
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Studying habitat use and vertical movement patterns of individual fish over continuous time and space is innately challenging and has therefore largely remained elusive for a wide range of species. Amongst sharks, this applies particularly to smaller-bodied and less wide-ranging species such as the spurdog (Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, 1758), which, despite its importance for fisheries, has received limited attention in biologging and biotelemetry studies, particularly in the North-East Atlantic.
    METHODS: To investigate seasonal variations in fine-scale niche use and vertical movement patterns in female spurdog, we used archival data from 19 pregnant individuals that were satellite-tagged for up to 365 days in Norwegian fjords. We estimated the realised niche space with kernel densities and performed continuous wavelet analyses to identify dominant periods in vertical movement. Triaxial acceleration data were used to identify burst events and infer activity patterns.
    RESULTS: Pregnant females frequently utilised shallow depths down to 300 m at temperatures between 8 and 14 °C. Oscillatory vertical moments revealed persistent diel vertical migration (DVM) patterns, with descents at dawn and ascents at dusk. This strict normal DVM behaviour dominated in winter and spring and was associated with higher levels of activity bursts, while in summer and autumn sharks predominantly selected warm waters above the thermocline with only sporadic dive and bursts events.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of normal DVM behaviour in winter months linked with elevated likely foraging-related activity bursts suggests this movement behaviour to be foraging-driven. With lower number of fast starts exhibited in warm waters during the summer and autumn months, habitat use in this season might be rather driven by behavioural thermoregulation, yet other factors may also play a role. Individual and cohort-related variations indicate a complex interplay of movement behaviour and habitat use with the abiotic and biotic environment. Together with ongoing work investigating fine-scale horizontal movement as well as sex- and age-specific differences, this study provides vital information to direct the spatio-temporal distribution of a newly reopened fishery and contributes to an elevated understanding of the movement ecology of spurdog in the North-East Atlantic and beyond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) is under intense fishing pressure and exhibits distributional/abundance shifts linked to environmental change. The current understanding of population demographics needed for sustainable management is uncertain due to concerns that previous genetic studies lacked resolution and limited sampling of sardine north of the Bay of Biscay. To address these issues, we performed mtDNA sequencing and genome wide SNP analysis of samples collected across the Bay of Biscay, Celtic Sea, English Channel and North Sea. The complete SNP data reported a lack of structure throughout the sampled area compatible with high gene flow. A consensus suite of positive outlier SNPs was identified which reported a significant correlation with geographical distance with the largest differentiation between the southern Bay of Biscay and North Sea samples which also reported a significant mtDNA ΦST. While the roles of dispersal limitation and environmental heterogeneity underpinning this require further study, this adds to growing evidence that selection is influencing sardine population structure against a background of high gene flow. The results indicate that while there may be a level of demographic independence between North Sea and South Biscay sardine, the current delimitation of central (Biscay) and northern (Channel and Celtic Sea) operational stocks may misrepresent connectivity between the Biscay and Channel. The North Sea sample exhibited markedly lower mtDNA and nuclear variation than other samples. As sardine have only recently invaded the North Sea such reduced genetic variation is compatible with predictions for peripheral leading-edge populations but contrasts with patterns for other small pelagic species and emphasises the need to consider species-specific genetic structure in ecosystem-based management. Nascent management of the North Sea sardine fishery must ensure that current low levels of genetic diversity are not eroded further as this may decrease the species adaptive potential and inhibit its expansion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global biodiversity that underpins wild food systems-including fisheries-is rapidly declining. Yet, we often have only a limited understanding of how households use and benefit from biodiversity in the ecosystems surrounding them. Explicating these relationships is critical to forestall and mitigate the effects of biodiversity declines on food and nutrition security. Here, we quantify how biodiversity filters from ecosystems to household harvest, consumption, and sale, and how ecological traits and household characteristics shape these relationships. We used a unique, integrated ecological (40 sites, quarterly data collection) and household survey (n = 414, every 2 mo data collection) dataset collected over 3 y in rice field fisheries surrounding Cambodia\'s Tonlé Sap, one of Earth\'s most productive and diverse freshwater systems. While ecosystem biodiversity was positively associated with household catch, consumption, and sold biodiversity, households consumed an average of 43% of the species present in the ecosystem and sold only 9%. Larger, less nutritious, and more common species were disproportionally represented in portfolios of commercially traded species, while consumed species mirrored catches. The relationship between ecosystem and consumed biodiversity was remarkably consistent across variation in household fishing effort, demographics, and distance to nearest markets. Poorer households also consumed more species, underscoring how wild food systems may most benefit the vulnerable. Our findings amplify concerns about the impacts of biodiversity loss on our global food systems and highlight that utilization of biodiversity for consumption may far exceed what is commercially traded.