Inbreeding Depression

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inbreeding depression refers to the reduced performance arising from increased homozygosity, a phenomenon that is the reverse of heterosis and exists among plants and animals. As a natural self-pollinated crop with strong heterosis, the mechanism of inbreeding depression in rice is largely unknown. To understand the genetic basis of inbreeding depression, we constructed a successive inbreeding population from the F2 to F4 generation and observed inbreeding depression of all heterotic traits in the progeny along with the decay of heterozygosity in each generation. The expected depression effect was largely explained by 13 QTLs showing dominant effects for spikelets per panicle, 11 for primary branches, and 12 for secondary branches, and these loci constitute the main correlation between heterosis and inbreeding depression. However, the genetic basis of inbreeding depression is also distinct from that of heterosis, such that a biased transmission ratio of alleles for QTLs with either dominant or additive effects in four segregation distortion regions would result in minor effects in expected depression. Noticeably, two-locus interactions may change the extent and direction of the depression effects of the target loci, and overall interactions would promote inbreeding depression among generations. Using an F2:3 variation population, the actual performance of the loci showing expected depression was evaluated considering the heterozygosity decay in the background after inbreeding. We found inconsistent or various degrees of background depression from the F2 to F3 generation assuming different genotypes of the target locus, which may affect the actual depression effect of the locus due to epistasis. The results suggest that the genetic architecture of inbreeding depression and heterosis is closely linked but also differs in their intrinsic mechanisms, which expand our understanding of the whole-genome architecture of inbreeding depression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant reproductive ecology is one of the research hotspots in ecology. With the increasing attention paid to the conservation of plant diversity, the research on reproductive characteristics and flowering biological characteristics of more species has attracted more attention. However, plant reproduction is affected by multiple interacting factors such as pollen limitation and resource availability. Vitex negundo var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehder (Lamiaceae) is a significant species for water and soil conservation. Previous studies have revealed its mating system by the biological characteristics of flowering and SSR markers, but its reproductive strategies remain to be further studied. We evaluated reproductive success through artificial pollination to explore the reproductive characteristics of V. negundo var. heterophylla for the first time. From the results of fruit set, there is a mixed mating system dominated by outcrossing in V. negundo var. heterophylla accompanied by self-compatibility, and it cannot carry out autonomous selfing. Our data show the pollinator-mediated interaction in the success of reproduction, whereas the effect of anemophily is very weak. And the seed germination rate of inbred line progenies was lower than that of hybrid progenies, which is suspected to be caused by inbreeding depression. The research will provide scientific information for the protection and conservation of V. negundo var. heterophylla from the point of view of reproduction. In sum, the results are necessary to protect animal vectors in the background of insect decline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inbreeding depression refers to the reduced fitness of offspring produced by genetically-related individuals and is expected to be rare in large, outbred populations. When it occurs, marked fitness loss is possible as large populations can carry a substantial load of recessive harmful mutations which are normally sheltered at the heterozygous state. Using experimental cross data and genome-wide identity-by-descent (IBD) relationships from an outbred marine nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) population, we documented a significant decrease in offspring survival probability with increasing parental IBD sharing associated with an average inbreeding load (B) of 10.5. Interestingly, we found that this relationship was also underlined by a positive effect of paternal inbreeding coefficient on offspring survival, suggesting that certain combinations of parental inbreeding and genetic relatedness among mates may promote offspring survival. Our results demonstrate the potential for substantial inbreeding load in an outbred population and emphasize the need to consider fine-scale genetic relatedness in future studies of inbreeding depression in the wild.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the factors that cause endangered populations to either grow or decline is crucial for preserving biodiversity. Conservation efforts often address extrinsic threats, such as environmental degradation and overexploitation, that can limit the recovery of endangered populations. Genetic factors such as inbreeding depression can also affect population dynamics but these effects are rarely measured in the wild and thus often neglected in conservation efforts. Here we show that inbreeding depression strongly influences the population dynamics of an endangered killer whale population, despite genomic signatures of purging of deleterious alleles via natural selection. We find that the \'Southern Residents\', which are currently endangered despite nearly 50 years of conservation efforts, exhibit strong inbreeding depression for survival. Our population models suggest that this inbreeding depression limits population growth and predict further decline if the population remains genetically isolated and typical environmental conditions continue. The Southern Residents also had more inferred homozygous deleterious alleles than three other, growing, populations, further suggesting that inbreeding depression affects population fitness. These results demonstrate that inbreeding depression can substantially limit the recovery of endangered populations. Conservation actions focused only on extrinsic threats may therefore fail to account for key intrinsic genetic factors that also limit population growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding inbreeding depressions (IBDs), the effect on the phenotypic performance of inbreeding, is of major importance for evolution and conservation genetics. Inbreeding depressions in aquatic animals were well documented in a domestic or captive population, while there is less evidence of inbreeding depression in natural populations. Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis, is an important species in both aquaculture and fishery activities in China. To investigate inbreeding depression in natural populations, four Fenneropenaeus chinensis natural populations (Huanghua, Qinhuangdao, Qingdao, and Haiyang) were collected from the Bohai and Yellow seas. Microsatellite markers were used to evaluate individual inbreeding coefficients (F) of all samples. Furthermore, the effects of inbreeding on growth traits were investigated. The results showed marker-based F was continuous and ranged from 0 to 0.585, with an average of 0.191 ± 0.127, and there was no significant difference among the average F of the four populations. Regression analysis using the four populations showed inbreeding had a very significant (p < 0.01) effect on body weight. When analyzing a single population, regression coefficients were also all negative and those in Huanghua and in Qingdao were significant at the level of p < 0.05 and < 0.01, respectively. Inbreeding depressions, expressed as the percent change in body weight per 10% increase in F, were 2.75% in Huanghua, 2.22% in Qingdao, and 3.69% in all samples. This study provided a piece of rare evidence of inbreeding depression in natural populations and also guidance toward the conservation of wild Fenneropenaeus chinensis resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flowering plants have evolved numerous intraspecific and interspecific prezygotic reproductive barriers to prevent production of unfavourable offspring1. Within a species, self-incompatibility (SI) is a widely utilized mechanism that rejects self-pollen2,3 to avoid inbreeding depression. Interspecific barriers restrain breeding between species and often follow the SI × self-compatible (SC) rule, that is, interspecific pollen is unilaterally incompatible (UI) on SI pistils but unilaterally compatible (UC) on SC pistils1,4-6. The molecular mechanisms underlying SI, UI, SC and UC and their interconnections in the Brassicaceae remain unclear. Here we demonstrate that the SI pollen determinant S-locus cysteine-rich protein/S-locus protein 11 (SCR/SP11)2,3 or a signal from UI pollen binds to the SI female determinant S-locus receptor kinase (SRK)2,3, recruits FERONIA (FER)7-9 and activates FER-mediated reactive oxygen species production in SI stigmas10,11 to reject incompatible pollen. For compatible responses, diverged pollen coat protein B-class12-14 from SC and UC pollen differentially trigger nitric oxide, nitrosate FER to suppress reactive oxygen species in SC stigmas to facilitate pollen growth in an intraspecies-preferential manner, maintaining species integrity. Our results show that SRK and FER integrate mechanisms underlying intraspecific and interspecific barriers and offer paths to achieve distant breeding in Brassicaceae crops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.) is a fast-growing conifer with great forestation value and prefers outcrossing with high inbreeding depression effect. Previously, we captured a special Chinese fir parent clone named as \'cx569\' that lacks early inbreeding depression. In view of the fact that very little has been published about the rare self-fertilizing event in Chinese fir from a genetic view, herein, we conduct an SSR-based study on the variation of open- and self-pollinated offspring of this parent to gain a view of the rare self-fertilizing event. The results indicated that genetic diversity of self-pollinated offspring was significantly reduced by half (Ho: 0.302, vs. 0.595, p = 0.001; He: 0.274 vs. 0.512, p = 0.002) when compared to an open-pollinated set. Self-pollinated offspring also had significantly positive FIS values (FIS = 0.057, p = 0.034) with a much higher proportion of common allele (20.59% vs. 0), reflecting their heterozygote deficiency. Clustering analysis further indicated a separation of the self- and opened- pollinated groups, implying a natural preference of outcrossing for cx569. However, the cx569 still had 6% acceptance for selfing. When accepted 100% for its own pollen, the cx569 led to a genetically unique selfing group. Additionally, this selfing group seemed to be consistently homozygous at seven particular loci. These findings gave us more genetic clues to gain insight into the rare self-fertilizing event in conifer (Chinese fir).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: At the beginning of genomic selection, some Chinese companies genotyped pigs with different single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays. The obtained genomic data are then combined and to do this, several imputation strategies have been developed. Usually, only additive genetic effects are considered in genetic evaluations. However, dominance effects that may be important for some traits can be fitted in a mixed linear model as either \'classical\' or \'genotypic\' dominance effects. Their influence on genomic evaluation has rarely been studied. Thus, the objectives of this study were to use a dataset from Canadian Yorkshire pigs to (1) compare different strategies to combine data from two SNP arrays (Affymetrix 55K and Illumina 42K) and identify the most appropriate strategy for genomic evaluation and (2) evaluate the impact of dominance effects (classical\' and \'genotypic\') and inbreeding depression effects on genomic predictive abilities for average daily gain (ADG), backfat thickness (BF), loin muscle depth (LMD), days to 100 kg (AGE100), and the total number of piglets born (TNB) at first parity.
