
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sesuvium portulacastrum L. is a flowering succulent halophyte in the ice plant family Aizoaceae. There are various ecotypes distributed in sandy coastlines and salty marshlands in tropical and subtropical regions with the common name of sea purslane. These plants are tolerant to salt, drought, and flooding stresses and have been used for the stabilization of sand dunes and the restoration of coastal areas. With the increased salinization of agricultural soils and the widespread pollution of toxic metals in the environment, as well as excessive nutrients in waterbodies, S. portulacastrum has been explored for the desalination of saline soils and the phytoremediation of metals from contaminated soils and nitrogen and phosphorus from eutrophic water. In addition, sea purslane has nutraceutical and pharmaceutical value. Tissue analysis indicates that many ecotypes are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and mineral nutrients. Native Americans in Florida eat it raw, pickled, or cooked. In the Philippines, it is known as atchara after being pickled. S. portulacastrum contains high levels of ecdysteroids, which possess antidiabetic, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities in mammals. In this review article, we present the botanical information, the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying the tolerance of sea purslane to different stresses, its nutritional and pharmaceutical value, and the methods for its propagation and production in saline soils and waterbodies. Its adaptability to a wide range of stressful environments and its role in the production of valuable bioactive compounds suggest that S. portulacastrum can be produced in saline soils as a leafy vegetable and is a valuable genetic resource that can be used for the bioremediation of soil salinity and eutrophic water.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Steroid hormones regulate tissue development and physiology by modulating the transcription of a broad spectrum of genes. In insects, the principal steroid hormones, ecdysteroids, trigger the expression of thousands of genes through a cascade of transcription factors (TFs) to coordinate developmental transitions such as larval molting and metamorphosis. However, whether ecdysteroid signaling can bypass transcriptional hierarchies to exert its function in individual developmental processes is unclear. Here, we report that a single non-TF effector gene mediates the transcriptional output of ecdysteroid signaling in Drosophila myoblast fusion, a critical step in muscle development and differentiation. Specifically, we show that the 20-hydroxyecdysone (commonly referred to as \"ecdysone\") secreted from an extraembryonic tissue, amnioserosa, acts on embryonic muscle cells to directly activate the expression of antisocial (ants), which encodes an essential scaffold protein enriched at the fusogenic synapse. Not only is ants transcription directly regulated by the heterodimeric ecdysone receptor complex composed of ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (USP) via ecdysone-response elements but also more strikingly, expression of ants alone is sufficient to rescue the myoblast fusion defect in ecdysone signaling-deficient mutants. We further show that EcR/USP and a muscle-specific TF Twist synergistically activate ants expression in vitro and in vivo. Taken together, our study provides the first example of a steroid hormone directly activating the expression of a single key non-TF effector gene to regulate a developmental process via inter-organ signaling and provides a new paradigm for understanding steroid hormone signaling in other developmental and physiological processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    20-Hydroxyecdysone and several of its oxidized derivatives exert cytoprotective effect in mammals including humans. Inspired by this bioactivity of ecdysteroids, in the current study it was our aim to prepare a set of sidechain-modified derivatives and to evaluate their potential to protect the blood-brain barrier (BBB) from oxidative stress. Six novel ecdysteroids, including an oxime and five oxime ethers, were obtained through regioselective synthesis from a sidechain-cleaved calonysterone derivative 2 and fully characterized by comprehensive NMR techniques revealing their complete 1H and 13C signal assignments. Surprisingly, several compounds sensitized hCMEC/D3 brain microvascular endothelial cells to tert-butyl hydroperoxide (tBHP)-induced oxidative damage as recorded by impedance measurements. Compound 8, containing a benzyloxime ether moiety in its sidechain, was the only one that exerted a protective effect at a higher, 10 μM concentration, while at lower (10 nM- 1 μM) concentrations it promoted tBHP-induced cellular damage. Brain endothelial cells were protected from tBHP-induced barrier integrity decrease by treatment with 10 μM of compound 8, which also mitigated the intracellular reactive oxygen species production elevated by tBHP. Based on our results, 17-oxime ethers of oxidized ecdysteroids modulate oxidative stress of the BBB in a way that may point towards unexpected toxicity. Further studies are needed to evaluate any possible risk connected to dietary ecdysteroid consumption and CNS pathologies in which BBB damage plays an important role.