Gasterosteus aculeatus

Gasterosteus aculeatus
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Host-microbiota interactions play a critical role in the hosts\' biology, and thus, it is crucial to elucidate the mechanisms that shape gut microbial communities. We leveraged threespine stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as a model system to investigate the contribution of host and environmental factors to gut microbiota variation. These fish offer a unique opportunity for experiments in naturalistic conditions; we reared benthic and limnetic ecotypes from three different lakes in experimental ponds, allowing us to assess the relative effects of shared environment (pond), geographic origin (lake-of-origin), trophic ecology and genetics (ecotype) and biological sex on gut microbiota α- and β-diversity. Host ecotype had the strongest influence on α-diversity, with benthic fish exhibiting higher diversity than limnetic fish, followed by the rearing environment. β-diversity was primarily shaped by rearing environment, followed by host ecotype, indicating that environmental factors play a crucial role in determining gut microbiota composition. Furthermore, numerous bacterial orders were differentially abundant across ponds, underlining the substantial contribution of environmental factors to gut microbiota variation. Our study illustrates the complex interplay between environmental and host ecological or genetic factors in shaping the stickleback gut microbiota and highlights the value of experiments conducted under naturalistic conditions for understanding gut microbiota dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well known that maternal age at reproduction affects offspring lifespan and some other fitness-related traits, but it remains understudied whether maternal senescence affects how offspring respond to their environments. Early environment often plays a significant role in the development of an animal\'s behavioral phenotype. For example, complex environments can promote changes in cognitive ability and brain morphology in young animals. Here, we study whether and how maternal effect senescence influences offspring plasticity in cognition, group behavior, and brain morphology in response to environmental complexity. For this, juvenile 3-spined sticklebacks from young and old mothers (i.e. 1-yr and 2-yr-old) were exposed to different levels of environmental enrichment and complexity (i.e. none, simple, and complex), and their behavior, cognitive ability, and brain size were measured. Exposing fish to enriched conditions improved individual learning ability assessed by a repeated detour-reaching task, increased the size of the whole brain, and decreased aggressive interactions in the shoal. Maternal age did not influence the inhibitory control, learning ability, and group behavioral responses of offspring to the experimental environmental change. However, maternal age affected how some brain regions of offspring changed in response to environmental complexity. In offspring from old mothers, those exposed to the complex environment had larger telencephalons and cerebellums than those who experienced simpler environments. Our results suggest that maternal effect senescence may influence how offspring invest in brain functions related to cognition in response to environmental complexity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Darwin attributed the absence of species transitions in the fossil record to his hypothesis that speciation occurs within isolated habitat patches too geographically restricted to be captured by fossil sequences. Mayr\'s peripatric speciation model added that such speciation would be rapid, further explaining missing evidence of diversification. Indeed, Eldredge and Gould\'s original punctuated equilibrium model combined Darwin\'s conjecture, Mayr\'s model and 124 years of unsuccessfully sampling the fossil record for transitions. Observing such divergence, however, could illustrate the tempo and mode of evolution during early speciation. Here, we investigate peripatric divergence in a Miocene stickleback fish, Gasterosteus doryssus. This lineage appeared and, over approximately 8000 generations, evolved significant reduction of 12 of 16 traits related to armour, swimming and diet, relative to its ancestral population. This was greater morphological divergence than we observed between reproductively isolated, benthic-limnetic ecotypes of extant Gasterosteus aculeatus. Therefore, we infer that reproductive isolation was evolving. However, local extinction of G. doryssus lineages shows how young, isolated, speciating populations often disappear, supporting Darwin\'s explanation for missing evidence and revealing a mechanism behind morphological stasis. Extinction may also account for limited sustained divergence within the stickleback species complex and help reconcile speciation rate variation observed across time scales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When populations repeatedly adapt to similar environments they can evolve similar phenotypes based on shared genetic mechanisms (parallel evolution). The likelihood of parallel evolution is affected by demographic history, as it depends on the standing genetic variation of the source population. The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) repeatedly colonized and adapted to brackish and freshwater. Most parallel evolution studies in G. aculeatus were conducted at high latitudes, where freshwater populations maintain connectivity to the source marine populations. Here, we analysed southern and northern European marine and freshwater populations to test two hypotheses. First, that southern European freshwater populations (which currently lack connection to marine populations) lost genetic diversity due to bottlenecks and inbreeding compared to their northern counterparts. Second, that the degree of genetic parallelism is higher among northern than southern European freshwater populations, as the latter have been subjected to strong drift due to isolation. The results show that southern populations exhibit lower genetic diversity but a higher degree of genetic parallelism than northern populations. Hence, they confirm the hypothesis that southern populations have lost genetic diversity, but this loss probably happened after they had already adapted to freshwater conditions, explaining the high degree of genetic parallelism in the south.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ectotherms are expected to be particularly vulnerable to climate change-driven increases in temperature. Understanding how populations adapt to novel thermal environments will be key for informing mitigation plans. We took advantage of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations inhabiting adjacent geothermal (warm) and ambient (cold) habitats to test for adaptive evolutionary divergence using a field reciprocal transplant experiment. We found evidence for adaptive morphological divergence, as growth (length change) in non-native habitats related to head, posterior and total body shape. Higher growth in fish transplanted to a non-native habitat was associated with morphological shape closer to native fish. The consequences of transplantation were asymmetric with cold sourced fish transplanted to the warm habitat suffering from lower survival rates and greater parasite prevalence than warm sourced fish transplanted to the cold habitat. We also found divergent shape allometries that related to growth. Our findings suggest that wild populations can adapt quickly to thermal conditions, but immediate transitions to warmer conditions may be particularly difficult.