
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expression of sexually selected traits, such as ornaments or body coloration, is often influenced by environmental conditions. While such phenotypic plasticity is often thought to precede evolutionary change, plasticity itself can also be a target of selection. However, the selective forces supporting the evolution and persistence of plasticity in sexual traits are often unclear. Using the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni, we show that variation in the level of mate competition may promote plasticity in body coloration. In this species, males can change between yellow and blue colour. We found that experimentally increased competition over mating territories led to a higher proportion of males expressing the yellow phenotype. The expression of yellow coloration was found to be beneficial because yellow males won more staged dyadic contests and exhibited a lower level of oxidative stress than blue males. However, females were more likely to spawn with blue males in mate choice experiments, suggesting that expression of blue coloration is sexually more attractive. The ability to adjust colour phenotype according to the local competitive environment could therefore promote the persistence of plasticity in coloration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Masquerade is a form of camouflage in which animals use their body size, shape, and coloration to resemble inanimate objects in their environment to deceive predators. However, there is a lack of experimental evidence to show that animals actively choose objects that match these body parameters. To explore how the Hainan four-eyed turtle, Sacalia insulensis, masquerades using suitable stones, we used indoor video surveillance technology to study the preferences of juvenile S. insulensis for stones of different sizes, shapes, and colors. The results indicated that under normal conditions, during the day, juvenile S. insulensis preferred larger oval or round stones, while at night, they preferred oval stones that were closer to their own size, with no significant preference for stone color during either time. When disturbed (by a researcher swinging their arm back and forth above the experimental setup every hour to mimic a predator), the turtles showed a preference for brown stones that were closer to their size and oval in shape. These findings suggest that juvenile S. insulensis prefer stones that resemble their carapace size and shape to masquerade when undisturbed, and that this preference is reinforced when they masquerade to reduce the risk of predation. The preference for stones that resemble their carapace color is significant only when there is a disturbance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence that vertebrates can selectively choose objects that resemble their own morphology for masquerading to reduce predation risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A key challenge in animal behavior is disentangling the social stimuli that drive conspecific behaviors. For some species, like teleost fish, putative sexual signaling cues are inextricably linked to others, making it difficult to parse the precise roles distinct signals play in driving conspecific behaviors. In the African cichlid Astatotilapia burtoni, males are either dominant or subordinate, wherein bright coloration, territoriality, and courtship behavior inextricably correlate positively with rank. Here, we leveraged androgen receptor (AR) mutant male A. burtoni that lack dominance-typical coloration but not behavior to isolate the role of male coloration in driving female mating behaviors in this species. We found in independent behavioral assays that females behave aggressively towards AR mutant but not WT males, yet still mated with both types of males. Females showed enhanced activation of esr2b + cells in the hypothalamus when housed with either mutant or WT males and this activation scaled with spawning activities. Therefore, there is not a simple relationship between male coloration and female mating behaviors in A. burtoni, suggesting independent sensory mechanisms converge on hypothalamic esr2b cells to coordinate behavioral output.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of individuals with visual impairment to recognize an obstacle by hearing is called \"obstacle sense\". This ability is facilitated while they are moving, though the exact reason remains unknown. This study aims to clarify which acoustical factors may contribute to obstacle sense, especially obstacle distance perception. First, we conducted a comparative experiment regarding obstacle distance localization by individuals who are blind (N = 5, five men with blindness aged 22-42 (average: 29.8)) while they were standing and walking. The results indicate that the localized distance was more accurate while walking than while standing. Subsequently, the head rotation angle while walking and acoustic characteristics with respect to obstacle distance and head rotation angle were investigated. The peaks of the absolute head rotation angle during walking ranged from 2.78° to 11.11° (average: 6.55°, S.D.: 2.05°). Regarding acoustic characteristics, acoustic coloration occurred, and spectral interaural differences and interaural intensity differences were observed in the blind participants (N = 4, four men including two blind and two control sighted persons aged 25-38 (average: 30.8)). To determine which acoustic factors contribute, we examined the threshold of changes for interaural differences in time (ITD) and intensity (IID) (N = 11, seven men and four women with blindness aged 21-35 (average: 27.4)), as well as coloration (ICD) (N = 6, seven men and a woman with blindness aged 21-38 (average: 29.9))-depending on the head rotation. Notably, ITD and IID thresholds were 86.2 μs and 1.28 dB; the corresponding head rotation angles were 23.5° and 9.17°, respectively. The angle of the ICD threshold was 6.30° on average. Consequently, IID might be a contributing factor and ICD can be utilized as the cue facilitating the obstacle distance perception while walking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The topographical, geological, climatic and biodiversity complexity of Mesoamerica has made it a primary research focus. The Mesoamerican highlands is a region with particularly high species richness and within-species variation. The Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer, Diglossa baritula (Wagler, 1832), is a species endemic to the Mesoamerican highlands, with three allopatric subspecies currently recognized. To characterize divergence within this species, we integrated genomics, morphology, coloration and ecological niche modeling approaches, obtained from sampling individuals across the entire geographic distribution of the species. Our results revealed a clear genomic divergence between the populations to the east versus the west of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. In contrast to the genomic results, morphology and coloration analyses showed intermediate levels of differentiation, indicating that population groups within D. baritula have probably been under similar selective pressures. Our morphology results indicated that the only sexually dimorphic morphological variable is the wing chord, with males having a longer wing chord than females. Finally, ecological data indicated that there are differences in ecological niche within D. baritula. Our data suggest that D. baritula could contain two or more incipient species at the intermediate