Corpse dismemberment

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report on a case of criminal dismemberment and attempted scalping of a homicide victim with a \"Mohawk\" haircut. Case findings are presented. A review of the literature was performed for scalping in its historical and cultural context and particularly in criminal dismemberment and mutilation: Historically, scalping was prevalent in many ancient cultures around the world, where scalps were taken as trophies or \"proof of kill\", much like shrunken heads, trophy skulls, and other artefacts. Scalping was particularly widespread in Northern America in the context of tribal warfare, both before and after colonization. The iconic \"Mohawk\" haircut is closely linked with scalping, as it was meant to taunt the enemy. In the modern forensic context, scalping constitutes a form of criminal mutilation. However, cases of criminal dismemberment and mutilation are rare in forensic casework. Our literature review revealed a low number of scalping in criminal dismemberment and mutilation cases. The documentation was overall poor. Positioning scalping within the classification of criminal mutilation and dismemberment was difficult. In literature, even though case numbers were small, the majority of \"textbook scalping\" cases were German. The presented case, to our best knowledge, is the first modern-day photo-documented case of (attempted) scalping, even more so of a person wearing a \"Mohawk\".






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    In forensic anthropology, saw mark analysis plays an important role in cases of criminal dismemberment. Autopsy saw is not used by the perpetrator in cases of dismemberment, but the forensic pathologist may accidentally create false starts with this saw during an autopsy, especially while sampling bones for further analysis, and these autopsy false starts can be confused with false starts produced by the offender. In this study, the characteristics of 20 false starts were compared using stereomicroscopy (SM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These bone false starts were selected at random from a previous study of 100 false starts created by an electrical oscillating autopsy saw on human femoral bones. That study had enabled the categorization of the lesions into two groups (\"superficial group\" and \"deep group\") with a 0.52 mm depth cut off, based on the dramatic differences in lesion characteristics between these two groups. In the current study, SEM confirmed the characteristics of the false starts (walls and profile shapes, striae, bone islands and bone debris were studied), and above all explained the mechanism whereby oval bone islands in deep lesions are formed. Bone islands are due to the horizontal and vertical movement of the oscillating autopsy blade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is of critical importance in forensic routine. The most frequently applied methods, however, are all restricted to specific time periods or must be excluded under certain circumstances. In the last years it has been shown that the analysis of muscle protein degradation has the potential to contribute to according delimitations in practice. In particular, upon biochemical analysis, the specific time points of degradation events provide reasonable markers for PMI delimitation. Nevertheless, considerable research is yet required to increase the understanding of protein decomposition and how it is affected by individual and environmental influencing factors. This is best investigated under standardized conditions, however, a considerate selection of proxies, regarding costs, effort, and expected outcome is required. Here, we use pigs to compare muscle protein decomposition in whole bodies and dismembered body parts (amputated hind limbs). Not only do experiments on body parts reduce the costs and allow easier handling in basic research, but also they aid to investigate the practical application of PMI estimation in dismembered body parts, or other extensive injuries, which are not unusual scenarios in crime investigation. Specifically, we investigated whether there are differences in the degradation rates of selected muscle proteins, sampled from dismembered legs and from hind limbs attached to whole pig bodies. Our results show distinct time-dependent degradation patterns of muscle proteins in a predictable manner regardless of sample origin. We are able to demonstrate that amputated hind limbs are suitable proxies for the analysis of muscle protein degradation, especially to investigate certain influencing factors and establish according standardized models.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We identified 43 cases of mutilation homicides in a nationwide population-based study in Sweden during the period of 1991-2017. 70% of cases were classified as defensive mutilations where the main motive was disposal of the body, while 30% were classified as offensive, that is, due to an expression of strong aggression, necro-/sexual sadism, or psychiatric illness. In comparison with a previous study covering mutilation homicides in Sweden between 1961 and 1990, we noted an increase in incidence. The percentage of cases involving mutilation had increased from 0.5% of all homicides in the 1960s to 2.4% in the 2010s. The most common cause of death was sharp force, but in 28% of the cases, the cause of death could not be determined. The clearance rate in cases of mutilation homicide was 67%, and in a large majority of the cases, the offender was known to the victim. With regards to gender women made up 44% of the victims, whilst men constituted 56% of the victims and a total of 95% of the offenders. Half of the offenders had a personality disorder, however, only 13% were sentenced to forensic psychiatric care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During a homicide investigation in which fire has been used to reduce the size of the cadaver and conceal the evidence of injuries, the identification of perimortem trauma presents a challenge, in particular in cases when the perpetrator has dismembered the body followed by burning the remains. It is therefore important to understand the effects which heat causes on fresh bone. The aim of this paper is to perform a pilot study on the survival ratio of toolmarks in different anatomical regions associated with dismemberment, and a descriptive analysis of the variables that may potentially influence the post-burning survival and detection. To achieve this, three donated embalmed cadavers were used to simulate a case in which an attempted dismemberment and burning had occurred. Fifty-five pre-burning injuries were manually induced: 30 using a machete to inflict chopping trauma, and 25 with a serrated bread knife to inflict sharp force trauma, on the thigh, knee, ankle and wrist. The cadavers were cremated in a furnace at Madrid\'s Cementerio Sur and the burnt remains were analysed at the Laboratorio de Antropología y Odontología Forense of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Not all pre-burning injuries inflicted were visible after the cremation process; only 13% were detected in this experiment. Toolmarks can be masked, modified, destroyed or overlooked from the outset of the procedure due to several factors which influence the post-burning survival and detection of toolmarks and contribute to conceal the evidence of trauma. Additional research should be done to study further variables which affect