• 文章类型: Observational Study
    We aimed to describe baseline amyloid-beta (Aβ) and tau-positron emission tomograrphy (PET) from Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer\'s Disease Study (LEADS), a prospective multi-site observational study of sporadic early-onset Alzheimer\'s disease (EOAD).
    We analyzed baseline [18F]Florbetaben (Aβ) and [18F]Flortaucipir (tau)-PET from cognitively impaired participants with a clinical diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or AD dementia aged < 65 years. Florbetaben scans were used to distinguish cognitively impaired participants with EOAD (Aβ+) from EOnonAD (Aβ-) based on the combination of visual read by expert reader and image quantification.
    243/321 (75.7%) of participants were assigned to the EOAD group based on amyloid-PET; 231 (95.1%) of them were tau-PET positive (A+T+). Tau-PET signal was elevated across cortical regions with a parietal-predominant pattern, and higher burden was observed in younger and female EOAD participants.
    LEADS data emphasizes the importance of biomarkers to enhance diagnostic accuracy in EOAD. The advanced tau-PET binding at baseline might have implications for therapeutic strategies in patients with EOAD.
    72% of patients with clinical EOAD were positive on both amyloid- and tau-PET. Amyloid-positive patients with EOAD had high tau-PET signal across cortical regions. In EOAD, tau-PET mediated the relationship between amyloid-PET and MMSE. Among EOAD patients, younger onset and female sex were associated with higher tau-PET.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We compared white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) in early-onset Alzheimer\'s disease (EOAD) with cognitively normal (CN) and early-onset amyloid-negative cognitively impaired (EOnonAD) groups in the Longitudinal Early-Onset Alzheimer\'s Disease Study.
    We investigated the role of increased WMH in cognition and amyloid and tau burden. We compared WMH burden of 205 EOAD, 68 EOnonAD, and 89 CN participants in lobar regions using t-tests and analyses of covariance. Linear regression analyses were used to investigate the association between WMH and cognitive impairment and that between amyloid and tau burden.
    EOAD showed greater WMHs compared with CN and EOnonAD participants across all regions with no significant differences between CN and EOnonAD groups. Greater WMHs were associated with worse cognition. Tau burden was positively associated with WMH burden in the EOAD group.
    EOAD consistently showed higher WMH volumes. Overall, greater WMHs were associated with worse cognition and higher tau burden in EOAD.
    This study represents a comprehensive characterization of WMHs in sporadic EOAD. WMH volumes are associated with tau burden from positron emission tomography (PET) in EOAD, suggesting WMHs are correlated with increasing burden of AD. Greater WMH volumes are associated with worse performance on global cognitive tests. EOAD participants have higher WMH volumes compared with CN and early-onset amyloid-negative cognitively impaired (EOnonAD) groups across all brain regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is possible to calculate the number of years to the expected clinical onset (YECO) of autosomal-dominant Alzheimer\'s disease (adAD). A similar time scale is lacking for sporadic Alzheimer\'s disease (sAD). The purpose was to design and validate a time scale in YECO for patients with sAD in relation to CSF and PET biomarkers.
    Patients diagnosed with Alzheimer\'s disease (AD, n = 48) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n = 46) participated in the study. They underwent a standardized clinical examination at the Memory clinic, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, which included present and previous medical history, laboratory screening, cognitive assessment, CSF biomarkers (Aβ42, total-tau, and p-tau), and an MRI of the brain. They were also assessed with two PET tracers, 11C-Pittsburgh compound B and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose. Assuming concordance of cognitive decline in sAD and adAD, YECO for these patients was calculated using equations for the relationship between cognitive performance, YECO, and years of education in adAD (Almkvist et al. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 23:195-203, 2017).
    The mean current point of disease progression was 3.2 years after the estimated clinical onset in patients with sAD and 3.4 years prior to the estimated clinical onset in patients with MCI, as indicated by the median YECO from five cognitive tests. The associations between YECO and biomarkers were significant, while those between chronological age and biomarkers were nonsignificant. The estimated disease onset (chronological age minus YECO) followed a bimodal distribution with frequency maxima before (early-onset) and after (late-onset) 65 years of age. The early- and late-onset subgroups differed significantly in biomarkers and cognition, but after control for YECO, this difference disappeared for all except the APOE e4 gene (more frequent in early- than in late-onset).
