
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a case of eosinophilic meningitis associated with the ingestion of raw fish (Cichla sp.) from the Brazilian Amazon, likely caused by Gnathostoma. A 36-year-old male visited Juruena river on a fishing trip. After 50 days, the patient presented with an intense frontal headache. A cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed 63% eosinophilia. Another individual who ingested raw fish developed linear dermatitis on the abdominal wall. Anti-Gnathostoma serum antibodies were detected, and the patient made a full recovery after treatment with corticosteroids and albendazole. To date, autochthonous Gnathostoma spp. infections in Latin American countries have only caused linear panniculitis. This report raises awareness of gnathostomiasis-causing meningitis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gnathostoma is a parasitic nematode that can infect a wide range of animal species, but human populations have become accidental hosts because of their habit of eating raw or undercooked meat from a wide variety of intermediate hosts. While gnathostomiasis is considered an endemic disease, cases of human gnathostomiasis have been increasing over time, most notably in nonendemic areas. There are several complexities to this parasitic disease, and this review provides an update on human gnathostomiasis, including the life cycle, diagnosis, treatment, and treatment strategies used to combat drug resistance. Even now, a definitive diagnosis of gnathostomiasis is still challenging because it is difficult to isolate larvae for parasitological confirmation. Another reason is the varying clinical symptoms recorded in reported cases. Clinical cases can be confirmed by immunodiagnosis. For Gnathosotoma spinigerum, the detection of IgG against a specific antigenic band with a molecular weight of 24 kDa from G. spinigerum advanced third-stage larvae (aL3), while for other species of Gnathostoma including G. binucleatum, the 33-kDa antigen protein is being used. This review also discusses cases of recurrence of gnathostomiasis and resistance mechanisms to two effective chemotherapeutics (albendazole and ivermectin) used against gnathostomiasis. This is significant, especially when planning strategies to combat anthelmintic resistance. Lastly, while no new chemotherapeutics against gnathostomiasis have been made available, we describe the management of recurrent gnathostomiasis using albendazole and ivermectin combinations or extensions of drug treatment plans.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This study aimed to describe a rare case of gnathostomiasis in the vocal cord. A 54-year-old Chinese woman living in Korea visited with a chief complaint of voice change at the outpatient department of otorhinolaryngology in Hallym Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University on August 2, 2021. She had eaten raw conger a few weeks before the voice change developed, but her medical history and physical examinations demonstrated neither gastrointestinal symptoms nor other health problems. A round and red cystic lesion, recognized in the anterior part of the right vocal cord, was removed using forceps and scissors through laryngeal microsurgery. The histopathological specimen of the cyst revealed 3 cross-sections of a nematode larva in the lumen of the cyst wall composed of inflammatory cells and fibrotic tissues. They differ in diameter, from 190 μm to 235 μm. They showed characteristic cuticular layers with tegumental spines, somatic muscle layers, and gastrointestinal tracts such as the esophagus and intestine. Notably, intestinal sections consisted of 27-28 lining cells containing 0-4 nuclei per cell. We tentatively identified the nematode larva recovered from the vocal cord cystic lesion as the third-stage larva of Gnathostoma, probably G. nipponicum or G. hispidum, based on the sectional morphologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gnathostomiasis is an important zoonosis in tropical areas that is mainly caused by third-stage Gnathostoma spinigerum larvae (G. spinigerum L3).
    This study aimed to prove whether G. spinigerum L3 produces extracellular vesicles (EVs) and investigate human gene profiles related to the immune response against the larvae.
    We created an immune cell model using normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) co-cultured with the larvae for 1 and 3 days, respectively. The PBMCs were harvested for transcriptome sequencing analysis. The EV ultrastructure was examined in the larvae and the cultured medium.
    Extracellular vesicle-like particles were observed under the larval teguments and in the pellets in the medium. RNA-seq analysis revealed that 2,847 and 3,118 genes were significantly expressed on days 1 and 3 after culture, respectively. The downregulated genes on day 1 after culture were involved in pro-inflammatory cytokines, the complement system and apoptosis, whereas those on day 3 were involved in T cell-dependent B cell activation and wound healing. Significantly upregulated genes related to cell proliferation, activation and development, as well as cytotoxicity, were observed on day 1, and genes regulating T cell maturation, granulocyte function, nuclear factor-κB and toll-like receptor pathways were predominantly observed on day 3 after culture.
