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    文章类型: English Abstract
    The protection of personal data in health systems requires special measures and procedures to ensure that the privacy of the information is not violated. Advances in digital technology and access to real-time transmission of personal, family, clinical, and laboratory data of patients and/or study subjects may compromise the protection of this information. The privacy of personal data in health in times of pandemic has meant a greater challenge, that is why this unique contribution is presented, whose objective is to identify the ethical and regulatory safeguards in terms of data protection to guarantee full respect for the privacy rights of people and the confidentiality of their data, under the context of health care, especially in conditions of health crisis, such as the one experienced during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It also proposes a legislative harmonization in Latin America, on privacy and protection of personal data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim: This paper investigates the conditions for inclusive design of regenerative medicine interventions from a bioethical perspective, taking regenerative valve implants as a showcase.Methods: A value hierarchy is construed to translate the value of justice into norms and design requirements for inclusive design of regenerative valve implants.Results: Three norms are proposed and translated into design requirements: regenerative valve implants should be designed to promote equal opportunity to good health for all potential users; equal respect for all potential users should be shown; and the implants should be designed to be accessible to everyone in need.Conclusion: The norms and design requirements help to design regenerative valve implants that are appropriate, respectful and available for everyone in need.
    Scientists in the field of regenerative medicine are developing a new type of heart valve implant. After implantation, the synthetic implant slowly breaks down and is replaced by a new living heart valve. These so-called regenerative implants promise a complete cure. However, they also raise ethical questions. For example, questions related to justice and inclusion. In this paper, we explore how regenerative implants can be designed to be inclusive, meaning suitable, respectful and available for everyone. We argue that the design of regenerative implants should be adapted to relevant differences between users. The implants should be affordable in the short and long term. The implants should be suitable for use worldwide. The implants should be designed by teams of diverse age, gender and ethnicity. Users should be engaged in the design. And the communication about the implants to researchers and users should be inclusive. Overall, this paper provides ethical guidance to researchers and clinicians developing regenerative implants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: to understand the bioethical perspectives on mobile tracking device use.
    METHODS: theoretical study based on action research, carried out with eight graduate students from a public university. A focus group was used, with a thematic content analysis methodology with a codebook structure, approved by the Research Ethics Committee.
    RESULTS: from the analysis, there was a concern about using devices after the pandemic ended. Using or not the device, rights inherent to humans, legislation and effectiveness of methods deepen interpretations, moving participants from a personalistic conception of the topic to a vision focused on professional implications about the methods.
    CONCLUSIONS: the debate on the impact of using technological devices on health, especially those that imply restriction of rights that refer to individuals\' private life, involves a discussion of a professional nature, in addition to requirement for clear rules on the topic.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Stroke is one of the leading causes of mortality and disability in the world, with clinical manifestations and severe complications that they negatively affect the patient\'s recovery, contributing to an uncertain prognosis and difficult decisions with bioethical dilemmas such as artificial nutrition in the context of severe stroke.
    UNASSIGNED: A 49-year-old patient with a Cerebrovascular Accident in a chronic vegetative state, tracheostomy, and gastrostomy user, admitted for infectious complications, whom, under therapeutic proportionality, the decision is made, shared by medical staff and family, to withdraw artificial nutrition.
    UNASSIGNED: Difficult decision-making involves multiple challenges for both the health personnel and the patient and his or her environment. It must be guided by bioethical principles and proportionality in favor of the quality of life and the patient\'s benefit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the level of bioethics awareness among healthcare professionals in Pakistan, focusing on the associations with sociodemographic characteristics, training and teaching of ethics, medical ethics practice and specific ethical issues.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional study.
    METHODS: Public and private hospitals in Haripur, Pakistan.
    METHODS: A total of 647 healthcare professionals participated in this study.
    METHODS: This study was conducted between March and May 2023, following Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology checklist criterion, involving healthcare professionals with at least 6 months of experience in patient care practice. Providers under close supervision are advised not to respond to the bioethics knowledge, attitudes and practices survey form due to potential ethical dilemmas.
