
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization presents an unusual challenge for species with sex chromosomes, as it can lead to complex combinations of sex chromosomes that disrupt reproductive development. This is particularly true for allopolyploidization between species with different sex chromosome systems. Here, we assemble haplotype-resolved chromosome-level genomes of a female allotetraploid weeping willow (Salix babylonica) and a male diploid S. dunnii. We show that weeping willow arose from crosses between a female ancestor from the Salix-clade, which has XY sex chromosomes on chromosome 7, and a male ancestor from the Vetrix-clade, which has ancestral XY sex chromosomes on chromosome 15. We find that weeping willow has one pair of sex chromosomes, ZW on chromosome 15, that derived from the ancestral XY sex chromosomes in the male ancestor of the Vetrix-clade. Moreover, the ancestral 7X chromosomes from the female ancestor of the Salix-clade have reverted to autosomal inheritance. Duplicated intact ARR17-like genes on the four homologous chromosomes 19 likely have contributed to the maintenance of dioecy during polyploidization and sex chromosome turnover. Taken together, our results suggest the rapid evolution and reversion of sex chromosomes following allopolyploidization in weeping willow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Whole-genome duplication (WGD, polyploidization) has been identified as a driver of genetic and phenotypic novelty, having pervasive consequences for the evolution of lineages. While polyploids are widespread, especially among plants, the long-term establishment of polyploids is exceedingly rare. Genome doubling commonly results in increased cell sizes and metabolic expenses, which may be sufficient to modulate polyploid establishment in environments where their diploid ancestors thrive.
    METHODS: We developed a mechanistic simulation model of photosynthetic individuals to test whether changes in size and metabolic efficiency allow autopolyploids to coexist with, or even invade, ancestral diploid populations. Central to the model is metabolic efficiency, which determines how energy obtained from size-dependent photosynthetic production is allocated to basal metabolism as opposed to somatic and reproductive growth. We expected neopolyploids to establish successfully if they have equal or higher metabolic efficiency as diploids or to adapt their life history to offset metabolic inefficiency.
    RESULTS: Polyploid invasion was observed across a wide range of metabolic efficiency differences between polyploids and diploids. Polyploids became established in diploid populations even when they had a lower metabolic efficiency, which was facilitated by recurrent formation. Competition for nutrients is a major driver of population dynamics in this model. Perenniality did not qualitatively affect the relative metabolic efficiency from which tetraploids tended to establish.
    CONCLUSIONS: Feedback between size-dependent metabolism and energy allocation generated size and age differences between plants with different ploidies. We demonstrated that even small changes in metabolic efficiency are sufficient for the establishment of polyploids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How organisms respond to environmental stress is a key topic in evolutionary biology. This study focused on the genomic evolution of Laburnicola rhizohalophila, a dark-septate endophytic fungus from roots of a halophyte. Chromosome-level assemblies were generated from five representative isolates from structured subpopulations. The data revealed significant genomic plasticity resulting from chromosomal polymorphisms created by fusion and fission events, known as dysploidy. Analyses of genomic features, phylogenomics, and macrosynteny have provided clear evidence for the origin of intraspecific diploid-like hybrids. Notably, one diploid phenotype stood out as an outlier and exhibited a conditional fitness advantage when exposed to a range of abiotic stresses compared with its parents. By comparing the gene expression patterns in each hybrid parent triad under the four growth conditions, the mechanisms underlying growth vigor were corroborated through an analysis of transgressively upregulated genes enriched in membrane glycerolipid biosynthesis and transmembrane transporter activity. In vitro assays suggested increased membrane integrity and lipid accumulation, as well as decreased malondialdehyde production under optimal salt conditions (0.3 M NaCl) in the hybrid. These attributes have been implicated in salinity tolerance. This study supports the notion that hybridization-induced genome doubling leads to the emergence of phenotypic innovations in an extremophilic endophyte.