
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The invasion of Ukraine and military operations around Ukrainian nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities have prompted us to search for radiocaesium in mosses from the Kopački Rit Nature Park in Croatia, since mosses are known bioindicators of airborne radioactive pollution, and Kopački Rit is a known low radiocaesium background area. Sampling was finished in August 2023, and our analysis found no elevated radiocaesium levels. Kopački Rit therefore remains a suitable place for future detection of anthropogenic radioactive pollutants.
    Invazija na Ukrajinu i vojne operacije oko ukrajinskih nuklearnih elektrana i drugih nuklearnih postrojenja potaknule su nas da potražimo radiocezij u mahovinama u Parku prirode Kopački rit, jer su mahovine poznati bioindikatori radioaktivnog onečišćenja zraka, a Kopački je rit poznat po niskoj razini onečišćenja radiocezijem. Uzorkovanje je završeno u kolovozu 2023. Naša analiza nije otkrila povišene razine radiocezija. Kopački rit stoga ostaje pogodno mjesto za buduću detekciju antropogenog radioaktivnog onečišćenja.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study considers the exposure of the population of the most contaminated Gomel and Mogilev Oblasts in Belarus to prolonged sources of irradiation resulting from the Chernobyl accident. Dose reconstruction methods were developed and applied in this study to estimate the red bone-marrow doses (RBMs) from (i) external irradiation from gamma-emitting radionuclides deposited on the ground and (ii) 134Cs, 137Cs and 90Sr ingestion with locally produced foodstuffs. The mean population-weighted RBM doses accumulated during 35 years after the Chernobyl accident were 12 and 5.7 mGy for adult residents in Gomel and Mogilev Oblasts, respectively, while doses for youngest age groups were 20-40% lower. The highest mean area-specific RBM doses for adults accumulated in 1986-2021 were 63, 56 and 46 mGy in Narovlya, Vetka and Korma raions in Gomel Oblast, respectively. For most areas, external irradiation was the predominant pathway of exposure (60-70% from the total dose), except for areas with an extremely high aggregated 137Cs soil to cow\'s milk transfer coefficient (≥ 5.0 Bq L-1 per kBq m-2), where the contribution of 134Cs and 137Cs ingestion to the total RBM dose was more than 70%. The contribution of 90Sr intake to the total RBM dose did not exceed 4% for adults and 10% for newborns in most raion in Gomel and Mogilev Oblasts. The validity of the doses estimated in this study was assessed by comparison with doses obtained from measurements by thermoluminescence dosimeters and whole-body counters done in 1987-2015. The methodology developed in this study can be used to calculate doses to target organs other than RBM such as thyroid and breast doses. The age-dependent and population-weighted doses estimated in this study are useful for ecological epidemiological studies, for projection of radiation risk, and for justification of analytical epidemiological studies in populations exposed to Chernobyl fallout.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2016, the European Commission\'s Joint Research Centre organised an interlaboratory comparison exercise on the measurement of 137Cs, 134Cs and 131I in air filters. The exercise was conducted in the frame of the MetroERM EMRP project with code ENV57. This paper describes the context of the interlaboratory measurement comparison, the technical implementation, the air filter measurements performed by the participating laboratories and finally the evaluation of the comparison results. The intercomparison exercise results are such that 56 out of the 67 laboratories (i.e. 84%) reported values within the ±20% range of the reference value for both the 137Cs and 134Cs. The evaluation of the performance of the laboratories on 131I was complicated and the details are explained. Nevertheless, 20 (30%) laboratories reported results for 131I with a percentage difference from the reference value within the ±20% range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes) cultivated on bed-log are known to accumulate radiocaesium. Since the Fukushima-Diichi nuclear power plant accident (2011), the violation rate has been higher for log-cultivated shiitake than that for agricultural products or other foodstuffs. When testing shiitake mushrooms for radionuclide contamination, the validation of the sampling plan can be severely compromised by the heterogeneous contamination within shiitake lots. Currently, few data are available on the statistical properties of the radiocaesium contamination of log-cultivated shiitake. In this paper, shiitake lots contaminated by radiocaesium were identified and the distribution of the radiocaesium concentration within the lots investigated. The risk of misclassifying shiitake lots was predicted from the operating characteristic curve generated from Monte Carlo simulations and the performance of various sampling plans was evaluated. This study provides useful information for deciding on an acceptable level of misclassification risk.





