
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to assess and compare the utilization of preventive and other health services and the cost or availability in different regions of Europe, before and during the economic crisis. The data used in the study were obtained from Wave 8 of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (2019/2020) and Wave 1 data (2004/5), with a sample size of 46,106 individuals aged ≥50 across 27 countries, adjusted to represent a population of N = 180,886,962. Composite scores were derived for preventive health services utilization (PHSU), health care services utilization (HCSU), and lack of accessibility/availability in health care services (LAAHCS). Southern countries had lower utilization of preventive services and higher utilization of other health services compared to northern countries, with a significant lack of convergence. Moreover, the utilization of preventive health services decreased, whereas the utilization of secondary care services increased during the austerity period. Southern European countries had a significantly higher prevalence of lack of accessibility. An increase in the frequency of lack of accessibility/availability in health care services was observed from 2004/5 to 2019/20. In conclusion, our findings suggest that health inequalities increase during crisis periods. Therefore, policy interventions could prioritize accessibility and expand health coverage and prevention services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Countries in the Global South are currently facing momentous economic and social challenges, including major debt service problems. As in previous periods of global financial instability, a growing number of countries have turned to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for financial assistance. The organization has a long track-record of advocating for extensive fiscal consolidation-commonly known as \'austerity\'-for its borrowers. However, in recent years, the IMF has announced major initiatives for ensuring that its loans support social spending, thus aiding countries in meeting their development targets and the Sustainable Development Goals. To assess this track record, we collected spending data on 21 loans signed in the 2020-2022 period, including from all their periodic reviews up to August 2023.
    RESULTS: We find that austerity measures remain a core part of the organization\'s mandated policies for its borrowers: 15 of the 21 countries studied here experience a decrease in fiscal space over the course of their IMF programs. Against this fiscal backdrop, social spending floors have failed to live up to their promise. There is no streamlined definition of these floors, thus rendering their application haphazard and inconsistent. But even on their own terms, these floors lack ambition: they often do not foresee trajectories of meaningful social spending increases over time, and, when they do, many of these gains are eaten up by soaring inflation. In addition, a third of social spending floors are not implemented-a much lower implementation rate from that for austerity conditions, which the IMF prioritizes. In several instances, where floors are implemented, they are not meaningfully exceeded, thus-in practice-acting as social spending ceilings.
    CONCLUSIONS: The IMF\'s lending programs are still heavily focused on austerity, and its strategy on social spending has not represented the sea-change that the organization advertised. At best, social spending floors act as damage control for the painful budget cuts: they are instruments of social amelioration, underpinned by principles of targeted assistance for highly disadvantaged groups. Alternative approaches rooted in principles of universalism can be employed to build up durable and resilient social protection systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper draws on current international analysis of pandemic issues in education, and on recent arguments by critical economists and political scientists, to examine two scenarios for educational policy beyond the coronavirus pandemic. One looming possibility is an onrush of austerity, deep cuts to public education, financial hardship for the working and middle classes, and a range of private sector, including online answers to public problems in education, leading to more inequity, and an even wider digital divide. The pandemic, it is argued, is already being used as a strategy to bring about educational privatization by stealth by mismanaging return-to-school strategies and by overselling the effectiveness of online and private school alternatives. The alternative is public education investment to pursue prosperity and better quality of life for everyone. This will reduce inequality instead of increasing it, close the digital divide that COVID-19 has exposed, and encourage balanced technology use to enhance good teaching rather than hybrid or blended technology delivery that may increasingly replace such teaching.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: England and Wales experienced a stagnation of previously improving life expectancy during the 2010s. Public bodies cited influenza as an important cause.
    METHODS: We used data from the Office for National Statistics to examine mortality attributed directly to influenza and to all influenza-like diseases for the total population of England and Wales 2010-19. Several combinations of ICD-10 codes were used to address the possibility of under-counting influenza deaths.
    RESULTS: Deaths from influenza and influenza-like diseases declined between 2010 and 2019, while earlier improvements in mortality from all causes of death were stalling and, with some causes, worsening. Our findings support existing research showing that influenza is not an important cause of the stalling of mortality rates 2010-19.
    RESULTS: Influenza was accepted by many as an important cause of stalling life expectancy for much of the 2010s, while few in public office have accepted austerity as a key factor in the changes seen during that time.
    CONCLUSIONS: This adds to the mounting evidence that austerity damaged health prior to COVID-19 and left the population more vulnerable when it arrived.