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization plays an important role in plant evolution and biodiversity. However, intraspecific polyploidy compared to interspecific polyploidy received less attention. Clintonia udensis (Liliaceae) possess diploid (2n = 2x = 14) and autotetraploid (2n = 4x = 28) cytotypes. In the Hualongshan Mountains, the autotetraploids grew on the northern slope, while the diploids grew on the southern slopes. The clonal growth characteristics and clonal architecture were measured and analyzed by field observations and morphological methods. The diversity level and differentiation patterns for two different cytotypes were investigated using SSR markers. The results showed that the clonal growth parameters, such as the bud numbers of each rhizome node and the ratio of rhizome branches in the autotetraploids were higher than those in the diploids. Both the diploids and autotetraploids appeared phalanx clonal architectures with short internodes between ramets. However, the ramets or genets of the diploids had a relatively scattered distribution, while those of the autotetraploids were relatively clumping. The diploids and autotetraploids all allocated more biomass to their vegetative growth. The diploids had a higher allocation to reproductive organs than that of autotetraploids, which indicated that the tetraploids invested more resources in clonal reproduction than diploids. The clone diversity and genetic diversity of the autotetraploids were higher than that of the diploids. Significant genetic differentiation between two different cytotypes was observed (P < 0.01). During establishment and evolution, C. udensis autotetraploids employed more clumping phalanx clonal architecture and exhibited more genetic variation than the diploids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    7-Dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) is widely present in various organisms and is an important precursor of vitamin D3. Despite significant improvements in the biosynthesis of 7-DHC, it remains insufficient to meet the industrial demands. In this study, we reported high-level production of 7-DHC in an industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae leveraging subcellular organelles. Initially, the copy numbers of DHCR24 were increased in combination with sterol transcriptional factor engineering and rebalanced the redox power of the strain. Subsequently, the effects of compartmentalizing the post-squalene pathway in peroxisomes were validated by assembling various pathway modules in this organelle. Furthermore, several peroxisomes engineering was conducted to enhance the production of 7-DHC. Utilizing the peroxisome as a vessel for partial post-squalene pathways, the potential of yeast for 7-dehydrocholesterol production was demonstrated by achieving a 26-fold increase over the initial production level. 7-DHC titer reached 640.77 mg/L in shake flasks and 4.28 g/L in a 10 L bench-top fermentor, the highest titer ever reported. The present work lays solid foundation for large-scale and cost-effective production of 7-DHC for practical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Copy number variation (CNV) is a key genetic characteristic for cancer diagnostics and can be used as a biomarker for the selection of therapeutic treatments. Using data sets established in our previous study, we benchmark the performance of cancer CNV calling by six most recent and commonly used software tools on their detection accuracy, sensitivity, and reproducibility. In comparison to other orthogonal methods, such as microarray and Bionano, we also explore the consistency of CNV calling across different technologies on a challenging genome.
    While consistent results are observed for copy gain, loss, and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) calls across sequencing centers, CNV callers, and different technologies, variation of CNV calls are mostly affected by the determination of genome ploidy. Using consensus results from six CNV callers and confirmation from three orthogonal methods, we establish a high confident CNV call set for the reference cancer cell line (HCC1395).
