Deoxyribonucleases, Type II Site-Specific

脱氧核糖核酸酶,II 型特定地点
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many agents successfully used in cancer chemotherapy either directly or indirectly covalently modify DNA. Examples include cisplatin, which forms a covalent adduct with guanines, and doxorubicin, which traps a cleavage intermediate between topoisomerase II and torsionally strained DNA. In most cases, the efficacy of these drugs depends on the efficiency and specificity of their DNA binding, as well as the discrimination between normal and neoplastic cells in their handling of the drug-DNA adducts. While much is known about the chemistry of drug-DNA adducts, little is known regarding the overall specificity of their formation, especially in the context of a whole human genome, where potentially billions of binding sites are possible. We used the combinatorial selection method restriction endonuclease protection, selection, and amplification (REPSA) to determine the DNA-binding specificity of the semisynthetic covalent DNA-binding polyamide tallimustine, which contains a benzoic acid nitrogen mustard appended to the minor groove DNA-binding natural product distamycin A. After investigating over 134 million possible sequences, we found that the highest affinity tallimustine binding sites contained one of two consensus sequences, either the expected distamycin hexamer binding sites followed by a CG base pair (e.g., 5\'-TTTTTTC-3\' and 5\'-AAATTTC-3\') or the unexpected sequence 5\'-TAGAAC-3\'. Curiously, we found that tallimustine preferentially alkylated the N7 position of guanines located on the periphery of these consensus sequences. These findings suggested a cooperative binding model for tallimustine in which one molecule noncovalently resides in the DNA minor groove and locally perturbs the DNA structure, thereby facilitating alkylation by a second tallimustine of an exposed guanine on another side of the DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pulsed-fieldgel electrophoresis (PFGE) is the most common genotypic method used in reference and clinical laboratories for typing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Many different protocols have been developed in laboratories that have extensive experience with the technique and have established national databases. However, the comparabilities of the different European PFGE protocols for MRSA and of the various national MRSA clones themselves had not been addressed until now. This multinational European Union (EU) project has established for the first time a European database of representative epidemic MRSA (EMRSA) strains and has compared them by using a new \"harmonized\" PFGE protocol developed by a consensus approach that has demonstrated sufficient reproducibility to allow the successful comparison of pulsed-field gels between laboratories and the tracking of strains around the EU. In-house protocols from 10 laboratories in eight European countries were compared by each center with a \"gold standard\" or initial harmonized protocol in which many of the parameters had been standardized. The group found that it was not important to standardize some elements of the protocol, such as the type of agarose, DNA block preparation, and plug digestion. Other elements were shown to be critical, namely, a standard gel volume and concentration of agarose, the DNA concentration in the plug, the ionic strength and volume of running buffer used, the running temperature, the voltage, and the switching times of electrophoresis. A new harmonized protocol was agreed on, further modified in a pilot study in two laboratories, and finally tested by all others. Seven laboratories\' gels were found to be of sufficiently good quality to allow comparison of the strains by using a computer software program, while two gels could not be analyzed because of inadequate destaining and DNA overloading. Good-quality gels and inclusion of an internal quality control strain are essential before attempting intercenter PFGE comparisons. A number of clonally related strains have been shown to be present in multiple countries throughout Europe. The well-known Iberian clone has been demonstrated in Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, and Spain (and from the wider HARMONY collection in Portugal, Slovenia, and Sweden). Strains from the United Kingdom (EMRSA-15 and -16) have been identified in several othercountries, and other clonally related strains have also been identified. This highlights the need for closer international collaboration to monitor the spread of current epidemic strains as well as the emergence of new ones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hemophilia A, an X-linked recessive disorder, has the prevalence of 1 male per 7000 of the male population in the Northern states of India. The aim of the present study was to analyze the polymorphisms of the factor VIII gene in a sample population comprised of 22 families (112 persons) in order to formulate an algorithm that would be informative and accurate, yet cost-effective for carrier diagnosis.
    METHODS: Polymerase chain reaction was used to study the polymorphisms of two intragenic restriction fragment length polymorphic sites (recognized by BclI and HindIII) and an extragenic variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) locus (St14).
