Clinical Coding

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Coding in medical procedures is crucial for patients, and errors made by hospital administration during the coding process can have an impact on both the financial results and the course of therapy. The present study aims to assess the accuracy of diagnostic and procedural codes as recorded by the hospital\'s coders and to also evaluate their impact on the hospital\'s revenue.
    UNASSIGNED: In a local hospital in Najran, Saudi Arabia, a cross-sectional observational analysis was conducted on patients with a clinical coder. The percentage of precision and error following the re-coding of cases was calculated using a statistical analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: Primary diagnosis was incorrectly coded in 57 (26 per cent) records, and secondary diagnosis was incorrectly coded in 21 (9.9 per cent) records. Inaccurate medical labelling has been seen in emergency rooms, operating rooms, and gynaecology facilities.
    UNASSIGNED: The percentage of records with the most incorrect coding was found to be 16 (7.5 per cent) in the emergency room, 10 (4.7 per cent) in the surgical clinic, and 5 (2.3 per cent) in the gynaecology/OBS clinic. Six (2.8 per cent) records in the private clinic had inaccurate secondary diagnoses, followed by four (1.9 per cent) and two (1 per cent) records in nephrology.
    UNASSIGNED: The percentage of inaccurate clinical codes in primary diagnoses reached (26.8 per cent) and the percentage of incorrect clinical codes in secondary diagnoses reached (9.9 per cent).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The term long COVID (LC) effectively describes the broad long-term disease burden of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections, encompassing individual suffering and significant socioeconomic impacts. However, its general use hampers precise epidemiological research, diagnostics and therapeutic strategies. Misinterpretations occur, for example, when population surveys are compared to studies using health record data, because both refer to these data as LC. This also emphasizes the need for different terminology. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) rapid guideline differentiates ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 from post-COVID conditions, yet real-world observations challenge these two subgroup definitions. We propose refining the term LC into three subgroups: ongoing symptomatic COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 induced or exacerbated diseases and post-acute COVID condition. This stratification aids targeted diagnostics, treatment and epidemiological research. Subgroup-specific documentation using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes ensures accurate tracking and understanding of long-term effects. The subgroup of post-acute COVID condition again includes various symptoms, syndromes and diseases like post-exertional malaise (PEM), dysautonomia or cognitive dysfunctions. In this regard, differentiation, especially considering PEM, is crucial for effective diagnostics and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: People with dementia are less in focus of palliative care research than other patient groups even though the awareness of their palliative and end-of-life care needs is rising. Empirical data analyses on people with dementia in palliative care services are lacking.
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the prevalence of dementia diagnoses as per the ICD criteria among users of various palliative care settings and to compare use of palliative services, care pathways, and outcomes in people with and without a dementia diagnosis.
    METHODS: We conducted retrospective analysis of dementia diagnoses as per ICD (F00-F03/G30) in the German National Hospice and Palliative Care Register between 2009 and 2021. The analysis used methods of descriptive and inferential statistics, including the Bonferroni correction for alpha error inflation.
    METHODS: We limited the analysis to the subsample of people aged over 64.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of dementia in the different settings of palliative care was lower than in the age-comparable population: Of the 69,116 data sets included in the analysis, a small minority (3.3%) was coded with dementia as the principal diagnosis. Among patients on inpatient palliative care wards, 0.8% (148 of 19,161) had a dementia diagnosis, as did 2.2% (52 of 2,380) of those under hospital palliative care support teams and 4.3% (2,014 of 46,803) of those receiving specialized palliative care at home.
    CONCLUSIONS: The records of the German National Hospice and Palliative Care Register suggest that the prevalence of dementia is lower than one might expect from general population data, though numbers are in line with international studies on proportion of dementia patients receiving palliative care. Future research could usefully examine whether this discrepancy stems either from omissions in coding dementia as patients\' principal diagnosis respectively from lapses in documentation of a dementia diagnosis previously made, or from barriers to accessing palliative care services or even displays being excluded from palliative care when trying to access it.
    BACKGROUND: No registration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Diagnoses entered by general practitioners into electronic medical records have great potential for research and practice, but unfortunately, diagnoses are often in uncoded format, making them of little use. Natural language processing (NLP) could assist in coding free-text diagnoses, but NLP models require local training data to unlock their potential. The aim of this study was to develop a framework of research-relevant diagnostic codes, to test the framework using free-text diagnoses from a Swiss primary care database and to generate training data for NLP modelling.
