
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing is an important post-transcriptional modification mediated by the adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADAR) family of enzymes, expanding the transcriptome by altering selected nucleotides A to I in RNA molecules. Recently, A-to-I editing has been explored for correcting disease-causing mutations in RNA using therapeutic guide oligonucleotides to direct ADAR editing at specific sites. Humans have two active ADARs whose preferences and specificities are not well understood. To investigate their substrate specificity, we introduced hADAR1 and hADAR2, respectively, into Schizosaccharomyces pombe (S. pombe), which lacks endogenous ADARs, and evaluated their editing activities in vivo. Using transcriptome sequencing of S. pombe cultured at optimal growth temperature (30 °C), we identified 483 A-to-I high-confident editing sites for hADAR1 and 404 for hADAR2, compared with the non-editing wild-type control strain. However, these sites were mostly divergent between hADAR1 and hADAR2-expressing strains, sharing 33 common sites that are less than 9% for each strain. Their differential specificity for substrates was attributed to their differential preference for neighboring sequences of editing sites. We found that at the -3-position relative to the editing site, hADAR1 exhibits a tendency toward T, whereas hADAR2 leans toward A. Additionally, when varying the growth temperature for hADAR1- and hADAR2-expressing strains, we observed increased editing sites for them at both 20 and 35 °C, compared with them growing at 30 °C. However, we did not observe a significant shift in hADAR1 and hADAR2\'s preference for neighboring sequences across three temperatures. The vast changes in RNA editing sites at lower and higher temperatures were also observed for hADAR2 previously in budding yeast, which was likely due to the influence of RNA folding at these different temperatures, among many other factors. We noticed examples of longer lengths of dsRNA around the editing sites that induced editing at 20 or 35 °C but were absent at the other two temperature conditions. We found genes\' functions can be greatly affected by editing of their transcripts, for which over 50% of RNA editing sites for both hADAR1 and hADAR2 in S. pombe were in coding sequences (CDS), with more than 60% of them resulting in amino acid changes in protein products. This study revealed the extensive differences in substrate selectivity between the two active human ADARS, i.e., ADAR1 and ADAR2, and provided novel insight when utilizing the two different enzymes for in vivo treatment of human genetic diseases using the RNA editing approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing recodes the genetic information. Apart from diversifying the proteome, another tempting advantage of RNA recoding is to correct deleterious DNA mutation and restore ancestral allele. Solid evidences for beneficial restorative editing are very rare in animals. By searching for \"convergent recoding\" under a phylogenetic context, we proposed this term for judging the potential restorative functions of particular editing site. For the well-known mammalian Gln>Arg (Q>R) recoding site, its ancestral state in vertebrate genomes was the pre-editing Gln, and all 470 available mammalian genomes strictly avoid other three equivalent ways to achieve Arg in protein. The absence of convergent recoding from His>Arg, or synonymous mutations on Gln codons, could be attributed to the strong maintenance on editing motif and structure, but the absence of direct A-to-G mutation is extremely unexpected. With similar ideas, we found cases of convergent recoding in Drosophila genus, reducing the possibility of their restorative function. In summary, we defined an interesting scenario of convergent recoding, the occurrence of which could be used as preliminary judgements for whether a recoding site has a sole restorative role. Our work provides novel insights to the natural selection and evolution of RNA editing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing recodes the genome and confers flexibility for the organisms to adapt to the environment. It is believed that RNA recoding sites are well suited for facilitating adaptive evolution by increasing the proteomic diversity in a temporal-spatial manner. The function and essentiality of a few conserved recoding sites are recognized. However, the experimentally discovered functional sites only make up a small corner of the total sites, and there is still the need to expand the repertoire of such functional sites with bioinformatic approaches. In this study, we define a new category of RNA editing sites termed \'conserved editing with non-conserved recoding\' and systematically identify such sites in Drosophila editomes, figuring out their selection pressure and signals of adaptation at inter-species and intra-species levels. Surprisingly, conserved editing sites with non-conserved recoding are not suppressed and are even slightly overrepresented in Drosophila. DNA mutations leading to such cases are also favoured during evolution, suggesting that the function of those recoding events in different species might be diverged, specialized, and maintained. Finally, structural prediction suggests that such recoding in potassium channel Shab might increase ion permeability and compensate the effect of low temperature. In conclusion, conserved editing with non-conserved recoding might be functional as well. Our study provides novel aspects in considering the adaptive evolution of RNA editing sites and meanwhile expands the candidates of functional recoding sites for future validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Metazoan adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing resembles A-to-G mutation and increases proteomic diversity in a temporal-spatial manner, allowing organisms adapting to changeable environment. The RNA editomes in many major animal clades remain unexplored, hampering the understanding on the evolution and adaptation of this essential post-transcriptional modification.
