Bayesian analysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Brazil is one of the countries with the highest rates of caesarean sections (CS), reaching almost 90% of births in the private sector. A quality improvement project called \"Adequate Childbirth Project (PPA)\" was conceived to reduce CS in the private sector. This project consisted of four primary components: \"Governance\", \"Participation of Women\", \"Reorganization of Care\" and \"Monitoring\". This paper aims to evaluate: (1) which specific activities of the PPA had the largest effect on the probability of a woman having a vaginal delivery; (2) which primary component of the PPA had the largest effect on the probability of vaginal delivery and (3) which scenarios combining the implementation of different activities planned in the PPA had a higher effect on the probability of vaginal delivery.
    METHODS: A sample of 12 private hospitals participating in the PPA was evaluated. We used a Bayesian Network (BN) to capture both non-linearities and complex cause-effect relations. The BN integrated knowledge from experts and data from women to estimate 26 model parameters. The PPA was evaluated in 2473 women belonging to groups 1-4 of the Robson classification, who were divided into two groups: those participating or not participating in the PPA.
    RESULTS: The probability of a woman having a vaginal delivery was 37.7% higher in women participating in the PPA. The most important component of the project that led to an increase in the probability of vaginal delivery was \"Reorganization of Care\", leading to a 73% probability of vaginal delivery among women in labor. The activity that had the greatest effect on the type of delivery was access to best practices during labor, with a 72% probability of vaginal delivery. Considering the 12 scenarios combining the different activities of the PPA, the best scenarios included: a non-scheduled delivery, access to information about best practices, access to at least 4 best practices during labor and respect of the birth plan, with an 80% probability of vaginal delivery in the best combinations.
    CONCLUSIONS: PPA has been shown to be an effective quality improvement program, increasing the likelihood of vaginal delivery in private Brazilian hospitals.
    BACKGROUND: Brazil boasts one of the highest rates of caesarean sections (CS) globally, with nearly 90% of births in private facilities being delivered via CS. In response, the \'Adequate Childbirth Project – PPA\' was launched as a quality improvement initiative aimed at curbing CS rates in private healthcare. Its goal is to improve the quality of childbirth and reduce the number of CS in private healthcare. The project has four main parts: \'Governance\', \'Participation of Women\', \'Reorganization of Care\', and \'Monitoring\'.
    METHODS: an evaluative study was conducted across 12 private hospitals involved in the PPA, involving 2473 women who were categorized into PPA participants and non-participants. They used a method called a cause-effect network to see which parts of the PPA helped more women have vaginal deliveries.
    RESULTS: They found that women in the PPA were 37.7% more likely to have a vaginal delivery. Giving women access to good practices during labor and birth was really important. Also, \'Reorganization of Care\' was the most important part of the project. It led to a 73% chance of vaginal delivery for women in labor.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PPA is effective in helping more women in private hospitals have vaginal deliveries. This means it\'s a good program for improving childbirth in Brazil\'s private hospitals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    European bat lyssavirus 1 (EBLV-1, Lyssavirus hamburg) is predominantly detected in serotine bats (Eptesicus serotinus) and is responsible for the majority of bat rabies cases in mainland Europe. A passive bat rabies surveillance scheme detected the virus in a serotine bat in the UK for the first time in October 2018. As of May 2024, 34 cases have been reported, 20 of which involved contact with an animal and 5 reported human contact. We investigated the emergence of EBLV-1 by undertaking comprehensive sequence analysis and Bayesian phylogenetics, based on complete virus genomes of 33 UK sequences and 108 sequences covering six countries in mainland Europe (1968-2023), including 21 French EBLV-1-positive RNA samples sequenced for this study. Sequence analysis revealed extreme similarity among UK EBLV-1 sequences (99.9%-100%), implying a single source of introduction rather than multiple independent introductions. Bayesian analysis revealed that the UK EBLV-1 sequences shared their most recent common ancestor with an EBLV-1 sequence from a serotine bat detected in Brittany, France, in 2001, with