Enteric neuropathy

  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Diabetes, commonly known for its metabolic effects, also critically affects the enteric nervous system (ENS), which is essential in regulating gastrointestinal (GI) motility, secretion, and absorption. The development of diabetes-induced enteric neuropathy can lead to various GI dysfunctions, such as gastroparesis and irregular bowel habits, primarily due to disruptions in the function of neuronal and glial cells within the ENS, as well as oxidative stress and inflammation. This editorial explores the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the development of enteric neuropathy in diabetic patients. Additionally, it discusses the latest advances in diagnostic approaches, emphasizing the need for early detection and intervention to mitigate GI complications in diabetic individuals. The editorial also reviews current and emerging therapeutic strategies, focusing on pharmacological treatments, dietary management, and potential neuromodulatory interventions. Ultimately, this editorial highlights the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach in managing enteric neuropathy in diabetes, aiming to enhance patient quality of life and address a frequently overlooked complication of this widespread disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hirschsprung\'s disease (HSCR) is a rare developmental disorder in which enteric ganglia are missing along a portion of the intestine. HSCR has a complex inheritance, with RET as the major disease-causing gene. However, the pathogenesis of HSCR is still not completely understood. Therefore, we applied a computational approach based on multi-omics network characterization and clustering analysis for HSCR-related gene/miRNA identification and biomarker discovery. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) and miRNA-target interaction (MTI) networks were analyzed by DPClusO and BiClusO, respectively, and finally, the biomarker potential of miRNAs was computationally screened by miRNA-BD. In this study, a total of 55 significant gene-disease modules were identified, allowing us to propose 178 new HSCR candidate genes and two biological pathways. Moreover, we identified 12 key miRNAs with biomarker potential among 137 predicted HSCR-associated miRNAs. Functional analysis of new candidates showed that enrichment terms related to gene ontology (GO) and pathways were associated with HSCR. In conclusion, this approach has allowed us to decipher new clues of the etiopathogenesis of HSCR, although molecular experiments are further needed for clinical validations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enteric neuropathy underlies long-term gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction associated with several pathological conditions. Our previous studies have demonstrated that structural and functional changes in the enteric nervous system (ENS) result in persistent alterations of intestinal functions long after the acute insult. These changes lead to aberrant immune response and chronic dysregulation of the epithelial barrier. Damage to the ENS is prognostic of disease progression and plays an important role in the recurrence of clinical manifestations. This suggests that the ENS is a viable therapeutic target to alleviate chronic intestinal dysfunction. Our recent studies in preclinical animal models have progressed into the development of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of enteric neuropathy in various chronic GI disorders. We have tested the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective efficacy of novel compounds targeting specific molecular pathways. Ex vivo studies in human tissues freshly collected after resection surgeries provide an understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in enteric neuropathy. In vivo treatments in animal models provide data on the efficacy and the mechanisms of actions of the novel compounds and their combinations with clinically used therapies. These novel findings provide avenues for the development of safe, cost-effective, and highly efficacious treatments of GI disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Severe gut motility disorders are characterized by ineffective propulsion of intestinal contents. As a result, patients often develop extremely uncomfortable symptoms, ranging from nausea and vomiting along with alterations of bowel habits, up to radiologically confirmed subobstructive episodes. Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a typical clinical phenotype of severe gut dysmotility due to morphological and functional alterations of the intrinsic (enteric) innervation and extrinsic nerve supply (hence neuropathy), interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) (mesenchymopathy), and smooth muscle cells (myopathy). In this chapter, we highlight some molecular mechanisms of CIPO and review the clinical phenotypes and the genetics of the different types of CIPO. Specifically, we will detail the role of some of the most representative genetic mutations involving RAD21, LIG3, and ACTG2 to provide a better understanding of CIPO and related underlying neuropathic or myopathic histopathological abnormalities. This knowledge may unveil targeted strategies to better manage patients with such severe disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic gut inflammation with periods of acute flares and remission. Beneficial effects of a single dose of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based treatment have been demonstrated in acute models of colitis. No studies investigated therapeutic effects of MSCs for the attenuation of enteric neuropathy in a chronic model of colitis. The short and long-term effects of MSC treatment in modulating inflammation and damage to the enteric nervous system (ENS) were studied in the Winnie mouse model of spontaneous chronic colitis highly representative of human IBD. Winnie mice received a single dose of either 1 × 106 human bone marrow-derived MSCs or 100µL PBS by intracolonic enema. C57BL/6 mice received 100µL PBS. Colon tissues were collected at 3 and 60 days post MSC administration to evaluate the short-term and long-term effects of MSCs on inflammation and enteric neuropathy by histological and immunohistochemical analyses. In a separate set of experiments, multiple treatments with 4 × 106 and 2 × 106 MSCs were performed and tissue collected at 3 days post treatment. Chronic intestinal inflammation in Winnie mice was associated with persistent diarrhea, perianal bleeding, morphological changes, and immune cell infiltration in the colon. Significant changes to the ENS, including impairment of cholinergic, noradrenergic and sensory innervation, and myenteric neuronal loss were prominent in Winnie mice. Treatment with a single dose of bone marrow-derived MSCs was ineffective in attenuating chronic inflammation and enteric neuropathy in Winnie.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the first clinical trials conducted after World War II, chemotherapeutic drugs have been extensively used in the clinic as the main cancer treatment either alone or as an adjuvant therapy before and after surgery. Although the use of chemotherapeutic drugs improved the survival of cancer patients, these drugs are notorious for causing many severe side effects that significantly reduce the efficacy of anti-cancer treatment and patients\' quality of life. Many widely used chemotherapy drugs including platinum-based agents, taxanes, vinca alkaloids, proteasome inhibitors, and thalidomide analogs may cause direct and indirect neurotoxicity. In this review we discuss the main effects of chemotherapy on the peripheral and central nervous systems, including neuropathic pain, chemobrain, enteric neuropathy, as well as nausea and emesis. Understanding mechanisms involved in chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity is crucial for the development of drugs that can protect the nervous system, reduce symptoms experienced by millions of patients, and improve the outcome of the treatment and patients\' quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gastrointestinal (GI) complications, that severely impact patient quality of life, are a common occurrence in patients with Parkinson\'s disease (PD). Damage to enteric neurons and the accumulation of alpha-synuclein in the enteric nervous system (ENS) are thought to contribute to this phenotype. Copper or iron chelators, that bind excess or labile metal ions, can prevent aggregation of alpha-synuclein in the brain and alleviate motor-symptoms in preclinical models of PD.
