
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), its genetic and geographical origins remain unclear, resulting in suspicions about its natural origin. In one of our previous studies, we reported the presence of a furin cleavage site RRAR in the junction region between S1 and S2 subunits of the spike protein, which was discovered as the first crucial clue for the origin tracing of SARS-CoV-2. In the present study, we conducted an integrative analysis of new genome data from bat Sarbecovirus strains reported after the COVID-19 outbreak. The primary results included the identification of BANAL-20-52, Rp22DB159, and S18CXBatR24 as three close relatives of SARS-CoV-2 and the successful detection of seven out of nine key genomic features (designated as RC0-7 and ORF8) observed in wild types of SARS-CoV-2 in the three close relatives from Laos, Vietnam, and Yunnan province of China, respectively. The most significant contribution of the present study lies in the detection of RC1 in wild genotype in a bat Sarbecovirus population BANAL-20-52 belonging to. Encoding a segment of the NSP3 protein, RC1 was discovered as the second crucial clue for the origin tracing of SARS-CoV-2. Although RC0, encoding the junction furin cleavage site, remains undetected outside of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, Feuang of Laos is the sole place where eight of the nine wild-type features (RC1-7 and ORF8) have been detected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Furin (Fur) is a member of the protease convertase family; its expression is crucial for cleaving and maturing many proteins. Fur also represents a therapeutic target in cancer, autoimmune diseases, and viral infections. Pioglitazone (PGZ) and rosiglitazone (RGZ) are thiazolidinediones prescribed to type 2 diabetes patients and are structurally similar to the known Fur inhibitors naphthofluorescein (NPF) and pirfenidone (PFD). Thus, this study used molecular docking and molecular dynamics to assess and compare the affinities and the molecular interactions of these four ligands with the Fur active site (FurAct) and the recently described Fur allosteric site (FurAll). The 7QXZ Fur structure was used for molecular dockings, and for the best pose complexes, molecular dynamics were run for 100 ns. The best affinities of the ligand/FurAct and ligand/FurAll complexes were with NPF, PGZ, and RGZ, while PFD presented the lowest affinity. Asp154 was the central residue involved in FurAct complex formation, while Glu488 and Asn310 were the central residues involved in FurAll complex formation. This study shows the potential of RGZ, PGZ, and PFD as Fur competitive (FurAct) and non-competitive (FurAll) inhibitors. Therefore, they are candidates for repurposing in response to future emerging diseases through the modulation of Fur activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Furins are serine endoproteases that are involved in many biological processes, where they play important roles in normal metabolism, in the activation of various pathogens, while they are a target for therapeutic intervention. Dichlorophenyl-pyridine \"BOS\" compounds are well known drugs that are used as inhibitors of human furin by an induced-fit mechanism, in which tryptophan W254 in the furin catalytic cleft acts as a molecular transition energy gate. The binding of \"BOS\" drug into the active center of furin has been computationally studied using the density functional theory (DFT) and ONIOM multiscaling methodologies. The binding enthalpies of the W254 with the furin-BOS is -32.8 kcal/mol (\"open\") and -18.8 kcal/mol (\"closed\"), while the calculated torsion barrier was found at 30 kcal/mol. It is significantly smaller than the value of previous MD calculations due to the relaxation of the environment, i.e., nearby groups of the W254, leading to the reduction of the energy demands. The significant lower barrier explains the experimental finding that the dihedral barrier of W254 is overcome. Furthermore, sartans were studied to evaluate their potential as furin inhibitors. Sartans are AT1 antagonists, and they effectively inhibit the hypertensive effects induced by the peptide hormone Angiotensin II. Here, they have been docked into the cavity to evaluate their effect on the BOS ligand via docking and molecular dynamics simulations. A consistent binding of sartans within the cavity during the simulation was found, suggesting that they could act as furin inhibitors. Finally, sartans interact with the same amino acids as W254, leading to a competitive binding that may influence the pharmacological efficacy and potential drug interactions of sartans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the binding affinity and interactions of the Furin enzyme with two inhibitors, Naphthofluorescein and decanoyl-RVKR-chloromethylketone (CMK), using molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Molecular docking results showed binding affinities of - 9.18 kcal/mol for CMK and - 5.39 kcal/mol for Naphthofluorescein. To further understand the stability and conformational changes of these complexes, MD simulations were performed. Despite CMK\'s favorable docking score, MD simulations revealed that its binding interactions at the Furin-active site were unstable, with significant changes observed during the simulation. In contrast, Naphthofluorescein maintained strong and stable interactions throughout the MD simulation, as confirmed by RMSD and RMSF analyses. The binding-free-energy analysis also supported the stability of Naphthofluorescein. These findings indicate that Naphthofluorescein exhibits greater stability and binding affinity as a Furin inhibitor compared to CMK. The results of this in-silico study suggest that Naphthofluorescein, along with CMK, holds the potential for repurposing as a treatment for COVID-19, subject to further validation through clinical studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic psychological stress has been reported to decrease circulating iron concentrations and impair hematopoiesis. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effects of psychological stress on biological iron metabolism by using the social defeat stress (SDS) model, a widely used model of depression. Compared with control mice, mice subjected to SDS (SDS mice) had lower social interaction (SI) behavior. The SDS mice also showed impaired hematopoiesis, as evidenced by reduced circulating red blood cell counts, elevated reticulocyte counts, and decreased plasma iron levels. In the SDS mice, the iron contents in the bone marrow decreased, whereas those in the spleen increased, suggesting dysregulation in systemic iron metabolism. The concentrations of plasma hepcidin, an important regulator of systemic iron homeostasis, increased in the SDS mice. Meanwhile, the concentrations of ferroportin, an iron transport protein negatively regulated by hepcidin, were lower in the spleen and duodenum of the SDS mice than in those of the control mice. Treatment with dalteparin, a hepcidin inhibitor, prevented the decrease in plasma iron levels in the SDS mice. The gene expression and enzyme activity of furin, which converts the precursor hepcidin to active hepcidin, were high and positively correlated with plasma hepcidin concentration. Thus, furin activation might be responsible for the increased plasma hepcidin concentration. This study is the first to show that psychological stress disrupts systemic iron homeostasis by activating the hepcidin-ferroportin axis. Consideration of psychological stressors might be beneficial in the treatment of diseases with iron-refractory anemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A multistep priming process involving furin and endosomal cathepsin B and L (CatB/L) has been described for the Orthoebolavirus zairense (EBOV) glycoprotein GP. Inhibition or knockdown of either furin or endosomal cathepsins, however, did not prevent virus multiplication in cell cultures. Moreover, an EBOV mutant lacking the furin cleavage motif (RRTRR→AGTAA) was able to replicate and cause fatal disease in nonhuman primates, indicating that furin cleavage may be dispensable for virus infectivity. Here, by using protease inhibitors and EBOV GP-carrying recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and transcription and replication-competent virus-like particles (trVLPs) we found that processing of EBOV GP is mediated by different proteases in different cell lines depending on the protease repertoire available. Endosomal cathepsins were essential for EBOV GP entry in Huh-7 but not in Vero cells, in which trypsin-like proteases and stably expressed trypsin-like transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) supported wild-type EBOV GP and EBOV GP_AGTAA mutant entry. Furthermore, we show that the EBOV GP_AGTAA mutant is cleaved into fusion-competent GP2 by TMPRSS2 and by CatL at a so far unknown site. Fluorescence microscopy co-localization studies indicate that EBOV GP cleavage by TMPRSS2 may occur in the TGN prior to virus release or in the late endosome at the stage of virus entry into a new cell. Our data show that EBOV GP must be proteolytically activated to support virus entry but has even greater flexibility in terms of proteases and the precise cleavage site than previously assumed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, is a highly contagious respiratory disease with widespread societal impact. The symptoms range from cough, fever, and pneumonia to complications affecting various organs, including the heart, kidneys, and nervous system. Despite various ongoing efforts, no effective drug has been developed to stop the spread of the virus. Although various types of medications used to treat bacterial and viral diseases have previously been employed to treat COVID-19 patients, their side effects have also been observed. The way SARS-CoV-2 infects the human body is very specific, as its spike protein plays an important role. The S subunit of virus spike protein cleaved by human proteases, such as furin protein, is an initial and important step for its internalization into a human host. Keeping this context, we attempted to inhibit the furin using phytochemicals that could produce minimal side effects. For this, we screened 408 natural phytochemicals from various plants having antiviral properties, against furin protein, and molecular docking and dynamics simulations were performed. Based on the binding score, the top three compounds (robustaflavone, withanolide, and amentoflavone) were selected for further validation. MM/GBSA energy calculations revealed that withanolide has the lowest binding energy of -57.2 kcal/mol followed by robustaflavone and amentoflavone with a binding energy of -45.2 kcal/mol and -39.68 kcal/mol, respectively. Additionally, ADME analysis showed drug-like properties for these three lead compounds. Hence, these natural compounds robustaflavone, withanolide, and amentoflavone, may have therapeutic potential for the management of SARS-CoV-2 by targeting furin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although several SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses (SC2r-CoVs) were discovered in bats and pangolins, the differences in virological characteristics between SARS-CoV-2 and SC2r-CoVs remain poorly understood. Recently, BANAL-20-236 (B236) was isolated from a rectal swab of Malayan horseshoe bat and was found to lack a furin cleavage site (FCS) in the spike (S) protein. The comparison of its virological characteristics with FCS-deleted SARS-CoV-2 (SC2ΔFCS) has not been conducted yet.
