
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arthrobotrys oligospora is a typical nematode-trapping (NT) fungus, which can secrete food cues to lure, capture, and digest nematodes by triggering the production of adhesive networks (traps). Based on genomic and proteomic analyses, multiple pathogenic genes and proteins involved in trap formation have been characterized; however, there are numerous uncharacterized genes that play important roles in trap formation. The functional studies of these unknown genes are helpful in systematically elucidating the complex interactions between A. oligospora and nematode hosts. In this study, we screened the gene AOL_s00004g24 (Ao4g24). This gene is similar to the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex, which was found to play a potential role in trap formation in our previous transcriptome analysis. Here, we characterized the function of Ao4g24 by gene disruption, phenotypic analysis, and metabolomics. The deletion of Ao4g24 led to a remarkable decrease in conidia yield, trap formation, and secondary metabolites. Meanwhile, the absence of Ao4g24 influenced the mitochondrial membrane potential, ATP content, autophagy, ROS level, and stress response. These results indicate that Ao4g24 has crucial functions in sporulation, trap formation, and pathogenicity in NT fungi. Our study provides a reference for understanding the role of unidentified genes in mycelium growth and trap formation in NT fungi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevalence of chicken coccidiosis in the poultry industry is a significant concern, further exacerbated by the emergence of drug-resistant coccidia resulting from the indiscriminate use of medications. Ethanamizuril, a novel triazine anti-coccidial compound, has been used to combat drug resistance. Currently, it is known that Ethanamizuril acts on the second-generation merozoites and early gametogenesis stages of Eimeria. Limited information exists regarding its impact on the early merozoites and exogenous stage of Eimeria. In the present study, the anti-coccidial properties of Ethanamizuril were evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. The in vitro experiments demonstrated that Ethanamizuril effectively inhibits the sporulation of E. tenella oocysts in a dose-dependent manner and significantly reduces the sporozoite excystation rate. Furthermore, in vivo tests revealed that treatment with 10 mg/L Ethanamizuril in drinking water significantly decreased the copy number of first-generation and secondary-generation merozoites in the chicken cecum, indicating that it can inhibit the development of whole schizonts development. Moreover, treatment with Ethanamizuril demonstrated excellent protective efficacy with an anti-coccidial index (ACI) of 180, which was manifested through higher body weight gains, lighter cecal lesion, lower fecal oocyst shedding score and reduced liver index. Collectively, this study suggests that Ethanamizuril effectively treats E. tenella infection by inhibiting both endogenous and exogenous stages development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sporulation as a typical bacterial differentiation process has been studied for decades. However, two crucial aspects of sporulation, (i) the energy sources supporting the process, and (ii) the maintenance of spore dormancy throughout sporulation, are scarcely explored. Here, we reported the crucial role of RocG-mediated glutamate catabolism in regulating mother cell lysis, a critical step for sporulation completion of Bacillus subtilis, likely by providing energy metabolite ATP. Notably, rocG overexpression resulted in an excessive ATP accumulation in sporulating cells, leading to adverse effects on future spore properties, e.g. increased germination efficiency, reduced DPA content, and lowered heat resistance. Additionally, we revealed that Ald-mediated alanine metabolism was highly related to the inhibition of premature germination and the maintenance of spore dormancy during sporulation, which might be achieved by decreasing the typical germinant L-alanine concentration in sporulating environment. Our data inferred that sporulation of B. subtilis was a highly orchestrated biological process requiring a delicate balance in diverse metabolic pathways, hence ensuring both the completion of sporulation and production of high-quality spores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clostridioides difficile is a leading cause of healthcare-associated infections, causing billions of economic losses every year. Its symptoms range from mild diarrhea to life-threatening damage to the colon. Transmission and recurrence of C. difficile infection (CDI) are mediated by the metabolically dormant spores, while the virulence of C. difficile is mainly due to the two large clostridial toxins, TcdA and TcdB. Producing toxins or forming spores are two different strategies for C. difficile to cope with harsh environmental conditions. It is of great significance to understand the molecular mechanisms for C. difficile to skew to either of the cellular processes. Here, we summarize the current understanding of the regulation and connections between toxin production and sporulation in C. difficile and further discuss the potential solutions for yet-to-be-answered questions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lasso peptide microcin J25 (MccJ25) possesses strong antibacterial properties and is considered a potential effective component of bacterial disease treatment drugs and safe food preservatives. Although MccJ25 can be heterologously expressed in Bacillus subtilis as we have previously reported, its regulation and accumulation are yet to be understood. Here, we investigated the expression level and stability of MccJ25 in B. subtilis strains with disruption in peptidase genes pepA, pepF, and pepT. Oligoendopeptidase F (PepF) was found to be involved in reduction of the production of MccJ25 by degradation of its precursor peptide. In the pepF mutant, the MccJ25 reached a concentration of 1.68 µM after a cultivation time exceeding 60 hours, while the wild-type strain exhibited a concentration of only 0.14 µM. Moreover, the production of MccJ25 in B. subtilis downregulated the genes associated with sporulation, and this may contribute to its accumulation. Finally, this study provides a strategy to improve the stability and production of MccJ25 in B. subtilis.
