
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rabies continues to be a serious threat to global public health endangering people\'s health and public health safety. In the People\'s Republic of China, multi-sectoral and comprehensive prevention and control strategies have aimed to extensively curb human rabies transmission. Here, we examine the current state of rabies infection in China, explore strategic interventions put in place in response to WHO\'s ambition of \"Zero rabies deaths by 2030\" and critically assess the constraints and feasibility of dog-mediated rabies elimination in China.
    METHODS: This study analyzed and evaluated the process towards dog-mediated rabies elimination in China from five perspectives: namely, human, dog, policy, challenge, and prospects. Evidence-based data on progress of dog-mediated rabies elimination in China was derived from a number of sources; a literature search was undertaken using PubMed, Web of Science and CNKI databases, distribution data for human rabies cases as derived from the Data-center of the China Public Health Science and policy and document data were obtained from official websites of the relevant China ministries and commissions.
    RESULTS: The incidence of human rabies cases in China have shown a downward trend year-on-year since 2007. Implementation of a government-led, multi-sectoral \"One Health\" approach to combating rabies has driven down the total number of rabies deaths nationwide to around 200 in 2020. The number of provincial-level administrative divisions (PLADs) reporting human cases of rabies has also decreased to 21 in 2020, 13 of which reported less than 10 cases. Furthermore, the number of outpatient visits seeking rabies post-exposure prophylaxis has risen dramatically over the past two decades, with demand being 15 times higher than it was initially. There remain however, significant gaps in rabies elimination outcomes across the different regions of China. To date the target of achieving a canine rabies vaccination rate of > 75% has not been met. The challenges of rabies immunization of dogs and dog management in underdeveloped cities and rural areas need to be addressed together with more effective animal surveillance and rabies risk from and too wildlife and livestock.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Chinese government-led, multi-sectoral \"One Health\" approach to combating rabies and has made significant progress over the past decade. Development and adoption of more cost-effective One Health strategies can achieve more nationally beneficial rabies elimination outcomes. The ambitious target of \"Zero rabies deaths by 2030\" can be met through establishment of long-lasting herd immunity in dogs by means of dog mass vaccination campaigns, dog population management, epidemiological surveillance and the application of large-scale oral rabies vaccine to eliminate rabies in wild animals coupled with deployment of cost-effective human post-exposure prophylaxis, and community education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in temperature and salinity of the marine environment fluctuate continuously, and the effects of these changes on shellfish survival are significant. In this study, the survival rate of adult Asian green mussels (Perna viridis) was measured after short-term treatments (7 days) for a range of temperature (20 °C, 25 °C, 30 °C) and salinity (23‱, 28‱, 33‱). The digestive (amylase, lipase, trypsin and pepsin activities) and antioxidant performance (SOD and GPX gene expression; SOD, GPX and CAT activities; GSH and MDA Concentration) were measured and MANOVA results were obtained using a generalized linear model between certain factors (temperature (T), salinity (S) and temperature × salinity (T × S)) and survival rate. Both T and T × S significantly affected the survival rate of Asian green mussels. The overall relationship between the survival rate of P. viridis and T and S within the experimental range can be summarised by the equation: ln(Survival rate) = 54.9282 - 2.5627 × T - 3.6180 × S + 0.1857 × T × S + 0.0156 × T2 + 0.0520 × S2 - 0.0012 × T2 × S - 0.0023 × T × S2. The optimal temperature-salinity combination was 23.698 °C/30.760‱. T, S and T × S all had a significant impact on amylase and lipase activities of Asian green mussels. In the hepatopancreas, gill, mantle, adductor muscle, gonad and foot tissues of Asian green mussel, the SOD and GPX gene expression were responsive to temperature-salinity changes. The antioxidant performance of the combinations far from the optimal temperature-salinity combination were significantly improved. Our results suggest that combined temperature and salinity effects have a regular impact on the survival of Asian green mussels and that there is a link between survival and digestive and antioxidant performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In thermally extreme environments, it is challenging for organisms to maximize performance due to risks associated with stochastic variation in temperature and, subsequently, over evolutionary time minimizing the exposure to risk can serve as one of the mechanisms that result in organisms preferring suboptimal temperatures. We tested this hypothesis in a slow-moving intertidal snail on tropical rocky shores, where temperature variability increases with time from 30 min to 20 hr when recorded at 30 min intervals (due to short-term environmental autocorrelation where temperatures closer in time are more similar as compared to temperatures over a long period of time). Failure to accommodate temporal variation in thermal stress by selecting cool habitats can result in mortality. Thermal performance curves for different traits (heart rate and locomotion) were measured and compared to the snail\'s thermal preferences in both the field and