interspecies transmission

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group A rotaviruses (RVAs) are major causes of severe gastroenteritis in infants and young animals. To enhance our understanding of the relationship between human and animals RVAs, complete genome data are necessary. We screened 92 intestinal and stool samples from diarrheic piglets by RT‒PCR targeting the VP6 gene, revealing a prevalence of 10.9%. RVA was confirmed in two out of 5 calf samples. We successfully isolated two porcine samples using MA104 cell line. The full-length genetic constellation of the two isolates were determined to be G9-P[23]-I5-R1-C1-M1-A8-N1-T7-E1-H1, with close similarity to human Wa-like and porcine strains. Sequence analysis revealed the majority of genes were closely related to porcine and human RVAs. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that these isolates might have their ancestral origin from pigs, although some of their gene segments were related to human strains. This study reveals evidence of reassortment and possible interspecies transmission between pigs and humans in China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel pangolin-origin MERS-like coronavirus (CoV), MjHKU4r-CoV-1, was recently identified. It is closely related to bat HKU4-CoV, and is infectious in human organs and transgenic mice. MjHKU4r-CoV-1 uses the dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4 or CD26) receptor for virus entry and has a broad host tropism. However, the molecular mechanism of its receptor binding and determinants of host range are not yet clear. Herein, we determine the structure of the MjHKU4r-CoV-1 spike (S) protein receptor-binding domain (RBD) complexed with human CD26 (hCD26) to reveal the basis for its receptor binding. Measuring binding capacity toward multiple animal receptors for MjHKU4r-CoV-1, mutagenesis analyses, and homology modeling highlight that residue sites 291, 292, 294, 295, 336, and 344 of CD26 are the crucial host range determinants for MjHKU4r-CoV-1. These results broaden our understanding of this potentially high-risk virus and will help us prepare for possible outbreaks in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Influenza A viruses have a wide range of hosts and are highly infectious, which can cause zoonotic diseases and pose a serious public health threat to human safety. An influenza pandemic could outbreak if new strains gain the ability of human-to-human transmission, either by genetic mutation or by gene reassortment. It is an urgent issue for the scientific community to reveal the genetic basis and molecular mechanisms underlying the interspecies transmission of influenza viruses, which will provide important implications for the effective monitoring and prevention of potential influenza pandemics. In this review, we summarize the molecular determinants of influenza viruses for host adaptation, and highlight the advances in the gene mutations of the virus itself and the interaction between virus and host factors. This will help to make a theoretical reserve for the next influenza pandemic and find new strategies to fight against influenza.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been recognized in hospitals, community and livestock animals and the epidemiology of MRSA is undergoing a major evolution among humans and animals in the last decade. This study investigated the prevalence of MRSA isolates from ground pork, retail whole chicken, and patient samples in Hanzhong, China. The further characterization was performed by antimicrobial susceptibility testing and in-depth genome-based analysis to identify the resistant determinants and their phylogenetic relationship. A total of 93 MRSA isolates were recovered from patients (n = 67) and retail livestock products (n = 26) in Hanzhong, China. 83.9% (78/93) MRSA isolates showed multiple drug resistant phenotype. Three dominant livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) sequence types were identified: ST59-t437 (n = 47), ST9-t899 (n = 10) and ST398 (n = 7). There was a wide variation among sequence types in the distribution of tetracycline-resistance, scn-negative livestock markers and virulence genes. A previous major human MRSA ST59 became the predominant interspecies MRSA sequence type among humans and retail livestock products. A few LA-MRSA isolates from patients and livestock products showed close genetic similarity. The spreading of MRSA ST59 among livestock products deserving special attention and active surveillance should be enacted for the further epidemic spread of MRSA ST59 in China. Data generated from this study will contribute to formulation of new strategies for combating spread of MRSA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paramyxoviruses are important pathogens affecting various animals, including mammals and humans. Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5)-a member of the family Paramyxoviridae-is a major threat to the health of mammals and humans. However, studies on terrestrial wild animals infected with PIV5 are scanty. In this study, we utilized reverse transcription PCR to detect PIV5 infection in the visceral organ tissues of a Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris ssp. altaica) with vomiting, diarrhea, and dyspnea before its death. A novel PIV5 (named SR strain) with a slowly progressive cytopathic effect was isolated in Vero cells and validated using a transmission electron microscope. Full-length sequencing and analysis revealed that the whole genome of the PIV5 SR strain contained 15,246 nucleotides (nt) and seven non-overlapping genes (3\'-N-V/P-M-F-SH-HN-L-5\') encoding eight proteins. Phylogenetic analysis of three PIV5 strains identified in the same zoo confirmed that PIV5 strains SR and ZJQ-221 shared the closest genetic relationship as they were clustered in the same branch, while the recently found Siberian tiger strain SZ2 kept a certain distance and formed a relatively unique branch. Furthermore, mutations of nt and amino acids (aa) between strains ZJQ-221, SR, and SZ2 were identified. In summary, we report the identification and genomic characterization of a novel PIV5 strain SR isolated in a Siberian tiger, which may help future research on interspecific transmission mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The H3-subtype of avian influenza virus (AIV) is one of the most frequently detected low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) subtypes in birds and fowls, causing substantial economic loss to the poultry industry. Most importantly, besides poultry, mammals could also be infected with it, such as swines, canines, equines, felines, and humans, posing a serious public health threat. This allows the virus to persist widely in poultry and wild birds for a long time, where it may mix with other subtypes, providing conditions for viral recombination or reassortment. Currently, the monitoring of H3-subtype AIV is inadequate, and there is a lack of effective prevention and control measures for H3-subtype AIV. Here, the epidemiology, phylogeny, and genetic variation of H3-subtype AIV were analyzed, and nonsynonymous and synonymous substitution rates (dN/dS) were calculated. Through these steps, we aimed to clarify the current epidemiological feature and evolutionary characteristics of H3-subtype AIV, and provide an operative reference for future scientific control of H3-subtype AIV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since 2010, the Tembusu virus (TMUV) has been highly prevalent in China, causing significant economic losses to the poultry industry. In 2022, a suspected outbreak of TMUV occurred at a goose farm located in Anhui Province. A strain of TMUV, TMUV HQ-22, was isolated from the infected geese. Phylogenetic analysis using the E gene of the HQ-22 strain demonstrated its affiliation with cluster 3, a less commonly reported cluster in comparison to the main circulating cluster, cluster 2. Through a comparison of the envelope (E) protein of HQ-22 with other typical TMUV strains, a mutation at the 157th amino acid position was identified, wherein valine (V) in cluster 3 changed to alanine (A), a characteristic that is unique to cluster 2. These findings highlight the diversity and complexity of the TMUV strains circulating in China. In our experimental analysis, an injection of TMUV HQ-22 into the muscles of 3-day-old goslings resulted in severe neurological symptoms and a mortality rate of 60%. Similarly, the intracranial or intranasal infection of 3-week-old ICR mice with TMUV HQ-22 led to severe neurological symptoms and respective mortality rates of 100% or 10%. In summary, our study isolated a TMUV strain, TMUV HQ-22, from geese that belongs to cluster 3 and exhibits significant pathogenicity in both goslings and ICR mice. These results emphasize the genetic diversity of the TMUV circulating in China and expand the host range beyond mosquitoes to include ducks, chickens, geese, and even mice. It is crucial to not underestimate the risk of TMUV infection in mammals, warranting our utmost attention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Influenza A viruses (IAVs) pose a serious risk to both human and animal health. IAVs\' receptor binding characteristics account for a major portion of their host range and tissue tropism. While the function of neuraminidase (NA) in promoting the release of progeny virus is well-known, its role in the virus entry process remains poorly understood. Studies have suggested that certain subtypes of NA can act as receptor-binding proteins, either alone or in conjunction with haemagglutinin (HA). An important distinction is that NA from the avian influenza virus have a second sialic acid-binding site (2SBS) that is preserved in avian strains but missing in human or swine strains. Those observations suggest that the 2SBS may play a key role in the adaptation of the avian influenza virus to mammalian hosts. In this review, we provide an update of the recent research advances in the receptor-binding role of NA and highlight its underestimated importance during the early stages of the IAV life cycle. By doing so, we aim to provide new insights into the mechanisms underlying IAV host adaptation and pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emerging infectious diseases have accompanied the development of human society while causing great harm to humans, and SARS-CoV-2 was only one in the long list of microbial threats. Many viruses have existed in their natural reservoirs for a very long time, and the spillover of viruses from natural hosts to humans via interspecies transmission serves as the main source of emerging infectious diseases. Widely existing viruses capable of utilizing human receptors to infect human cells in animals signal the possible outbreak of another viral infection in the near future. Extensive and close collaborative surveillance across nations, more effective wildlife trade legislation, and robust investment into applied and basic research will help to combat the possible pandemics of new emerging infectious diseases in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV) is a newly discovered alphacoronavirus with zoonotic potential that causes diarrhea and vomiting mainly in piglets. Having emerged suddenly in 2017, the prevailing opinion is that the virus originated from HKU2, an alphacoronavirus whose primary host is bats, and at some unknown point achieved interspecies transmission via some intermediate. Here, we further explore the evolutionary history and possible cross-species transmission event for SADS-CoV. Coevolutionary analysis demonstrated that HKU2 may have achieved host switch via SADS-related (SADSr)-CoV, which was isolated from the genus Rhinolophus in 2017. SADS-CoV, HKU2, and SADSr-CoV share similar codon usage patterns and showed a lower tendency to use CpG, which may reflect a method of immune escape. The analyses of virus-host coevolution and recombination support SADSr-CoV is the direct source of SADS-CoV that may have undergone recombination events during its formation. Structure-based spike glycoprotein variance analysis revealed a more nuanced evolutionary pathway to receptor recognition for host switch. We did not find a possible positive selection site, and the dN/dS of the S gene was only 0.29, which indicates that the current SADS-CoV is slowly evolving. These results provide new insights that may help predict future cross-species transmission, and possibly surveil future zoonotic outbreaks and associated public health emergencies.