    A novel time scale in years of disease progression based on cognition was designed and validated in patients with AD using CSF and PET biomarkers. Two early- and late-disease onset subgroups were identified differing with respect to APOE e4.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, characterized by progressive loss of cognitive function, with β-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles being its major pathological findings. Although the disease mainly affects the elderly, c. 5-10% of the cases are due to PSEN1, PSEN2, and APP mutations, principally associated with an early onset of the disease. The A413E (rs63750083) PSEN1 variant, identified in 2001, is associated with early-onset Alzheimer\'s disease (EOAD). Although there is scant knowledge about the disease\'s clinical manifestations and particular features, significant clinical heterogeneity was reported, with a high incidence of spastic paraparesis (SP), language impairments, and psychiatric and motor manifestations. This scoping review aims to synthesize findings related to the A431E variant of PSEN1. In the search, we followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement and the guidelines proposed by Arksey and O\'Malley. We searched and identified 247 studies including the A431E variant of PSEN1 from 2001 to 2021 in five databases and one search engine. After the removal of duplicates, and apply inclusion criteria, 42 studies were finally included. We considered a narrative synthesis with a qualitative approach for the analysis of the data. Given the study sample conformation, we divided the results into those carried out only with participants carrying A431E (seven studies), subjects with PSEN variants (11 studies), and variants associated with EOAD in PSEN1, PSEN2, and APP (24 studies). The resulting synthesis indicates most studies involve Mexican and Mexican-American participants in preclinical stages. The articles analyzed included carrier characteristics in categories such as genetics, clinical, imaging techniques, neuropsychology, neuropathology, and biomarkers. Some studies also considered family members\' beliefs and caregivers\' experiences. Heterogeneity in both the studies found and carrier samples of EOAD-related gene variants does not allow for the generalization of the findings. Future research should focus on reporting data on the progression of carrier characteristics through time and reporting results independently or comparing them across variants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the late 20th century, identification of the major protein components of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles provided a window into the molecular pathology of Alzheimer\'s disease, ushering in an era of optimism that targeted therapeutics would soon follow. The amyloid-cascade hypothesis took hold very early, supported by discoveries that dominant mutations in APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2 cause the very rare, early-onset, familial forms of the disease. However, in the past decade, a stunning series of failed Phase-3 clinical trials, testing anti-amyloid antibodies or processing-enzyme inhibitors, prompts the question, What went wrong? The FDA\'s recent controversial approval of aducanumab, despite widespread concerns about efficacy and safety, only amplifies the question. The assumption that common, late-onset Alzheimer\'s is a milder form of familial disease was not adequately questioned. The differential timing of discoveries, including blood-brain-barrier-penetrant tracers for imaging of plaques and tangles, made it easy to focus on amyloid. Furthermore, the neuropathology community initially implemented Alzheimer\'s diagnostic criteria based on plaques only. The discovery that MAPT mutations cause frontotemporal dementia with tauopathy made it even easier to overlook the tangles in Alzheimer\'s. Many important findings were simply ignored. The accepted mouse models did not predict the human clinical trials data. Given this lack of pharmacological validity, input from geneticists in collaboration with neuroscientists is needed to establish criteria for valid models of Alzheimer\'s disease. More generally, scientists using genetic model organisms as whole-animal bioassays can contribute to building the pathogenesis network map of Alzheimer\'s disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with early-onset Alzheimer\'s disease (EOAD) are commonly excluded from large-scale observational and therapeutic studies due to their young age, atypical presentation, or absence of pathogenic mutations. The goals of the Longitudinal EOAD Study (LEADS) are to (1) define the clinical, imaging, and fluid biomarker characteristics of EOAD; (2) develop sensitive cognitive and biomarker measures for future clinical and research use; and (3) establish a trial-ready network. LEADS will follow 400 amyloid beta (Aβ)-positive EOAD, 200 Aβ-negative EOnonAD that meet National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer\'s Association (NIA-AA) criteria for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or AD dementia, and 100 age-matched controls. Participants will undergo clinical and cognitive assessments, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), [18 F]Florbetaben and [18 F]Flortaucipir positron emission tomography (PET), lumbar puncture, and blood draw for DNA, RNA, plasma, serum and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and post-mortem assessment. To develop more effective AD treatments, scientists need to understand the genetic, biological, and clinical processes involved in EOAD. LEADS will develop a public resource that will enable future planning and implementation of EOAD clinical trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over 5 million Americans and 50 million individuals worldwide are living with Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). The progressive dementia associated with AD currently has no cure. Although clinical trials in patients are ultimately required to find safe and effective drugs, animal models of AD permit the integration of brain