
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Death by homicide-suicide or dyadic death is rare, with the nature of the death varying from case to case. The perpetrators are usually males and most often use weapons available in their vicinity to commit a crime. This case presents an instance of dyadic death using multiple methods to kill the intimate partner, followed by mirror imaging of similar injuries on himself and finally committing suicide by hanging. This case depicts a rare case of murder-suicide in which both victims and perpetrators died by different methods but a mirroring pattern of fatal injuries was observed on each intimate partner. The non-fatal injury for one was a facsimile of a fatal injury on a corresponding intimate partner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While much of work on homicide-suicide (HS) arises out of the USA and the UK, there is a paucity of research on HS outside of the Anglo-American sphere. This paper investigates HS in Hong Kong (HK), comparing the subtypes of filicide-suicide (FS) and mariticide/uxoricide-suicide (MUS) in that context as a means of testing the generalizability of past studies. Data from the HK Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government and the HK Police Force reports retrieved 156 cases from 2000 to 2019. In that timeframe, HS resulted in 261 deaths, with MUS being the most prevalent type of HS. Male offenders and female victims are more commonly seen. Offenders are generally older than their victims, and over half of offenders are married. FS and MUS display distinct characteristics in terms of offender and victim demographics, relationship dynamics, motives, and mode of killing. Depressed mothers tend to victimize their sons in FS as a means of saving their sons from a perceived miserable future, whereas male offenders aggress upon their female partners in MUS to alleviate their own frustrations, subsequently dying by suicide out of sorrow or a fear of consequence. MUS offenders are more hostile towards their victims and tend to kill with aggressive means, whereas FS offenders are more likely to kill with altruistic motives and with minimal force. These results match patterns of MUS and FS in the Anglo-American sphere, but with some important differences in terms of the use of guns and the presence of altruistic killing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intimate partner homicide is one of the most common types of homicide and a significant contributor to domestic homicides worldwide, especially affecting females. We focus on the intimate partner homicides in Denmark during 1992-2016. Though gender identity data was unavailable, sex data from official documents enabled critical analysis. Of the 1417 homicides in the period, 26.5% were intimate partner homicides, i.e., 55.6% of female and 8.9% of male victims. The annual intimate partner homicide rate was 0.28 per 100,000 (0.44 for female victims and 0.12 for male victims), declining at a lower rate than other types of homicide. Most victims of intimate partner homicides were females (79.3%). The demographics of the victims and the characteristics of the homicides were markedly different depending on victim sex. Female victims were killed by more varied methods, with more severe injuries and followed by suicide in 26.5% and with multiple homicide victims in 8.1%.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: Dual harm is the co-occurrence of self-harm and aggression during an individual\'s lifetime. It is unclear whether sufficient evidence exists for dual harm as a unique clinical entity. This systematic review aimed to examine whether there are psychological factors that are uniquely associated with dual harm when compared to those who have engaged in sole harm (self-harm alone, aggression alone) and no harmful behaviours. Our secondary aim was to conduct a critical appraisal of the literature.
    UNASSIGNED: The review searched PsycINFO, PubMed, CINAHL, and EThOS on September 27, 2022, resulting in 31 eligible papers that represented 15,094 individuals. An adapted version of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality was used to assess risk of bias and a narrative synthesis was conducted.
    UNASSIGNED: The included studies assessed differences in mental health problems, personality, and emotion related factors between the different behavioural groups. We found weak evidence that dual harm is an independent construct with unique psychological characteristics. Rather, our review suggests that dual harm results from the interaction of psychological risk factors that are associated with self-harm and aggression.
    UNASSIGNED: The critical appraisal identified numerous limitations within the dual harm literature. Clinical implications and recommendations for future research are provided.
    UNASSIGNED: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=197323, identifier CRD42020197323.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mental and psychological conditions of the individuals involved in homicide followed by suicide (H-S) are still unclear, especially in China. Information on these aspects cannot be accurately obtained due to the death of perpetrators. This study aims to demonstrate the characteristics of incomplete H-S with surviving perpetrators, which provide the possibility to obtain detailed mental and psychological information.
    This study explores incomplete H-S events occurred in Hunan, China from 2010 to 2019, in which the surviving perpetrators received a forensic psychiatric assessment. Three aspects of information, i.e., the subject\'s demographic, clinical and criminal information, were recorded and analysed.
    125 incomplete H-S incidents involved 166 victims were found in the current study. A total of 112 (89.6%) perpetrators were diagnosed with mental disorders, but only 56 of them had a history of consultation due to mental problems, and only one of them adhered to treatment. In most cases, the motivation is related to the psychopathological states, with the most common diagnosis being major depression, followed by schizophrenia. Gender difference was significant among the subjects: females were more likely to have a suicidal history, to be diagnosed as major depression and to be motivated by delirious altruism and family problems.
    This study indicated that psychopathology might be a predisposing factor, which highlighted the importance of mental state assessment for the population involved in incomplete H-S. A clearer understanding of the role of mental disorders might be helpful for the intervention of H-S.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nearly 1800 homicides were reported in 2018 among individuals aged 60 years or older in the US. The characteristics and circumstances of these homicides are understudied. We investigated the trends of homicides over time and compared victim, perpetrator, and incident characteristics by mechanism (firearm vs. non-firearm) among adults aged 60 years or older.
    METHODS: We examined cross-sectional restricted-access data from the National Violent Death Reporting System from 2003 to 2017. Fatal Injury Data by CDC provided age-adjusted homicide rates. We quantitatively summarized victim, perpetrator, and incident characteristics for firearm and non-firearm homicides. We also reviewed 150 qualitative narratives to better understand the context of older adult homicides perpetrated by firearms. All data were analyzed in February 2020.
