Exploratory factor analysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of a Digital Intelligence Quotient (DQ) scale for primary school students is the basis for research on the DQ of primary school students, which helps to scientifically diagnose the level and the current average DQ among Chinese primary school students. This study developed and validated a scale applicable to the assessment of DQ in Chinese primary school students where, the initial scale was first constructed; Then 1109 valid datasets were collected through purposive sampling and divided into Sample A and Sample B; Sample A was subjected to exploratory factor analysis and Sample B was tested by confirmatory factor analysis; The final validated scale consists of 22 items in 7 dimensions: digital identity, digital use, digital safety, digital security, digital emotional intelligence, digital literacy and digital rights. The scale has high reliability and validity and thus can be used as a reliable instrument for assessing DQ in Chinese primary school students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Parenting practices have been described as the practices employed by a parent and the parent-child communication, with the focus on raising a child in the best possible manner while instilling cultural, ethical, and personal values. One similar yet different construct that holds significance in the development of a child is parental socialization of emotion. Parental socialization of emotion is the interaction between the parents and child regarding the emotional experience of the child. This has been considered an essential marker of the development of the emotional and social competence of an individual. There are several scales in the aspect of parenting practices. However, scales for parental socialization of emotion especially considering the perception of adolescents and young adults have yet to fully be explored.
    METHODS: The aim of the study is to establish a comprehensive tool that enables the measurement of perceived parental socialization of emotion (PPSE). The process of tool construction, data collection, and analysis was done in five phases that included reviewing existing tools and identification of domains (Phase 1); generation of an item pool (Phase 2); content validity, face validity, and inter-rater reliability (Phase 3); finalization of the tool for data collection (Phase 4); and data collection and analysis (Phase 5). The study for tool construction included participants from ages 13-28 years representing adolescents and young adults from schools and colleges located in New Delhi, India, as well as Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. The research design used was a cross-sectional design, and the data were collected through purposive sampling, including males (N = 337) and females (N = 424). Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to check the factorability and for item reduction.
    RESULTS: The results aided in reducing the number of items from 160 to 46 including the process of content validity, inter-rater reliability, item-total statistic, and factor loading of EFA. The factors above the eigenvalue of 3 were retained while items above the factor loading of 0.50 were taken into consideration. A good Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient of 0.88 for the overall tool was established, with 0.89, 0.84, and 0.87 for the domains Awareness, Acceptance, and Coaching, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The scale constructed includes both the positive and negative emotions of an individual and tries to understand the perspective of the receiver of the parenting practice. The study helps in understanding the phenomenon of PPSE, which might also aid in creating awareness regarding efficient parenting practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Automated drug dispensing systems (ADDs) have been introduced to improve the efficiency of dispensing and patient safety. The available questionnaires measure patient satisfaction with particular aspects of ADDs. Also, the level of patient satisfaction with ADDs is not widely established. This study aimed to develop and validate a novel questionnaire to assess patient satisfaction with ADDs.
    METHODS: Content and construct validity procedures were used to validate the 20-item questionnaire with four domains, including pharmacy administration, dispensing practice, patient education, and the dispensing system. Two hundred consenting participants took part in this study, from those who visited the outpatient pharmacy in a government hospital.
    RESULTS: The internal consistency of all four scale items shows acceptable reliability (>0.7). In the exploratory factor analysis, three items were removed due to poor factor loading and cross-loading. In the confirmatory factor analysis, the model has acceptable fit indices, including the comparative fit index (0.937), Tucker-Lewis\'s index (0.924), standardized root mean square residual (0.051), root mean square error of approximation (0.057), and χ2/df (1.67). The convergent and discriminant validity were established, since the average variance extracted (AVE) was ≥0.5 and the squared correlation (SC) values of one construct with other constructs were less than the AVE of the specific construct.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study offered a reliable and valid 17-item questionnaire incorporating a multi-dimensional four-factor model to evaluate patient satisfaction with ADDs. The validated questionnaire can be utilized to explore patients\' perspectives on ADDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Electronic nicotine delivery systems (\"e-cigarettes\") are the nicotine product most commonly used by adolescents. Research, treatment, and policy could benefit from measures of adolescent e-cigarette beliefs about outcomes of use (ie, expectancies). In the current study, we developed and tested an adolescent electronic nicotine vaping expectancy measure.
    UNASSIGNED: A focus group with adolescents evaluated potential e-cigarette expectancy items. A panel of national experts assisted in revision of these items. Finally, items were administered to a sample of adolescents 14-17 years old (N = 267, Mean age 15.6, SD = 1.1, 50.9% Female, 50.2% Non-Hispanic White, 22.5% Non-Hispanic Black, 14.2% Hispanic) in a large Southeastern metropolitan area in the United States.