phase of the speciation continuum. These results highlight the importance of the geographical barrier of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and Pleistocene climatic events in driving isolation and population divergence in D. baritula. The present investigation illustrates the speciation potential of the D. baritula complex and the capacity of Mesoamerican highlands to create cryptic biodiversity and endemism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conventional method for the color-matching process involves the compounding of polymers with pigments and then preparing plaques by using injection molding before measuring the color by an offline spectrophotometer. If the color fails to meet the L*, a*, and b* standards, the color-matching process must be repeated. In this study, the aim is to develop a machine learning model that is capable of predicting offline color using data from inline color measurements, thereby significantly reducing the time that is required for the color-matching process. The inline color data were measured using an inline process spectrophotometer, while the offline color data were measured using a bench-top spectrophotometer. The results showed that the Bagging with Decision Tree Regression and Random Forest Regression can predict the offline color data with aggregated color differences (dE) of 10.87 and 10.75. Compared to other machine learning methods, Bagging with Decision Tree Regression and Random Forest Regression excel due to their robustness, ability to handle nonlinear relationships, and provision of insights into feature importance. This study offers valuable guidance for achieving Bagging with Decision Tree Regression and Random Forest Regression to correlate inline and offline color data, potentially reducing time and material waste in color matching. Furthermore, it facilitates timely corrections in the event of color discrepancies being observed via inline measurements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Melanism is widespread in different taxa and has been hypothesized to provide adaptive benefits in certain environments. Melanism is typically caused by mutations in one of two regulatory genes: the Melanocortin 1 Receptor (MC1R) or the Agouti Signaling Protein (ASIP). Melanism has repeatedly evolved among tree squirrels and their relatives (tribe Sciurini) in at least 12 different species based on our review of the literature. The causal mutations for melanism have been characterized in two species so far. This study examines Abert\'s Squirrel (Sciurus aberti), which has a melanistic morph whose genetic basis has not yet been established. We sequenced the MC1R and ASIP genes for five wild-type and seven melanistic S. aberti individuals to search for melanism-associated mutations. A novel single base pair mutation in the ASIP gene, unique to S. aberti, was found to be associated with melanism in the species, indicating that melanism in S. aberti evolved independently from other tree squirrels and thus represents an example of convergent evolution. The independent evolution of melanism in this species suggests that there is an adaptive advantage to the melanistic phenotype. The geographic range and habitat of S. aberti suggest possible benefits associated with thermoregulation, post-forest-fire camouflage, or other untested hypotheses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reptilian species, particularly snakes and lizards, are emerging models of animal coloration. Here, I focus on the role of the TFEC transcription factor in snake and lizard coloration based on a study on wild-type and piebald ball pythons. Genomic mapping previously identified a TFEC mutation linked to the piebald ball python phenotype. The association of TFEC with skin coloration was further supported by gene-editing experiments in the brown anole lizard. However, novel histological analyses presented here reveal discrepancies between the ball python and the anole TFEC mutants phenotype, cautioning against broad generalizations. Indeed, both wild-type and piebald ball pythons completely lack iridophores, whereas the TFEC anole lizard mutants lose their iridophores compared to the wild-type anole. Based on these findings, I discuss the potential role of the MiT/TFE family in skin pigmentation across vertebrate lineages and advocate the need for developmental analyses and additional gene-editing experiments to explore the reptilian coloration diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been continuous interest in developing novel activators that facilitate the functionalization of cellulosic materials. In this paper, we developed a strategy in which trisubstituted triazinium salts act as cellulose preactivators. As leaving groups, these triazinium salts utilize N-heterocycles (pyridine, imidazole, and nicotinic acid). Initially, we optimized the synthetic route for developing these novel cellulose preactivators (triazinium salts), whose structures were confirmed using NMR spectroscopy. The surface zeta potential of cellulose changed from a negative value to a positive one after preactivation due to the cationic nature of these preactivators. To enhance the scope of the study, we functionalized the cellulose-preactivated materials with a series of amine- or hydroxy-containing aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, nucleophilic amino acids (cysteine), colorants (2-aminoanthraquinone and 2-amino-3-methyl-anthraquinone), and biopolymer (zein protein). The treated samples were analyzed using FTIR, time-gated Raman spectroscopy, and reflection spectroscopy, and the success of the functionalization process was validated. To widen the scope of such chemistries, we synthesized four reactive agents containing N-heterocyclic-based leaving groups (pyridine and nicotinic acid) and successfully functionalized cellulose with them in one step. The proposed single- and two-step functionalization approaches will provide opportunities for chemically linking various chemical compounds to cellulose for different applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary biologists have long been interested in understanding the factors that promote diversification in organisms, often focussing on distinct and/or conspicuous phenotypes with direct effects on natural or sexual selection such as body size and plumage coloration. However, multiple traits that potentially influence net diversification are not conspicuous and/or might be concealed. One such trait, the dark, melanin-rich skin concealed beneath the feathers, evolved more than 100 times during avian evolution, frequently in association with white feathers on the crown and UV-rich environments, suggesting that it is a UV-photoprotective adaptation. Furthermore, multiple species are polymorphic, having both light and dark skin potentially aiding occupation in different UV radiation environments. As such these polymorphisms are predicted to occur in species with large latitudinal variation in their distribution. Furthermore, by alleviating evolutionary constraints on feather colour, the evolution of dark skin may promote net diversification. Here, using an expanded dataset on bird skin coloration of 3033 species we found that more than 19% of species had dark skin. In contrast to our prediction, dark skinned birds have smaller distribution ranges. Furthermore, both dark skin and polymorphism in skin coloration promote net diversification. These results suggest that even concealed traits can influence large scale evolutionary events such as diversification in birds.





