Deoxyribonucleases, Type II Site-Specific

脱氧核糖核酸酶,II 型特定地点
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The BisI family of restriction endonucleases is unique in requiring multiple methylated or hydroxymethylated cytosine residues within a short recognition sequence (GCNGC), and in cleaving directly within this sequence, rather than at a distance. Here, we report that the number of modified cytosines that are required for cleavage can be tuned by the salt concentration. We present crystal structures of two members of the BisI family, NhoI and Eco15I_Ntd (N-terminal domain of Eco15I), in the absence of DNA and in specific complexes with tetra-methylated GCNGC target DNA. The structures show that NhoI and Eco15I_Ntd sense modified cytosine bases in the context of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) without base flipping. In the co-crystal structures of NhoI and Eco15I_Ntd with DNA, the internal methyl groups (G5mCNGC) interact with the side chains of an (H/R)(V/I/T/M) di-amino acid motif near the C-terminus of the distal enzyme subunit and arginine residue from the proximal subunit. The external methyl groups (GCNG5mC) interact with the proximal enzyme subunit, mostly through main chain contacts. Surface plasmon resonance analysis for Eco15I_Ntd shows that the internal and external methyl binding pockets contribute about equally to sensing of cytosine methyl groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enzymes that form filamentous assemblies with modulated enzymatic activities have gained increasing attention in recent years. SgrAI is a sequence specific type II restriction endonuclease that forms polymeric filaments with accelerated DNA cleavage activity and expanded DNA sequence specificity. Prior studies have suggested a mechanistic model linking the structural changes accompanying SgrAI filamentation to its accelerated DNA cleavage activity. In this model, the conformational changes that are specific to filamentous SgrAI maximize contacts between different copies of the enzyme within the filament and create a second divalent cation binding site in each subunit, which in turn facilitates the DNA cleavage reaction. However, our understanding of the atomic mechanism of catalysis is incomplete. Herein, we present two new structures of filamentous SgrAI solved using cryo-EM. The first structure, resolved to 3.3 Å, is of filamentous SgrAI containing an active site mutation that is designed to stall the DNA cleavage reaction, which reveals the enzymatic configuration prior to DNA cleavage. The second structure, resolved to 3.1 Å, is of WT filamentous SgrAI containing cleaved substrate DNA, which reveals the enzymatic configuration at the end of the enzymatic cleavage reaction. Both structures contain the phosphate moiety at the cleavage site and the biologically relevant divalent cation cofactor Mg2+ and define how the Mg2+ cation reconfigures during enzymatic catalysis. The data support a model for the activation mechanism that involves binding of a second Mg2+ in the SgrAI active site as a direct result of filamentation induced conformational changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein-DNA interactions are fundamental to many biological processes. Proteins must find their target site on a DNA molecule to perform their function, and mechanisms for target search differ across proteins. Especially challenging phenomena to monitor and understand are transient binding events that occur across two DNA target sites, whether occurring in cis or trans. Type IIS restriction endonucleases rely on such interactions. They play a crucial role in safeguarding bacteria against foreign DNA, including viral genetic material. BfiI, a type IIS restriction endonuclease, acts upon a specific asymmetric sequence, 5-ACTGGG-3, and precisely cuts both upper and lower DNA strands at fixed locations downstream of this sequence. Here, we present two single-molecule Förster resonance energy-transfer-based assays to study such interactions in a BfiI-DNA system. The first assay focuses on DNA looping, detecting both \"Phi\"- and \"U\"-shaped DNA looping events. The second assay only allows in trans BfiI-target DNA interactions, improving the specificity and reducing the limits on observation time. With total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we directly observe on- and off-target binding events and characterize BfiI binding events. Our results show that BfiI binds longer to target sites and that BfiI rarely changes conformations during binding. This newly developed assay could be employed for other DNA-interacting proteins that bind two targets and for the dsDNA substrate BfiI-PAINT, a useful strategy for DNA stretch assays and other super-resolution fluorescence microscopy studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The synaptic protein-DNA complexes, formed by specialized proteins that bridge two or more distant sites on DNA, are critically involved in various genetic processes. However, the molecular mechanism by which the protein searches for these sites and how it brings them together is not well understood. Our previous studies directly visualized search pathways used by SfiI, and we identified two pathways, DNA threading and site-bound transfer pathways, specific to the site-search process for synaptic DNA-protein systems. To investigate the molecular mechanism behind these site-search pathways, we assembled complexes of SfiI with various DNA substrates corresponding to different transient states and measured their stability using a single-molecule fluorescence approach. These assemblies corresponded to specific-specific (synaptic), non-specific-non-specific (non-specific), and specific-non-specific (pre-synaptic) SfiI-DNA states. Unexpectedly, an elevated stability in pre-synaptic complexes assembled with specific and non-specific DNA substrates was found. To explain these surprising observations, a theoretical approach that describes the assembly of these complexes and compares the predictions with the experiment was developed. The theory explains this effect by utilizing entropic arguments, according to which, after the partial dissociation, the non-specific DNA template has multiple possibilities of rebinding, effectively increasing the stability. Such difference in the stabilities of SfiI complexes with specific and non-specific DNA explains the utilization of threading and site-bound transfer pathways in the search process of synaptic protein-DNA complexes discovered in the time-lapse AFM experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Type-IIS restriction enzymes cut outside their recognition sites, allowing them to remove their binding sites upon digestion. This feature has resulted in their wide application in molecular biology techniques, including seamless cloning methods, enzymatic CRISPR library generation, and others. We studied the ability of the Type-IIS restriction enzyme MmeI, which recognizes an asymmetric sequence TCCRAC and cuts 20 bp downstream, to cut across a double-strand break (DSB).