    RESULTS: Overall and firearm-specific older adult homicide rates increased between 2014 and 2017. Of the 6188 victims, 62% were male. The majority of victims (68%) were killed at home. Firearms (44%), sharp (19%) and blunt weapons (15%) were common mechanisms used in older adult homicides. The perpetrator was an intimate partner in 39% of firearm homicides and 12% of non-firearm homicides (prevalence difference = 27%; 95% CI: 25, 30%). Similarly, homicide-suicides (prevalence difference = 21%; 95% CI: 19, 22%) and multiple-victim incidents (prevalence difference = 7%; 95% CI: 5, 8%) were more common in firearm (23 and 13%, respectively) than in non-firearm (2 and 6%, respectively) homicides. Common contexts of firearm homicides were familial/intimate partner problems, robbery/burglary, argument, and illness.
    CONCLUSIONS: A substantial number of older adults were killed with firearms and by their intimate partners. Further research to identify violence victimization prevention strategies in this group, especially those that limit access to firearms by potential perpetrators, is warranted.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The global suicide occurrences have been aggravated because of COVID-19 crisis-related issues such as fear of infection, the financial crisis, being infected with COVID-19, loneliness, social boycott, etc. Although two studies reported about the seven dyadic suicidality cases (i.e., suicide pacts), child homicide-suicide has not been studied.
    METHODS: On 14 May, two dead bodies (i.e., a 30-years old Indian woman and her six-month-old baby) were found in a Riyadh apartment complex. The perpetrator (a person who kills the others and later commits suicide) - a trained nurse, was in search of a job. The woman\'s husband was recently retrenched from his technician job at a company in Madinah Airport. Her husband was admitted to a hospital with symptoms related to the COVID-19 infection four days before the suicide incidence. The 70-year-old mother-in-law alerted the neighbors after finding that the apartment is locked from inside and there was no response on knocking the doors. After this, the neighbors gathered and called the police. Police found two dead-bodies after opening the flat and suspected that the child was killed before the woman committed suicide.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the present findings, further child filicide-suicide possibilities in families with economically distressed and/or positive COVID-19 status are expected. Hence, proper financial supports, providing authentic information (COVID-19), and mental health promotional strategies are suggested for decreasing incidences of COVID-19 related infanticide-suicide cases.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In the forensic literature, peculiar and uncommon cases of suicides defined as \"complicated\" are reported. In these circumstances, the suicide method chosen by the victim fails, and death occurs due to a subsequent unforeseen accidental event defined as secondary trauma. Through retrospective examination of 25,512 autopsies in 27 years (1993-2019) at the Bureau of Legal Medicine of Milan, a unique case of complicated suicide was identified from a total of 4497 suicides. It concerns an elderly man who, after killing his wife by inflicting incised wounds to her neck, tried to hang himself by tying a rope to a heater and jumping from the window located over the heater itself. However, the rope suddenly snapped and the man fells to the ground causing fatal traumatic injuries. Death occurred because of an accidental event caused by the failure of the hanging mechanism. Therefore, a peculiar yet characteristic case of complicated suicide is described.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study is to determine how individual and contextual factors that contribute to homicide-suicide (HS) differ between young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults, and to describe, in detail, the circumstances that lead to HS by older adults.
    Data were obtained from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Violent Death Reporting System. We used a sequential mixed methods approach to the analysis. Guided by the Marzuk HS framework, we conducted quantitative analyses to identify characteristics distinguishing older adult HS perpetrators from younger HS perpetrators. These results guided the qualitative content analysis, which further described the circumstances surrounding HS incidents perpetrated by older adults.
    While HS perpetrated by young and middle-aged adults were quite similar, the demographic characteristics, victim-perpetrator relationship, and contributing factors in HS incidents perpetrated by older adults were substantially different. Mental health and depressed mood were more common among older adult perpetrators, and jealousy, fights, and substance use issues were less common, relative to younger perpetrators. Escalating intimate partner violence and caregiving/health-related issues, including caregiving strain, housing transitions, and financial problems, were the primary contributors to older adult HS.
    HS perpetrated by older adults was both similar and different from incidents perpetrated by younger adults. Programs that prevent or de-escalate intimate partner violence would likely prevent many HS incidents perpetrated by older adults, but health and aging-related issues must also be considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been an insufficient in-depth analysis of the nature and prevalence of the typologies of child homicide in Asia, particularly in South Korea.
    In the current study, we sought to determine the prevalence and identify the heterogeneity of the child homicide phenomenon in South Korea.
    All 341 original case files (i.e., hospital, police, and autopsy reports) of homicide incidents involving children aged 0-18 in 2016 were obtained from the forensic autopsy archives of the National Forensic Service (NFS), which handles 100 % of the medico-legal autopsies in South Korea. These were examined and reclassified based on our definition.
    A cluster analysis using Gower\'s distance was applied, which has rarely been utilized in this field of research. By performing a qualitative analysis, we first extracted 70 (numerical, logical, categorical) crime, victim, perpetrator, and household relevant variables, which were later utilized in the cluster analysis.
    Among the 341 cases from 2016, 95 were judged to be at least suspicious child homicide cases. When applying the cluster analysis, eight sub-clusters were extracted: child torture, maternal filicide, neonaticide, death not related to previous abuse, paternal filicide, paternal infanticide, maternal infanticide, and psychotic killings.
    The commonality and the unique aspect of the child homicide phenomenon in South Korea, in comparison with the results from previous research from other countries, are discussed.