laboratory. Predicted performances of the snails were simulated based on thermal performance curves for different traits over multiple time-scales and simulated carryover effects. A strong mismatch was found between physiological and behavioural thermal maxima of the snails (physiological thermal maximum being higher by ~7°C), but the snails avoided these maxima and sought temperatures 7-14°C cooler. Such a risk-averse strategy can be explained by their predicted performances where the snails should make decisions about preferred temperatures based on time periods ≥5 hr to avoid underestimating the temporal variation in body temperature. In extreme and stochastic environments, where the temporal variation in environmental conditions can lead to substantial divergence between instantaneous and time-averaged thermal performances, \'cooler is better\' and \'suboptimal\' body temperatures are preferred as they provide sufficient buffer to reduce mortality risk from heat stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temperature is considered to be the main factor controlling the growth and eco-distribution of seagrasses. In this study, the joint effects of temperature (27, 24, 21, 18 and 15 °C) combined with three light intensities (0, 200 and 800 μmol m-2 s-1) on chlorophyll fluorescence and activities of antioxidative enzymes were examined for three tropical seagrasses Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemperichii and Cymodocea rotundata. The results showed that low temperature could damage the PSII donor side, PSII reaction centers and end electron acceptor pool, thereby directly injured their photosynthetic performance. Furthermore, the lower the temperature and the higher the light intensity, the greater the damage incurred. The antioxidant defense system of seagrass cannot sufficiently counter low temperature stress (for temperatures below 21 °C) under high light. These results help explain why the ecological distribution of these three tropical seagrasses is limited to the low tidal coastal area of warm tropical regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MP < 5 mm) are eroding oceanic health and coastal development at a planetary scale. Coastlines in Southeast Asia (SEA) are plagued with plastic litters, but how MP are dispersed within SEA region is poorly understood, which can vary dramatically under the tropical climate. We systematically quantified MP in equatorial Singapore, to assess how prevailing Monsoons and other factors impact MP distributions in beaches and mangroves. Data highlighted spatial preponderance differed broadly by seasons (p < 0.05) and were strongly modulated by wind speediness (p < 0.05; r = 0.6-0.7) and promoted transboundary migrations of MP. Conversely, an inverse relationship existed between sediment MP and rainfall (r = -0.54) possibly due to re-entrainment of surficial MP. Elevated concentrations in mangrove\'s compartments (p < 0.05) suggest effective repository hotspots. Coastal MP consisted assorted morphologies and commonest polymers including 34% polypropylene (PP), 26% polyethelene (PE), and 23% Low Density PE. Further comparisons revealed coastal MP in Singapore accelerated by two orders of magnitude since 2014, implying cumulative pollution which is not reversible. We synthesized the first seasonal coastal MP report in SEA which is useful for source apportionment, prediction study, and mitigation planning under tropical circumstances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant functional traits often show strong latitudinal trends. To explain these trends, studies have often focused on environmental variables, correlations with other traits that themselves show latitudinal trends, and phylogenetic conservatism. However, few studies have systematically disentangled the relative contributions of these factors. Using a dataset consisting of 9,370 plant species from Southwest China, we investigated factors affecting fruit type (fleshy vs. dry): plant growth form, environmental constraints (summarized by climate region), and phylogenetic conservatism. Growth form and climate region are often cited in the literature as important explanations for the higher proportion of fleshy fruited species in the tropics. Nonetheless, in our analyses using partial R2 , growth form and climate region explained only 1.7% and 0.3%, respectively, of the variance in fruit type in a model including phylogeny, while phylogenetic conservatism explained 79.5%. Furthermore, phylogenetic conservatism was evenly distributed along the phylogeny, implying that fruit type reflects both ancient and recent phylogenetic relationships. Our findings illustrate the value of parsing out the contributions of explanatory variables and phylogeny to the variance in species\' traits. Methods using phylogenies that calculate partial R2 give a more informative tool than traditional methods to explore the phylogenetic patterns of functional traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An increasingly urbanized world is one of the most prominent examples of global environmental change. Across the globe, urban parks are designed and managed in a similar way, resulting in visually pleasing expansions of lawn interspersed with individually planted trees of varying appearances and functional traits. These large urban greenspaces have the capacity to provide various ecosystem services, including those associated with soil physicochemical properties. Our aim was to explore whether soil properties in urban parks diverge underneath vegetation producing labile or recalcitrant litter, and whether the impact is affected by climatic zone (from a boreal to temperate to tropical city). We also compared these properties to those in (semi)natural forests outside the cities to assess the influence of urbanization on plant-trait effects. We