an estimated date of divergence of 1997. Within the UK sequences, the earliest divergence was estimated to occur in 2007. This study provides valuable insights into the molecular epidemiology of an emerging zoonotic pathogen and improved understanding of the risks posed to public and animal health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The identification and classification of carcinogens is critical in cancer epidemiology, necessitating updated methodologies to manage the burgeoning biomedical literature. Current systems, like those run by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP), face challenges due to manual vetting and disparities in carcinogen classification spurred by the volume of emerging data. To address these issues, we introduced the Carcinogen Detection via Transformers (CarD-T) framework, a text analytics approach that combines transformer-based machine learning with probabilistic statistical analysis to efficiently nominate carcinogens from scientific texts. CarD-T uses Named Entity Recognition (NER) trained on PubMed abstracts featuring known carcinogens from IARC groups and includes a context classifier to enhance accuracy and manage computational demands. Using this method, journal publication data indexed with carcinogenicity & carcinogenesis Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms from the last 25 years was analyzed, identifying potential carcinogens. Training CarD-T on 60% of established carcinogens (Group 1 and 2A carcinogens, IARC designation), CarD-T correctly to identifies all of the remaining Group 1 and 2A designated carcinogens from the analyzed text. In addition, CarD-T nominates roughly 1500 more entities as potential carcinogens that have at least two publications citing evidence of carcinogenicity. Comparative assessment of CarD-T against GPT-4 model reveals a high recall (0.857 vs 0.705) and F1 score (0.875 vs 0.792), and comparable precision (0.894 vs 0.903). Additionally, CarD-T highlights 554 entities that show disputing evidence for carcinogenicity. These are further analyzed using Bayesian temporal Probabilistic Carcinogenic Denomination (PCarD) to provide probabilistic evaluations of their carcinogenic status based on evolving evidence. Our findings underscore that the CarD-T framework is not only robust and effective in identifying and nominating potential carcinogens within vast biomedical literature but also efficient on consumer GPUs. This integration of advanced NLP capabilities with vital epidemiological analysis significantly enhances the agility of public health responses to carcinogen identification, thereby setting a new benchmark for automated, scalable toxicological investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eating behaviors are influenced by the integration of gustatory, olfactory, and somatosensory signals, which all contribute to the perception of flavor. Although extensive research has explored the neural correlates of taste in the gustatory cortex (GC), less is known about its role in encoding thermal information. This study investigates the encoding of oral thermal and chemosensory signals by GC neurons compared to the oral somatosensory cortex. In this study, we recorded the spiking activity of more than 900 GC neurons and 500 neurons from the oral somatosensory cortex in mice allowed to freely lick small drops of gustatory stimuli or deionized water at varying non-nociceptive temperatures. We then developed and used a Bayesian-based analysis technique to assess neural classification scores based on spike rate and phase timing within the lick cycle. Our results indicate that GC neurons rely predominantly on rate information, although phase information is needed to achieve maximum accuracy, to effectively encode both chemosensory and thermosensory signals. GC neurons can effectively differentiate between thermal stimuli, excelling in distinguishing both large contrasts (14°C vs. 36°C) and, although less effectively, more subtle temperature differences. Finally, a direct comparison of the decoding accuracy of thermosensory signals between the two cortices reveals that while the somatosensory cortex showed higher overall accuracy, the GC still encodes significant thermosensory information. These findings highlight the GC\'s dual role in processing taste and temperature, emphasizing the importance of considering temperature in future studies of taste processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The disease management program (DMP) for type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is the largest DMP in Germany. Our goal was to analyze regional differences in unenrollment rates, suggest areas for intervention and provide background information, which population groups in which locations are currently not enrolled in the DMP for T2DM.
