
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural variants (SVs) significantly contribute to human genome diversity and play a crucial role in precision medicine. Although advancements in single-molecule long-read sequencing offer a groundbreaking resource for SV detection, identifying SV breakpoints and sequences accurately and robustly remains challenging. We introduce VolcanoSV, an innovative hybrid SV detection pipeline that utilizes both a reference genome and local de novo assembly to generate a phased diploid assembly. VolcanoSV uses phased SNPs and unique k-mer similarity analysis, enabling precise haplotype-resolved SV discovery. VolcanoSV is adept at constructing comprehensive genetic maps encompassing SNPs, small indels, and all types of SVs, making it well-suited for human genomics studies. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that VolcanoSV surpasses state-of-the-art assembly-based tools in the detection of insertion and deletion SVs, exhibiting superior recall, precision, F1 scores, and genotype accuracy across a diverse range of datasets, including low-coverage (10x) datasets. VolcanoSV outperforms assembly-based tools in the identification of complex SVs, including translocations, duplications, and inversions, in both simulated and real cancer data. Moreover, VolcanoSV is robust to various evaluation parameters and accurately identifies breakpoints and SV sequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization presents an unusual challenge for species with sex chromosomes, as it can lead to complex combinations of sex chromosomes that disrupt reproductive development. This is particularly true for allopolyploidization between species with different sex chromosome systems. Here, we assemble haplotype-resolved chromosome-level genomes of a female allotetraploid weeping willow (Salix babylonica) and a male diploid S. dunnii. We show that weeping willow arose from crosses between a female ancestor from the Salix-clade, which has XY sex chromosomes on chromosome 7, and a male ancestor from the Vetrix-clade, which has ancestral XY sex chromosomes on chromosome 15. We find that weeping willow has one pair of sex chromosomes, ZW on chromosome 15, that derived from the ancestral XY sex chromosomes in the male ancestor of the Vetrix-clade. Moreover, the ancestral 7X chromosomes from the female ancestor of the Salix-clade have reverted to autosomal inheritance. Duplicated intact ARR17-like genes on the four homologous chromosomes 19 likely have contributed to the maintenance of dioecy during polyploidization and sex chromosome turnover. Taken together, our results suggest the rapid evolution and reversion of sex chromosomes following allopolyploidization in weeping willow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole genome duplications are implicated in genome instability and tumorigenesis. Human and yeast polyploids exhibit increased replication stress and chromosomal instability, both hallmarks of cancer. In this study, we investigate the transcriptional response of Schizosaccharomyces pombe to increased ploidy generally, and in response to treatment with the genotoxin methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). We find that treatment of MMS induces upregulation of genes involved in general response to genotoxins, in addition to cell cycle regulatory genes. Downregulated genes are enriched in transport and sexual reproductive pathways. We find that the diploid response to MMS is muted compared to the haploid response, although the enriched pathways remain largely the same. Overall, our data suggests that the global S. pombe transcriptome doubles in response to increased ploidy but undergoes modest transcriptional changes in both unperturbed and genotoxic stress conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Whole-genome duplication (WGD, polyploidization) has been identified as a driver of genetic and phenotypic novelty, having pervasive consequences for the evolution of lineages. While polyploids are widespread, especially among plants, the long-term establishment of polyploids is exceedingly rare. Genome doubling commonly results in increased cell sizes and metabolic expenses, which may be sufficient to modulate polyploid establishment in environments where their diploid ancestors thrive.
    METHODS: We developed a mechanistic simulation model of photosynthetic individuals to test whether changes in size and metabolic efficiency allow autopolyploids to coexist with, or even invade, ancestral diploid populations. Central to the model is metabolic efficiency, which determines how energy obtained from size-dependent photosynthetic production is allocated to basal metabolism as opposed to somatic and reproductive growth. We expected neopolyploids to establish successfully if they have equal or higher metabolic efficiency as diploids or to adapt their life history to offset metabolic inefficiency.
    RESULTS: Polyploid invasion was observed across a wide range of metabolic efficiency differences between polyploids and diploids. Polyploids became established in diploid populations even when they had a lower metabolic efficiency, which was facilitated by recurrent formation. Competition for nutrients is a major driver of population dynamics in this model. Perenniality did not qualitatively affect the relative metabolic efficiency from which tetraploids tended to establish.