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolutionary dynamics of large gene families can offer important insights into the functions of their individual members. While the ecdysteroid kinase-like (EcKL) gene family has previously been linked to the metabolism of both steroid molting hormones and xenobiotic toxins, the functions of nearly all EcKL genes are unknown, and there is little information on their evolution across all insects. Here, we perform comprehensive phylogenetic analyses on a manually annotated set of EcKL genes from 140 insect genomes, revealing the gene family is comprised of at least 13 subfamilies that differ in retention and stability. Our results show the only two genes known to encode ecdysteroid kinases belong to different subfamilies and therefore ecdysteroid metabolism functions must be spread throughout the EcKL family. We provide comparative phylogenomic evidence that EcKLs are involved in detoxification across insects, with positive associations between family size and dietary chemical complexity, and we also find similar evidence for the cytochrome P450 and glutathione S-transferase gene families. Unexpectedly, we find that the size of the clade containing a known ecdysteroid kinase is positively associated with host plant taxonomic diversity in Lepidoptera, possibly suggesting multiple functional shifts between hormone and xenobiotic metabolism. Our evolutionary analyses provide hypotheses of function and a robust framework for future experimental studies of the EcKL gene family. They also open promising new avenues for exploring the genomic basis of dietary adaptation in insects, including the classically studied coevolution of butterflies with their host plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insect vitellogenins are an intriguing class of complex proteins. They primarily serve as a source of energy for the developing embryo in insect eggs. Vitellogenesis is a complex hormonally and neurally controlled process that command synthesis of vitellogenin molecules and ensures their transport from the female fat bodies or ovarial cells into eggs. The representatives of all insect hormones such as juvenile hormones, ecdysteroids, and neurohormones participate in vitellogenesis, but juvenile hormones (most insect species) and ecdysteroids (mostly Diptera) play the most important roles in the process. Strikingly, not only insect females, but also males have been reported to synthesize vitellogenins indicating their further utility in the insect body. Indeed, it has recently been found that vitellogenins perform a variety of biological functions in the insect body. They participate in defense reactions against entomopathogens such as nematodes, fungi, and bacteria, as well as against venoms such as the honeybee Apis mellifera venom. Interestingly, vitellogenins are also present in the venom of the honeybee itself, albeit their exact role is unknown; they most likely increase the efficacy of the venom in the victim\'s body. Within the bee\'s body vitellogenins contribute to the lifespan regulation as anti-aging factor acting under tight social interactions and hormonal control. The current minireview covers all of these functions of vitellogenins and portrays them as biologically active substances that play a variety of significant roles in both insect females and males, and not only acting as passive energy sources for developing embryo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Muscle aging is associated with a consistent decrease in the ability of muscle tissue to regenerate following intrinsic muscle degradation, injury or overuse. Age-related imbalance of protein synthesis and degradation, mainly regulated by AKT/mTOR pathway, leads to progressive loss of muscle mass. Maintenance of anabolic and regenerative capacities of skeletal muscles may be regarded as a therapeutic option for sarcopenia and other muscle wasting diseases. Our previous studies have demonstrated that BIO101, a pharmaceutical grade 20-hydroxyecdysone, increases protein synthesis through the activation of MAS receptor involved in the protective arm of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The purpose of the present study was to assess the anabolic and pro-differentiating properties of BIO101 on C2C12 muscle cells in vitro and to investigate its effects on adult and old mice models in vivo.
    METHODS: The effects of BIO101 on C2C12 differentiation were assessed using myogenic transcription factors and protein expression of major kinases of AKT/mTOR pathway by Western blot. The in vivo effects of BIO101 have been investigated in BIO101 orally-treated (50 mg/kg/day) adult mice (3 months) for 28 days. To demonstrate potential beneficial effect of BIO101 treatment in a sarcopenic mouse model, we use orally treated 22-month-old C57Bl6/J mice, for 14 weeks with vehicle or BIO101. Mice body and muscle weight were recorded. Physical performances were assessed using running capacity and muscle contractility tests.
    RESULTS: Anabolic properties of BIO101 were confirmed by the rapid activation of AKT/mTOR, leading to an increase of C2C12 myotubes diameters (+26%, P < 0.001). Pro-differentiating effects of BIO101 on C2C12 myoblasts were revealed by increased expression of muscle-specific differentiation transcription factors (MyoD, myogenin), resulting in increased fusion index and number of nuclei per myotube (+39% and +53%, respectively, at day 6). These effects of BIO101 were like those of angiotensin (1-7) and were abolished with the use of A779, a MAS receptor specific antagonist. Chronic BIO101 oral treatment induced AKT/mTOR activation and anabolic effects accompanied with improved physical performances in adult and old animals (maximal running distance and maximal running velocity).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest beneficial anabolic and pro-differentiating effects of BIO101 rendering BIO101 a potent drug candidate for treating sarcopenia and possibly other muscle wasting disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molting is a pivotal biological process regulated by the ecdysteroid signaling pathway that requires molecular coordination of two transcription factors, Ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (USP) in arthropods. However, the molecular interplay of EcR and Retinoid X receptor (RXR), the crustacean homolog of USP in the ecdysteroid signaling pathway, is not well understood.
    In this study, we conducted temporal and spatial expression, co-immunoprecipitation (CO-IP), and luciferase reporter assay experiments to investigate the molecular function and interplay of EcR and RXR during the molting process of the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis.
    The results showed that the expression level of RXR was more stable and significantly higher than EcR during the entire molting process. However, the expression level of EcR fluctuated dynamically and increased sharply at the premolt stage. The CO-IP and luciferase reporter assay results confirmed the molecular interplay of EcR and RXR. The heterodimer complex formed by the two transcription factors significantly induced the transcription of E75, an essential gene in the ecdysteroid signaling pathway.