    METHODS: In this study, we used data of the 1.7 mil. insurants of the AOK Nordost health insurance. For the visualization of enrollment potential, we used the Besag-York-Mollie model (BYM). The spatial scan statistic (SaTScan) was used to detect areas of unusually high rates of unenrolled diabetics to prioritize areas for intervention. To explore sociodemographic associations, we used Bayesian spatial global regression models. A Spatially varying coefficient model (SVC) revealed in how far the detected associations vary over space.
    RESULTS: The proportion of diabetics currently not enrolled in the DMP T2DM was 36.8% in 2019 and varied within northeastern Germany. Local clusters were detected mainly in Mecklenburg-West-Pomerania and Berlin. The main sociodemographic variables associated with unenrollment were female sex, younger age, being unemployed, foreign citizenship, small household size and the proportion of persons commuting to work outside their residential municipality. The SVC model revealed important spatially varying effects for some but not all associations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lower socioeconomic status and foreign citizenship had an ubiquitous effect on not being enrolled. The DMP T2DM therefore does currently not reach those population groups, which have a higher risk for secondary diseases and possible avoidable hospitalizations. Logically, future interventions should focus on these groups. Our methodology clearly suggests areas for intervention and points out, which population group in which locations should be specifically approached.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psychological capital (PsyCap) constitutes a positive personal resource that enhances better well-being and academic performance in university students. Initially addressed in the organizational realm and recently in the academic one. This study aimed to establish the differences in PsyCap according to gender and age in Peruvian university students. A quantitative, comparative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional study was conducted with 708 students (77.4 % women and 22.6 % men), aged between 18 and 61 years (M = 22.1; SD = 5.95), selected in a non-probabilistic manner, who completed the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ-12). The results indicate very strong evidence supporting the existence of significant differences between different age groups, suggesting that the observed variations are not due to chance but reflect real differences between ages. Regarding gender, the data do not provide enough information to confidently assert whether there are significant differences between men and women in relation to psychological capital (PsyCap) and its dimensions. This implies that we cannot confirm whether gender influences these variables. These findings highlight the need to consider age when assessing and intervening in PsyCap in university students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the growing interest in precision medicine-based therapies for Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), little research has been conducted on how individual AD risk factors influence changes in cognitive function following transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). This study evaluates the cognitive effects of sequential tDCS on 63 mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients, considering AD risk factors such as amyloid-beta deposition, APOE ε4, BDNF polymorphism, and sex. Using both frequentist and Bayesian methods, we assessed the interaction of tDCS with these risk factors on cognitive performance. Notably, we found that amyloid-beta deposition significantly interacted with tDCS in improving executive function, specifically Stroop Word-Color scores, with strong Bayesian support for this finding. Memory enhancements were differentially influenced by BDNF Met carrier status. However, sex and APOE ε4 status did not show significant effects. Our results highlight the importance of individual AD risk factors in modulating cognitive outcomes from tDCS, suggesting that precision medicine may offer more effective tDCS treatments tailored to individual risk profiles in early AD stages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Despite significant advancements in understanding risk factors and treatment strategies, ischemic heart disease (IHD) remains the leading cause of mortality worldwide, particularly within specific regions in Brazil, where the disease is a burden. Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate the risk of hospitalization and mortality from IHD in the state of Paraná (Brazil), using spatial analysis to identify areas with higher risk based on socioeconomic, demographic and health variables.
    UNASSIGNED: This is an ecological study based on secondary and retrospective IHD hospitalization and mortality data obtained from the Brazilian Hospitalization and Mortality Information Systems during the 2010-2021 period. Data were analyzed for 399 municipalities and 22 health regions in the state of Paraná. To assess the spatial patterns of the disease and identify relative risk (RR) areas, we constructed a risk model by Bayesian inference using the R-INLA and SpatialEpi packages in R software.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 333,229 hospitalizations and 73,221 deaths occurred in the analyzed period, and elevated RR of hospitalization (RR = 27.412, CI 21.801; 34.466) and mortality (RR = 15.673, CI 2.148; 114.319) from IHD occurred in small-sized municipalities. In addition, medium-sized municipalities also presented elevated RR of hospitalization (RR = 6.533, CI 1.748; 2.006) and mortality (RR = 6.092, CI 1.451; 2.163) from IHD. Hospitalization and mortality rates were higher in white men aged 40-59 years. A negative association was found between Municipal Performance Index (IPDM) and IHD hospitalization and mortality.