    UNASSIGNED: Future research should explore why so many in public office were quick to attribute the change in trends in overall mortality in the UK in this period to influenza, and why many continue to do so through to 2023 and to deny the key role of austerity in harming population health.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The Great Recession, following the 2008 financial crisis, led many governments to adopt programmes of austerity. This had a lasting impact on health system functionality, resources, staff (numbers, motivation and morale) and patient outcomes. This study aimed to understand how health system resilience was impacted and how this affects readiness for subsequent shocks.
    A realist review identified legacies associated with austerity (proximal outcomes) and how these impact the distal outcome of health system resilience. EMBASE, CINAHL, MEDLINE, EconLit and Web of Science were searched (2007-May 2021), resulting in 1081 articles. Further theory-driven searches resulted in an additional 60 studies. Descriptive, inductive, deductive and retroductive realist analysis (utilising excel and Nvivo) aided the development of context-mechanism-outcome configurations (CMOCs), alongside stakeholder engagement to confirm or refute emerging results. Causal pathways, and the interplay between context and mechanisms that led to proximal and distal outcomes, were revealed. The refined CMOCs and policy recommendations focused primarily on workforce resilience.
    Five CMOCs demonstrated how austerity-driven policy decisions can impact health systems when driven by the priorities of external agents. This created a real or perceived shift away from the values and interests of health professionals, a distrust in decision-making processes and resistance to change. Their values were at odds with the realities of implementing such policy decisions within sustained restrictive working conditions (rationing of staff, consumables, treatment options). A diminished view of the profession and an inability to provide high-quality, equitable, and needs-led care, alongside stagnant or degraded working conditions, led to moral distress. This can forge legacies that may adversely impact resilience when faced with future shocks.
    This review reveals the importance of transparent, open communication, in addition to co-produced policies in order to avoid scenarios that can be detrimental to workforce and health system resilience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past decade, there have been significant and unequal cuts to local authority (LA) budgets, across England. Cultural, environmental and planning (CEP) budgets have been cut by 17% between 2011 and 2019. This funding supports services such as parks, leisure centres, community development and libraries, all of which have potential to influence population mental health. We therefore investigated whether cuts to CEP services have affected mental health outcomes and the extent to which they have contributed to mental health inequalities between areas.
    Using fixed effects regression applied to longitudinal LA-level panel data in England, we assessed whether trends in CEP spend were associated with trends in mental health outcomes, between 2011 and 2019. The exposure was CEP spend and the primary outcome was the LA-average Small Area Mental Health Index (SAMHI). Additionally, we considered subcategories of CEP spend as secondary exposures, and antidepressant prescription rate and self-reported anxiety levels as secondary outcomes, both aggregated to LA-level. We adjusted all models for confounders and conducted subgroup analysis to examine differential mental health effects of spending cuts based on the level of area deprivation.
    The average decrease in CEP spend of 15% over the period was associated with a 0.036 (95% CI: 0.005, 0.067) increase in SAMHI score, indicating worsening mental health. Amongst subcategories of CEP spending, cuts to planning and development services impacted mental health trends the most, with a 15% reduction in spend associated with a 0.018 (95% CI: 0.005, 0.031) increase in the SAMHI score. The association between cuts in CEP and deteriorating mental health was greater in more affluent areas.
    Cuts to spending on cultural, environmental, planning and development services were associated with worsening population mental health in England. Impacts were driven by cuts to planning and development services in particular. Reinvesting in these services may contribute to improved public mental health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: in light of the acknowledged relationship between housing circumstances and health outcomes, the research explored the implications of the diversifying role of housing associations, considering the extent and form of engagement with the health sector and the potential repercussions for inequalities.
    UNASSIGNED: the research was based on a single case study of the Manchester city-region, chosen to provide a way of considering the role of recently agreed devolved governance and funding arrangements in respect of housing and health.
    UNASSIGNED: primary qualitative data were assembled via a programme of semi-structured interviews with housing and health policy actors and direct observation of six quarterly meetings of a housing-health steering group established as part of new devolved governance arrangements.
    UNASSIGNED: the findings reveal a perception among housing managers that the reorientation of housing association services to offset the rationalisation of mainstream provision risks exacerbating inequalities. Interview and observational data suggest that the diversification of housing association activity may have begun to erode the sector\'s ability and willingness to provide affordable housing on a universal basis to those in need.
    UNASSIGNED: The growing non-landlord functions of some housing associations can act as a deterrent to the allocation of housing to applicants with complex (and expensive) needs. This reinforces the increased selectivity in housing association stock allocations, linked to marketization and the increasingly commercial outlook of some providers. Further inequalities may be engendered because while tenants can benefit from the extended housing associations services, others continue to depend on a weakened statutory sector.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was twofold: (i) to assess the health gap among young socio-economic groups generated by the economic crisis in Greece and (ii) to investigate HRQoL (Health Related Quality of Life) inequalities using the Theil index.