    METHODS: The framework of diagnostic codes was developed based on input from local stakeholders and consideration of epidemiological data. After pre-testing, the framework contained 105 diagnostic codes, which were then applied by two raters who independently coded randomly drawn lines of free text (LoFT) from diagnosis lists extracted from the electronic medical records of 3000 patients of 27 general practitioners. Coding frequency and mean occurrence rates (n and %) and inter-rater reliability (IRR) of coding were calculated using Cohen\'s kappa (Κ).
    RESULTS: The sample consisted of 26,980 LoFT and in 56.3% no code could be assigned because it was not a specific diagnosis. The most common diagnostic codes were, \'dorsopathies\' (3.9%, a code covering all types of back problems, including non-specific lower back pain, scoliosis, and others) and \'other diseases of the circulatory system\' (3.1%). Raters were in almost perfect agreement (Κ ≥ 0.81) for 69 of the 105 diagnostic codes, and 28 codes showed a substantial agreement (K between 0.61 and 0.80). Both high coding frequency and almost perfect agreement were found in 37 codes, including codes that are particularly difficult to identify from components of the electronic medical record, such as musculoskeletal conditions, cancer or tobacco use.
    CONCLUSIONS: The coding framework was characterised by a subset of very frequent and highly reliable diagnostic codes, which will be the most valuable targets for training NLP models for automated disease classification based on free-text diagnoses from Swiss general practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hospital inpatient data, coded using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), is widely used to monitor diseases, allocate resources and funding, and evaluate patient outcomes. As such, hospital data quality should be measured before use; however, currently, there is no standard and international approach to assess ICD-coded data quality.
    OBJECTIVE: To develop a standardized method for assessing hospital ICD-coded data quality that could be applied across countries: Data quality indicators (DQIs).
    METHODS: To identify a set of candidate DQIs, we performed an environmental scan, reviewing gray and academic literature on data quality frameworks and existing methods to assess data quality. Indicators from the literature were then appraised and selected through a 3-round Delphi process. The first round involved face-to-face group and individual meetings for idea generation, while the second and third rounds were conducted remotely to collect online ratings. Final DQIs were selected based on the panelists\' quantitative and qualitative feedback.
    METHODS: Participants included international experts with expertise in administrative health data, data quality, and ICD coding.
    RESULTS: The resulting 24 DQIs encompass 5 dimensions of data quality: relevance, accuracy and reliability; comparability and coherence; timeliness; and Accessibility and clarity. These will help stakeholders (eg, World Health Organization) to assess hospital data quality using the same standard across countries and highlight areas in need of improvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: This novel area of research will facilitate international comparisons of ICD-coded data quality and be valuable to future studies and initiatives aimed at improving hospital administrative data quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To date, symptom documentation has mostly relied on clinical notes in electronic health records or patient-reported outcomes using disease-specific symptom inventories. To provide a common and precise language for symptom recording, assessment, and research, a comprehensive list of symptom codes is needed. The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision or its clinical modification ( International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification ) has a range of codes designated for symptoms, but it does not contain codes for all possible symptoms, and not all codes in that range are symptom related. This study aimed to identify and categorize the first list of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification symptom codes for a general population and demonstrate their use to characterize symptoms of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Cerner database. A list of potential symptom codes was automatically extracted from the Unified Medical Language System Metathesaurus. Two clinical experts in symptom science and diabetes manually reviewed this list to identify and categorize codes as symptoms. A total of 1888 International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification symptom codes were identified and categorized into 65 categories. The symptom characterization using the newly obtained symptom codes and categories was found to be more reasonable than that using the previous symptom codes and categories on the same Cerner diabetes cohort.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although administrative claims data have a high degree of completeness, not all medically attended Respiratory Syncytial Virus-associated lower respiratory tract infections (RSV-LRTIs) are tested or coded for their causative agent. We sought to determine the attribution of RSV to LRTI in claims data via modeling of temporal changes in LRTI rates against surveillance data.
    METHODS: We estimated the weekly incidence of LRTI (inpatient, outpatient, and total) for children 0-4 years using 2011-2019 commercial insurance claims, stratified by HHS region, matched to the corresponding weekly NREVSS RSV and influenza positivity data for each region, and modelled against RSV, influenza positivity rates, and harmonic functions of time assuming negative binomial distribution. LRTI events attributable to RSV were estimated as predicted events from the full model minus predicted events with RSV positivity rate set to 0.
