Geographic information systems (GIS)

地理信息系统 (GIS)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The disease management program (DMP) for type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is the largest DMP in Germany. Our goal was to analyze regional differences in unenrollment rates, suggest areas for intervention and provide background information, which population groups in which locations are currently not enrolled in the DMP for T2DM.
    METHODS: In this study, we used data of the 1.7 mil. insurants of the AOK Nordost health insurance. For the visualization of enrollment potential, we used the Besag-York-Mollie model (BYM). The spatial scan statistic (SaTScan) was used to detect areas of unusually high rates of unenrolled diabetics to prioritize areas for intervention. To explore sociodemographic associations, we used Bayesian spatial global regression models. A Spatially varying coefficient model (SVC) revealed in how far the detected associations vary over space.
    RESULTS: The proportion of diabetics currently not enrolled in the DMP T2DM was 36.8% in 2019 and varied within northeastern Germany. Local clusters were detected mainly in Mecklenburg-West-Pomerania and Berlin. The main sociodemographic variables associated with unenrollment were female sex, younger age, being unemployed, foreign citizenship, small household size and the proportion of persons commuting to work outside their residential municipality. The SVC model revealed important spatially varying effects for some but not all associations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lower socioeconomic status and foreign citizenship had an ubiquitous effect on not being enrolled. The DMP T2DM therefore does currently not reach those population groups, which have a higher risk for secondary diseases and possible avoidable hospitalizations. Logically, future interventions should focus on these groups. Our methodology clearly suggests areas for intervention and points out, which population group in which locations should be specifically approached.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The abundance and recurrence of particulate matter in Abu Dhabi Emirate (ADE), are often derived from different emission sources such as the combustion of hydrocarbon, producing much of the PM2.5 found in outdoor air, as well as a significant proportion of PM10. Wind-blown dust from open desert areas and construction sites, landfills and agriculture, brush/waste burning, and industrial sources, has contributed markedly to the problem of the spread of haze and the long-range movement of pollutants in the country. In this study, the spatio-temporal characterization of PM10 concentration across the Emirate was analyzed utilizing geospatial interpolation, spanning the period between 2013 and 2017. The results suggest that the fluctuations of the PM10 concentration can be decomposed into three dominant types, each characterizing different spatial and temporal variations. First, the western region with PM10 showing a peak concentration during the summer season i.e., when the winds are predominantly northerlies or northwesterly, and a minimal concentration during the winter season. Second, the central region with the PM10 exhibiting a concentration surge in July-August, as a result of a mix of strong winds and high temperatures. Third, the eastern region with a low concentration of PM10. Seasonally, this component exhibits two concentration maxima during quarters 2 and 3 (summer), and two minima during quarters 1 and 4 (winter). Indeed, the seasonal variability of PM10 concentration in desertic countries like the UAE is closely linked to the seasonal variation of heat waves and dust storms, which are characteristic of the dryland climate. During the summer months, the UAE experiences high temperatures and arid conditions, creating favorable conditions for the formation of heat waves. Furthermore, it was noticed that the PM10 concentration also fluctuated markedly throughout the study period with anomalies detected in open desert areas and regions characterized by extensive industrial operations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Within the global architecture, engineering, and construction industry, the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology has significantly expanded. However, given the unique characteristics of road infrastructure, the application of BIM technology is still being explored. This article focuses on the Yuanchen Expressway, exploring innovative applications of BIM technology in comprehensive construction management. The project employs advanced technologies, including BIM, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and the Internet of Things (IoT), to precisely identify critical nodes and breakthroughs. Supported by a detailed BIM model and a multi-level, diversified digital management platform, the project effectively addresses construction challenges in multiple tunnels, bridges, and complex interchanges, achieving intelligent construction innovation throughout the Yuanchen Expressway with BIM technology. By guiding construction through BIM models, utilizing a BIM+GIS-based management cloud platform system, and employing VR safety briefings, the project effectively reduces the difficulty of communication and coordination in project management, shortens the project measurement cycle, improves on-site work efficiency, and ensures comprehensive control and safety management. This article provides an exemplary case for the application of full-line construction management using BIM technology in the highway sector both in China and globally, offering new perspectives and strategies for highway construction management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pedestrian safety, particularly for children, relies on well-designed pathways. Child-friendly pathways play a crucial role in safeguarding young pedestrians. Shared spaces accommodating both vehicles and walkers can bring benefits to pedestrians. However, active children playing near these pathways are prone to accidents. This research aims to develop an efficient method for planning child-friendly pedestrian pathways, taking into account community development and the specific needs of children. A mixed-methods approach was employed, utilizing the Datang community in Guangzhou, China, as a case study. This approach combined drawing techniques with GIS data analysis. Drawing methods were utilized to identify points of interest for children aged 2-6. The qualitative and quantitative fuzzy analytic hierarchy process assessed factors influencing pathway planning, assigning appropriate weights. The weighted superposition analysis method constructed a comprehensive cost grid, considering various community elements. To streamline the planning process, a GIS tool was developed based on the identified factors, resulting in a practical, child-friendly pedestrian pathway network. Results indicate that this method efficiently creates child-friendly pathways, ensuring optimal connectivity within the planned road network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Timor-Leste\'s food insecurity, propelled by political conflicts, a fragile economy and biophysical limitations that characterize mountainous Small Island Developing States (SIDS), is expressed in a high incidence (50%) of stunted children. Hence, the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund\'s Joint Program\'s (MDG-F JP) in 2009 was a timely intervention to reduce prevalence of underweight among under-fives. Since the impact of the program remains largely unclear, the current study investigates the contributions of the MDG-F JP on improving children\'s nutritional status in Timor-Leste, in order to inform policymakers on how to make future programs more effective.
