Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder

回避性 / 限制性食物摄入障碍
  • 文章类型: Letter
    The eating and feeding disorder section of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) is organized by a diagnostic algorithm that limits the contemporaneous assignment of multiple eating disorder diagnoses. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a disturbance in food intake typically associated with lack of interest in food, food avoidance based on sensory characteristics, and/or fear of aversive consequences from eating. According to the DSM-5-TR, an ARFID diagnosis cannot be made when weight or shape disturbances are present, and ARFID cannot be co-diagnosed with other eating disorders characterized by these disturbances. However, emerging evidence from both clinical and lived experience contexts suggests that the co-occurrence of ARFID with multiple other types of eating disorders may be problematically invisibilized by this trumping scheme. The diagnostic criteria for ARFID can contribute to inappropriate diagnosis or exclusion from diagnosis due to excessive ambiguity and disqualification based on body image disturbance and other eating disorder pathology, even if unrelated to the food restriction or avoidance. This harmfully limits the ability of diagnostic codes to accurately describe an individual\'s eating disorder symptomatology, impacting access to specialized and appropriate eating disorder care. Therefore, revision of the DSM-5-TR criteria for ARFID and removal of limitations on the diagnosis of ARFID concurrent to other full-syndrome eating disorders stands to improve identification, diagnosis, and support of the full spectrum of ARFID presentations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Nine-Item Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Screen (NIAS) in a population of Turkish adolescents.
    METHODS: The NIAS, designed to screen for ARFID symptoms, including picky eating, fear-related eating behaviors, and low appetite, was administered to secondary school students between 13 and 18 ages in Muğla, Turkiye.
    RESULTS: Based on a sample of 268 adolescents, the NIAS\'s reliability and validity in this demographic are supported. The research utilized confirmatory factor analysis to verify its three-factor structure and various reliability tests, including Cronbach\'s alpha and test-retest reliability, confirming the scale\'s internal consistency and temporal stability. The descriptive analysis highlighted significant differences in NIAS scores across BMI categories, with underweight adolescents scoring higher, suggesting a potential link between ARFID symptoms and lower body weight. Criterion validity was supported by significant correlations between NIAS subscales and measures of anxiety, depression, and eating behaviors, indicating the scale\'s effectiveness in reflecting relevant psychopathological features.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the study establishes the Turkish NIAS as a useful tool for identifying ARFID in Turkish adolescents, aiding early detection and intervention in this at-risk age group. Further research is recommended to explore the scale\'s utility across different clinical settings and refine its diagnostic accuracy, enhancing our understanding of ARFID\'s impact on youth mental health and nutritional status.
    Cross-culturally reliable tools for assessing symptoms of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) in young people are crucial, especially during adolescence, a critical period for the emergence of various eating and feeding disorders. The Nine Item Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Screen (NIAS) is a brief and practical instrument designed to assess and rate symptoms across three phenotypes associated with ARFID: ‘picky eating,’ ‘fear,’ and ‘appetite,’ which can lead to restricted food volume or variety. This study, focusing on a sample of Turkish adolescents, validates the reliability and accuracy of the NIAS in this particular demographic. The findings offer a foundational understanding of the ARFID profile among Turkish adolescents. The psychometric robustness of the NIAS in self-reporting among adolescents is demonstrated by significant correlations between its subscales and other measures of anxiety, depression, and eating behaviors, indicating that the scale effectively captures related psychopathological traits.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is a newly classified eating disorder that requires further understanding of its presentation. There is no previous report of ARFID in a child post-tonsillectomy. ARFID may be a potential negative outcome for children following oropharyngeal surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: A female child aged 10 years and 2 months presented with ARFID associated with depression, anxiety and nutritional deficiency following tonsillectomy. She had more difficulty in swallowing solids than fluids and had repeated vomiting and spitting food after chewing it. She became dehydrated and malnourished with a BMI of 10.5 and was misdiagnosed with myasthenic gravis.