the post-burning visibility of sharp force trauma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The finding of corpse parts poses several challenges for the forensic pathologist presenting implications for identification, diagnosis of death and determination of wounds vitality. Further interpretative difficulties in cases of cadaveric dismemberment derive from the scarcity of tanatochronological parameters useful to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI) and the absence of uniform investigative protocols in the different centres of forensic pathology. The present study proposes an investigation protocol for the cadaveric dismemberment through the discussion of a case series. The study group consisted of cases in which the dismemberment was performed after the murder. For all cases, a study protocol based on crime scene investigation, post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT), autopsy, toxicological, histological, immunohistochemical and genetic investigations was implemented. In particular, the standardised use of radiographic study before the autopsy allows all to have information that can guide the forensic pathologist during the autopsy. The use of immunohistochemistry allows an assessment of the vitality of the lesions possibly involved in the determinism of death, as well as of the surfaces of dismemberment, representing a tool of considerable utility for forensic purposes. The genetic investigations allow the identification of the victims, while the toxicological ones highlight the possible abuse of substances. The implemented protocol presents a demonstrated usefulness in improving diagnostic accuracy in corpse dismemberment cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most studies of saw marks have focused on morphological characteristics and their utility in identifying saws suspected to have been utilized in cases of criminal dismemberment. The present study examined the extent to which metric analysis may be used to correlate saw blade measurements with minimum kerf widths (MKWs). A sample of 56 partially defleshed white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) long bones was utilized as proxy for human remains. The long bones were cut using a variety of commercially available saws, including 11 manual-powered and 5 mechanical-powered saws. A total of 496 false start kerfs (FSKs) were created. Two experiments were performed, with the first test examining the MKWs of FSKs produced on specimens that were restrained using a bench vise, while the second test analyzed the MKWs of FSKs produced on minimally restrained specimens. Statistical analysis using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) indicated a positive relationship between saw blade width (mm) and MKW, with blade width (p < 0.001) and the overall difference between the mechanical- and manual-powered saws (p = 0.029) tested, reaching statistical significance. A comparison of MKWs produced using manual-powered saws on restrained and minimally restrained bones suggests that restraint condition (p = 0.009) has a statistically significant effect. In comparisons of MKWs to blade widths, the average ratio for mechanical-powered saws is 18.7% greater than the average ratio for manual-powered saws. While the mode of the ratios was 1.42, thus supporting the general rule that MKW does not exceed 1.5 times blade width, multiple individual ratios did surpass 1.5.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photography is widely accepted as a means of forensic case documentation and evaluation. In cases of criminal dismemberment digital microscopy is commonly used to assess marks left on the bone. Reflectance transformation imaging (RTI) is a computational photography technique which documents and enhances the three-dimensional (3D) reflectance properties of the surface of an object. RTI has primarily been used in the cultural heritage sector but has recently transitioned into forensic science. This study examines the use of RTI for the documentation and presentation of cut surface characteristics on fully sectioned long bones. Juvenile pig radii were bisected using three different handsaws, chosen as handsaws are the most common implement used in criminal dismemberments. The resulting 42 cut surfaces were then documented with a digital microscope and RTI. Four rendering modes were applied to the default RTI image, with diffuse gain being the most beneficial to accentuate cut surface features. Although great care must be taken when obtaining the photographic sequences necessary for detailed RTI analysis, RTI is relatively inexpensive, expeditious, and easy to use, and creates highly detailed, virtually interactive images. RTI may not replace microscopic methods of saw mark analysis, however could prove useful for the documentation, image sharing, and presentation of forensic evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Classification of violent behavior, including dismemberment and mutilation, has become increasingly more significant. This study uses a data-driven classification system based upon knowledge drawn from the pertinent literature, and examination of cases of offenders who have dismembered or mutilated their victims. The latter were extracted from the Serial Killer Database, as well as media sources, and assessed for characteristics of the perpetrators and victim(s). An informational form was developed and used to establish quantitative parameters and objectively extract pertinent information that could be used for comparison and pattern analysis. Motives and styles, as well as the organized/disorganized dichotomy for murder and dismemberment/mutilation, were examined for each case. The majority of cases demonstrated defensive styles (60%), with the second most common being offensive styles (26%), which differs from previous studies that do not exclude older cases. Additionally, 68% of cases reflected organized patterns for both murder and the acts of dismemberment or mutilation. The results support a data-driven classification system that may serve as a foundational model for the investigation of specific motives of this type of deviant behavior in future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little exists beyond medicolegal case reports on victim mutilation homicides, much less on those occurring in the context of sexual homicides. As limited information is available on sexual homicides that occurred in China, this study aims to explore the offending characteristics of sexual homicide offenders (SHOs) who mutilated their victims and to compare their modus operandi with non-mutilation sexual murderers. The offender, victim, and offense characteristics of 82 sexual homicide cases (i.e., 31 mutilation and 47 non-mutilation cases; 1988-2018), derived from police data of three regions and published case reports, were examined. In addition to the descriptive offender and victim characteristics of Chinese SHOs who performed victim body mutilation, findings indicate that offenders who mutilated their victims were more likely than those who did not mutilate the victim to have a previous sexual offense conviction. They were motivated primarily by sex and least motivated by financial gain. Victim abduction prior to the offense was more frequently reported in non-mutilation sexual murders. These findings may offer some insights for police who need to prioritize their investigative strategies in cases of sexual homicide with victim mutilation.