    RESULTS: The reliabilities obtained with the additive genomic models showed that the strategy used to combine data from two SNP arrays had little impact on genomic evaluations. Models with classical or genotypic dominance effect showed similar predictive abilities for all traits. For ADG, BF, LMD, and AGE100, dominance effects accounted for a small proportion (2 to 11%) of the total genetic variance, whereas for TNB, dominance effects accounted for 11 to 20%. For all traits, the predictive abilities of the models increased significantly when genomic inbreeding depression effects were included in the model. However, the inclusion of dominance effects did not change the predictive ability for any trait except for TNB.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that it is feasible to combine data from different SNP arrays for genomic evaluation, and that all combination methods result in similar accuracies. Regardless of how dominance effects are fitted in the genomic model, there is no impact on genetic evaluation. Models including inbreeding depression effects outperform a model with only additive effects, even if the trait is not strongly affected by dominant genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The South China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis, SCT) is the most critically endangered subspecies of tiger due to functional extinction in the wild. Inbreeding depression is observed among the captive population descended from six wild ancestors, resulting in high juvenile mortality and low reproduction. We assembled and characterized the first SCT genome and an improved Amur tiger (P. t. altaica, AT) genome named AmyTig1.0 and PanTig2.0. The two genomes are the most continuous and comprehensive among any tiger genomes yet reported at the chromosomal level. By using the two genomes and resequencing data of 15 SCT and 13 AT individuals, we investigated the genomic signature of inbreeding depression of the SCT. The results indicated that the effective population size of SCT experienced three phases of decline, ~5.0-1.0 thousand years ago, 100 years ago, and since captive breeding in 1963. We found 43 long runs of homozygosity fragments that were shared by all individuals in the SCT population and covered a total length of 20.63% in the SCT genome. We also detected a large proportion of identical-by-descent segments across the genome in the SCT population, especially on ChrB4. Deleterious nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphic sites and loss-of-function mutations were found across genomes with extensive potential influences, despite a proportion of these loads having been purged by inbreeding depression. Our research provides an invaluable resource for the formulation of genetic management policies for the South China tiger such as developing genome-based breeding and genetic rescue strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the broad application of genomic information, SNP-based measures of estimating inbreeding have been widely used in animal breeding, especially based on runs of homozygosity. Inbreeding depression is better estimated by SNP-based inbreeding coefficients than pedigree-based inbreeding in general. However, there are few comprehensive comparisons of multiple methods in pigs so far, to some extent limiting their application. In this study, to explore an appropriate strategy for estimating inbreeding depression on both growth traits and reproductive traits in a Large White pig population, we compared multiple methods for the inbreeding coefficient estimation based on both pedigree and genomic information. This pig population for analyzing the influence of inbreeding was from a pig breeding farm in the Inner Mongolia of China. There were 26,204 pigs with records of age at 100 kg (AGE) and back-fat thickness at 100 kg (BF), and 6,656 sows with reproductive records of the total number of piglets at birth (TNB), and the number of alive piglets at birth (NBA), and litter weight at birth. Inbreeding depression affected growth and reproductive traits. The results indicated that pedigree-based and SNP-based inbreeding coefficients had significant effects on AGE, TNB, and NBA, except for BF. However, only SNP-based inbreeding coefficients revealed a strong association with inbreeding depression on litter weight at birth. Runs of homozygosity-based methods showed a slight advantage over other methods in the correlation analysis of inbreeding coefficients and estimation of inbreeding depression. Furthermore, our results demonstrated that the model-based approach (RZooRoH) could avoid miscalculations of inbreeding and inbreeding depression caused by inappropriate parameters, which had a good performance on both AGE and reproductive traits. These findings might improve the extensive application of runs of homozygosity analysis in pig breeding and breed conservation.





