
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the term \"assisted reproduction technologies\" in modern cattle farming, one could imply the collection of techniques that aim at the optimal use of bovine gametes to produce animals of high genetic value in a time- and cost-efficient manner. The accurate characterisation of sperm quality plays a critical role for the efficiency of several assisted reproduction-related procedures, such as sperm processing, in vitro embryo production and artificial insemination. Bull fertility is ultimately a collective projection of the ability of a series of ejaculates to endure sperm processing stress, and achieve fertilisation of the oocyte and production of a viable and well-developing embryo. In this concept, the assessment of sperm functional and molecular characteristics is key to bull fertility diagnostics and prognostics. Among others, functional features linked to sperm plasma membrane, acrosome and DNA integrity are usually assessed as a measure of the ability of sperm to express the phenotypes that will allow them to maintain their homeostasis and orchestrate-in a strict temporal manner-the course of events that will enable the delivery of their genetic content to the oocyte upon fertilisation. Nevertheless, measures of sperm functionality are not always adequate indicators of bull fertility. Nowadays, advancements in the field of molecular biology have facilitated the profiling of several biomolecules in male gametes. The molecular profiling of bovine sperm offers a deeper insight into the mechanisms underlying sperm physiology and, thus, can reveal novel candidate markers for bull fertility prognosis. In this review, the importance of three organelles (the nucleus, the plasma membrane and the acrosome) for the characterisation of sperm fertilising capacity and bull fertility is discussed at functional and molecular levels. In particular, information about sperm head morphometry, chromatin structure, viability as well as the ability of sperm to capacitate and undergo the acrosome reaction are presented in relation to the cryotolerance of male gametes and bull fertility. Finally, major spermatozoal coding and non-coding RNAs, and proteins that are involved in the above-mentioned aspects of sperm functionality are also summarised.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Male infertility is rising nowadays and accounts for a major part of infertility cases worldwide. Novel tests are being developed for better detection and management of male infertility. Though there are many tests available for diagnosing male infertility like acrosome reaction rate, hemizona assay, in vivo or in vitro sperm penetration assay, sperm DNA damage tests, however, a semen analysis is the most commonly used initial test for male infertility. It is usually associated with failure to detect the cause in many cases, as seminal composition gets affected by a number of factors and can give false reports. Furthermore, it does not give any information about defects in capacitation, sperm-zona pellucida interaction, and sperm\'s ability to fertilize oocytes. This results in failure of detection and delayed management of male infertility. Hence, the present review was conducted to identify various sperm proteins that play a significant role in spermatogenesis, sperm motility, sperm-zona pellucida interaction, and fertilization. These proteins can be used in the future as markers of male infertility and will aid in better detection and management of male infertility. Methodology: Search for literature was made from 1970 to 2020 from various databases like PUBMED, SCOPUS, Google Scholar on sperm proteins and their role in male fertility using keywords: \"sperm protein as bio-markers\", \"novel sperm proteins as markers of infertility\", \"Sperm proteins essential for capacitation, sperm motility and oocyte fertilization\". Inclusion criteria: All full-length research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or abstracts on sperm proteins and male infertility published in the English language in peer-reviewed journals were considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fertilization is an intricate cascade of events that irreversibly alter the participating male and female gamete and ultimately lead to the union of paternal and maternal genomes in the zygote. Fertilization starts with sperm capacitation within the oviductal sperm reservoir, followed by gamete recognition, sperm-zona pellucida interactions and sperm-oolemma adhesion and fusion, followed by sperm incorporation, oocyte activation, pronuclear development and embryo cleavage. At fertilization, bull spermatozoon loses its acrosome and plasma membrane components and contributes chromosomes, centriole, perinuclear theca proteins and regulatory RNAs to the zygote. While also incorporated in oocyte cytoplasm, structures of the sperm tail, including mitochondrial sheath, axoneme, fibrous sheath and outer dense fibers are degraded and recycled. The ability of some of these sperm contributed components to give rise to functional zygotic structures and properly induce embryonic development may vary between bulls, bearing on their reproductive performance, and on the fitness, health, fertility and production traits of their offspring. Proper functioning, recycling and remodeling of gamete structures at fertilization is aided by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), the universal substrate-specific protein recycling pathway present in bovine and other mammalian oocytes and spermatozoa. This review is focused on the aspects of UPS relevant to bovine fertilization and bull fertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infertility is estimated to affect up to 15% of couples of reproductive age. Among the male factors, globozoospermia (also called round-headed sperm syndrome) is a rare type of teratozoospermia accounting for <0.1% of male infertility. Lack of acrosome, whose production is a postmeiotic event in spermatogenesis, and round sperm head are its main characteristics. The