showed that vegetation type affected percentage soil organic matter (OM), total carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N), but inconsistently across climatic zones. Plant-trait effects were particularly weak in old parks in the boreal and temperate zones, whereas in young parks in these zones, soils underneath the two tree types accumulated significantly more OM, C and N compared to lawns. Within climatic zones, anthropogenic drivers dominated natural ones, with consistently lower values of organic-matter-related soil properties under trees producing labile or recalcitrant litter in parks compared to forests. The dominating effect of urbanization is also reflected in its ability to homogenize soil properties in parks across the three cities, especially in lawn soils and soils under trees irrespective of functional trait. Our study demonstrates that soil functions that relate to carbon and nitrogen dynamics-even in old urban greenspaces where plant-soil interactions have a long history-clearly diverged from those in natural ecosystems, implying a long-lasting influence of anthropogenic drivers on soil ecosystem services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant architecture strongly influences ecological performance, yet its role in plant evolution has not been explored in depth. By testing both phylogenetic and environmental signals, it is possible to separate architectural traits into four categories: development constraints (phylogenetic signal only); convergences (environmental dependency only); key confluences to the environmental driver (both); unknown (neither). We analysed the evolutionary history of the genus Euphorbia, a model clade with both high architectural diversity and a wide environmental range. We conducted comparative analyses of 193 Euphorbia species world-wide using 73 architectural traits, a dated phylogeny, and climate data. We identified 14 architectural types in Euphorbia based on trait combinations. We found 22 traits and three types representing convergences under climate groups, 21 traits and four types showing phylogenetic signal but no relation to climate, and 16 traits and five types with both climate and phylogenetic signals. Major drivers of architectural trait evolution likely include water stress in deserts (selected for succulence, continuous branching), frost disturbance in temperate systems (selected for simple, prostrate, short-lived shoots) and light competition (selected for arborescence). Simple architectures allowed resilience to disturbance, and frequent transitions into new forms. Complex architectures with functional specialisation developed under stable climates but have low evolvability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transition from tropical to subtropical (warm temperate) evergreen forests is more clearly apparent in East Asia, from Nepal to the western Pacific coast, than elsewhere in the tropics. We review the nature of this transition and hypothesize the physical, ultimately climatic, factors that may maintain it, with a special focus on how the increasing instability and warming of climates will affect these forests. A primary climatic mediator of the transition is proposed, thereby offering a testable hypothesis for the climate-forest transition relationship. What is known of this transition is summarized in context of the primary climatic mediators of elevational zonation of forest formations in equatorial Asia to the tree line, in the Himalaya at the India-Indo-Burma northern tropical margin, and as both elevational and latitudinal zonation in southern China. Consequent secondary edaphic and other physical changes are described for the Himalaya, and hypothesized for southern China. The forest ecotones are seen to be primarily defined by tree floristic change, on which account changes in structure and physiognomy are determined. The montane tropical-subtropical transition in the Himalaya is narrow and observed to correlate with an as yet ill-defined frost line. A distinct tropical-subtropical transition forest is recognized in the southwest China mountains. There is a total change in canopy species at the Himalayan ecotone, but subcanopy tropical species persist along an elevational decline of c. 400 m. The latitudinal transition in South China is analogous, but here the tropical subcanopy component extends north over ten degrees latitude, albeit in decline. The tropical-subtropical transition is uniquely clear in East Asia because here alone a tropical wet summer-dry winter monsoon extends to 35° north latitude, encompassing the subtropical evergreen forest, whereas subtropical evergreen forests elsewhere exist under drier temperate summer climate regimes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vapour pressure deficit is a major driver of seasonal changes in transpiration, but photoperiod also modulates leaf responses. Climate warming might enhance transpiration by increasing atmospheric water demand and the length of the growing season, but photoperiod-sensitive species could show dampened responses. Here, we document that day length is a significant driver of the seasonal variation in stomatal conductance. We performed weekly gas exchange measurements across a common garden experiment with 12 oak species from contrasting geographical origins, and we observed that the influence of day length was of similar strength to that of vapour pressure deficit in driving the seasonal pattern. We then examined the generality of our findings by incorporating day-length regulation into well-known stomatal models. For both angiosperm and gymnosperm species, the models improved significantly when adding day-length dependences. Photoperiod control over stomatal conductance could play a large yet underexplored role on the plant and ecosystem water balances.