    We investigated the effect of ATH434 (formally PBT434), a small molecule, orally bioavailable, moderate-affinity iron chelator, on colonic propulsion and whole gut transit in A53T alpha-synuclein transgenic mice.
    Mice were fed ATH434 (30 mg/kg/day) for either 4 months (beginning at ∼15 months of age), after the onset of slowed propulsion (\"treatment group\"), or for 3 months (beginning at ∼12 months of age), prior to slowed propulsion (\"prevention group\").
    ATH434, given after dysfunction was established, resulted in a reversal of slowed colonic propulsion and gut transit deficits in A53T mice to WT levels. In addition, ATH434 administered from 12 months prevented the slowed bead expulsion at 15 months but did not alter deficits in gut transit time when compared to vehicle-treated A53T mice. The proportion of neurons with nuclear Hu+ translocation, an indicator of neuronal stress in the ENS, was significantly greater in A53T than WT mice, and was reduced in both groups when ATH434 was administered.
    ATH434 can reverse some of the GI deficits and enteric neuropathy that occur in a mouse model of PD, and thus may have potential clinical benefit in alleviating the GI dysfunctions associated with PD.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral autonomic neuropathy, including enteric neuropathy, may be subtle and unrecognized for several years. Diagnosis of enteric neuropathy demands complicated examinations such as full-thickness bowel biopsy. We hypothesized that knowledge about simultaneous occurrence of different types of neuropathy would lead to faster recognition and diagnosis of autonomic/enteric neuropathy. The aim of the present systematic review was to increase the awareness of disease groups causing autonomic and enteric neuropathy along with sensorimotor neuropathy.
    A systematic search strategy was used in PubMed, Embase and Web of Science. First, 4978 articles were identified. Review of titles/abstracts rendered exclusion of animal studies, articles not written in English or full-length, case reports, conference abstracts and duplicates until 357 articles remained. The full-length evaluation resulted in 35 studies (27 non-systematic reviews) which described objectively verified peripheral autonomic, enteric and sensorimotor neuropathy within the same disease.
    Diabetes is the most common disease in society rendering generalized peripheral neuropathy. Accumulation of tissue deposits in amyloidosis, Lewy body disorders and sarcoidosis lead to widespread peripheral neuropathy. Several autoimmune disorders such as systemic sclerosis and primary Sjögren\'s syndrome present themselves with neuropathy. Paraneoplastic neuropathy may appear prior to symptoms from the malignancy. Both the infection per se, as well as the autoimmune response to the infection, i.e., Guillain-Barré syndrome, may lead to widespread peripheral neuropathy. Hereditary disorders with disturbed metabolism lead to intermittent attacks of neuropathy.
    The major causes of generalized peripheral neuropathy are diabetes, diseases with tissue deposits, autoimmunity, infections, malignancy and metabolic diseases.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Neuropathy should be considered as a possible etiological factor in patients with severe gastrointestinal symptoms, without signs of disease on routine investigations. Examinations of the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems may be helpful to select the patients who should be investigated with full-thickness intestinal biopsy, and to give appropriate care.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diverticular disease, a major gastrointestinal disorder, is associated with modifications of the enteric nervous system, encompassing alterations of neurochemical coding and of the tyrosine receptor kinase Ret/GDNF pathway. However, molecular factors underlying these changes remain to be determined.
    We aimed to characterise the expression of Phox2b, an essential regulator of Ret and of neuronal subtype development, in the adult human enteric nervous system, and to evaluate its potential involvement in acute diverticulitis.
    Site-specific gene expression of Phox2b in the adult colon was analysed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Colonic specimens of adult controls and patients with diverticulitis were subjected to quantitative polymerase chain reaction for Phox2b and dual-label immunochemistry for Phox2b and the neuronal markers RET and tyrosine hydroxylase or the glial marker S100β.
    The results indicate that Phox2b is physiologically expressed in myenteric neuronal and glial subpopulations in the adult enteric nervous system. Messenger RNA expression of Phox2b was increased in patients with diverticulitis and both neuronal, and glial protein expression of Phox2b were altered in these patients.
    Alterations of Phox2b expression may contribute to the enteric neuropathy observed in diverticular disease. Future studies are required to characterise the functions of Phox2b in the adult enteric nervous system and to determine its potential as a therapeutic target in gastrointestinal disorders.






