
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globozoospermia is a form of male infertility characterized by spermatozoa with spherical heads lacking acrosomes. The aim of this study was to evaluate ultrastructural and molecular defects in different types of globozoospermia. Semen samples from 12 infertile patients (9 with complete globozoospermia and 3 with partial globozoospermia) and 10 normozoospermic men (control) were examined by transmission electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry with antibodies against lamin B1. The presence of lamin A and progerin was assessed by reverse transcription-PCR. Whole exome sequencing was performed in three patients. In semen samples with complete and partial globozoospermia, lamin B1 was observed at the periphery of sperm nuclei, whereas lamin A and progerin were absent. Nuclear envelope pores were found in spermatozoa from both patient groups, regardless of morphology and chromatin condensation, in contrast to the control group. Non-condensed chromatin was present in 51%-81% of cases of complete globozoospermia and in 36%-79% of cases of partial globozoospermia. Homozygous DPY19L2 and SPATA16 variants were identified in two patients with partial globozoospermia and one patient with complete globozoospermia. An atypical nuclear membrane with abnormal nuclear pore distribution and lamin B1 localization was observed in spermatozoa from patients with both complete and partial globozoospermia. The genetic defects in the DPY19L2 and SPATA16 genes detected in patients from both globozoospermic groups suggest a generalized disruption of nuclear structure in globozoospermia, highlighting the genetic and phenotypic similarities between complete and partial globozoospermia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Exposure of humans and animals to heavy metals is increasing day-by-day; thus, lead even today remains of significant public health concern. According to CDC, blood lead reference value (BLRV) ranges from 3.5 µg/dl to 5 μg/dl in adults. Recently, almost 2.6% decline in male fertility per year has been reported but the cause is not well established. Lead (Pb2+) affects the size of testis, semen quality, and secretory functions of prostate. But the molecular mechanism(s) of lead toxicity in sperm cells is not clear. Thus, present study was undertaken to evaluate the adverse effects of lead acetate at environmentally relevant exposure levels (0.5, 5, 10 and 20 ppm) on functional and molecular dynamics of spermatozoa of bucks following in vitro exposure for 15 min and 3 h.
    RESULTS: Lead significantly decreased motility, viable count, and motion kinematic patterns of spermatozoa like curvilinear velocity, straight-line velocity, average path velocity, beat cross frequency and maximum amplitude of head lateral displacement even at 5 ppm concentration. Pb2+ modulated intracellular cAMP and Ca2+ levels in sperm cells through L-type calcium channels and induced spontaneous or premature acrosome reaction (AR) by increasing tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins and downregulated mitochondrial transmembrane potential. Lead significantly increased DNA damage and apoptosis as well. Electron microscopy studies revealed Pb2+ -induced deleterious effects on plasma membrane of head and acrosome including collapsed cristae in mitochondria.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pb2+ not only mimics Ca2+ but also affects cellular targets involved in generation of cAMP, mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and ionic exchange. Lead seems to interact with Ca2+ channels because of charge similarity and probably enters the sperm cell through these channels and results in hyperpolarization. Our findings also indicate lead-induced TP and intracellular Ca2+ release in spermatozoa which in turn may be responsible for premature acrosome exocytosis which is essential feature of capacitation for fertilization. Thus, lead seems to reduce the fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa even at 0.5 ppm concentrations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Notch is a conserved cell-signaling pathway involved in spermatogenesis regulation. This study firstly evaluated the presence, localization patterns, acquisition origin and relation to acrosome reaction of Notch proteins in bull sperm. Western Blot analysis detected all Notch proteins in ejaculated bull sperm, and immunostaining described their specific sperm localization. Recovery of sperm from different segments showed that Notch proteins have testicular origin (NOTCH1, NOTCH2, DLL4), are sequentially acquired during sperm maturation along epididymal transit (NOTCH3, DLL3, JAGGED1-2), or post-ejaculation (DLL1, NOTCH4). Testis NOTCH2 is ubiquitously expressed in all germ-cell lines, whereas DLL4 is expressed in round and elongated spermatids during the Golgi, Cap, Acrosome and Maturation phases. In vitro spontaneous and induced