    CONCLUSIONS: Feedback between size-dependent metabolism and energy allocation generated size and age differences between plants with different ploidies. We demonstrated that even small changes in metabolic efficiency are sufficient for the establishment of polyploids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidy is thought to enable species diversification and adaptation to extreme environments. Resolving the ecological differences between a taxon\'s ploidy levels would therefore provide important insights into local adaptation and speciation. The genus Betula includes many polyploids, but estimates of their phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history are uncertain because of cryptic lineages and species. As one of the southern boundary populations of Betula ermanii in Japan has been shown to have distinctive genetic characteristics and traits, the differences in ploidy levels between three southern boundary and various other Japanese B. ermanii populations were investigated using flow cytometry. Leaf and seed morphologies were also compared. Apart from individuals in southern boundary populations, all those sampled were tetraploid. Individuals from the southern boundary populations were mostly diploid, apart from a few from lower altitude Shikoku populations, which were tetraploid. Leaf and seed morphologies differed between tetraploids and diploids. Diploid individuals were characterized by leaves with a heart-shaped base and many leaf teeth, and seeds with relatively longer wings. The diploid populations could be considered a cryptic relict lineage of B. ermanii, and there is a possibility that this lineage is a diploid ancestor of B. ermanii and a relict population of the Sohayaki element. Further investigation of the Japanese Betula phylogenetic relationships would enable an informed discussion of taxonomic revisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How organisms respond to environmental stress is a key topic in evolutionary biology. This study focused on the genomic evolution of Laburnicola rhizohalophila, a dark-septate endophytic fungus from roots of a halophyte. Chromosome-level assemblies were generated from five representative isolates from structured subpopulations. The data revealed significant genomic plasticity resulting from chromosomal polymorphisms created by fusion and fission events, known as dysploidy. Analyses of genomic features, phylogenomics, and macrosynteny have provided clear evidence for the origin of intraspecific diploid-like hybrids. Notably, one diploid phenotype stood out as an outlier and exhibited a conditional fitness advantage when exposed to a range of abiotic stresses compared with its parents. By comparing the gene expression patterns in each hybrid parent triad under the four growth conditions, the mechanisms underlying growth vigor were corroborated through an analysis of transgressively upregulated genes enriched in membrane glycerolipid biosynthesis and transmembrane transporter activity. In vitro assays suggested increased membrane integrity and lipid accumulation, as well as decreased malondialdehyde production under optimal salt conditions (0.3 M NaCl) in the hybrid. These attributes have been implicated in salinity tolerance. This study supports the notion that hybridization-induced genome doubling leads to the emergence of phenotypic innovations in an extremophilic endophyte.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization plays an important role in plant evolution and biodiversity. However, intraspecific polyploidy compared to interspecific polyploidy received less attention. Clintonia udensis (Liliaceae) possess diploid (2n = 2x = 14) and autotetraploid (2n = 4x = 28) cytotypes. In the Hualongshan Mountains, the autotetraploids grew on the northern slope, while the diploids grew on the southern slopes. The clonal growth characteristics and clonal architecture were measured and analyzed by field observations and morphological methods. The diversity level and differentiation patterns for two different cytotypes were investigated using SSR markers. The results showed that the clonal growth parameters, such as the bud numbers of each rhizome node and the ratio of rhizome branches in the autotetraploids were higher than those in the diploids. Both the diploids and autotetraploids appeared phalanx clonal architectures with short internodes between ramets. However, the ramets or genets of the diploids had a relatively scattered distribution, while those of the autotetraploids were relatively clumping. The diploids and autotetraploids all allocated more biomass to their vegetative growth. The diploids had a higher allocation to reproductive organs than that of autotetraploids, which indicated that the tetraploids invested more resources in clonal reproduction than diploids. The clone diversity and genetic diversity of the autotetraploids were higher than that of the diploids. Significant genetic differentiation between two different cytotypes was observed (P < 0.01). During establishment and evolution, C. udensis autotetraploids employed more clumping phalanx clonal architecture and exhibited more genetic variation than the diploids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In aquaculture, sterile triploids are commonly used for production as sterility gives them potential gains in growth, yields, and quality. However, they cannot be reproduced, and DNA parentage assignment to their