pathologies with learning and memory deficits that are the first step in developing these new drugs. The purpose of the Alzheimer\'s Association Business Consortium Think Tank meeting was to address the unmet need to improve the discovery and successful development of Alzheimer\'s therapies. We hypothesize that positive responses to new therapies observed in validated models of AD will provide predictive evidence for positive responses to these same therapies in AD patients. To achieve this goal, we convened a meeting of experts to explore the current state of AD animal models, identify knowledge gaps, and recommend actions for development of next-generation models with better predictability. Among our findings, we all recognize that models reflecting only single aspects of AD pathogenesis do not mimic AD. Models or combinations of new models are needed that incorporate genetics with environmental interactions, timing of disease development, heterogeneous mechanisms and pathways, comorbidities, and other pathologies that lead to AD and related dementias. Selection of the best models requires us to address the following: (1) which animal species, strains, and genetic backgrounds are most appropriate; (2) which models permit efficient use throughout the drug development pipeline; (3) the translatability of behavioral-cognitive assays from animals to patients; and (4) how to match potential AD therapeutics with particular models. Best practice guidelines to improve reproducibility also need to be developed for consistent use of these models in different research settings. To enhance translational predictability, we discuss a multi-model evaluation strategy to de-risk the successful transition of pre-clinical drug assets to the clinic.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number of patients with Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is rapidly increasing in Asia. Mutations in the amyloid protein precursor (APP), presenilin-1 (PSEN1), and presenilin-2 (PSEN2) genes can cause autosomal dominant forms of early-onset AD (EOAD). Although these genes have been extensively studied, variant classification remains a challenge, highlighting the need to colligate mutations across populations. In this study, we performed a genetic screening for mutations in the APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2 genes in 200 clinically diagnosed EOAD patients across four Asian countries, including Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Korea, between 2009 and 2018. Thirty-two (16%) patients presented pathogenic APP, PSEN1, or PSEN2 variants; eight (25%), 19 (59%), and five (16%) of the 32 patients presented APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2 variants, respectively. Among the 21 novel and known non-synonymous variants, five APP variants were found in Korean patients and one APP variant was identified in a Thai patient with EOAD. Nine, two, and one PSEN1 mutation was found in a Korean patient, Malaysian siblings, and a Thai patient, respectively. Unlike PSEN1 mutations, PSEN2 mutations were rare in patients with EOAD; only three variants were found in Korean patients with EOAD. Comparison of AD-causative point mutations in Asian countries; our findings explained only a small fraction of patients, leaving approximately 84% (p = 0.01) of autosomal dominant pedigrees genetically unexplained. We suggest that the use of high-throughput sequencing technologies for EOAD patients can potentially improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of AD.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Presenilin 1 (PSEN1), presenilin 2 (PSEN2), and amyloid precursor protein (APP) mutations are responsible for autosomal dominant early-onset Alzheimer\'s disease (AD-EOAD). To analyze the phenotypes and genotypes of EOAD patients, we performed comprehensive clinical assessments as well as mutation screening of PSEN1, PSEN2, and exons 16 and 17 of APP by Sanger sequencing in the three Chinese EOAD families. We identified two novel mutations of PSEN1 (Y256N and H214R) in samples from these families, and a de novo mutation of PSEN1 (G206V) in a patient with very early-onset sporadic Alzheimer\'s disease. A combination of bioinformatics tools based on evolutionary, structural and computational methods predicted that the mutations were all deleterious. These findings suggest that PSEN1 Y256N, H214R, and G206V need to be considered as potential causative mutations in EOAD patients. Further functional studies are needed to evaluate the roles of these mutations in the pathogenesis of AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), Parkinson\'s disease (PD), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Huntington\'s disease (HD), and prion diseases have a certain degree of clinical, pathological, and molecular overlapping. Previous studies revealed that many causative mutations in AD, PD, and FTD/ALS genes could be found in clinical familial and sporadic AD. To further elucidate the missing heritability in early-onset Alzheimer\'s disease (EOAD), we genetically characterized a Thai EOAD cohort by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) with a high depth of coverage, capturing variants in 50 previously recognized AD and other related disorders\' genes. A novel mutation, APP p.V604M, and the known causative variant, PSEN1 p.E184G, were found in two of the familiar cases. Remarkably, among 61 missense variants were additionally discovered from 21 genes out of 50 genes, six potential mutations including MAPT P513A, LRRK2 p.R1628P, TREM2 p.L211P, and CSF1R (p.P54Q and pL536V) may be considered to be probably/possibly pathogenic and risk factors for other dementia leading to neuronal degeneration. All allele frequencies of the identified missense mutations were compared to 622 control individuals. Our study provides initial evidence that AD and other neurodegenerative diseases may represent shades of the same disease spectrum, and consideration should be given to offer exactly embracing genetic testing to patients diagnosed with EOAD. Our results need to be further confirmed with a larger cohort from this area.