    RESULTS: Fifty-eight percent of the women tested were heterozygous for the BclI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) (significantly high compared to earlier reports), signifying the usefulness of this marker in carrier detection. About 64% of the families from the target population could be diagnosed using this marker alone. The other intragenic HindIII RFLP site showed a heterozygosity rate of 43% in women, and was effective in diagnosing 50% of the families studied. The population prevalence for \'+\' alleles of BclI and HindIII were 68% and 33%, respectively. About 88% of the women tested were heterozygous for the St14 locus, and 83% of the families could be diagnosed using this marker alone. The 1390- and 1300-bp alleles were most prevalent, while novel polymorphisms of 1500 and 1345 bp were detected.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the above data, we suggest screening hemophilic families first for BclI polymorphism, followed by an analysis for HindIII polymorphism in case of homozygosity at the BclI site. When both were noninformative, analysis of St14 locus would be necessary.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    A total of 45 strains of Mycobacterium avium from 31 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients in the French Caribbean islands and Guiana were subjected to DNA fingerprinting using a recently described consensus IS1245 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The IS1245-RFLP resulted in three distinct clusters composed of three 27-banded isolates from two patients (cluster A), nine two-banded isolates from six patients (cluster B), and three 20-banded isolates from three patients (cluster C). PFGE results obtained after XbaI and DraI digestions gave similar clustering results irrespective of the enzyme used, and confirmed the molecular clonality for high IS1245 copy number isolates (clusters A and C). However, PFGE further discriminated the low IS1245 copy number cluster B into two distinct subclusters: subcluster I containing six isolates from four patients during the same time period from a single hospital in Guadeloupe, and subcluster IV composed of four isolates from two patients, out of which three isolates were from a single patient (patient 19). Interestingly, in the latter case, PFGE grouped together all three isolates from patient 19 despite the fact that IS1245 fingerprinting permitted grouping only two of the three isolates (the remaining unclustered isolate contained two additional bands of 3.5 and 5 kbp, and was initially considered as evidence of polyclonal infection). A combined numerical analysis of the IS1245-RFLP and PFGE results corroborated the existence of four instead of three clusters. A comparison of IS1245-RFLP versus PFGE results suggested that the standardized RFLP procedure is compatible with PFGE only for M. avium isolates containing > or = 5 copies of IS1245. Consequently, the typing results for low IS1245 copy number isolates (31% of isolates in this study) should be reconsidered for secondary typing using PFGE. Lastly, the absence of a predominant genotype of M. avium infecting HIV-positive patients over a 5-year period in this tropical region argues in favor of a lack of a privileged ecological niche for M. avium, and instead suggests that microepidemics of M. avium may prevail during limited periods of time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have cloned a repetitive EcoRI fragment from the human genome which displays weak homologies with the Drosophila melanogaster transposable P-element. This cloned DNA appeared not to be a mobile element but, instead, a divergent member of human satellite II or III DNAs. We present here the first complete nucleotide sequence of a 1.797 kilobase pair (kb) satellite-like DNA. Moreover, this EcoRI satellite monomer contains a unique sequence of 49 basepairs (bp) that is devoid of the satellite consensus repeat 5\'TTCCA3\'. Southern hybridization analysis revealed that the cloned insert is closely related to a highly repetitive 1.8 kb KpnI family of tandemly organized satellite DNAs. Thus, the relationships among these satellite DNA families appear to be complex and may be a factor in their copy number, position and spatial organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During a systematic screening of Algerian thalassemics by determining the DNA polymorphism haplotypes in the beta globin gene cluster, a novel haplotype was identified. The DNA of a homozygous individual was cloned and sequenced. The mutation, a G----A change, at position 5 of the small intervening sequence, probably interferes with normal splicing events, and, moreover, creates a new Eco RV restriction site that provides a useful diagnostic tool for detecting this condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have analyzed the localization and the dependence upon superhelical density of the DNA sites which modify their conformation under torsional strain in a mouse Ig L kappa gene. The conformational variations occur on DNA sites which have been defined as protein interaction sites and consensus sequence motifs: the 5\'-upstream regulatory decanucleotides, the TATA sequence, the consensus heptanucleotides of the J recombinational sequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several repetitive DNA families were identified in Entamoeba histolytica DNA digested with Sau3AI. Characterisation of one of these repetitive DNA families showed the presence of multiple copies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) core consensus sequences. The E. histolytica ARS consensus sequences allowed a yeast-integrating plasmid, YIP5, to replicate autonomously in S. cerevisiae. A \'bent DNA\' fragment was located in one member of this E. histolytica repetitive DNA family.