    NGS technologies and current bioinformatics tools can offer reliable results for detection of copy gain, loss, and LOH. However, when working with a hyper-diploid genome, some software tools can call excessive copy gain or loss due to inaccurate assessment of genome ploidy. With performance matrices on various experimental conditions, this study raises awareness within the cancer research community for the selection of sequencing platforms, sample preparation, sequencing coverage, and the choice of CNV detection tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetraploid oysters are artificially produced oysters that do not exist in nature. The successful breeding of 100% triploid oysters resolved the difficulties of traditional drug-induced triploids, such as the presence of drug residues and a low triploid induction rate. However, little is known concerning the biochemical composition and nutrient contents of such tetraploids. Therefore, we investigated compositional differences among diploid, triploid, and tetraploid Crassostrea gigas as well as between males and females of diploids and tetraploids. The findings indicated that glycogen, EPA, ∑PUFA, and omega-3 contents were significantly higher in triploid oysters than in diploids or tetraploids; tetraploid oysters had a significantly higher protein content, C14:0, essential amino acid, and flavor-presenting amino acid contents than diploids or triploids. For both diploid and tetraploids, females had significantly higher levels of glutamate, methionine, and phenylalanine than males but lower levels of glycine and alanine. In addition, female oysters had significantly more EPA, DHA, omega-3, and total fatty acids, a result that may be due to the fact that gonadal development in male oysters requires more energy to sustain growth, consumes greater amounts of nutrients, and accumulates more proteins. With these results, important information is provided on the production of C. gigas, as well as on the basis and backing for the genetic breeding of oysters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wild Fragaria resources exhibit extensive genetic diversity and desirable edible traits, such as high soluble solid content and flavor compounds. However, specific metabolites in different wild strawberry fruits remain unknown. In this study, we characterized 1008 metabolites covering 11 subclasses among 13 wild diploid resources representing eight species, including F. vesca, F. nilgerrensis, F. viridis, F. nubicola, F. pentaphylla, F. mandschurica, F. chinensis, and F. emeiensis. Fifteen potential metabolite biomarkers were identified to distinguish fruit flavors among the 13 diploid wild Fragaria accessions. A total of nine distinct modules were employed to explore key metabolites related to fruit quality through weighted gene co-expression module analysis, with significant enrichment in amino acid biosynthesis pathway. Notably, the identified significantly different key metabolites highlighted the close association of amino acids, sugars, and anthocyanins with flavor formation. These findings offer valuable resources for improving fruit quality through metabolome-assisted breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acacetin, a flavonoid compound, possesses a wide range of pharmacological effects, including antimicrobial, immune regulation, and anticancer effects. Some key steps in its biosynthetic pathway were largely unknown in flowering plants. Here, we present the first haplotype-resolved genome of Chrysanthemum indicum, whose dried flowers contain abundant flavonoids and have been utilized as traditional Chinese medicine. Various phylogenetic analyses revealed almost equal proportion of three tree topologies among three Chrysanthemum species (C. indicum, C. nankingense, and C. lavandulifolium), indicating that frequent gene flow among Chrysanthemum species or incomplete lineage sorting due to rapid speciation might contribute to conflict topologies. The expanded gene families in C. indicum were associated with oxidative functions. Through comprehensive candidate gene screening, we identified five flavonoid O-methyltransferase (FOMT) candidates, which were highly expressed in flowers and whose expressional levels were significantly correlated with the content of acacetin. Further experiments validated two FOMTs (CI02A009970 and CI03A006662) were capable of catalyzing the conversion of apigenin into acacetin, and these two genes are possibly responsible acacetin accumulation in disc florets and young leaves, respectively. Furthermore, combined analyses of ancestral chromosome reconstruction and phylogenetic trees revealed the distinct evolutionary fates of the two validated FOMT genes. Our study provides new insights into the biosynthetic pathway of flavonoid compounds in the Asteraceae family and offers a model for tracing the origin and evolutionary routes of single genes. These findings will facilitate in vitro biosynthetic production of flavonoid compounds through cellular and metabolic engineering and expedite molecular breeding of C. indicum cultivars.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aegilops longissima and Ae. sharonensis, being classified into the Sitopsis section of genus Aegilops, are distinct species both taxonomically and ecologically. Nevertheless, earlier observations indicate that the two species are not reproductively isolated to full extent and can inter-bred upon secondary contact. However, the genomic underpinnings of the morpho-ecological differentiation between the two foci species remained unexplored. Here, we resequenced 31 representative accessions of the two species and conducted in-depth comparative genomic analyses. We demonstrate recurrent and ongoing natural hybridizations between Ae. longissima and Ae. sharonensis, and depict features of genome composition of the resultant hybrids at both individual and population levels. We also delineate genomic regions and candidate genes potentially underpinning the differential morphological and edaphic adaptations of the two species. Intriguingly, a binary morphology was observed in the hybrids, suggesting existence of highly diverged genomic regions that remain uneroded by the admixtures. Together, our results provide new insights into the molding effects of interspecific hybridization on genome composition and mechanisms preventing merge of the two species.