    UNASSIGNED: To our knowledge, this is the first case report of ARFID in a child post-tonsillectomy. We discuss the pathophysiology of ARFID, which remains elusive, and recommend psychiatric assessment when evaluating children post operative tonsillectomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many individuals with eating disorders and their family members are well-informed about advances in science that could affect the treatment and outcome of these illnesses. They appropriately apply this knowledge to evaluate available treatments and advocate for the best possible evidence-based care. They ask hard questions that many clinicians are often ill-prepared to answer. Genetics has advanced our understanding of eating disorders and provides a novel lens through which to understand these pernicious illnesses. Clinicians can now update their understanding of the etiology of eating disorders and abandon outdated etiological theories, some of which have done harm to patients and their families. Without becoming expert in psychiatric genetics, psychiatrists and other mental health care professionals can develop a general overview of the science, understand what it can and cannot offer, incorporate genetic factors into their case conceptualizations, and boost their confidence in discussing these topics with patients and families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), an eating disorder not associated with weight and shape concerns, results in nutrient or energy deficiencies related with further health consequences and a pronounced need for specialized treatment. These interventions need to be tailored to individual health behavior. However, research about health behavior and treatment utilization in ARFID is scarce, particularly in adults, as ARFID is more common in children despite occurring across the lifespan. One important aspect of health behavior is the individual\'s health regulatory focus (i.e., health prevention and health promotion). Additionally, symptoms of eating disorders have generally been associated with various health risk behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, or unhealthy physical (in)activity. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate health behavior and psychological treatment utilization in adults with symptoms of ARFID.
    METHODS: A representative adult population sample (N = 2415) completed several self-report questionnaires assessing symptoms of eating disorders and health behavior. Differences between groups (symptoms of ARFID vs. no symptoms of ARFID) were tested with analysis of variance, Mann-Whitney-U-tests, and binary logistic regression.
    RESULTS: Individuals with symptoms of ARFID (n = 20) did not differ in their health regulatory focus, smoking status, physical activity or psychological treatment utilization from individuals without symptoms of ARFID (n = 2395). However, they reported higher alcohol misuse than individuals without symptoms of ARFID.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest a relevance of further exploration of the relationship between alcohol misuse and ARFID, given the preliminary nature of these results. This exploration could inform treatment strategies for addressing potential comorbid substance misuse. Furthermore, the low psychological treatment utilization in adults with symptoms of ARFID suggest a need for more specialized psychological treatment services, public education about ARFID being an indication for psychological treatment, and further research about treatment barriers.
    Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), an eating disorder not associated with body image or weight concerns, results in nutrient or energy deficiencies related with further health consequences. It is most common in children, but can occur across the lifespan, although there is little research in adults. Therefore, the study investigated if adults with symptoms of ARFID differ from adults without symptoms of ARFID in health behaviors. A total of 2415 adults from a German national population sample completed questionnaires assessing symptoms of ARFID, health regulatory focus (health promotion focus with the aim of improving one’s health and health prevention focus aiming to avoid any deterioration in health), alcohol misuse, smoking behavior, physical activity and psychological treatment utilization. Adults with symptoms of ARFID did not differ from those without symptoms of ARFID in treatment utilization or any of the assessed health behaviors except reporting higher alcohol misuse. We, therefore, suggest to further explore potential alcohol misuse in individuals with ARFID. Furthermore, more research about treatment barriers in ARFID and more specialized psychological treatment services as well as public education about ARFID being an indication for psychological treatment, are needed to address the low psychological treatment utilization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disruptions in appetite-regulating hormones may contribute to the development and/or maintenance of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). No study has previously assessed fasting levels of orexigenic ghrelin or anorexigenic peptide YY (PYY), nor their trajectory in response to food intake among youth with ARFID across the weight spectrum. We measured fasting and postprandial (30, 60, 120 minutes post-meal) levels of ghrelin and PYY among 127 males and females with full and subthreshold ARFID (n = 95) and healthy controls (HC; n = 32). We used latent growth curve analyses to examine differences in the trajectories of ghrelin and PYY between ARFID and HC. Fasting levels of ghrelin did not differ in ARFID compared to HC. Among ARFID, ghrelin levels declined more gradually than among HC in the first hour post meal (p =.005), but continued to decline between 60 and 120 minutes post meal, whereas HC plateaued (p =.005). Fasting and PYY trajectory did not differ by group. Findings did not change after adjusting for BMI percentile (M(SD)ARFID = 37(35); M(SD)HC = 53(26); p =.006) or calories consumed during the test meal (M(SD)ARFID = 294(118); M(SD)HC = 384 (48); p <.001). These data highlight a distinct trajectory of ghrelin following a test meal in youth with ARFID. Future research should examine ghrelin dysfunction as an etiological or maintenance factor of ARFID.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We aimed to characterize stature in pediatric patients with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), including associations between body size and nutrient intake and height.
    METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of pre-treatment data from 60 patients diagnosed with ARFID that were collected from the electronic medical record. Anthropometric measurements were converted to age- and sex-specific Z-scores using pediatric CDC growth charts. Spearman correlations were performed to test the relationship between height and weight/BMI Z-scores as well as height Z-score and diet variables.