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parental care is a critical determinant of offspring fitness, and parents adjust their care in response to ecological challenges, including predation risk. The experiences of both mothers and fathers can influence phenotypes of future generations (transgenerational plasticity). If it is adaptive for parents to alter parental care in response to predation risk, then we expect F1 and F2 offspring who receive transgenerational cues of predation risk to shift their parental care behaviour if these ancestral cues reliably predict a similarly risky environment as their F0 parents. Here, we used three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) to understand how paternal exposure to predation risk prior to mating alters reproductive traits and parental care behaviour in unexposed F1 sons and F2 grandsons. Sons of predator-exposed fathers took more attempts to mate than sons of control fathers. F1 sons and F2 grandsons with two (maternal and paternal) predator-exposed grandfathers shifted their paternal care (fanning) behaviour in strikingly similar ways: they fanned less initially, but fanned more near egg hatching. This shift in fanning behaviour matches shifts observed in response to direct exposure to predation risk, suggesting a highly conserved response to pre-fertilization predator exposure that persists from the F0 to the F1 and F2 generations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is an important model for studying the evolution of nuptial coloration, but histological analyses of color are largely lacking. Previous analyses of one nuptial coloration trait, orange-red coloration along the body, have indicated carotenoids are the main pigment producing this color. In addition, recent gene expression studies found variation in the correlates of throat coloration between the sexes and between populations, raising the possibility of variation in the mechanisms underlying superficially similar coloration. We used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to investigate the histological correlates of color in the throat dermal tissue of threespine stickleback from Western North America, within and between sexes, populations, and ecotypes. Ultrastructural analysis revealed carotenoid-containing erythrophores to be the main chromatophore component associated with orange-red coloration in both males and females across populations. In individuals where some darkening of the throat tissue was present, with no obvious orange-red coloration, erythrophores were not detected. Melanophore presence was more population-specific in expression, including being the only chromatophore component detected in a population of darker fish. We found no dermal chromatophore units within colorless throat tissue. This work confirms the importance of carotenoids and the erythrophore in producing orange-red coloration across sexes, as well as melanin within the melanophore in producing darkened coloration, but does not reveal broad histological differences among populations with similar coloration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasites are ubiquitous, yet their effects on hosts are difficult to quantify and generalize across ecosystems. One promising metric of parasitic impact uses the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) to calculate energy flux, an estimate of energy lost to parasites. We investigated the feasibility of using metabolic scaling rules to compare the energetic burden of parasitism among individuals. Specifically, we found substantial sensitivity of energy flux estimates to input parameters used in the MTE equation when using available data from a model host-parasite system (Gasterosteus aculeatus and Schistocephalus solidus). Using literature values, size data from parasitized wild fish, and a respirometry experiment, we estimate that a single S. solidus tapeworm may extract up to 32% of its stickleback host\'s baseline metabolic energy requirement, and that parasites in multiple infections may collectively extract up to 46%. The amount of energy siphoned from stickleback to tapeworms is large but did not instigate an increase in respiration rate in the current study. This emphasizes the importance of future work focusing on how parasites influence ecosystem energetics. The approach of using the MTE to calculate energy flux provides great promise as a quantitative foundation for such estimates and provides a more concrete metric of parasite impact on hosts than parasite abundance alone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many fresh and coastal waters are becoming increasingly turbid because of human activities, which may disrupt the visually mediated behaviours of aquatic organisms. Shoaling fish typically depend on vision to maintain collective behaviour, which has a range of benefits including protection from predators, enhanced foraging efficiency and access to mates. Previous studies of the effects of turbidity on shoaling behaviour have focussed on changes to nearest neighbour distance and average group-level behaviours. Here, we investigated whether and how experimental shoals of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in clear (<10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units [NTU]) and turbid (~35 NTU) conditions differed in five local-level behaviours of individuals (nearest and furthest neighbour distance, heading difference with nearest neighbour, bearing angle to nearest neighbour and swimming speed). These variables are important for the emergent group-level properties of shoaling behaviour. We found an indirect effect of turbidity on nearest neighbour distances driven by a reduction in swimming speed, and a direct effect of turbidity which increased variability in furthest neighbour distances. In contrast, the alignment and relative position of individuals was not significantly altered in turbid compared to clear conditions. Overall, our results suggest that the shoals were usually robust to adverse effects of turbidity on collective behaviour, but group cohesion was occasionally lost during periods of instability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Of widespread interest in animal behavior and ecology is how animals search their environment for resources, and whether these search strategies are optimal. However, movement also affects predation risk through effects on encounter rates, the conspicuousness of prey, and the success of attacks. Here, we use predatory fish attacking a simulation of virtual prey to test whether predation risk is associated with movement behavior. Despite often being demonstrated to be a more efficient strategy for finding resources such as food, we find that prey displaying Lévy motion are twice as likely to be targeted by predators than prey utilizing Brownian motion. This can be explained by the predators, at the moment of the attack, preferentially targeting prey that were moving with straighter trajectories rather than prey that were turning more. Our results emphasize that costs of predation risk need to be considered alongside the foraging benefits when comparing different movement strategies.