diploid or tetraploid parents is required to estimate breeding values for triploid phenotypes. No publicly available software has the ability to assign triploids to their parents. Here, we updated the R package APIS to support triploids induced from diploid parents. First, we created new exclusion and likelihood tables that account for the double allelic contribution of the dam and the recombination that can occur during female meiosis. As the effective recombination rate of each marker with the centromere is usually unknown, we set it at 0.5 and found that this value maximizes the assignment rate even for markers with high or low recombination rates. The number of markers needed for a high true assignment rate did not strongly depend on the proportion of missing parental genotypes. The assignment power was however affected by the quality of the markers (minor allele frequency, call rate). Altogether, 96-192 SNPs were required to have a high parentage assignment rate in a real rainbow trout dataset of 1,232 triploid progenies from 288 parents. The likelihood approach was more efficient than exclusion when the power of the marker set was limiting. When more markers were used, exclusion was more advantageous, with sensitivity reaching unity, very low false discovery rate (<0.01), and excellent specificity (0.96-0.99). Thus, APIS provides an efficient solution to assign triploids to their diploid parents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosaicism for autosomal trisomy is uncommon in clinical practice. However, despite its rarity among both prenatally and postnatally diagnoses, there are a large number of characterized and published cases. Surprisingly, in contrast to regular trisomies, no attempts at systematic analyses of mosaic carriers\' demographics were undertaken. This is the first study aimed to address this gap. For that, we have screened more than eight hundred publications on mosaic trisomies, reviewing data including gender and clinical status of mosaic carriers, maternal age and reproductive history. In total, 596 publications were eligible for analysis, containing data on 948 prenatal diagnoses, including true fetal mosaicism (TFM) and confined placental mosaicism (CPM), and on 318 cases of postnatally detected mosaicism (PNM). No difference was found in maternal age between normal pregnancy outcomes with appropriate birth weight and those with intrauterine growth restriction. Unexpectedly, a higher proportion of advanced maternal ages (AMA) was found in normal outcomes compared to abnormal ones (abnormal fetus or newborn) and fetal losses, 73% vs. 56% and 50%, p = 0.0015 and p = 0.0011, correspondingly. Another intriguing finding was a higher AMA proportion in mosaic carriers with concomitant uniparental disomy (UPD) for chromosomes 7, 14, 15, and 16 compared to carriers with biparental disomy (BPD) (72% vs. 58%, 92% vs. 55%, 87% vs. 78%, and 65% vs. 24%, correspondingly); overall figures were 78% vs. 48%, p = 0.0026. Analysis of reproductive histories showed a very poor reporting but almost two-fold higher rate of mothers reporting a previous fetal loss from PNM cohort (in which almost all patients were clinically abnormal) compared to mothers from the TFM and CPM cohorts (with a large proportion of normal outcomes), 30% vs. 16%, p = 0.0072. The occurrence of a previous pregnancy with a chromosome abnormality was 1 in 13 in the prenatal cohort and 1 in 16 in the postnatal cohort, which are five-fold higher compared to published studies on non-mosaic trisomies. We consider the data obtained in this study to be preliminary despite the magnitude of the literature reviewed since reporting of detailed data was mostly poor, and therefore, the studied cohorts do not represent \"big data\". Nevertheless, the information obtained is useful both for clinical genetic counseling and for modeling further studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Copy number variation (CNV) is a key genetic characteristic for cancer diagnostics and can be used as a biomarker for the selection of therapeutic treatments. Using data sets established in our previous study, we benchmark the performance of cancer CNV calling by six most recent and commonly used software tools on their detection accuracy, sensitivity, and reproducibility. In comparison to other orthogonal methods, such as microarray and Bionano, we also explore the consistency of CNV calling across different technologies on a challenging genome.
    While consistent results are observed for copy gain, loss, and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) calls across sequencing centers, CNV callers, and different technologies, variation of CNV calls are mostly affected by the determination of genome ploidy. Using consensus results from six CNV callers and confirmation from three orthogonal methods, we establish a high confident CNV call set for the reference cancer cell line (HCC1395).
    NGS technologies and current bioinformatics tools can offer reliable results for detection of copy gain, loss, and LOH. However, when working with a hyper-diploid genome, some software tools can call excessive copy gain or loss due to inaccurate assessment of genome ploidy. With performance matrices on various experimental conditions, this study raises awareness within the cancer research community for the selection of sequencing platforms, sample preparation, sequencing coverage, and the choice of CNV detection tools.