    RESULTS: On average, height (-0.35 ± 1.38), weight (-0.58 ± 1.56), and BMI (-0.56 ± 1.48) Z-scores tended to be lower than what would be expected in a generally healthy pediatric population. Percent of individuals with height, weight, or BMI Z-score < -2.0 was 8%, 20%, and 17%, respectively. BMI (P < 0.05) and weight (P < 0.05) were positively associated with height Z-score. Further, intake of some nutrients (e.g., calcium, vitamin D) correlated positively with height Z-score (all P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The cross-sectional relationships reported in this study suggest that in children with ARFID, body weight and consumption of bone-augmenting nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D correlated with height. A thorough understanding of the clinical manifestations of malnutrition and longitudinal effects of restrictive eating in patients with ARFID is critical.
    We examined data on growth and height for a sample of 60 children with highly selective eating consistent with an eating/feeding disorder termed avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). These children received treatment in an intensive multidisciplinary intervention program. We found that children had significantly lower weight and body mass index (BMI) compared to same sex and age peers, with a trend toward lower height. Greater body size and intake of specific nutrients was related to taller stature in this sample. Children with ARFID may be at greater risk of impaired growth secondary to highly restricted food intake, a health outcome which should be studied to inform screening and intervention practices.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: ASXL3-related disorder, first described in 2013, is a genetic disorder with an autosomal dominant inheritance that is caused by a heterozygous loss-of-function variant in ASXL3. The most characteristic feature is neurodevelopmental delay with consistently limited speech. Feeding difficulty is a main symptom observed in infancy. However, no adolescent case has been reported.
    METHODS: A 14-year-old girl with ASXL3-related syndrome was referred to our hospital with subacute onset of emotional lability. Limbic encephalitis was ruled out by examination; however, the patient gradually showed a lack of interest in eating, with decreased diet volume. Consequently, she experienced significant weight loss. She experienced no symptoms of bulimia, or food allergy; therefore, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) was clinically suspected.
    CONCLUSIONS: We reported the first case of ASXL3-related disorder with adolescent onset of feeding difficulty. ARFID was considered a cause of the feeding difficulty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a feeding/eating disorder characterized by avoidance/restriction of food intake by volume and/or variety. The emergence of shape/weight-related eating disorder symptoms in the longitudinal course of ARFID is an important clinical phenomenon that is neither robustly documented nor well understood. We aimed to characterize the emergence of eating disorder symptoms among adults with an initial diagnosis of ARFID who ultimately developed other eating disorders.
    METHODS: Thirty-five participants (94% female; Mage = 23.17 ± 5.84 years) with a history of ARFID and a later, separate eating disorder completed clinical interviews (i.e., Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 - Research Version and Longitudinal Interval Follow-Up Evaluation) assessing the period between ARFID and the later eating disorder. Participants used calendars to aid in recall of symptoms over time. Descriptive statistics characterized the presence, order of, and time to each symptom. Paired samples t-tests compared weeks to emergence between symptoms.
    RESULTS: Most participants (71%) developed restricting eating disorders; the remainder (29%) developed binge-spectrum eating disorders. Cognitive symptoms (e.g., shape/weight concerns) tended to onset initially and were followed by behavioral symptoms. Shape/weight-related food avoidance presented first, objective binge eating, fasting, and excessive exercise occurred next, followed by subjective binge eating and purging.
    CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic crossover from ARFID to another (typically restricting) eating disorder following the development of shape/weight concerns may represent the natural progression of a singular clinical phenomenon. Findings identify potential pathways from ARFID to the development of another eating disorder, highlighting possible clinical targets for preventing this outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Eating disorders in children and adolescents can have serious medical and psychological consequences. The objective of this retrospective quantitative study is to gain insight in self-reported Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of children and adolescents with a DSM-5 diagnosis of an eating disorder.
    METHODS: Collect and analyse data of patients aged 8-18 years, receiving treatment for an eating disorder. At the start and end of treatment patients completed the KIDSCREEN-52, a questionnaire measuring HRQoL.
    RESULTS: Data of 140 patients were analysed. Children diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder all had lower HRQoL on multiple dimensions at the start of treatment, there is no statistically significant difference between these groups. In contrast, patients with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder only had lower HRQoL for the dimension Physical Well-Being. HRQoL showed a significant improvement in many dimensions between start and end of treatment, but did not normalize compared to normative reference values of Dutch children.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current study showed that self-reported HRQoL is low in children with eating disorders, both at the beginning but also at the end of treatment. This confirms the importance of continuing to invest in the various HRQoL domains.