    Our study unveiled the diverse molecular function and molecular interplay of EcR and RXR; RXR is possibly a \"constitutive-type\" gene, and EcR is possibly a vital speed-limiting gene while both EcR and RXR are required to initiate the ecdysteroid signaling cascade, which may be indispensable for molting regulation in E. sinensis. The results provide a theoretical basis for the endocrine control of molting in E. sinensis and novel insights into the molecular mechanism of molting mediated by the ecdysteroid signaling pathway in crustaceans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Within insects, corticotropin-releasing factor/diuretic hormones (CRF/DHs) are responsible for the modulation of a range of physiological and behavioural processes such as feeding, diuresis, and reproduction. Rhopr-CRF/DH plays a key role in feeding and diuresis in Rhodnius prolixus, a blood-gorging insect and a vector for human Chagas disease. Here, we extend our understanding on the role of this neurohormone in reproduction in adult female R. prolixus. Double-label immunohistochemistry displays co-localized staining of CRF-like and the glycoprotein hormone (GPA2/GPB5) subunit GPB5-like immunoreactivity in the same neurosecretory cells (NSCs) in the mesothoracic ganglionic mass (MTGM) and in their neurohemal sites in adult female R. prolixus, suggesting these peptides could work together to regulate physiological processes. qPCR analysis reveals that the transcript for Rhopr-CRF/DH receptor 2 (Rhopr-CRF/DH-R2) is expressed in reproductive tissues and fat body (FB) in adult female R. prolixus, and its expression increases post blood meal (PBM), a stimulus that triggers diuresis and reproduction. Using RNA interference, transcript expression of Rhopr-CRF/DH-R2 was knocked down, and egg production monitored by examining the major yolk protein, vitellogenin (Vg), the number and quality of eggs laid, and their hatching ratio. Injection of dsCRFR2 into adult females reduces Rhopr-CRF/DH-R2 transcript expression, accelerates oogenesis, increases the number of eggs produced, and reduces hatching rate in female R. prolixus. Downregulation of Rhopr-CRF/DH-R2 leads to an increase in the transcript expression of RhoprVg1 in the fat body and ovaries, and increases the transcript level for the Vg receptor, RhoprVgR, in the ovaries. A significant increase in Vg content in the fat body and in the hemolymph is also observed. Incubation of isolated tissues with Rhopr-CRF/DH leads to a significant decrease in transcript expression of RhoprVg1 in the fat body and RhoprVg1 in the ovaries. In addition, Rhopr-CRF/DH reduces transcript expression of the ecdysteroid biosynthetic enzymes and reduces ecdysteroid titer in the culture medium containing isolated ovaries. These results suggest the involvement of the CRF-signaling pathway in reproduction, and that Rhopr-CRF/DH acts as a gonad-inhibiting hormone in the adult female R. prolixus, as previously shown for the colocalized glycoprotein, GPA2/GPB5.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In insects, the ecdysteroid hormone regulates development and reproduction. However, its function in the reproduction process of spider mites is still unclear. In this study, we investigated the effect of the Halloween gene Spook on the oviposition of the reproduction process in a spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. The expression patterns of the ecdysteroid biosynthesis and signaling pathway genes, as analyzed by RT-qPCR, showed that the expression pattern of the Halloween genes was similar to the oviposition pattern of the female mite and the expression patterns of the vitellogenesis-related genes TuVg and TuVgR, suggesting that the Halloween genes are involved in the oviposition of spider mites. To investigate the function of the ecdysteroid hormone on the oviposition of the reproduction process, we carried out an RNAi assay against the Halloween gene Spook by injection in female mites. Effective silencing of TuSpo led to a significant reduction of oviposition. In summary, these results provide an initial study on the effect of Halloween genes on the reproduction in T. urticae and may be a foundation for a new strategy to control spider mites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have shown that selection for starvation resistance in Drosophila melanogaster results in delayed eclosion and increased adult fat stores. It is assumed that these traits are caused by the starvation selection pressure, but its mechanism is unknown. We found that our starvation-selected (SS) population stores more fat during larval development and has extended larval development and pupal development time. Developmental checkpoints in the third instar associated with ecdysteroid hormone pulses are increasingly delayed. The delay in the late larval period seen in the SS population is indicative of reduced and delayed ecdysone signaling. An enzyme immunoassay for ecdysteroids (with greatest affinity to the metabolically active 20-hydroxyecdysone and the α-ecdysone precursor) confirmed that the SS population had reduced and delayed hormone production compared with that of fed control (FC) flies. Feeding third instar larvae on food supplemented with α-ecdysone partially rescued the developmental delay and reduced subsequent adult starvation resistance. This work suggests that starvation selection causes reduced and delayed production of ecdysteroids in the larval stage and affects the developmental delay phenotype that contributes to subsequent adult fat storage and starvation resistance.





