Gasterosteus aculeatus

Gasterosteus aculeatus
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When populations repeatedly adapt to similar environments they can evolve similar phenotypes based on shared genetic mechanisms (parallel evolution). The likelihood of parallel evolution is affected by demographic history, as it depends on the standing genetic variation of the source population. The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) repeatedly colonized and adapted to brackish and freshwater. Most parallel evolution studies in G. aculeatus were conducted at high latitudes, where freshwater populations maintain connectivity to the source marine populations. Here, we analysed southern and northern European marine and freshwater populations to test two hypotheses. First, that southern European freshwater populations (which currently lack connection to marine populations) lost genetic diversity due to bottlenecks and inbreeding compared to their northern counterparts. Second, that the degree of genetic parallelism is higher among northern than southern European freshwater populations, as the latter have been subjected to strong drift due to isolation. The results show that southern populations exhibit lower genetic diversity but a higher degree of genetic parallelism than northern populations. Hence, they confirm the hypothesis that southern populations have lost genetic diversity, but this loss probably happened after they had already adapted to freshwater conditions, explaining the high degree of genetic parallelism in the south.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, was determined through sequencing of PCR fragments. The complete mitochondrial genome of G. aculeatus was 16,543 bp in length and encoded 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and two ribosomal RNA genes. The overall nucleotide composition is: 27.0% A, 28.4% T, 27.4% C, and 17.2% G, with a total G + C content of 44.6%. By phylogenetic analysis using ML method, G. aculeatus showed the closest relationship with the blackspotted stickleback (Gasterosteus wheatlandi).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene flow is widely thought to homogenize spatially separate populations, eroding effects of divergent selection. The resulting theory of \'migration-selection balance\' is predicated on a common assumption that all genotypes are equally prone to dispersal. If instead certain genotypes are disproportionately likely to disperse, then migration can actually promote population divergence. For example, previous work has shown that threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) differ in their propensity to move up- or downstream (\'rheotactic response\'), which may facilitate genetic divergence between adjoining lake and stream populations of stickleback. Here, we demonstrate that intraspecific variation in a sensory system (superficial neuromast lines) contributes to this variation in swimming behaviour in stickleback. First, we show that intact neuromasts are necessary for a typical rheotactic response. Next, we showed that there is heritable variation in the number of neuromasts and that stickleback with more neuromasts are more likely to move downstream. Variation in pectoral fin shape contributes to additional variation in rheotactic response. These results illustrate how within-population quantitative variation in sensory and locomotor traits can influence dispersal behaviour, thereby biasing dispersal between habitats and favouring population divergence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping studies of Pacific three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) have uncovered several genomic regions controlling variability in different morphological traits, but QTL studies of Atlantic sticklebacks are lacking. We mapped QTL for 40 morphological traits, including body size, body shape, and body armor, in a F2 full-sib cross between northern European marine and freshwater three-spined sticklebacks. A total of 52 significant QTL were identified at the 5% genome-wide level. One major QTL explaining 74.4% of the total variance in lateral plate number was detected on LG4, whereas several major QTL for centroid size (a proxy for body size), and the lengths of two dorsal spines, pelvic spine, and pelvic girdle were mapped on LG21 with the explained variance ranging from 27.9% to 57.6%. Major QTL for landmark coordinates defining body shape variation also were identified on LG21, with each explaining ≥15% of variance in body shape. Multiple QTL for different traits mapped on LG21 overlapped each other, implying pleiotropy and/or tight linkage. Thus, apart from providing confirmatory data to support conclusions born out of earlier QTL studies of Pacific sticklebacks, this study also describes several novel QTL of both major and smaller effect for ecologically important traits. The finding that many major QTL mapped on LG21 suggests that this linkage group might be a hotspot for genetic determinants of ecologically important morphological traits in three-spined sticklebacks.