    METHODS: We assembled the chromosome-level genome of Coridius chinensis belonging to Hemiptera, the fifth largest insect order where RNA editing has not been studied yet. We generated ten head RNA-Seq libraries with DNA-Seq from the matched individuals.
    RESULTS: We identified thousands of high-confidence RNA editing sites in C. chinensis. Overrepresentation of nonsynonymous editing was observed, but conserved recoding across different orders was very rare. Under cold stress, the global editing efficiency was down-regulated and the general transcriptional processes were shut down. Nevertheless, we found an interesting site with \"conserved editing but non-conserved recoding\" in potassium channel Shab which was significantly up-regulated in cold, serving as a candidate functional site in response to temperature stress.
    CONCLUSIONS: RNA editing in C. chinensis largely recodes the proteome. The first RNA editome in Hemiptera indicates independent origin of beneficial recoding during insect evolution, which advances our understanding on the evolution, conservation, and adaptation of RNA editing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding phylogenetic relationships among species is essential for many biological studies, which call for an accurate phylogenetic tree to understand major evolutionary transitions. The phylogenetic analyses present a major challenge in estimation accuracy and computational efficiency, especially recently facing a wave of severe emerging infectious disease outbreaks. Here, we introduced a novel, efficient framework called Bases-dependent Rapid Phylogenetic Clustering (Bd-RPC) for new sample placement for viruses. In this study, a brand-new recoding method called Frequency Vector Recoding was implemented to approximate the phylogenetic distance, and the Phylogenetic Simulated Annealing Search algorithm was developed to match the recoded distance matrix with the phylogenetic tree. Meanwhile, the indel (insertion/deletion) was heuristically introduced to foreign sequence recognition for the first time. Here, we compared the Bd-RPC with the recent placement software (PAGAN2, EPA-ng, TreeBeST) and evaluated it in Alphacoronavirus, Alphaherpesvirinae, and Betacoronavirus by using Split and Robinson-Foulds distances. The comparisons showed that Bd-RPC maintained the highest precision with great efficiency, demonstrating good performance in new sample placement on all three virus genera. Finally, a user-friendly website ( is available for users to classify new samples instantly and facilitate exploration of the phylogenetic research in viruses, and the Bd-RPC is available on GitHub (






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adaptiveness of nonsynonymous RNA editing (recoding) could be conferred by the flexibility of the temporal-spatially controllable proteomic diversity, or by its restorative effect which fixes unfavorable genomic mutations at the RNA level. These two complementary hypotheses, namely, the diversifying hypothesis and the restorative hypothesis, have distinct predictions on the landscape of RNA editing sites. We collected the chloroplast C-to-U RNA editomes of 21 vascular plants (11 angiosperms, four gymnosperms, and six ferns) from a previous study, aiming to testify whether the plant editomes typically conform to the restorative hypothesis. All predictions made by the restorative hypothesis are verified: (i) nonsynonymous editing sites are more frequent and have higher editing levels than synonymous sites; (ii) nonsynonymous editing levels are extremely high and show weak tissue-specificity in plants; (iii) on the inferred genomic sites with recent T-to-C mutations, nonsynonymous sites but not synonymous sites are compensated by C-to-U RNA editing. In conclusion, nonsynonymous C-to-U RNA editing in plants is adaptive due to its restorative effects. The recoding levels are high and are constantly required across the whole plant so that the recoding events could perfectly mimic DNA mutations. The evolutionary significance of plant RNA editing is systematically demonstrated at the genome-wide level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome synthesis endows scientists the ability of de novo creating genomes absent in nature, by thorough redesigning DNA sequences and introducing numerous custom features. However, the genome synthesis is a labor- and time-consuming work, and thus it is a challenge to verify and quantify the synthetic genome rapidly and precisely. Thus, specific DNA sequences different from native genomic sequences are designed into synthetic genomes during synthesis, namely genomic markers. Genomic markers can be easily detected by PCR reaction, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and a variety of methods to identify the synthetic genome from native one. Here, we review types and applications of genomic markers utilized in synthetic genomes, with the hope of providing a guidance for future works.