    The EQ-5D-5L instrument was administered to a sample of 4,177 young individuals in Greece, mean age 22.3 (±SD 4.8) and 53.8% males, and 46.2% females. The Greek version of the EQ-5D-5L instrument was used in a web-based questionnaire to collect data. Subjects were asked to assess their subjective health status during the economic crisis of 2016 using the EQ-5D-5L instrument, and to recall their health before the crisis of 2009. The health gap was assessed on a Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-VAS), the EQ-5D-5L Index, and the five dimensions of the EQ-5D-5L instrument. Regression analysis was employed to measure the effects of the economic crisis on age, sex, education, and income on the EQ-VAS and EQ-5D-5L. Theil index was used to assess HRQoL inequalities.
    The economic crisis brought a significant deterioration in the HRQoL of young Greeks. The EQ-VAS was reduced during the crisis by -10.05% (p < 0.001) and the EQ-5D-5L index declined by -19.61% (p < 0.001). The prevalence of the health gap in each dimension of the EQ-5D-5L was also significant in terms of deterioration of Mobility [change by 66.8% (p < 0.001)], Self-care [change by 61.0% (p < 0.001)], Usual activities [change by 97.1% (p < 0.001)], Pain/discomfort [change by 65.0% (p < 0.001)], and Anxiety/depression [change by 70.5% (p < 0.001)]. Significant reductions in EQ-5D-5L indices were also associated with greater inequalities in the distribution of health among age, gender, income, and educational groups. The EQ-5D-5L health gap among the poor was much greater (0.198), in comparison to richer (0.128) classes. Similar gaps were also found in terms of educational inequalities. The EQ-5D-5L health gap among those with primary education was 0.211, whereas for those with tertiary education it was 0.16. The Theil index indicated an increase in income-related HRQoL inequalities by 222.3% for the EQ-5D-5L index and by 124.2% for the EQ-VAS. The effects of demographic and socioeconomic variables on the EQ-VAS were found statistically significant: sex (p < 0.05), age (p < 0.001), education (p < 0.001), and income (p < 0.001).
    The EQ-5D-5L instrument appears to be a powerful tool in assessing the health gap and the HRQoL inequalities among young people in Greece. The findings indicate the importance of developing effective health policies to combat inequalities and mitigate the impact of austerity measures on the quality of life of the young.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The economic crisis and the resulting austerity in Greece led to a drastic reduction in healthcare spending, which has been assumed to have impacted people\'s health. This paper discusses official standardized mortality rates in Greece between 2000 and 2015.
    METHODS: This study was designed to analyze population-level data and collected data from the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Eurostat, and the Hellenic Statistics Authority. Separate linear regression models were developed for the periods before and after the crisis and were compared.
    RESULTS: Standardized mortality rates do not support a previously reported assumption of a specific and direct negative effect of austerity on global mortality. Standardized rates continued to decrease linearly, and their correlation to economic variables changed after 2009. Total infant mortality rates show an overall rising trend since 2009, but the interpretation is unclear because of the reduction in the absolute number of deliveries.
    CONCLUSIONS: The mortality data from the first six years of the financial crisis in Greece and the decade that preceded do not support the assumption that budget cuts in health are related to the dramatic worsening of the overall health of the Greek people. Still, data suggest an increase in specific causes of death and the burden on a dysfunctional and unprepared health system that is working in an overstretched manner trying to meet needs. The dramatic acceleration of the aging of the population constitutes a specific challenge for the health system. HIPPOKRATIA 2022, 26 (3):98-104.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper develops the argument that post-COVID-19 recovery strategies need to focus on building back fairer cities and communities, and that this requires a strong embedding of \'age-friendly\' principles to support marginalised groups of older people, especially those living in deprived urban neighbourhoods, trapped in poor quality housing. It shows that older people living in such areas are likely to experience a \'double lockdown\' as a result of restrictions imposed by social distancing combined with the intensification of social and spatial inequalities. This argument is presented as follows: first, the paper examines the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on older people, highlighting how the pandemic is both creating new and reinforcing existing inequalities in ageing along the lines of gender, class, ethnicity, race, ability and sexuality. Second, the paper explores the role of spatial inequalities in the context of COVID-19, highlighting how the pandemic is having a disproportionate impact on deprived urban areas already affected by cuts to public services, the loss of social infrastructure and pressures on the voluntary sector. Finally, the paper examines how interrelated social inequalities at both the individual and spatial level are affecting the lives of older people living in deprived urban neighbourhoods during the pandemic. The paper concludes by developing six principles for \'age-friendly\' community recovery planning aimed at maintaining and improving the quality of life and wellbeing of older residents in the post-pandemic city.





