
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nocardial mycetoma is a neglected tropical disease reported worldwide, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. It is ubiquitous in nature and is a soil-borne, gram-positive, filamentous, aerobic bacteria with acute angle branching. Traumatic inoculation in endemic areas is the primary mode of infection of this debilitating disease. The clinical triad of tumefaction, draining sinus, and pus discharge with granules is very much characteristic and specific for clinching the diagnosis of mycetoma. However, the painless nature of the primary skin lesion often makes the patient present late to the clinician, often in the advanced stages of the disease. Here, we present a very intriguing case report of a young female patient who presented with a single neck nodule but was later diagnosed as a case of nocardial mycetoma. Timely diagnosis and initiation of therapy proved to be a boon for the patient with almost complete recovery within a few weeks in the form of healed skin lesions and insignificant scarring.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant architecture strongly influences ecological performance, yet its role in plant evolution has not been explored in depth. By testing both phylogenetic and environmental signals, it is possible to separate architectural traits into four categories: development constraints (phylogenetic signal only); convergences (environmental dependency only); key confluences to the environmental driver (both); unknown (neither). We analysed the evolutionary history of the genus Euphorbia, a model clade with both high architectural diversity and a wide environmental range. We conducted comparative analyses of 193 Euphorbia species world-wide using 73 architectural traits, a dated phylogeny, and climate data. We identified 14 architectural types in Euphorbia based on trait combinations. We found 22 traits and three types representing convergences under climate groups, 21 traits and four types showing phylogenetic signal but no relation to climate, and 16 traits and five types with both climate and phylogenetic signals. Major drivers of architectural trait evolution likely include water stress in deserts (selected for succulence, continuous branching), frost disturbance in temperate systems (selected for simple, prostrate, short-lived shoots) and light competition (selected for arborescence). Simple architectures allowed resilience to disturbance, and frequent transitions into new forms. Complex architectures with functional specialisation developed under stable climates but have low evolvability.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Rash is a common chief complaint in the emergency room. Infection and pathogen colonization of the skin are among the most common causes of rash. Workers throughout the world are occupationally exposed to fungal species, increasing the likelihood of infection. Chromoblastomycosis is a common tropical infection found in workers exposed to the fungal species Fonsacaea and Cladophialophora. Although rarely seen in the United States, some cases of chromoblastomycosis have been reported. Presentations in immunocompetent patients primarily involve dermal infections. Long-term treatment is required to avoid complications related to untreated infection. Our case presents an elderly immunocompetent patient who emigrated from an endemic region in Asia and presented with chromoblastomycosis. This case highlights the importance of internists recognizing a locally rare but treatable condition.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background: Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease second to malaria in prevalence with significant morbidity and mortality. Although, Schistosomiasis can affect multiple organs, gallbladder involvement is very rarely reported. We present a case of isolated gallbladder schistosomiasis in a 20-year-old female presenting as gallbladder polyp radiologically and also correlated the histopathological findings which to our knowledge has never been reported in the English literature. A high index of suspicion should be made for considering Schistosomiasis when an individual hailing from endemic region presents with gallbladder pathologies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the baseline geochemistry of stream waters in a prospective mining area is the key to responsible life-of-mine planning and the protection of local rivers. This can be sometimes challenging due to the presence of abandoned mines, small scale mining, and geogenic sources of metals in the same area, particularly under a tropical humid climates with rivers carrying intermittently high solid loads. This study is focused on the Pula Bato, Danlag, Altayan, and Taplan Rivers in such a climatic setting in Philippines. The rivers are located in the vicinity of the Tampakan ore deposit. It was observed that elemental concentrations in water samples from Pula Bato were generally higher when compared to concentrations from Danlag, Taplan, and Altayan samples. In particular, SO42-, TDS, Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn present considerably higher concentrations in the water samples from Pula Bato. It was shown that water quality of Pula Bato is influenced by the natural weathering of sulphide minerals which is further enhanced by the small scale mining activities and old underground workings. The mining effects on the water of Pula Bato River were not apparent in the water of the Altayan due to the possible dilution of the uncontaminated water from Danlag River and sorption processes occurring during the course of contaminants transport. The geochemical indicators and water distinctions can be used in future for catchment-scale geochemical balance modelling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The understanding of factors affecting pesticide transfers to catchment outlet is still at a very early stage in tropical context, and especially on tropical volcanic context. We performed on-farm pesticide use surveys during 87 weeks and monitored pesticides in water weekly during 67 weeks at the outlet of a small catchment in Martinique. We identified three types of pollution. First, we showed long-term chronic pollution by chlordecone, diuron and metolachlor resulting from horticultural practices applied 5-20 years ago (quantification frequency higher than 80%). Second, we showed peak pollution. High amounts of propiconazole and fosthiazate applied at low frequencies caused river pollution peaks for weeks following a single application. Low amounts of diquat and diazinon applied at low frequencies also caused pollution peaks. The high amounts of glyphosate applied at high frequency resulted into pollution peaks by glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in 6 and 20% of the weeks. Any intensification of their uses will result in higher pollution levels. Third, relatively low amounts of glufosinate-ammonium, difenoconazol, spinosad and metaldehyde were applied at high frequencies. Unexpectedly, such pesticides remained barely detected (<1.5%) or undetected in water samples. We showed that AMPA, fosthiazate and propiconazole have serious leaching potential. They might result in future chronic pollution of shallow aquifers alimenting surface water. We prove that to avoid the past errors and decrease the risk of long-term pollution of water resources, it is urgent to reduce or stop the use of pesticides with leaching potential by changing agricultural practices.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Statistically speaking, Malawi has achieved the World Health Organisation\'s target for the elimination of leprosy (<1 case per 10 000 people), yet the disease is still considered a leading cause of long term physical disability. In this case study the authors discuss the presentation of a 39-year-old gentleman to a district hospital in Malawi with multibacillary, lepromatous leprosy. The condition was initially managed in the community as an \'allergy\' which suggests that local barriers currently hinder the detection of leprosy in this developing primary care system. Leprosy is a multi-system disease and this gentleman demonstrated evidence of lepromatous orchitis. Promoting an awareness of these systemic manifestations will increase the the detection of complications and circumvent long term morbidity. Efforts to optimise systems of detection, management and public and professional education are essential to drive eradication in these at-risk populations. At an international level, we must strive to fulfil the objectives outlined by the \'Enhanced Global Strategy for Further Reducing the Disease Burden due to Leprosy for 2011-2015\'. At a national level, local research should delineate community factors that impede the eradication of leprosy. Developing new diagnostic and epidemiologic tools, more efficacious chemoprophylactic regimens and vaccination for endemic regions would facilitate these efforts.