    RESULTS: We used synthetic double-stranded oligos with MmeI recognition sites close to 5\' end and different overhang lengths to measure digestion after different periods of time and at different temperatures. We found that the MmeI binding and cutting sites can be situated on opposite sides of a DSB if the edges of the DNA molecules are held together by transient base-pairing interactions between compatible overhangs.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found that MmeI can cut across a DSB, and the efficiency of the cutting depends on both overhang length and temperature.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Type IIS restriction endonucleases contain separate DNA recognition and catalytic domains and cleave their substrates at well-defined distances outside their target sequences. They are employed in biotechnology for a variety of purposes, including the creation of gene-targeting zinc finger and TAL effector nucleases and DNA synthesis applications such as Golden Gate assembly. The most thoroughly studied Type IIS enzyme, FokI, has been shown to require multimerization and engagement with multiple DNA targets for optimal cleavage activity; however, details of how it or similar enzymes forms a DNA-bound reaction complex have not been described at atomic resolution. Here we describe biochemical analyses of DNA cleavage by the Type IIS PaqCI restriction endonuclease and a series of molecular structures in the presence and absence of multiple bound DNA targets. The enzyme displays a similar tetrameric organization of target recognition domains in the absence or presence of bound substrate, with a significant repositioning of endonuclease domains in a trapped DNA-bound complex that is poised to deliver the first of a series of double-strand breaks. PaqCI and FokI share similar structural mechanisms of DNA cleavage, but considerable differences in their domain organization and quaternary architecture, facilitating comparisons between distinct Type IIS enzymes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum ) has been widely used as an animal model for studying development and regeneration. In recent decades, the use of genetic engineering to alter gene expression has advanced our knowledge on the fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms, pointing us to potential therapeutic targets. We present a detailed, step-by-step protocol for axolotl transgenesis using either I-SceI meganuclease or the mini Tol2 transposon system, by injection of purified DNA into one-cell stage eggs. We add useful tips on the site of injection and the viability of the eggs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enzyme filamentation is a widespread phenomenon that mediates enzyme regulation and function. For the filament-forming sequence-specific DNA endonuclease SgrAI, the process of filamentation both accelerates its DNA cleavage activity and expands its DNA sequence specificity, thus allowing for many additional DNA sequences to be rapidly cleaved. Both outcomes-the acceleration of DNA cleavage and the expansion of sequence specificity-are proposed to regulate critical processes in bacterial innate immunity. However, the mechanistic bases underlying these events remain unclear. Herein, we describe two new structures of the SgrAI enzyme that shed light on its catalytic function. First, we present the cryo-EM structure of filamentous SgrAI bound to intact primary site DNA and Ca2+ resolved to ∼2.5 Å within the catalytic center, which represents the trapped enzyme-DNA complex prior to the DNA cleavage reaction. This structure reveals important conformational changes that contribute to the catalytic mechanism and the binding of a second divalent cation in the enzyme active site, which is expected to contribute to increased DNA cleavage activity of SgrAI in the filamentous state. Second, we present an X-ray crystal structure of DNA-free (apo) SgrAI resolved to 2.0 Å resolution, which reveals a disordered loop involved in DNA recognition. Collectively, these multiple new observations clarify the mechanism of expansion of DNA sequence specificity of SgrAI, including the indirect readout of sequence-dependent DNA structure, changes in protein-DNA interactions, and the disorder-to-order transition of a crucial DNA recognition element.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transgenesis with the meganuclease I-SceI is a safe and efficient method, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear due to the lack of information on transgene localization. Using I-SceI, we previously developed a transgenic Xenopus tropicalis line expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein driven by the neural crest-specific snai2 promoter/enhancer, which is a powerful tool for studying neural crest development and craniofacial morphogenesis. Here, we carried out whole-genome shotgun sequencing for the snai2:eGFP embryos to identify the transgene integration sites. With a 19x sequencing coverage, we estimated that 6 copies of the transgene were inserted into the Xenopus tropicalis genome in the hemizygous transgenic embryos. Two transgene integration loci adjacent to each other were identified in a noncoding region on chromosome 1, possibly as a result of duplication after a single transgene insertion. Interestingly, genomic DNA at the boundaries of the transgene integration loci contains short sequences homologous to the I-SceI recognition site, suggesting that the integration was not random but probably mediated by sequence homology. To our knowledge, our work represents the first genome-wide sequencing study on a transgenic organism generated with I-SceI, which is useful for evaluating the potential genetic effects of I-SceI-mediated transgenesis and further understanding the mechanisms underlying this transgenic method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome-wide unbiased identification of double-stranded breaks enabled by sequencing (GUIDE-seq) is a sensitive, unbiased, genome-wide method for defining the activity of genome-editing nucleases in living cells. GUIDE-seq is based on the principle of efficient integration of an end-protected double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide tag into sites of nuclease-induced DNA double-stranded breaks, followed by amplification of tag-containing genomic DNA molecules and high-throughput sequencing. Here we describe a detailed GUIDE-seq protocol including cell transfection, library preparation, sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. The entire protocol including cell culture can be completed in 9 d. Once tag-integrated genomic DNA is isolated, library preparation, sequencing and analysis can be performed in 3 d. The result is a genome-wide catalog of off-target sites ranked by nuclease activity as measured by GUIDE-seq read counts. GUIDE-seq is one of the most sensitive cell-based methods for defining genome-wide off-target activity and has been broadly adopted for research and therapeutic use.