acrosomeless spermatozoon is unable to go through the zona pellucida and fuse with the oolemma of the oocyte, and fertilisation failures have been attributed to a deficiency in oocyte activation capacity, even when intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is attempted. The pathogenesis of this anomaly is still unclear but genetic factors are likely to be involved. DNA fragmentation rate has been reported for 16 globozoospermic males, usually using the terminal uridine nick-end labelling (TUNEL) assay. Most of the patients had a DNA fragmentation index (DFI) higher than that in fertile men. The rate of aneuploidy for some specific chromosomes was increased in 12 among the 26 globozoospermic males reported in the literature. The same results (high DFI and aneuploidy rates) were observed in infertile males compared to fertile men, notably in those with oligoasthenozoospermia or teratozoospermia, independently of the origins. Mutations or deletions in three genes, SPATA16, PICK1 and DPY19L2, have been shown to be responsible for globozoospermia. Proteins coded by the first two genes localise to the Golgi apparatus and the proacrosomal granules that are transported in the acrosome. It is likely that other proteins involved in the acrosome formation remain to be identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The initial evaluation of the subfertile male includes a through history and physical examination, semen analyses, and hormonal evaluation. However, a normal spermiogram does not necessarily correlate with fertility potential, because it does not assess sperm function. For this reason, specialized semen tests have been developed to test various aspects of spermatozoal function. This article reviews basic male reproductive physiology, as well as clinically utilized advanced seminal tests, including their methodology and implications for reproductive technology outcomes and fecundity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fertilization consists of a sequence of complex events which culminates in the fusion of the genetic information provided by two parent cells, thus leading to the formation of a new individuum. The male gamete develops in the testis, acquires forward motility and fertilizing capacity during maturation in the epididymis, and after capacitation undergoes the acrosome reaction in the female reproductive tract. The female gamete matures in the cyclically developing follicles and, by the time of ovulation, reaches a quiescent stage at metaphase II of meiosis. Gamete fusion occurs in the distal tube, and involves a series of modifications on the egg surface and its investments, intended to protect the developing embryo from polyspermy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salicylazosulfapyridine (SASP), a drug used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, has been reported to depress the fertility in males. Therefore, some authors have proposed SASP as a new lead in the search for a contraceptive for men. Based on a review of the literature, our conclusion is that SASP taken in tolerable doses has not sufficient antifertility effect. Additionally, the drug has too serious and too many side effects to be accepted as a contraceptive. However, the effect on male fertility of other sulfa drugs and related compounds remains to be investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    1. Polychaete sperm are divisible into ect-aquasperm, ent-aquasperm, and introsperm. 2. Ect-aquasperm are the commonest type of polychaete sperm and are considered plesiomorphic for the Polychaeta. Re-evolution of ect-aquasperm (as neo-aquasperm) is, nevertheless, tentatively hypothesized for some Sabellida. 3. In terms of ultrastructural studies of sperm in the investigated polychaete families, only ect-aquasperm have been demonstrated for 16 families; only ent-aquasperm for 3 families; ect- and ent-aquasperm for 3; ect- and intro-sperm for 2; ect-, ent- and intro-sperm for 1 family; and only introsperm for 11 families but investigations can only be regarded as preliminary. To date no family is known to have ent- and intro-sperm only. Sperm ultrastructure has yet to be examined in the orders Magelonida, Psammodrilida, Cossurida, Spintherida, Sternapsida, Flabelligerida and Fauvelopsida. 4. Much variation occurs in gross morphology, ultrastructure and configuration of the several components of ect-aquasperm: acrosome, nucleus, mitochondria, and centrioles and associated anchoring apparatus. A 9 + 2 axoneme is constant. 5. Group-specific sperm structure has been demonstrated for the Nereidae (chiefly ect-aquasperm), and for introsperm of the families Histriobdellidae, Questidae; Capitellidae, Spionidae and Protodrilidae. Species-specificity of all classes of spermatozoa is well established. 6. The very small size of ect-aquasperm is correlated with production of large numbers of sperm as an adaptation to broadcast spawning. Simplicity of structure may relate more to conservation of materials than to hydrodynamics. 7. Fertilization by ent-aquasperm requires fewer eggs than in external fertilization and is accompanied by a tendency to lecithotrophy. Elongation of the nucleus and development of asymmetry are seen in several of the few known examples of ent-aquasperm. Whether modifications are related to transfer or to other features, such as lecithotrophy, is uncertain. 8. Evident multiple origins of polychaete introsperm contraindicate their value in establishing relationship between families, in contrast with their utility in groups such as decapod crustacea. 9. At the intrafamilial level polychaete introsperm have taxonomic and phylogenetic value, as seen in the Spionidae, Capitellidae, and Histriobdellidae, and are distinctive of each of these and other families. 10. At higher taxonomic levels, the ultrastructure of the sperm of the oligochaetoid Questidae distinguishes this family from euclitellates, each class of which has its own distinctive subtype of the euclitellate introsperm. 11.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)