sperm acrosome reaction induce consistent sperm regional relocation of NOTCH2, DLL4 and JAGGED1, and these relocation patterns are significantly associated to sperm acrosome status. NOTCH2 and JAGGED1 are relocated from the head apical to the post-equatorial regions, whereas DLL4 is lost along with the acrosome, evidencing that sperm spatial redistribution of NOTCH2 and JAGGED1 is linked to acrosome reaction onset, whereas DLL4 loss is linked to AR completion. Overall, results prompt for a relevant Notch role in bull sperm acrosome testicular development, epididymal maturation and acrosome reaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sperm heads contain not only the nucleus but also the acrosome which is a distinctive cap-like structure located anterior to the nucleus and is derived from the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi Associated RAB2 Interactors (GARINs; also known as FAM71) protein family shows predominant expression in the testis and all possess a RAB2-binding domain which confers binding affinity to RAB2, a small GTPase that is responsible for membrane transport and vesicle trafficking. Our previous study showed that GARIN1A and GARIN1B are important for acrosome biogenesis and that GARIN1B is indispensable for male fertility in mice. Here, we generated KO mice of other Garins, namely Garin2, Garin3, Garin4, Garin5a, and Garin5b (Garin2-5b). Using computer-assisted morphological analysis, we found that the loss of each Garin2-5b resulted in aberrant sperm head morphogenesis. While the fertilities of Garin2-/- and Garin4-/- males are normal, Garin5a-/- and Garin5b-/- males are subfertile, and Garin3-/- males are infertile. Further analysis revealed that Garin3-/- males exhibited abnormal acrosomal morphology, but not as severely as Garin1b-/- males; instead, the amounts of membrane proteins, particularly ADAM family proteins, decreased in Garin3 KO spermatozoa. Moreover, only Garin4 KO mice exhibit vacuoles in the sperm head. These results indicate that GARINs assure correct head morphogenesis and some members of the GARIN family function distinctively in male fertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reproductive failure in dogs is often due to unknown causes, and correct diagnosis and treatment are not always achieved. This condition is associated with various congenital and acquired etiologies that develop inflammatory processes, causing an increase in the number of leukocytes within the female reproductive tract (FRT). An encounter between polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and infectious agents or inflammation in the FRT could trigger neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), which are associated with significantly decreased motility and damage to sperm functional parameters in other species, including humans. This study describes the interaction between canine PMNs and spermatozoa and characterizes the release of NETs, in addition to evaluating the consequences of these structures on canine sperm function. To identify and visualize NETs, May-Grünwald Giemsa staining and immunofluorescence for neutrophil elastase (NE) were performed on canine semen samples and sperm/PMN co-cultures. Sperm viability was assessed using SYBR/PI and acrosome integrity was assessed using PNA-FITC/PI by flow cytometry. The results demonstrate NETs release in native semen samples and PMN/sperm co-cultures. In addition, NETs negatively affect canine sperm function parameters. This is the first report on the ability of NETs to efficiently entrap canine spermatozoa, and to provide additional data on the adverse effects of NETs on male gametes. Therefore, NETs formation should be considered in future studies of canine reproductive failure, as these extracellular fibers and NET-derived pro-inflammatory capacities will impede proper oocyte fertilization and embryo implantation. These data will serve as a basis to explain certain reproductive failures of dogs and provide new information about triggers and molecules involved in adverse effects of NETosis for domestic pet animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is nowadays a major emerging challenge for public health worldwide. The over- and misuse of antibiotics, including those for cell culture, are promoting AMR while also encouraging the research and employment of alternative drugs. The addition of antibiotics to the cell media is strongly recommended in sperm preservation, being gentamicin the most used for boar semen. Because of its continued use, several bacterial strains present in boar semen have developed resistance to this antibiotic. Antimicrobial peptides and proteins (AMPPs) are promising candidates as alternative antibiotics because their mechanism of action is less likely to promote AMR. In the present study, we tested two AMPPs (lysozyme and nisin; 50 and 500 µg/mL) as possible substitutes of gentamicin for boar semen preservation up to 48 h of storage.