    UNASSIGNED: Areas with increased risk of hospitalization and mortality from IHD were found in small and medium-sized municipalities in the state of Paraná, Brazil. These results suggest a deficit in health care attention for IHD cases in these areas, potentially due to a low distribution of health care resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Frailty is a multifactorial syndrome; through this study, we aimed to investigate the physiological, psychological, and social factors associated with frailty and frailty worsening in community-dwelling older adults.
    METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional and longitudinal study using data from the \"Community Empowerment and Well-Being and Healthy Long-term Care: Evidence from a Cohort Study (CEC),\" which focuses on community dwellers aged 65 and above in Japan. The sample of the cross-sectional study was drawn from a CEC study conducted in 2014 with a total of 673 participants. After excluding those who were frail during the baseline assessment (2014) and at the 3-year follow-up (2017), the study included 373 participants. Frailty assessment was extracted from the Kihon Checklist, while social relationships were assessed using the Social Interaction Index (ISI). Variable selection was performed using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) regression and their predictive abilities were tested. Factors associated with frailty status and worsening were identified through the Maximum-min Hillclimb algorithm applied to Bayesian networks (BNs).
    RESULTS: At baseline, 14.1% (95 out of 673) participants were frail, and 24.1% (90 out of 373) participants experienced frailty worsening at the 3-years follow up. LASSO regression identified key variables for frailty. For frailty identification (cross-sectional), the LASSO model\'s AUC was 0.943 (95%CI 0.913-0.974), indicating good discrimination, with Hosmer-Lemeshow (H-L) test p = 0.395. For frailty worsening (longitudinal), the LASSO model\'s AUC was 0.722 (95%CI 0.656-0.788), indicating moderate discrimination, with H-L test p = 0.26. The BNs found that age, multimorbidity, function status, and social relationships were parent nodes directly related to frailty. It revealed an 85% probability of frailty in individuals aged 75 or older with physical dysfunction, polypharmacy, and low ISI scores; however, if their social relationships and polypharmacy status improve, the probability reduces to 50.0%. In the longitudinal-level frailty worsening model, a 75% probability of frailty worsening in individuals aged 75 or older with declined physical function and ISI scores was noted; however, if physical function and ISI improve, the probability decreases to 25.0%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Frailty and its progression are prevalent among community-dwelling older adults and are influenced by various factors, including age, physical function, and social relationships. BNs facilitate the identification of interrelationships among these variables, quantify the influence of key factors. However, further research is required to validate the proposed model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is subject to the progressive disappearance of its traditional chestnut groves. In the northern part of Italy, where distribution of the sweet chestnut is fragmented, many local varieties continue to be identified mostly by oral tradition. We characterised by SSRs eleven historically recognised varieties of sweet chestnut in the area surrounding Lake Como, with the goal of giving a genetic basis to the traditional classification. We performed classical analysis about differentiation and used Bayesian approaches to detect population structure and to reconstruct demography. The results revealed that historical and genetic classifications are loosely linked when chestnut fruits are just \"castagne\", that is, normal fruits, but increasingly overlap where \"marroni\" (the most prized fruits) are concerned. Bayesian classification allowed us to identify a homogeneous gene cluster not recognised in the traditional assessment of the varieties and to reconstruct possible routes used for the propagation of sweet chestnut. We also reconstructed ancestral relationships between the different gene pools involved and dated ancestral lineages whose results fit with palynological data. We suggest that conservation strategies based on a genetic evaluation of the resource should also rely on traditional cultural heritage, which could reveal new sources of germplasm.