    G. spinigerum L3 produces EV-like particles and releases them into the excretory-secretory products. Overall, genotypic findings during our 3-day observation revealed that most significant gene expressions were related to T and B cell signalling, driving T helper 2 cells related to chronic infection, immune evasion of the larvae, and the pathogenesis of gnathostomiasis. Further in-depth studies are necessary to clarify gene functions in the pathogenesis and immune evasion mechanisms of the infective larvae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gnathostomiasis in humans is acquired by consumption of any infected second intermediate host or paratenic host. This includes amphibians, snakes and poultry as well as fish. In this work we report for the first time in Mexico the presence of an AdvL3 of Gnathostoma turgidum in the musculature of a wild fish (Gobiomorus dormitor, which also acts as intermediate host for the larvae of G. binucleatum and G. lamothei), from the Papaloapan River, Veracruz; previously, larvae of G. turgidum had only been recorded in amphibians in Mexico and in wild swamp eels from Tampa, Florida, USA. The larva found is extremely small (approximately 1,500 by 140 microns in length and width, respectively), and was obtained by artificial digestion with pepsin after examining the musculature against the light between two glass plates, a method by which it went unnoticed. Our finding of an AdvL3 in this fish, together with a previous molecular phylogenetic analysis revealing that the five species involved in human infections do not nest in the same clade, suggest that all species in the genus are potentially zoonotic. In this context, we strongly recommend the identification of larvae extracted from human patients at specific level, in order to know the role played by the 3 species distributed in Mexico in human cases of gnathostomiasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the role of SWI compared with other MR imaging sequences and CT in diagnosis of cerebral gnathostomiasis.
    METHODS: CTs and MRIs of patients with cerebral gnathostomiasis were retrospectively reviewed. The types of intracranial hemorrhage, including intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH), subdural hemorrhage (SDH), subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and their locations were recorded.
    RESULTS: Four patients proven as cerebral gnathostomiasis were included. Intracranial hemorrhage was detected in all patients. There was IPH in all patients, SAH in 2 patients, and SDH in 2 patients. All patients (4/4) revealed hemorrhagic tracts which were very conspicuously seen on SWI. Other imaging sequences could also reveal hemorrhagic tracts in 3 patients (3/4) but are less conspicuously seen than SWI. None of the CT brains could detect hemorrhagic tracts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intracranial hemorrhage associated with hemorrhagic tract, best demonstrated by SWI, is the key imaging characteristic in diagnosis of cerebral gnathostomiasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The MDS Video Challenge continues to be the one of most widely attended sessions at the International Congress. Although the primary focus of this event is the presentation of complex and challenging cases through videos, a number of cases over the years have also presented an unusual or important neuroimaging finding related to the case. We reviewed the previous Video Challenge cases and present here a selection of those cases which incorporated such imaging findings. We have compiled these \"imaging pearls\" into two anthologies. The first focuses on pearls where the underlying diagnosis was a genetic condition. This second anthology focuses on imaging pearls in cases where the underlying condition was acquired. For each case we present brief clinical details along with neuroimaging findings, the characteristic imaging findings of that disorder and, finally, the differential diagnosis for the imaging findings seen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gnathostoma spinigerum is the most common cause of gnathostomiasis in humans. It has a complex life cycle, which requires two intermediate hosts and a definitive host, and poses a high risk for zoonosis. Definitive prognosis of gnathostomiasis relies mainly on the isolation of advanced-stage larvae (aL3), which is very challenging especially if the aL3 is sequestered in difficult-to-reach organs. There is also a lack of a confirmatory diagnostic test for gnathostomiasis. With the ongoing advancement of proteomics, a potential diagnostic approach is underway using immunoproteomics and immunodiagnostics. In addition to this, the employment of mass spectrometry could further elucidate not only understanding the biology of the parasite but also determining potential targets of prospective drugs and vaccines. This article reports the past, present, and future application of proteomics in the study of gnathostomiasis.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    The aims of the study were two-fold: (1) antigen (Ag) preparation and evaluation of three antigens of Gnathostoma spinigerum infective larvae (GsL3), crude somatic antigen (CSAg), excretory-secretory antigen (ESAg) and partially purified antigens (namely P1Ag, P2Ag and P3Ag) to differentiate IgE, IgG, IgG1-4 and IgM for human gnathostomiasis diagnosis; and (2) application of the selected ELISA for following up stored sera of patients treated with ivermectin (IVM) and albendazole (ABZ).
    Different antigens were analysed by antibodies of gnathostomiasis cases, other parasite infections and healthy controls using indirect ELISA to differentiate IgE, IgG, IgG1-4 and IgM. Then, prominent antigen and immunoglobulin were used in antibody predictions of gnathostomiasis cases treated with albendazole or ivermectin.
    Sensitivity of all evaluated ELISAs: IgM-, IgG-, IgG1- and IgG4-ELISA, was 100%. IgM-ELISA with CSAg and P3Ag exhibited the highest specificity of 99%. IgG-ELISA with P2Ag resulted in the highest specificity of 92.3%. IgG1-ELISA with P2Ag and P3Ag showed excellent results with 100% specificity. Finally, P2Ag evaluated IgG1 of the followed-up cases with ABZ and IVM. Decreasing antibody IgG1 levels were mostly found in both treatments at Month 9 and long follow-up was over 12 months. A Gnathostoma worm was extracted from each two treated patients.
    Using IgG1-ELISA against P2Ag and P3Ag gave excellent results with 100% sensitivity and specificity. These tests can be an alternative to immunoblotting for gnathostomiasis. IgG1 decreased at least 9 months in most cases, so long-term treatment should be performed over 1 year.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports