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Octopus cyanea (Gray, 1849), abundant in the South-West Indian Ocean (SWIO), constitutes a vital resource for both subsistence and commercial fisheries. However, despite this socioeconomic importance, and recent indications of overfishing, little is known about the population structure of O. cyanea in the region. To inform sustainable management strategies, this study assessed the spatio-temporal population structure and genetic variability of O. cyanea at 20 sites in the SWIO (Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rodrigues, and the Seychelle Islands) by complementary analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) noncoding region (NCR) sequences and microsatellite markers. MtDNA analysis revealed a shallow phylogeny across the region, with demographic tests suggesting historic population fluctuations that could be linked to glacial cycles. Contrary to expectations, NCR variation was comparable to other mtDNA regions, indicating that the NCR is not a hypervariable region. Both nuclear and mtDNA marker types revealed a lack of genetic structure compatible with high gene flow throughout the region. As adults are sedentary, this gene flow likely reflects connectivity by paralarval dispersal. All samples reported heterozygote deficits, which, given the overall absence of structure, likely reflect ephemeral larval recruitment variability. Levels of mtDNA and nuclear variability were similar at all locations and congruent with those previously reported for harvested Octopodidae, implying resilience to genetic erosion by drift, providing current stock sizes are maintained. However, as O. cyanea stocks in the SWIO represent a single, highly connected population, fisheries may benefit from additional management measures, such as rotational closures aligned with paralarval ecology and spanning geopolitical boundaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seal scarers (or acoustic harassment devices, AHDs) are designed to deter seals from fishing gear and aquaculture operations, as well as to prevent seals from entering rivers to avoid predation on valuable fish. Our study investigated the potential effects of AHDs on non-target species, specifically the Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra), by testing the reaction of two rehabilitated otters to simulated AHDs sounds at 1 and 14 kHz, with a received sound intensity of 105-145 dB re 1 µPa rms. The 1 kHz sounds were used to investigate alternative frequencies for scaring seals without scaring otters. The otters reacted to both 1 and 14 kHz tonal signals when retrieving fish from a feeding station 0.8 m below the surface. Their diving behaviour and time to extract food progressively increased as sound intensity increased for all tested sound levels. Notably, the sound levels used in our tests were significantly lower (40-80 dB) than the source levels from commercial AHDs. These findings highlight the importance of caution when using AHDs in river and sea habitats inhabited by otters, as AHDs can change their behaviour and potentially result in habitat exclusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Freshwater and marine ecosystems are a suitable habitat for parasitic nematodes of the genus Contracaecum (family: Anisakidae) to complete their complex life cycle. Several fish species of the Sea of Galilee (Lake Kinneret) were reported in 1964 as second intermediate/paratenic hosts of Contracaecum spp. larvae. The lack of taxonomically relevant morphological features of these larvae hindered their proper identification. Here we report the results of a 1-year survey conducted in 2021, 57 years after the first (and only) such survey. We analyzed 352 specimens from 10 fish species (native and non-native) of the Sea of Galilee (Israel) ichthyofauna. We compared our results with those of the first parasitological survey conducted by Paperna in 1964; the overall prevalence of nematodes referable to Contracaecum larvae was 16.8% and 0.85% in 1964 and in 2021, respectively. Different from the first survey that identified Contracaecum larvae morphologically, we used both morphological and molecular tools. Two wild native cyprinids-Jordan himri (Carasobarbus canis) and Jordan barbel (Luciobarbus longiceps)-were infected (a single specimen each) with Contracaecum quadripapillatum larvae in their abdominal cavity. A single specimen of blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) was infected with two larvae of Contracaecum multipapillatum E, localized in the pericardial cavity. The findings of our study, which is part of a large project focused on Contracaecum spp. infecting both piscivorous birds and fish collected in Israel, advance our knowledge about the distribution and host range of this potentially zoonotic parasite in fishery products of the Sea of Galilee.