    METHODS: We prepared human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived airway and lung epithelial cells and colon organoids as human organ-relevant models. B236, SARS-CoV-2, and artificially generated SC2ΔFCS were used for viral experiments. To investigate the pathogenicity of B236 in vivo, we conducted intranasal infection experiments in hamsters.
    RESULTS: In human iPSC-derived airway epithelial cells, the growth of B236 was significantly lower than that of the SC2ΔFCS. A fusion assay showed that the B236 and SC2ΔFCS S proteins were less fusogenic than the SARS-CoV-2 S protein. The infection experiment in hamsters showed that B236 was less pathogenic than SARS-CoV-2 and even SC2ΔFCS. Interestingly, in human colon organoids, the growth of B236 was significantly greater than that of SARS-CoV-2.
    CONCLUSIONS: Compared to SARS-CoV-2, we demonstrated that B236 exhibited a tropism toward intestinal cells rather than respiratory cells. Our results are consistent with a previous report showing that B236 is enterotropic in macaques. Altogether, our report strengthens the assumption that SC2r-CoVs in horseshoe bats replicate primarily in the intestinal tissues rather than respiratory tissues.
    BACKGROUND: This study was supported in part by AMED ASPIRE (JP23jf0126002, to Keita Matsuno, Kazuo Takayama, and Kei Sato); AMED SCARDA Japan Initiative for World-leading Vaccine Research and Development Centers \"UTOPIA\" (JP223fa627001, to Kei Sato), AMED SCARDA Program on R&D of new generation vaccine including new modality application (JP223fa727002, to Kei Sato); AMED SCARDA Hokkaido University Institute for Vaccine Research and Development (HU-IVReD) (JP223fa627005h0001, to Takasuke Fukuhara, and Keita Matsuno); AMED Research Program on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases (JP21fk0108574, to Hesham Nasser; JP21fk0108493, to Takasuke Fukuhara; JP22fk0108617 to Takasuke Fukuhara; JP22fk0108146, to Kei Sato; JP21fk0108494 to G2P-Japan Consortium, Keita Matsuno, Shinya Tanaka, Terumasa Ikeda, Takasuke Fukuhara, and Kei Sato; JP21fk0108425, to Kazuo Takayama and Kei Sato; JP21fk0108432, to Kazuo Takayama, Takasuke Fukuhara and Kei Sato; JP22fk0108534, Terumasa Ikeda, and Kei Sato; JP22fk0108511, to Yuki Yamamoto, Terumasa Ikeda, Keita Matsuno, Shinya Tanaka, Kazuo Takayama, Takasuke Fukuhara, and Kei Sato; JP22fk0108506, to Kazuo Takayama and Kei Sato); AMED Research Program on HIV/AIDS (JP22fk0410055, to Terumasa Ikeda; and JP22fk0410039, to Kei Sato); AMED Japan Program for Infectious Diseases Research and Infrastructure (JP22wm0125008 to Keita Matsuno); AMED CREST (JP21gm1610005, to Kazuo Takayama; JP22gm1610008, to Takasuke Fukuhara; JST PRESTO (JPMJPR22R1, to Jumpei Ito); JST CREST (JPMJCR20H4, to Kei Sato); JSPS KAKENHI Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Leading Research) (JP23K20041, to G2P-Japan Consortium, Keita Matsuno, Takasuke Fukuhara and Kei Sato); JST SPRING (JPMJSP2108 to Shigeru Fujita); JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C (22K07103, to Terumasa Ikeda); JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B (21H02736, to Takasuke Fukuhara); JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (22K16375, to Hesham Nasser; 20K15767, to Jumpei Ito); JSPS Core-to-Core Program (A. Advanced Research Networks) (JPJSCCA20190008, to Kei Sato); JSPS Research Fellow DC2 (22J11578, to Keiya Uriu); JSPS Research Fellow DC1 (23KJ0710, to Yusuke Kosugi); JSPS Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) (to Terumasa Ikeda); World-leading Innovative and Smart Education (WISE) Program 1801 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (to Naganori Nao); Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) under grant 23HA2010 (to Naganori Nao and Keita Matsuno); The Cooperative Research Program (Joint Usage/Research Center program) of Institute for Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University (to Kei Sato); International Joint Research Project of the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo (to Terumasa Ikeda and Takasuke Fukuhara); The Tokyo Biochemical Research Foundation (to Kei Sato); Takeda Science Foundation (to Terumasa Ikeda and Takasuke Fukuhara); Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research (to Terumasa Ikeda); The Naito Foundation (to Terumasa Ikeda); Hokuto Foundation for Bioscience (to Tomokazu Tamura); Hirose Foundation (to Tomokazu Tamura); and Mitsubishi Foundation (to Kei Sato).