    UNASSIGNED: Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a four factor solution: Negative Consequences (Cronbach\'s α = .92); Positive Reinforcement (α = .83); Negative Affect Reduction (α = .95); and Weight Control (α = .89). Subscales were significantly correlated with vaping susceptibility and lifetime vaping. Subscales successfully differentiated susceptible adolescents from confirmed non-susceptible adolescents, with susceptible adolescents reporting more positive expectancies, eg, Positive Reinforcement, M = 5.0, SD = 2.0 vs M = 3.0, SD = 2.1, P < .001, η2 = 0.19, and less negative expectancies, M = 5.5, SD = 2.3 vs M = 6.5, SD = 2.6, P = .001, η2 = 0.04. Similar results were found comparing adolescents who have never vaped nicotine with those who have vaped nicotine. Hierarchical linear regression demonstrated subscales were significant predictors of lifetime vaping after controlling for demographics, vaping ad exposure, and peer/family vaping.
    UNASSIGNED: A preliminary version of an adolescent expectancy measure appears reliable and valid based on expert input and pilot testing with adolescents. Promising results were found in the domains of concurrent validity, discriminant validity, and incremental validity. Future research and evaluation efforts will be able to use this tool to further prevention and treatment goals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The older adult migrant population in China is on the rise, which presents challenges for the national public health service system. However, the heterogeneity of public health service utilization and its relationship with social integration among the older adult migrant population remains unclear. This study aims to explore the heterogeneity the public health service utilization and how it relates to their social integration.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 6,178 older adult migrants from the China Migrants Dynamic Survey (CMDS) in 2017 were included in this study. Exploratory factor analysis was used to categorize social integration into four dimensions. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to identify different sub-groups of public health service utilization. ANOVA and multivariate logistic regression were used to determine the characteristics of different sub-groups.
    UNASSIGNED: Three potential classes of public health service utilization were identified: low utilization of basic public health services class (N = 3,264,52.756%), medium utilization of basic public health services class (N = 1,743,28.172%), and high utilization of basic public health services class (N = 1,180,19.072%). Gender, education, extent of mobility, and move alone or not, flow time were all predictors of the class of public health service utilization. There were significant differences in social integration across potential categories (p<0.0001).
    UNASSIGNED: The utilization of public health services of the older adult migrants is affected by many aspects. Social integration deserves attention as a significant influencing factor in the utilization of public health services. The government should pay attention to the characteristics of the older adult migrants and formulate relevant policies in a targeted manner in order to improve the utilization of public health services of the older adult migrants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Given increases in China\'s aging population, the growing demand for public health services and the shortage of human resources among nurses have become more prominent. Under such a background, \"Internet + Nursing Services\" have received more attention. Thus, exploring the barriers to and facilitators of nurses\' willingness to participate in \"Internet + Nursing Services\" and utilizing internet technology to increase the supply of nursing services has become a key issue.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop a scale for assessing the barriers to and facilitators of nurses\' willingness to participate in \"Internet + Nursing Services\" and to test the validity and reliability of the scale.
    METHODS: A preliminary scale was developed based on a literature review, theoretical research, semistructured qualitative interviews, and two rounds of Delphi expert inquiry. A convenient sampling method was used for the questionnaire survey. A 5-point Likert scale was used to evaluate the importance of the items. The survey data of 659 clinical nurses obtained from February to March 2023 were used for item analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and reliability and validity tests of the scale. The survey data of 538 clinical nurses obtained in April 2023 were used for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the final scale.
    RESULTS: The final scale consists of 25 items and 4 dimensions (performance expectations, perceived risk, need for professional knowledge training, and nonprofessional knowledge training). The scale showed good structural validity and content validity: the Cronbach\'s α coefficient of the scale was 0.955, the split-half reliability was 0.778, the test-retest reliability was 0.944, the kaiser-meyer-olkin(KMO) value was 0.960, and the cumulative variance contribution rate of the 4 common factors was 83.147%. The scale content validity index(S-CVI) was 0.914. The confirmatory factor analysis model had favorable fit indices: χ2/df = 4.234, RMSEA = 0.078, NFI = 0.940, IFI = 0.953, TLI = 0.947, and CFI = 0.953.