    METHODS: Using bivariate analyses and multiple linear regression models we analyzed Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from under-fives in 2009-2010 and 2016, combined with spatially explicit data from geographic information systems (GIS). The analyses generated trends and factors associated with undernutrition, which were used in a quasi-experimental setting to compare districts that received the MDG-F JP with similar districts that did not receive MDG-F JP interventions.
    RESULTS: A comprehensive set of factors dependent on seasons, locations, and individuals determine undernutrition in Timor-Leste. A positive impact of the MDG-F JP was found for the average severity of wasting, but not for stunting and underweight.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings reinforce the pressing need for integrated and cross-sectoral programs, aimed especially at agricultural workers, mothers, and children. The agricultural challenge is to sustainably select, produce and conserve higher-yield and nutrient-rich crops, and educational enhancement should be aligned with local practices and research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ecosystem and economy\'s reliance on clean water is influenced by various factors such as geology, topography, soil types, activities, and the presence of plants and animals. The Ghana Water Company is encountering difficulties in delivering water to consumers in the Ashanti Region due to the shortage of surface water resources, leading to water rationing in the area. Furthermore, poor waste disposal practices, illegal mining, use of fertilizers, and industrial activities have resulted in surface and groundwater source damage. Therefore, there is a need to implement a reliable, simple, and timely method to assess groundwater quality. This study aims to employ GIS and RS techniques to evaluate groundwater quality and potential in the Ashanti Region, Ghana. The Water Quality Index (WQI) was estimated using pH, Total Dissolve Solid (TDS), Chloride, Total Hardness (TH), Nitrate, Temperature, Turbidity, Iron, and Electrical Conductivity (EC). The study then used the WQI distribution to conduct a groundwater potential analysis to identify suitable areas for borehole placement. Digital thematic layers and maps were developed to expose the spatial distribution of water quality parameters, enabling the identification of groundwater pollution control and remedial measures. The study estimated the region\'s groundwater potential using an integrated GIS and Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) technique, grouping under excellent, good, fair, and poor potential. The WQI in the Ashanti Region ranged from 5.208 to 134.232, with 32.252% of the study area having an excellent WQI and 60.168% of the study area having a good WQI. Poor water quality covered 7.550% of the study area. The results showed that the GIS-based AHP approach accurately mapped the spatial distribution of WQI and Groundwater Potential Zones (GWPZ). This information is helpful to planners in water resource management in groundwater exploration and future planning. Policymakers and stakeholders must ensure that groundwater sources are protected from pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Cancer is a global health challenge with complex characteristics. Despite progress in research and treatment, a universally effective prevention strategy is lacking. Access to reliable information, especially on occurrence rates, is vital for cancer management. This study aims to create a database containing individual and spatially integrated data on commonly diagnosed cancers in Iran from 2014 to 2017, serving as a valuable resource for spatial-epidemiological approaches.