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most marine apex predators are keystone species that fundamentally influence their ecosystems through cascading top-down processes. Reductions in worldwide predator abundances, attributed to environmental- and anthropogenic-induced changes to prey availability and negative interactions with fisheries, can have far-reaching ecosystem impacts. We tested whether the survival of killer whales (Orcinus orca) observed at Marion Island in the Southern Indian Ocean correlated with social structure and prey variables (direct measures of prey abundance, Patagonian toothfish fishery effort, and environmental proxies) using multistate models of capture-recapture data spanning 12 years (2006-2018). We also tested the effect of these same variables on killer whale social structure and reproduction measured over the same period. Indices of social structure had the strongest correlation with survival, with higher sociality associated with increased survival probability. Survival was also positively correlated with Patagonian toothfish fishing effort during the previous year, suggesting that fishery-linked resource availability is an important determinant of survival. No correlation between survival and environmental proxies of prey abundance was found. At-island prey availability influenced the social structure of Marion Island killer whales, but none of the variables explained variability in reproduction. Future increases in legal fishing activity may benefit this population of killer whales through the artificial provisioning of resources they provide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying how physical and biotic factors shape genetic connectivity among populations in time and space is essential to our understanding of the evolutionary trajectory as well as the management of marine species. Atlantic cod is a widespread and commercially important marine species displaying several ecotypes with different life history strategies. Using three sets of SNPs: neutral, informative, and genome-inversion linked, we studied population genetic structure of ~2500 coastal Atlantic cod (CC) from 40 locations along Norway\'s 2500 km coastline, including nine fjords. We observed: (1) a genetic cline, suggesting a mechanism of isolation by distance, characterized by a declining F ST between CC and North East Arctic Cod (NEAC-genetically distinct migratory ecotype) with increasing latitude, (2) that in the north, samples of CC from outer-fjord areas were genetically more similar to NEAC than were samples of CC from their corresponding inner-fjord areas, (3) greater population genetic differentiation among CC sampled from outer-fjord areas along the coast, than among CC sampled from their corresponding inner-fjord areas, (4) genetic differentiation among samples of CC from both within and among fjords. Collectively, these results permit us to draw two main conclusions. First, that differences in the relative presence of the genetically highly distinct, migratory ecotype NEAC, declining from north to south and from outer to inner fjord, plays the major role in driving population genetic structure of the Norwegian CC. Second, that there is limited connectivity between CC from different fjords. These results suggest that the current management units implemented for this species in Norway should be divided into smaller entities. Furthermore, the situation where introgression from one ecotype drives population genetic structure of another, as is the case here, may exist in other species and geographical regions, thus creating additional challenges for sustainable fisheries management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The red squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon is an important fishery resource in the Humboldt Current System (HCS). This decapod is exploited in two fishing units: (a) the northern fishing unit (NFU, from 26°S to 30°S) and (b) the southern fishing unit (SFU, from 32°S to 37°S), each of which have an adjacent nursery area that is the source of recruits to replace the exploited adult populations (in the NFU: off the coast of Coquimbo (28°S) and in the SFU: off the coast of Concepción (36°S)). Marked spatial differences in the environmental conditions of the NFU and SFU, and the biogeographic break that exists between these nursery areas (30°S) may promote changes in the bioenergetic condition of new P. monodon juveniles. To evaluate this, we analyzed the bioenergetic condition (measured as: body mass, lipids, proteins, glucose, and energy) of new juvenile females in the main nursery areas off the Chilean coast. The juvenile females from the SFU showed a higher body mass than those from the NFU. Consistently, the juvenile females from the SFU had a higher content of lipids, proteins, and glucose than those from the NFU, indicative of higher energy contents and a higher lipid/protein ratio in the south compared to the north. Considering the current overexploitation of this fishery resource in the HCS, it is essential to understand how the bioenergetic condition of juvenile females of P. monodon may vary in nursery areas at different latitudes in order to generate sustainable fishery management policies with an ecological approach, designed specifically to each fishing unit. Furthermore, identifying the latitudinal variations of these biochemical compounds in P. monodon juveniles can elucidate the geographic origin of red squat lobsters that present a \"better bioenergetic condition\" in the HCS, which may significantly benefit sustainable fishing certification processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Fishing is a common means of obtaining raw materials for the food industry and drives a large economic market.
    OBJECTIVE: This field study aimed to evaluate functional health and work overload in artisanal fishermen.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 42 workers from Zone 18 fishing community in Passo de Torres, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The collected data included presence of pain and its location on a Corlett body diagram, pain severity measured with a visual analog scale, perceived exertion measured with a Borg scale, and grip and lumbar strength measured with dynamometers.
    RESULTS: Forty percent of fishermen had low back pain and 26% had low back muscle weakness. Perceived exertion was greater in the activity of pulling out the fishing net.
    CONCLUSIONS: This professional category requires greater attention with health policies that consider the actual context of their job.