    RESULTS: Approximately 42% of predicted RSV cases were coded in claims data. Across all regions, the percentage of LRTI attributable to RSV were 15-43%, 10-31%, and 10-31% of inpatient, outpatient, and combined settings, respectively. However, when compared to coded inpatient RSV-LRTI, 9 of 10 regions had improbable corrected inpatient LRTI estimates (predicted RSV/coded RSV ratio < 1). Sensitivity analysis based on separate models for PCR and antigen-based positivity showed similar results.
    CONCLUSIONS: Underestimation based on coding in claims data may be addressed by NREVSS-based adjustment of claims-based RSV incidence. However, where setting-specific positivity rates is unavailable, we recommend modeling across settings to mirror NREVSS\'s positivity rates which are similarly aggregated, to avoid inaccurate adjustments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Alcohol (AC) and nonalcohol-associated cirrhosis (NAC) epidemiology studies are limited by available case definitions. We compared the diagnostic accuracy of previous and newly developed case definitions to identify AC and NAC hospitalizations.
    METHODS: We randomly selected 700 hospitalizations from the 2008 to 2022 Canadian Discharge Abstract Database with alcohol-associated and cirrhosis-related International Classification of Diseases 10th revision codes. We compared standard approaches for AC (ie, AC code alone and alcohol use disorder and nonspecific cirrhosis codes together) and NAC (ie, NAC codes alone) case identification to newly developed approaches that combine standard approaches with new code combinations. Using electronic medical record review as the reference standard, we calculated case definition positive and negative predictive values, sensitivity, specificity, and AUROC.
    RESULTS: Electronic medical records were available for 671 admissions; 252 had confirmed AC and 195 NAC. Compared to previous AC definitions, the newly developed algorithm selecting for the AC code, alcohol-associated hepatic failure code, or alcohol use disorder code with a decompensated cirrhosis-related condition or NAC code provided the best overall positive predictive value (91%, 95% CI: 87-95), negative predictive value (89%, CI: 86-92), sensitivity (81%, CI: 76-86), specificity (96%, CI: 93-97), and AUROC (0.88, CI: 0.85-0.91). Comparing all evaluated NAC definitions, high sensitivity (92%, CI: 87-95), specificity (82%, CI: 79-86), negative predictive value (96%, CI: 94-98), AUROC (0.87, CI: 0.84-0.90), but relatively low positive predictive value (68%, CI: 62-74) were obtained by excluding alcohol use disorder codes and using either a NAC code in any diagnostic position or a primary diagnostic code for HCC, unspecified/chronic hepatic failure, esophageal varices without bleeding, or hepatorenal syndrome.
    CONCLUSIONS: New case definitions show enhanced accuracy for identifying hospitalizations for AC and NAC compared to previously used approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This cross-sectional study examines the differences in billing trends for pediatric patient care compared with adult care after the 2021 evaluation and management (E/M) policy changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Diagnosis can often be recorded in electronic medical records (EMRs) as free-text or using a term with a diagnosis code. Researchers, governments, and agencies, including organisations that deliver incentivised primary care quality improvement programs, frequently utilise coded data only and often ignore free-text entries. Diagnosis data are reported for population healthcare planning including resource allocation for patient care. This study sought to determine if diagnosis counts based on coded diagnosis data only, led to under-reporting of disease prevalence and if so, to what extent for six common or important chronic diseases.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional data quality study used de-identified EMR data from 84 general practices in Victoria, Australia. Data represented 456,125 patients who attended one of the general practices three or more times in two years between January 2021 and December 2022. We reviewed the percentage and proportional difference between patient counts of coded diagnosis entries alone and patient counts of clinically validated free-text entries for asthma, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
    RESULTS: Undercounts were evident in all six diagnoses when using coded diagnoses alone (2.57-36.72% undercount), of these, five were statistically significant. Overall, 26.4% of all patient diagnoses had not been coded. There was high variation between practices in recording of coded diagnoses, but coding for type 2 diabetes was well captured by most practices.
    CONCLUSIONS: In Australia clinical decision support and the reporting of aggregated patient diagnosis data to government that relies on coded diagnoses can lead to significant underreporting of diagnoses compared to counts that also incorporate clinically validated free-text diagnoses. Diagnosis underreporting can impact on population health, healthcare planning, resource allocation, and patient care. We propose the use of phenotypes derived from clinically validated text entries to enhance the accuracy of diagnosis and disease reporting. There are existing technologies and collaborations from which to build trusted mechanisms to provide greater reliability of general practice EMR data used for secondary purposes.