    RESULTS: We found that both AMPPs improved sperm plasma membrane and acrosome integrity during semen storage. The highest concentration tested for lysozyme also kept the remaining sperm parameters unaltered, at 48 h of semen storage, and reduced the bacterial load at comparable levels of the samples supplemented with gentamicin (p > 0.05). On the other hand, while nisin (500 µg/mL) reduced the total Enterobacteriaceae counts, it also decreased the rapid and progressive sperm population and the seminal oxidation-reduction potential (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The protective effect of lysozyme on sperm function together with its antimicrobial activity and inborn presence in body fluids, including semen and cervical mucus, makes this enzyme a promising antimicrobial agent for boar semen preservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thoroughbred stallions that carry a double-homozygous genotype A/A-A/A for SNPs rs397316122 and rs69101140 in exon 5 of the FKBP6 gene (chr13; EquCab3.0) are uniquely subfertile due to impaired acrosomal exocytosis (IAE). In this study, the sperm proteome in frozen/thawed semen from subfertile Thoroughbred stallions was studied and compared to that of frozen/thawed sperm from fertile Thoroughbred stallions. A total of 2,220 proteins was identified, of which 140 proteins were found to be differentially abundant in sperm from the subfertile stallions compared to that of fertile stallions (83 less and 57 more abundant). Proteins of differential abundance in sperm from the subfertile stallions were mainly overrepresented in the \"metabolism\" and the \"metabolism of lipids\" pathways. One of these proteins, arylsulfatase F (ARSF), was studied by immunofluorescence. A lower proportion of sperm displaying ARSF signal at the acrosome region was observed in sperm from subfertile Thoroughbred stallions. In addition, heterologous zona pellucida binding assays revealed that sperm from subfertile Thoroughbred stallions bound at a lower proportion to zonae pellucidae than sperm from fertile Thoroughbred stallions. In conclusion, a group of differential abundance proteins, including some of acrosome origin, were identified in sperm from subfertile stallions with acrosome dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As in most cells, intracellular pH regulation is fundamental for sperm physiology. Key sperm functions like swimming, maturation, and a unique exocytotic process, the acrosome reaction, necessary for gamete fusion, are deeply influenced by pH. Sperm pH regulation, both intracellularly and within organelles such as the acrosome, requires a coordinated interplay of various transporters and channels, ensuring that this cell is primed for fertilization. Consistent with the pivotal importance of pH regulation in mammalian sperm physiology, several of its unique transporters are dependent on cytosolic pH. Examples include the Ca2+ channel CatSper and the K+ channel Slo3. The absence of these channels leads to male infertility. This review outlines the main transport elements involved in pH regulation, including cytosolic and acrosomal pH, that participate in these complex functions. We present a glimpse of how these transporters are regulated and how distinct sets of them are orchestrated to allow sperm to fertilize the egg. Much research is needed to begin to envision the complete set of players and the choreography of how cytosolic and organellar pH are regulated in each sperm function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cooling rate is a crucial factor in the process of freezing semen, influencing the overall freezing effectiveness. The height and time of fumigation can significantly impact the rate of cooling. Appropriate cooling rates can help minimize the formation of ice crystals in spermatozoa and reduce potential damage to them. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different fumigation heights and time for the cryopreservation of Hu ram semen. Experiments I-IV assessed the effect of semen cryopreservation by testing the post-thawed spermatozoa total motility (TM), progressive motility (PM) and kinetic parameters fumigated at distances of 2, 4, 6 and 8 cm for durations of 5, 10, 15 and 20 min, respectively. Based on the results of experiments I to IV, experiment V evaluated the effect of semen cryopreservation by testing the post-thawed spermatozoa TM, PM, kinetic parameters, plasma membrane integrity, acrosome integrity and reactive oxygen species (ROS) level fumigated at distances of 2, 4, 6 and 8 cm for duration of 20 min. The results indicated that fumigation at 2 cm for 20 min significantly (P < 0.05) improved spermatozoa TM, PM, mean angular displacement (MAD), plasma membrane integrity and acrosome integrity compared to other groups. Additionally, it significantly (P < 0.05) reduced spermatozoa ROS level compared to the 6 and 8 cm groups. In conclusion, fumigation for 20 min at a distance of 2 cm from the liquid nitrogen surface is the most suitable cooling method for the cryopreservation of Hu ram semen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND Cryopreservation preserves male fertility, crucial in oncology, advanced age, and infertility. However, it damages sperm motility, membrane, and DNA. Zinc (Zn), an antioxidant, shows promise in improving sperm quality after thawing, highlighting its potential as a cryoprotectant in reproductive medicine. MATERIAL AND METHODS Gradient concentration of ZnSO₄ (0, 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 µM) was added in the Glycerol-egg yolk-citrate (GEYC) cryopreservative medium as an extender. Alterations in sperm viability and motility parameters after cryopreservation were detected in each group. Sperm plasma membrane integrity (PMI), acrosome integrity (ACR), DNA fragment index (DFI), and changes in sperm mitochondrial function were examined, including: mitochondrial potential (MMP), sperm reactive oxygen species (ROS), and sperm ATP. RESULTS We found that 50 µM ZnSO₄ was the most effective for the curvilinear velocity (VCL) and the average path velocity (VAP) of sperm after cryo-resuscitation. Compared to the Zn-free group, sperm plasma membrane integrity (PMI) was increased, DNA fragmentation index (DFI) was decreased, reactive oxygen species (ROS) was reduced, and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) was increased after cryorevival in the presence of 50 µM ZnSO₄. CONCLUSIONS Zn ion is one of the antioxidants in the cell. The results of our current clinical study are sufficient to demonstrate that Zn can improve preserves sperm quality during cryopreservation when added to GEYC. The addition of 50 µM ZnSO₄ increased curve velocity, mean path velocity, sperm survival (or plasma membrane integrity), and mitochondrial membrane potential while reducing ROS production and DNA breaks compared to GEYC thawed without ZnSO₄.





