantification. However, as soon as a strong population or family structure is present, the strength of inbreeding depression can be most efficiently estimated only if i) the phenotypes are regressed on [Formula: see text] based on a weighted version of the correlation of uniting gametes, giving more weight to common alleles and ii) with the GRM obtained from an allele-sharing relatedness estimator.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Augmenting depleted genetic diversity can improve the fitness and evolutionary potential of wildlife populations, but developing effective management approaches requires genetically monitored test cases. One such case is the small, isolated and inbred Cotter River population of an endangered Australian freshwater fish, the Macquarie perch Macquaria australasica, which over 3 years (2017-2019) received 71 translocated migrants from a closely related, genetically more diverse population. We used genetic monitoring to test whether immigrants bred, interbred with local fish and augmented population genetic diversity. We also investigated whether levels of river flow affected recruitment, inbreeding depression and juvenile dispersal. Fish length was used to estimate the age, birth year cohort and growth of 524 individuals born between 2016 and 2020 under variable flow conditions. DArT genome-wide genotypes were used to assess individual ancestry, heterozygosity, short-term effective population size and identify parent-offspring and full-sibling families. Of 442 individuals born after translocations commenced, only two (0.45%) were of mixed ancestry; these were half-sibs with one translocated parent in common. Numbers of breeders and genetic diversity for five birth year cohorts of the Cotter River fish were low, especially in low-flow years. Additionally, individuals born in the year of lowest flow evidently suffered from inbreeding depression for juvenile growth. The year of highest flow was associated with the largest number of breeders, lowest inbreeding in the offspring and greatest juvenile dispersal distances. Genetic diversity decreased in the upstream direction, flagging restricted access of breeders to the most upstream breeding sites, exacerbated by low river flow. Our results suggest that the effectiveness of translocations could be increased by focussing on upstream sites and moving more individuals per year; using riverine sources should be considered. Our results indicate that river flow sufficient to facilitate fish movement through the system would increase the number of breeders, promote individuals\' growth, reduce inbreeding depression and promote genetic rescue.