    METHODS: This database encompasses several files related to cancer data. The first file is an Excel spreadsheet, containing information on newly diagnosed cancer cases from 2014 to 2017. It provides demographic details and specific characteristics of 482,229 cancer patients. We categorized this data according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reporting rules to identify cancers with the highest incidence. To create a geodatabase, individual data was integrated at the county level and combined with population data. Files 2 and 3 contain gender-specific spatial data for the top cancer types and non-melanoma skin cancer. Each file includes county identifications, the number of cancer cases for each cancer type per year, and gender-specific population information. Lastly, there is a user\'s guide file to help navigate through the data files.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Access to local, population specific, and timely data is vital in understanding factors that impact population health. The impact of place (neighborhood, census tract, and city) is particularly important in understanding the Social Determinants of Health. The University of Rochester Medical Center\'s Clinical and Translational Science Institute created the web-based tool to provide access to thousands of geographically displayed publicly available health-related datasets. The site has also hosted a variety of locally curated datasets (eg., COVID-19 vaccination rates and community-derived health indicators), helping set community priorities and impacting outcomes. Usage statistics (available through Google Analytics) show returning visitors with a lower bounce rate (leaving a site after a single page access) and spent longer at the site than new visitors. Of the currently registered 1033 users, 51.7% were from within our host university, 20.1% were from another educational institution, and 28.2% identified as community members. Our assessments indicate that these data are useful and valued across a variety of domains. Continuing site improvement depends on new sources of locally relevant data, as well as increased usage of data beyond our local region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil erosion across watersheds and river basins is an alarming environmental deterioration process that poses severe risks to hydrological systems, hydrogeochemical processes, agricultural productivity, and the global natural ecosystem. The use of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographical Information System (GIS) to assess soil erosivity for the watershed is widely known. This study applied the AHP and GIS to understand the degree of erosivity of the hilly Karnaphuli watershed in Chattogram, Bangladesh. The study used topographical maps, soil maps, and satellite imagery datasets. It implemented the GIS-based AHP and weighted overlay technique to derive eight factors (slope, elevation, Stream Power Index (SPI), Land Use and Land Cover (LULC), curvature, soil, Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), and rainfall. The geological stage of erosion potential was also identified using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data through GIS-based hypsometric analysis. The findings demonstrated that the eastern and north-western parts are particularly vulnerable to erosion compared to other parts of the study area. The most dominant variables identified to influence the process of soil erosion are slope, LULC, elevation, and SPI. According to the AHP analysis, slope was the most influential factor (26%), followed by LULC (23.8%), elevation (20.3%), and SPI (13.9%) in the soil erosion process, and the geological stage of erosion potential was determined from the hypsometric curve (S-shaped) and hypsometric integral (0.49), which revealed that moderately eroded areas characterized the whole research region. The findings are significant as they provide valuable information for researchers and planners to address soil erosion and develop measures to control it effectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cancer is a significant public health concern and the second leading cause of death. This study aims to visualize spatial patterns of top common cancer types and identify high-risk and low-risk counties for these cancers in Iran from 2014 to 2017.
    METHODS: In this study, we analyzed 482,229 newly diagnosed cancer cases recorded by the Iranian National Population-Based Cancer Registry from 2014 to 2017. We employed a purely spatial scanning model and local Moran I analysis to explore spatial patterns across Iran.
    RESULTS: Approximately 53% of all cases were male. The average age of cancer diagnosis was 62.58 ± 17.42 years for males and 56.11 ± 17.33years for females. Stomach cancer was the most common cancer in men. The northern and northwestern regions of Iran were identified as high-risk areas for stomach cancer in both genders, with a relative risk (RR) ranging from 1.26 to 2.64 in males and 1.19 to 3.32 in females. These areas recognized as high-risk areas for trachea, bronchus, and lung (TBL) cancer specifically in males (RR:1.15-2.02). Central regions of Iran were identified as high-risk areas for non-melanoma skin cancers in both genders, ranking as the second most common cancer (RR:1.18-5.93 in males and 1.24-5.38 in females). Furthermore, bladder cancer in males (RR:1.32-2.77) and thyroid cancer in females (RR:1.88-3.10) showed concentration in the central part of Iran. Breast cancer, being the most common cancer among women (RR:1.23-5.54), exhibited concentration in the northern regions of the country. Also, northern regions of Iran were identified as high-risk clusters for colon cancer (RR:1.31-3.31 in males and 1.33-4.13 in females), and prostate cancer in males (RR:1.22-2.31). Brain, nervous system cancer, ranked sixth among women (RR:1.26-5.25) in central areas.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study\'s revelations on the spatial patterns of common cancer incidence in Iran provide crucial insights into the distribution and trends of these diseases. The identification of high-risk areas equips policymakers with valuable information to tailor targeted screening programs, facilitating early diagnosis and effective disease control strategies.