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism that converts adenosines to inosines in metazoans\' transcriptomes. However, the landscapes of editomes have considerably changed during evolution. Here, we review some of our current knowledge of A-to-I editing in the metazoan transcriptomes, focusing on the possible evolutionary driving forces underlying the editing events. First, we review the evolution of ADAR gene family in animals. Then, we summarize the recent advances in characterizing the editomes of various metazoan species. Next, we highlight several factors contributing to the interspecies differences in editomes, including variations in copy number and expression patterns of ADAR genes, the differences in genomic architectures and contents, and the differences in the efficacy of natural selection. After that, we review the possible diversifying and restorative effects of the editing (recoding) events that change the protein sequences. Finally, we discuss the possible convergent evolution of RNA editing in distantly related clades. This article is categorized under: RNA Evolution and Genomics > RNA and Ribonucleoprotein Evolution RNA Processing > RNA Editing and Modification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Internet of Things (IoT) connects billions of everyday objects to the Internet. The mobility of devices can be facilitated by means of employing multiple wireless links. However, packet loss is a common phenomenon in wireless communications, where the traditional forwarding strategy undergoes severe performance issues in a multi-hop wireless network. One solution is to apply batched sparse (BATS) codes. A fundamental difference from the traditional strategy is that BATS codes require the intermediate network nodes to perform recoding, which generates recoded packets by network coding operations. Literature showed that advanced recoding schemes and burst packet loss can enhance and diminish the performance of BATS codes respectively. However, the existing protocols for BATS codes cannot handle both of them at the same time. In this paper, we propose a paradigm of protocol design for BATS codes. Our design can be applied in different layers of the network stack and it is compatible to the existing network infrastructures. The modular nature of the protocol can support different recoding techniques and different ways to handle burst packet loss. We also give some examples to demonstrate how to use the protocol.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The course of male development of implicit gender attitudes between young age (N = 30, age 17-26 years) and old age (N = 34, age 56-78 years) was investigated. The findings demonstrated that younger males had a stronger implicit preference for females relative to males than did older participants, shedding light on the nature of age differences in gender attitudes in regard to implicit measures. Although younger and older participants demonstrated different levels of gender bias on an implicit association test (IAT), the application of the ReAL model [Meissner, F., & Rothermund, K. (2013). Estimating the contributions of associations and recoding in the implicit association test: The ReAL model for the IAT. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(1), 45-69.] showed that evaluative associations of both female and male were activated at equivalent levels among both the young and old age groups, but younger males were more able to recode the female gender and a positive evaluation into common categories. Thus, the differences in attitudinal responses between younger and older males exaggerated the differences in the underlying evaluative associations with respect to gender and concealed the differences in recoding processes. These findings have important implications for the measurement and interpretation of implicit gender attitudes.





