Factitious disorder

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: Factitious disorder is characterized by a pattern of abnormal behavior in which patients deliberately produce, falsify, or exaggerate physical and/or psychological symptoms that have no, or little, organic basis, to assume the sick role. In the context of a factitious disorder, depression can be both a feigned disease and an associated comorbidity. We performed a systematic review to provide an overview of the relationship between factitious disorder and depression, describe the prevalence of depression in factitious disorder, and identify factors that can contribute to the development of depression in patients suffering from factitious disorder.
    UNASSIGNED: A literature search was performed using the electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane Library following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Studies were eligible for inclusion in this review if they investigated factitious disorder or Munchausen Syndrome with comorbid depression.
    UNASSIGNED: Depression was found to be highly prevalent in factitious disorder, affecting around 30% of the samples. Risk factors for depression in factitious disorder included having suffered from childhood and adulthood traumatic experiences and having a history of psychosocial problems.
    UNASSIGNED: The treatment of factitious disorder is challenging and requires a multidisciplinary team approach. Given the high levels of depression in patients with factitious disorder, we recommend to always screen for depression once a factitious disorder is diagnosed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Factitious disorder on self is a psychiatric disorder in which individuals fabricate or induce signs or symptoms of a disease. Factitious anaphylaxis, with symptoms suggestive of a life-threatening allergic reaction, is extremely rare. Several cases of factitious disorder reactions during allergen immunotherapy for airborne allergens have been reported. We report the case of a young female patient who presented factitious anaphylaxis during venom immunotherapy to vespid venom extract. Symptoms of stridor, dyspnea, coughing and loss of consciousness were observed during the built-up phase of venom immunotherapy, mimicking allergic reactions to the venom extracts. Diagnosis of factitious disorder prompted the discontinuation of venom immunotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Munchausen Syndrome (MS) has been widely recognized as a severe manifestation of factitious disorder, a condition where individuals intentionally fabricate or exaggerate symptoms for psychological gratification. It represents a complex diagnostic challenge due to its elusive nature and intricate relationship with various medical conditions. We present a clinical case of a 44-year-old woman observed in the context of Liaison Psychiatry, demonstrating the intricate interplay between chronic medical conditions, psychiatric factors, and the challenges in diagnosing and managing MS. The patient exhibited a history of recurrent hospitalizations, difficult-to-heal injuries, and a pronounced preference for surgical interventions. Despite diagnostic difficulties and poor therapeutic adherence, a multidisciplinary team approach involving plastic surgery, orthopedics, physical medicine, and rehabilitation, alongside Liaison Psychiatry, led to the diagnosis of MS with chronic osteomyelitis, ultimately necessitating a transtibial amputation. The case underscores the importance of early detection, a multidisciplinary approach, and the role of Liaison Psychiatry in managing MS. While early diagnosis may not alter the disease course, it can prevent unnecessary interventions and mitigate associated risks. The case also highlights the need for continuous psychiatric support and family involvement in addressing the recurrence of self-injurious behaviors. Further research is essential to enhance our understanding and develop effective treatment strategies for MS, contributing to improved diagnostic precision and overall management of this challenging psychiatric disorder.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Dermatitis artefacta (factitious dermatitis) is a dermatological disease of different types; it could appear on various parts of the body. It is associated with severe difficulties, such as psychic distress and negative feelings aroused in healthcare personnel or borderline personality disorder, and the long-term possibility of patient self-harm to create more symptoms, resulting in unnecessary medical procedures. This is a case of a 17-year-old girl who was hospitalized with a skin ulcer on her right ankle that proved to be a factitious disorder. She was experiencing severe symptoms of anxiety, such as feeling nervous, having trouble sleeping and concentrating, and an inability to control worry due to her preparation for university studies. She refused to see a mental health professional since the onset of anxiety symptoms, i.e., the last four months. Patients who present with factitious disorder deliberately create clinical signs of a somatic disease because they need warmth and attention in a medical environment. Symptoms offer no significant benefit, and the pathophysiological mechanisms are mainly psychological. The primary treatment for factitious disorder is psychotherapy while the management of the ulcer requires dermatosurgical treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Factitious disorders represent deliberately fabricated dissimulation of physical and psychological signs and symptoms seeking medical attention by the patient. Usually, they are ignorant of conventional treatment and consistently change their version of signs and symptoms. Due to various changes in the version, they do not respond to the treatment. They describe their signs and symptoms as dissimulated, imaginative, and exasperated, involving any part of the body. Gingivitis artefacta is an unusual and dramatic presentation with self-inflicted physical injury to the gingival tissues. We present an extremely rare case of frontal lobe glioma causing abnormal psychology of factitious disorder resulting in self-inflected injury to gingiva in an adult male. This case also highlights the management of the dental condition of multiple recessions with coronally advanced flaps with orthodontic buttons.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: There is a high prevalence of somatoform disorders and medically unexplained symptoms. When it comes to deciding whether a patient is able to work, it is essential to differentiate a somatoform disorder from a factitious disorder. The case presented demonstrates the impact on disability benefits and the subsequent psychosocial repercussions of misdiagnosing between a factitious disorder and a somatoform disorder.