    CONCLUSIONS: The scale for assessing the barriers to and facilitators of nurses\' willingness to participate in \"Internet + Nursing Services\" has good reliability and validity, and provides a reference for evaluating nurses\' willingness to participate in \"Internet + Nursing Services\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent studies in Western cultures suggested emotion regulation goals have important implications for mental health. This study aimed to test the factor structure of Emotion Regulation Goals Scale (ERGS) in a Chinese cultural context. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were first used to examine the factor structure of the ERGS, and then reliability and validity tests were conducted to examine the psychometric properties of the ERGS. Results showed that the original five-factor model demonstrated fit during both EFA and CFA, and was thus adopted for further psychometric analyses. Most of the five factors were significantly associated with emotion regulation tendencies and negative emotional outcomes (e.g., depression), except for the non-significant associations between pro-hedonic goals and expressive suppression, and pro-social and impression management goals with depression. The ERGS also showed good internal consistency and split-half reliability. However, the test-retest reliabilities varied substantially across the five factors. The pro-hedonic goal had a higher test-retest reliability, whereas the contra-hedonic, performance, pro-social, and impression management goals showed lower values, especially the latter two. In brief, the ERGS showed a promising five-factor structure in assessing emotion regulation goals in Chinese cultural context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in American adults increased from 37.6% in the 2011-12 period to 41.8% in 2017-2018. Environmental exposure, particularly to common compounds such as glyphosate, has drawn increasing attention as a potential risk factor.
    METHODS: We employed three cycles of data (2013-2018) from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in a cross-sectional study to examine potential associations between urine glyphosate measurements and MetS incidence. We first created a MetS score using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria for MetS, with data drawn from the 2013-2018 NHANES cycles, and validated this score independently on an additional associated metric, the albumin-to-creatinine (ACR) ratio. The score was validated via a machine learning approach in predicting the ACR score via binary classification and then used in multivariable regression to test the association between quartile-categorized glyphosate exposure and the MetS score.
    RESULTS: In adjusted multivariable regressions, regressions between quartile-categorized glyphosate exposure and MetS score showed a significant inverted U-shaped or saturating dose‒response profile, often with the largest effect for exposures in quartile 3. Exploration of potential effect modification by sex, race, and age category revealed significant differences by race and age, with older people (aged > 65 years) and non-Hispanic African American participants showing larger effect sizes for all exposure quartiles.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found that urinary glyphosate concentration is significantly associated with a statistical score designed to predict MetS status and that dose-response coefficient is nonlinear, with advanced age and non-Hispanic African American, Mexican American and other Hispanic participants exhibiting greater effect sizes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The incidence of Post Stroke Depression (PSD) in the Rehabilitation Stage is high, which can bring serious physical and psychological disorders to patients. However, there is still a lack of targeted tools for screening PSD in the rehabilitation stage. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the factor structure and reliability of a measurement instrument to screen for PSD in the rehabilitation stage.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 780 hospitalized stroke patients who were within the rehabilitation stage from May to August 2020. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) as well as first- and second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed to evaluate the factor structure of the newly developed Symptom Measurement of Post-Stroke Depression in the Rehabilitation Stage (SMPSD-RS). The reliability and validity of the SMPSD-RS were also verified using several statistical methods.
    RESULTS: EFA extracted a 24-item, five-factor (cognition, sleep, behavior, emotion, and obsession) model that can clinically explain the symptoms of PSD during the rehabilitation stage. A first-order CFA confirmed the EFA model with good model fit indices, and the second-order CFA further confirmed the five-factor structure model and showed acceptable model fit indices. Acceptable reliability and validity were also achieved by the corresponding indicators.
    CONCLUSIONS: The SMPSD-RS was proven to have a stable factor structure and was confirmed to be reliable and valid for assessing PSD symptoms in stroke patients during the rehabilitation stage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last two decades, awe has attracted the attention of an increasing number of researchers. The use of virtual reality has been identified as one of the most effective techniques for eliciting awe, in addition to more personalized methods for inducing emotion, such as autobiographical recall. However, previous measures of awe were unable to uncover the hidden structure of this experience. Awe experience scale (AWE-S) has been validated as a comprehensive measure of contingent awe in English, providing new opportunities for analysis. In this two-phases study, we investigated whether the latent structure of the experience of awe evoked by the autobiographical recall technique (Study 1) overlapped with that induced by exposing participants to a validated virtual reality awe-eliciting training (Study 2). The original English AWE-S structure held both in autobiographical recall induction and virtual reality-based elicitation. Despite evidence of overlap between English and Italian structures, low correlations were found between Italian trait measures used to test the concurrent validity of the AWE-S in the Italian sample and AWE-S state dimensions. This study highlights cultural differences in awe experience, trait, and state variations, and provides new insights into the standardized induction of this emotion through simulated environments.





