plant reproduction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate sensing and responding to physical microenvironment are crucial for cell function and survival, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Pollen tube (PT) provides a perfect single-cell model for studying mechanobiology since it\'s naturally subjected to complex mechanical instructions from the pistil during invasive growth. Recent reports have revealed discrepant PT behaviors between in vivo and flat, two-dimensional in vitro cultures. Here, we established the Stigma-style-transmitting tract (TT) Physical microenvironment Assay (SPA) to recapitulate pressure changes in the pistil. This biomimetic assay has enabled us to swiftly identify highly redundant genes, GEF8/9/11/12/13, as new regulators for maintaining PTs integrity during style-to-TT emergence. In contrast to normal growth on solid medium, SPA successfully phenocopied gef8/9/11/12/13 PT in vivo growth-arrest deficiency. Our results suggest the existence of distinct signaling pathways regulating in vivo and in vitro PT integrity maintenance, underscoring the necessity of faithfully mimicking the physical microenvironment for studying plant cell biology.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Juniperus przewalskii (the Qilian juniper) is a dominant species in the northeast region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. As such, it is of great significance for maintaining the balance and long-term stability of the ecosystem in this biodiversity hotspot. In this paper, we review the literature related to J. przewalskii published in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Web of Science. Here, we summarize the main research achievements with regard to this species from ten aspects: tree morphology and phenology, population structure and life history, radial growth and climate response, tree-ring chronology-based history reconstruction, soil physical and chemical properties, chemical composition and activity, physiological ecology, biogeography, breeding and propagation techniques, and occurrence and control of diseases and pests. Considering the ecological importance and research value of J. przewalskii, as well as the shrinking population size, we discuss future research prospects and directions for the conservation of J. przewalskii from four aspects: global climate change, human disturbance, tree regeneration, and pest control. This work provides an important reference for conservation studies of alpine tree species in other biodiversity hotspots around the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Explosive advances have been made in the molecular understanding of pollen-pistil interactions that underlie reproductive success in flowering plants in the past three decades. Among the most notable is the discovery of pollen tube attractants [1∗,2∗]. The roles these molecules play in facilitating conspecific precedence thus promoting interspecific genetic isolation are also emerging [3-5]. Male-female interactions during the prezygotic phase and contributions from the male and female gametophytes have been comprehensively reviewed recently. Here, we focus on key advances in understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of how these interactions overcome barriers at various pollen-pistil interfaces along the pollen tube growth pathway to facilitate fertilization by desirable mates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of male and female gametophytes is a prerequisite for successful propagation of angiosperms. The small GTPases RAN play fundamental roles in numerous cellular processes. Although RAN GTPases have been characterized in plants, their roles in cellular processes are far from understood. We report here that RAN GTPases in Arabidopsis are critical for gametophytic development. RAN1 loss-of-function showed no defects in gametophytic development likely due to redundancy. However, the expression of a dominant negative or constitutively active RAN1 resulted in gametophytic lethality. Genetic interference of RAN GTPases caused the arrest of pollen mitosis I and of mitosis of functional megaspores, implying a key role of properly regulated RAN activity in mitosis during gametophytic development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Honeybees play a significant role in the plant-pollinator interactions of many flowering plants. The ecological and evolutionary consequences of plant-pollinator interactions vary by geographic region, and the effects of honeybees on the reproduction of toxic plants have not been well studied. We measured the florescence of toxic plants, the flower-visiting behaviour of honeybees and the effects of pollination on the fertility, weight and moisture content of seeds. The effects of climatic factors on the number of flowers, and the spatial and temporal variation in pollinator visits were evaluated, and the effects of pollinator visits on seed quality were evaluated. Flower visitors were diverse, climatic factors had a great impact on spatio-temporal flowering variation and the number of bee visits was strongly correlated with the spatio-temporal variation in the number of flowers. Honeybees strongly increase the fullness and weight of seeds. Our study demonstrated a good ecological fit between the spatio-temporal variation in the flowering of toxic plants and the general validity of honeybee pollination syndrome in the south of Hengduan Mountains in East Asia. A linear relationship between honeybee visitation and plant reproduction can benefit the stabilization of plant reproduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alpine and polar regions are predicted to be among the most vulnerable to changes in temperature, precipitation, and nutrient availability. We carried out a seven-year factorial experiment with warming and nutrient addition in two alpine vegetation communities. We analyzed the relationship between fruit production and monthly mean, maximum, and min temperatures during the fall of the pre-fruiting year, the fruiting summer, and the whole fruit production period, and measured the effects of precipitation and growing and thawing degree days (GDD & TDD) on fruit production. Nutrient addition (heath: 27.88 ± 3.19 fold change at the end of the experiment; meadow: 18.02 ± 4.07) and combined nutrient addition and warming (heath: 20.63 ± 29.34 fold change at the end of the experiment; meadow: 18.21 ± 16.28) increased total fruit production and fruit production of graminoids. Fruit production of evergreen and deciduous shrubs fluctuated among the treatments and years in