    METHODS: A 42-year-old Caucasian woman worked as a 100% fiduciary accountant until the age of 32 when she was placed on medical leave due to persistent trigeminal neuralgia. Afterward, she developed total blindness, not explained by a physiological process, accompanied by distress in a crucial emotional context. We evaluated the patient for a revision of a disability income after a diagnosis of factitious disorder with severe consequences such as disability income suspension and family conflict. Our psychiatric examination concluded the diagnoses of pain disorders related to psychological factors and a dissociative neurological symptom disorder with visual disturbance.
    CONCLUSIONS: Blindness not explained by a physiological process may accompany trauma and psychological distress. Differentiating this pathology from factitious disorder or simulation is essential from an insurance medicine point of view, but also for its treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, some neurologists reconsidered their approach to Medically Unexplained Symptoms and proposed Functional Neurologic Disorders (FND) as a new entity, claiming that neurology could offer alternative treatment options to the psychotherapies provided in psychiatry settings. FNDs, for this purpose, should include only the disorders listed as Conversion from the Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders (SSRD) group. The present review analyzes the rationale of this position and challenges the arguments provided for its support. The review also discusses the systematization of these disorders as provided by public health systems. It outlines risks stemming from economic support and public funding uncertainty, given their negligible epidemiological dimensions resulting from the parcellation of SSRD. The review underlines the unresolved issue of Factitious Disorders, which are in the same SSRD category of the international classification but are, nonetheless, overlooked by the theoretical proponents of the FND entity. Comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders is also analyzed. We propose a model that supports the continuum between different SSRD conditions, including Factitious Disorders. The model is based on the emergence of feigned death reflex and deception from frontal lobe dysfunction. Finally, the paper summarizes the wealth of historical psychiatric and psychodynamic approaches and critical reviews. The study also puts in context the categorization and interpretation efforts provided by the most eminent researchers of the past century.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a 31-year-old female presented with a history of recurrent skin and oral lesions for 10 years. She brought a histopathology report confirming the diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris (PV), which was found to be faked with no patient information and lacked letterhead. Skin and oral examination only reveal multiple linear upper lip erosions. We believed the patient had a preliminary diagnosis of PV, and we asked the patient to continue her medications. Based on the conflicting history and occurrence of contradictory issues, a diagnosis of dermatitis artefacta was made. The patient improved after four sessions of dialectical therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Management of mental health illnesses and needs are important in fostering psychosocial support, interprofessional coordination, and greater adherence to treatment protocols in the field of urology. This can be especially true for mental health conditions that may greatly impact the presentation of a patient in the healthcare setting with urologic symptoms. This review describes the history, epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and treatment of somatic symptom disorder, illness anxiety disorder, compulsive sexual behavior/hypersexuality, factitious disorder, malingering symptoms, and conversion disorder in the realm of urology. Given the newly updated psychiatric diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition, there has been a lack of studies reviewing how these illnesses may present in a urology patient encounter. Additionally, as these mental health illnesses may carry a rare incidence compared to other well-known mental health illness such as generalized depression or generalized anxiety disorder, we have found that the lack of provisions and recognition of the diseases can prolong the timeline for diagnosis and lead to an increased cost in both healthcare and quality of life of patients with these mental health illnesses. This review provides awareness on these mental health conditions which may greatly impact patient history and presentation within the field of urology. Additionally, urologic care providers may have an improved understanding of interdisciplinary management of such illnesses and the common symptoms patients may present with such diseases.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Factitious disorder (FD) is a condition in which patients fabricate evidence and produce false stories that often subject them to needless medical interventions with no clear benefits. In some instances, it can be imposed on a secondary victim often as a form of abuse. Most often, victims of a factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA) are children or the elderly. Despite a mortality rate between 6 and 10% among victims, FDIA still remains underdiagnosed. Research on it often fails to address healthcare management initiatives, as well as the legal and ethical challenges physicians must navigate when managing it. In this report, we present a rare case of FDIA in an adult patient with a history of diabetes, substance use disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. This case highlights the importance of appropriate communication and detailed documentation when signs of FDIA are suspected. It also identifies the benefits of implementing a multidisciplinary approach when appropriate to minimize harm and improve outcomes.