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Why individuals with Down syndrome (DS) are more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2-induced neuropathology remains elusive. Choroid plexus (ChP) plays critical roles in barrier function and immune response modulation and expresses the ACE2 receptor and the chromosome 21-encoded TMPRSS2 protease, suggesting its substantial role in establishing SARS-CoV-2 infection in the brain. To explore this, we established brain organoids from DS and isogenic euploid iPSC that consist of a core of functional cortical neurons surrounded by a functional ChP-like epithelium (ChPCOs). DS-ChPCOs recapitulated abnormal DS cortical development and revealed defects in ciliogenesis and epithelial cell polarity in ChP-like epithelium. We then demonstrated that the ChP-like epithelium facilitates infection and replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cortical neurons and that this is increased in DS. Inhibiting TMPRSS2 and furin activity reduced viral replication in DS-ChPCOs to euploid levels. This model enables dissection of the role of ChP in neurotropic virus infection and euploid forebrain development and permits screening of therapeutics for SARS-CoV-2-induced neuropathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SARS-CoV-2 is the pathogen responsible for the most recent global pandemic, which has claimed hundreds of thousands of victims worldwide. Despite remarkable efforts to develop an effective vaccine, concerns have been raised about the actual protection against novel variants. Thus, researchers are eager to identify alternative strategies to fight against this pathogen. Like other opportunistic entities, a key step in the SARS-CoV-2 lifecycle is the maturation of the envelope glycoprotein at the RARR685↓ motif by the cellular enzyme Furin. Inhibition of this cleavage greatly affects viral propagation, thus representing an ideal drug target to contain infection. Importantly, no Furin-escape variants have ever been detected, suggesting that the pathogen cannot replace this protease by any means. Here, we designed a novel fluorogenic SARS-CoV-2-derived substrate to screen commercially available and custom-made libraries of small molecules for the identification of new Furin inhibitors. We found that a peptide substrate mimicking the cleavage site of the envelope glycoprotein of the Omicron variant (QTQTKSHRRAR-AMC) is a superior tool for screening Furin activity when compared to the commercially available Pyr-RTKR-AMC substrate. Using this setting, we identified promising novel compounds able to modulate Furin activity in vitro and suitable for interfering with SARS-CoV-2 maturation. In particular, we showed that 3-((5-((5-bromothiophen-2-yl)methylene)-4-oxo-4,5 dihydrothiazol-2-yl)(3-chloro-4-methylphenyl)amino)propanoic acid (P3, IC50 = 35 μM) may represent an attractive chemical scaffold for the development of more effective antiviral drugs via a mechanism of action that possibly implies the targeting of Furin secondary sites (exosites) rather than its canonical catalytic pocket. Overall, a SARS-CoV-2-derived peptide was investigated as a new substrate for in vitro high-throughput screening (HTS) of Furin inhibitors and allowed the identification of compound P3 as a promising hit with an innovative chemical scaffold. Given the key role of Furin in infection and the lack of any Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved Furin inhibitor, P3 represents an interesting antiviral candidate.