both the heath and meadow. Pre-maximum temperatures had a negative effect on fruit production in both communities, while current year maximum temperatures had a positive impact on fruit production in the meadow. Pre-minimum, pre-mean, current mean, total minimum, and total mean temperatures were all positively correlated with fruit production in the meadow. The current year and total precipitation had a negative effect on the fruit production of deciduous shrubs in the heath. GDD had a positive effect on fruit production in both communities, while TDD only impacted fruit production in the meadow. Increased nutrient availability increased fruit production over time in the high alpine plant communities, while experimental warming had either no effect or a negative effect. Deciduous shrubs were the most sensitive to climate parameters in both communities, and the meadow was more sensitive than the heath. The difference in importance of TDD for fruit production may be due to differences in snow cover in the two communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Significant gaps remain in understanding the response of plant reproduction to environmental change. This is partly because measuring reproduction in long-lived plants requires direct observation over many years and such datasets have rarely been made publicly available. Here we introduce MASTREE+, a data set that collates reproductive time-series data from across the globe and makes these data freely available to the community. MASTREE+ includes 73,828 georeferenced observations of annual reproduction (e.g. seed and fruit counts) in perennial plant populations worldwide. These observations consist of 5971 population-level time-series from 974 species in 66 countries. The mean and median time-series length is 12.4 and 10 years respectively, and the data set includes 1122 series that extend over at least two decades (≥20 years of observations). For a subset of well-studied species, MASTREE+ includes extensive replication of time-series across geographical and climatic gradients. Here we describe the open-access data set, available as a.csv file, and we introduce an associated web-based app for data exploration. MASTREE+ will provide the basis for improved understanding of the response of long-lived plant reproduction to environmental change. Additionally, MASTREE+ will enable investigation of the ecology and evolution of reproductive strategies in perennial plants, and the role of plant reproduction as a driver of ecosystem dynamics.
    Aún existen importantes vacíos en la comprensión de la respuesta reproductiva de las plantas al cambio medioambiental, en parte, porque su monitoreo en especies de plantas longevas requiere una observación directa durante muchos años, y estos conjuntos de datos rara vez han estado disponibles. Aquí presentamos a MASTREE +, una base de datos que recopila series de tiempo de la reproducción de las plantas de todo el planeta, poniendo a disposición estos datos de libre acceso para la comunidad científica. MASTREE + incluye 73.828 puntos de observación de la reproducción anual georreferenciados (ej. conteos de semillas y frutos) en poblaciones de plantas perennes en todo el mundo. Estas observaciones consisten en 5971 series temporales a nivel de población provenientes de 974 especies en 66 países. La mediana de la duración de las series de tiempo es de 10 años (media = 12.4 años) y el conjunto de datos incluye 1.122 series de al menos dos décadas (≥20 años de observaciones). Para un subconjunto de especies bien estudiadas, MASTREE +incluye un amplio conjunto de series temporales replicadas en gradientes geográficos y climáticos. Describimos el conjunto de datos de acceso abierto disponible como un archivo.csv y presentamos una aplicación web asociada para la exploración de datos. MASTREE+ proporcionará la base para mejorar la comprensión sobre la respuesta reproductiva de plantas longevas al cambio medioambiental. Además, MASTREE+ facilitará los avances en la investigación de la ecología y la evolución de las estrategias reproductivas en plantas perennes y el papel de la reproducción vegetal como determinante de la dinámica de ecosistemas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autophagy is a mechanism by which damaged or unwanted cells are degraded and their constituents recycled. Over the past decades, research focused on autophagy has expanded from yeast to mammals and plants, and the core machinery regulating autophagy appears to be conserved. In plants, autophagy has essential roles in responses to stressful conditions and also contributes to normal development, especially in the context of reproduction. Here, based on recent efforts to understand the roles and molecular mechanisms underlying autophagy, we highlight the specific roles of autophagy in plant reproduction and provide new insights for further studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change is having major impacts on alpine and arctic regions, and inter-annual variations in temperature are likely to increase. How increased climate variability will impact plant reproduction is unclear.
    In a 4-year study on fruit production by an alpine plant community in northern Sweden, we applied three warming regimes: (1) a static level of warming with open-top chambers (OTC), (2) press warming, a yearly stepwise increase in warming, and (3) pulse warming, a single-year pulse event of higher warming. We analyzed the relationship between fruit production and monthly temperatures during the budding period, fruiting period, and whole fruit production period and the effect of winter and summer precipitation on fruit production.
    Year and treatment had a significant effect on total fruit production by evergreen shrubs, Cassiope tetragona, and Dryas octopetala, with large variations between treatments and years. Year, but not treatment, had a significant effect on deciduous shrubs and graminoids, both of which increased fruit production over the 4 years, while forbs were negatively affected by the press warming, but not by year. Fruit production was influenced by ambient temperature during the previous-year budding period, current-year fruiting period, and whole fruit production period. Minimum and average temperatures were more important than maximum temperature. In general, fruit production was negatively correlated with increased precipitation.
    These results indicate that predicted increased climate variability and increased precipitation due to climate change may affect plant reproductive output and long-term community dynamics in alpine meadow communities.