    OBJECTIVE: MccJ25 displays significant antibacterial activity, a well-defined mode of action, exceptional safety, and remarkable stability. Hence, it presents itself as a compelling candidate for an optimal antibacterial or anti-endotoxin medication. The successful establishment of exogenous production of MccJ25 in Bacillus subtilis provides a strategy for reducing its production cost and diversifying its utilization. In this study, we have provided evidence indicating that both peptidase PepF and sporulation are significant factors that limit the expression of MccJ25 in B. subtilis. The ΔpepF and ΔsigF mutants of B. subtilis express MccJ25 with higher production yield and enhanced stability. To sum up, this study developed several better engineered strains of B. subtilis, which greatly reduced the consumption of MccJ25 during the nutrient depletion stage of the host strain, improved its production, and elucidated factors that may be involved in reducing MccJ25 accumulation in B. subtilis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ramularia sphaeroidea was primarily identified based on the characteristics of its conidia and several sequences. The fungus causes severe leaf spot disease on hairy vetch (Vicia villosa var. glabrescens) in Yunnan Province in China. The growth, sporulation, fungicide efficacy, and host range of the pathogen were evaluated to aid in disease management. Different types of culture media and carbon and nitrogen sources were used to evaluate the growth of R. sphaeroidea. Oatmeal, maltose, and potassium nitrate agar had a higher amount of sporulation. Difenoconazole (10%) was the most effective fungicide against the leaf disease caused by R. sphaeroidea. In addition, foliar inoculation sprays were used to assess the host range of R. sphaeroidea in six different plant species, including alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.), erect milkvetch (Astragalus adsurgens Pall.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), and white clover (Trifolium repens L.). R. sphaeroidea successfully infected these plants, indicating that it has a wider host range than hairy vetches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fusarium sacchari, a key pathogen of sugarcane, is responsible for the Pokkah boeng disease (PBD) in China. The 14-3-3 proteins have been implicated in critical developmental processes, including dimorphic transition, signal transduction, and carbon metabolism in various phytopathogenic fungi. However, their roles are poorly understood in F. sacchari. This study focused on the characterization of two 14-3-3 protein-encoding genes, FsBmh1 and FsBmh2, within F. sacchari. Both genes were found to be expressed during the vegetative growth stage, yet FsBmh1 was repressed at the sporulation stage in vitro. To elucidate the functions of these genes, the deletion mutants ΔFsBmh1 and ΔFsBmh2 were generated. The ΔFsBmh2 exhibited more pronounced phenotypic defects, such as impaired hyphal branching, septation, conidiation, spore germination, and colony growth, compared to the ΔFsBmh1. Notably, both knockout mutants showed a reduction in virulence, with transcriptome analysis revealing changes associated with the observed phenotypes. To further investigate the functional interplay between FsBmh1 and FsBmh2, we constructed and analyzed mutants with combined deletion and silencing (ΔFsBmh/siFsBmh) as well as overexpression (O-FsBmh). The combinations of ΔFsBmh1/siFsBmh2 or ΔFsBmh2/siFsBmh1 displayed more severe phenotypes than those with single allele deletions, suggesting a functional redundancy between the two 14-3-3 proteins. Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) assays identified 20 proteins with pivotal roles in primary metabolism or diverse biological functions, 12 of which interacted with both FsBmh1 and FsBmh2. Three proteins were specifically associated with FsBmh1, while five interacted exclusively with FsBmh2. In summary, this research provides novel insights into the roles of FsBmh1 and FsBmh2 in F. sacchari and highlights potential targets for PBD management through the modulation of FsBmh functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potato common scab, an economically important disease worldwide, is caused by pathogenic Streptomyces strains mainly through the effects of thaxtomin. The cello-oligosaccharides binding protein CebE is proposed as a gateway to the pathogenic development of Streptomyces scabiei. In this study, two functional CebE encoding genes, GEO5601 and GEO7671, were identified in pathogenic Streptomyces sp. AMCC400023. With a higher binding affinity towards signal molecules, the deletion of GEO5601 severely impaired thaxtomin-producing capacity and reduced the strain\'s pathogenicity. Transcriptional analysis confirmed that CebE5601 is also responsible for the import and provision of carbon sources for cell growth. With lower binding affinity, the pathogenicity island (PAI)-localized CebE7671 may assume a new function of mediating the biological process of sporulation, given the significantly impaired formation of ΔGEO7671 spores. The mechanisms of action of CebE proteins unraveled in Streptomyces sp. AMCC400023 will help pave the way for more effective prevention of the potato common scab disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recovery of rare earth elements (REEs) from wastewater with Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) during culture is promising due to its environmental benefits. However, the effects of REEs in the culture media on B. subtilis are poorly understood. This study aims to investigate the effects of the terbium (Tb(III)), a typical rare earth element, on the cell growth, sporulation, and spore properties of B. subtilis. Tb(III) can suppress bacterial growth while enhancing spore tolerance to wet heat. Spore germination and content of dipicolinic acid (DPA) were promoted at low concentrations of Tb(III) while inhibited at a high level, but an inverse effect on initial sporulation appeared. Scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer detection indicated that Tb(III) complexed cells or spores and certain media components simultaneously. The germination results of the spores after elution revealed that Tb(III) attached to the spore surface was a key effector of spore germination. In conclusion, Tb(III) directly or indirectly regulated both the nutrient status of the media and certain metabolic events, which in turn affected most of the properties of B. subtilis. Compared to the coat-deficient strain, the wild-type strain grew faster and was more tolerant to Tb(III), DPA, and wet heat, which in turn implied that it was more suitable for the recovery of REEs during cultivation. These findings provide fundamental insights for the recovery of rare earths during the culture process using microorganisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Villosiclava virens (anamorph: Ustilaginoidea virens) is the pathogen of rice false smut (RFS), which is a destructive rice fungal disease. The albino strain LN02 is a natural white-phenotype mutant of V. virens due to its incapability to produce toxic ustilaginoidins. In this study, three strains including the normal strain P1, albino strain LN02, and complemented strain uvpks1C-1 of the LN02 strain were employed to investigate the activation of the ustilaginoidin biosynthesis gene uvpks1 in the albino strain LN02 to influence sporulation, conidia germination, pigment production, stress responses, and the inhibition of rice seed germination. The activation of the ustilaginoidin biosynthesis gene uvpks1 increased fungal tolerances to NaCl-induced osmotic stress, Congo-red-induced cell wall stress, SDS-induced cell membrane stress, and H2O2-induced oxidative stress. The activation of uvpks1 also increased sporulation, conidia germination, pigment production, and the inhibition of rice seed germination. In addition, the activation of uvpks1 was able to increase the mycelial growth of the V. virens albino strain LN02 at 23 °C and a pH from 5.5 to 7.5. The findings help in understanding the effects of the activation of uvpks1 in albino strain LN02 on development, pigment production, stress responses, and the inhibition of rice seed germination by controlling ustilaginoidin biosynthesis.