    RESULTS: Both physicians and non-physicians need to know more about bioethics. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in ethical training and teaching based on job categories/designations, with ethical views differing greatly by job designation. Specific ethical issues, such as accepting gifts from patients and pharmaceutical companies, referral fees, advising specific products, disclosure of medical errors, patient confidentiality, not informing patients fully about treatment and performing tasks for financial gain, showed significant associations (p<0.05) with healthcare professional\'s designation. Ethical awareness scores also showed significant differences (p<0.05) based on age, ethnicity, place of posting, professional experience and the organisation\'s ethical guidelines.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlighted a notable gap in the understanding of certain ethical concerns among healthcare professionals, with nurses showing relatively lower awareness of healthcare practice compared with other professionals. Addressing these issues through targeted training and robust ethical guidelines is critical to improving patient care in Pakistan\'s healthcare system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Emerging biomarker technologies (e.g., MRI, EEG, digital phenotyping, eye-tracking) have potential to move the identification of autism into the first year of life. We investigated the perspectives of parents about the anticipated utility and impact of predicting later autism diagnosis from a biomarker-based test in infancy.
    METHODS: Parents of infants were interviewed to ascertain receptiveness and perspectives on early (6-12 months) prediction of autism using emerging biomarker technologies. One group had experience parenting an older autistic child (n=30), and the other had no prior autism parenting experience (n=25). Parent responses were analyzed using inductive qualitative coding methods.
    RESULTS: Almost all parents in both groups were interested in predictive testing for autism, with some stating they would seek testing only if concerned about their infant\'s development. The primary anticipated advantage of testing was to enable access to earlier intervention. Parents also described the anticipated emotions they would feel in response to test results, actions they might take upon learning their infant was likely to develop autism, attitudes towards predicting a child\'s future support needs, and the potential impacts of inaccurate prediction.
    CONCLUSIONS: In qualitative interviews, parents of infants with and without prior autism experience shared their anticipated motivations and concerns about predictive testing for autism in the first year of life. The primary reported motivators for testing-to have more time to prepare and intervene early-could be constrained by familial resources and service availability. Implications for ethical communication of results, equitable early intervention, and future research are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper investigates the ethical implications of applying open science (OS) practices on disruptive technologies, such as generative AIs. Disruptive technologies, characterized by their scalability and paradigm-shifting nature, have the potential to generate significant global impact, and carry a risk of dual use. The tension arises between the moral duty of OS to promote societal benefit by democratizing knowledge and the risks associated with open dissemination of disruptive technologies. Van Rennselaer Potter\'s \'third bioethics\' serves as the founding horizon for an ethical framework to govern these tensions. Through theoretical analysis and concrete examples, this paper explores how OS can contribute to a better future or pose threats. Finally, we provide an ethical framework for the intersection between OS and disruptive technologies that tries to go beyond the simple \'as open as possible\' tenet, considering openness as an instrumental value for the pursuit of other ethical values rather than as a principle with prima facie moral significance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central tenets of international scientific collaborations leading to the development, testing, and the equitable distribution vaccines to combat poliomyelitis, smallpox, COVID-19, and other devasting infections, first accelerated in the mid-twentieth century. The genesis of vaccine science diplomacy also coincides with the publication of Le Phénomène Humain (The Phenomenon of Man) shortly after the death of its author, the French Jesuit priest and scientist, Dr. Teilhard de Jardin. Several tenets of Teilhard\'s posthumous essay, including our collective consciousness, and the \"conjugated faces\" of science and religion, are relevant to a modern vaccine diplomacy framework, even if Teilhard may not have specifically addressed vaccines in his writings. This could also include the potential for arriving at an \"omega point\" through international scientific collaboration and joint vaccine development, while simultaneously avoiding the destructive forces of anti-vaccine or anti-science activism. Collaborations between the Vatican, Catholic research universities and institutions; and leaders of the Catholic-majority nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in an integrated framework might accelerate these activities as they apply to both pandemic threats and neglected diseases of poverty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of biosafety in the biomedical sciences. While it is often assumed that biosafety is a purely technical matter that has little to do with philosophy or the humanities, biosafety raises important ethical issues that have not been adequately examined in the scientific or bioethics literature. This article reviews some pivotal events in the history of biosafety and biosecurity and explores three different biosafety topics that generate significant ethical concerns, i.e., risk assessment, risk management, and risk distribution. The article also discusses the role of democratic governance in the oversight of biosafety and offers some suggestions for incorporating bioethics into biosafety practice, education, and policy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advancements in in vitro human embryo research prompt a reconsideration of the 14-day rule, highlighting the integration of global religious perspectives, particularly Islam. Through analyzing classical Muslim scholars\' perspectives and modern interdisciplinary Islamic bioethical discussions, we advocate extending the 14-day limit to at least 40 days, with specified conditions.





